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greys anatomy scenes
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 21 ม.ค. 2017
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Funny Calzona scenes
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มุมมอง: 73 306
"You slept with George?" Meredith and Lexie (5x01)
มุมมอง 86K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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Lexie and George (4x17)
มุมมอง 157K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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Lexie and George (4x16)
มุมมอง 122K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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Lexie and George (4x15)
มุมมอง 91K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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Lexie and George (4x14)
มุมมอง 186K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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"You so coded." Lexie and George (4x13)
มุมมอง 24K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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"I don't have any friends here, except you." Lexie and George (4x12)
มุมมอง 101K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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Lexie and George (4x11)
มุมมอง 42K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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"Dr. Yang is screwing with you." Lexie and George (4x5)
มุมมอง 358K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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"You... Are kind of awesome." Lexie and George (4x1)
มุมมอง 47K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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Lexie and George (3x25)
มุมมอง 48K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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"How we Operate" Songs from Song Beneath Song (7x18)
มุมมอง 6K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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"Breathe" Songs from Song Beneath Song (7x18)
มุมมอง 340K7 ปีที่แล้ว
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"Chasing Cars" Songs from Song Beneath Song (7x18)
มุมมอง 1.3M7 ปีที่แล้ว
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"But I still love you" Meredith and Lexie (4x15)
มุมมอง 1.5M7 ปีที่แล้ว
"But I still love you" Meredith and Lexie (4x15)
"Nobody Knows" Songs from Song Beneath Song (7x18)
มุมมอง 35K7 ปีที่แล้ว
"Nobody Knows" Songs from Song Beneath Song (7x18)
Goodbye Lexie 😭😭😭 I have missed you. Not many things on this planet have me emotionally engaged but her character did from start to finish. The writers are geniuses
Lexie: He forgot he had sex with me? George: [not wanting to get involved] i just hand out the- Lexie: *voice high pitched* He FORGOT he had sex with me?!
I'm still mourning her in 2024
Her acting was amazing here
Rewatching season 6 and I came back to this scene. If you had told me that Lexie’s character gets crushed by a plane wing and you watch her die I would have refused to believe you! Such an amazing scene but damn, the ending of her character is just the worst
From 2:45 breaks me the most. When Mark realizes she is not there anymore 😢
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 so sad
Lexie, George and Mark’s deaths really finished the show for me😂😂
wth is christina taking her problem out on lexie?
Because lexie don't understand boundaries
@NaomiBenAvraham had nothing to do with lexie why she's mad
@mariamonroe1974 But lexie was just annoying, she didn't leave them alone, even though meredith said a few times that she doesn't want to know her.
i would be scared too if owen sung to me and more if its chasing cars
This was one of my least favorite episodes...
02:25 that is the reason why the writers shouldn't have killed off george. I know they say the actor was done and bla bla bla, but a nice check solves almost everything. And he could've become one of the great characters. How cool could've been watching george with amelia, jo and even Tuck!
I really thought when Mark said "Lexie's waiting for me" at the site of the plane crash that he should have died at that moment.
T. F. I
Umm, im literally about to watch this episode. WHY DID I CLICK ON THIS
Greys Anatomy had the best actors
can’t believe they all died i mean they were just roommates and someday they both die
this scene is so pure, warm, shining and everything….
callie was so beautiful there
Why did they cut out the part where she says “so you can’t believe everything he says because it’s not about you, it’s about a pint in a half of dewers” i’m rewatching and noticed they cut that
He is so bizarrely tanned!
This character played the part so perfectly....somehow they decided to kill her and keep all the insipid actors around.
Doormat georgie with the carpet munching wife
This was a tough one to take…ngl, the one that got me the most
I was impressed by Lexie's ability to think outside the box.... especially placemats and fruit bowl...
I really like the instrumental during this does anyone know what it’s called
ohmygod why did i voluntarily come here 😭😭😭😭
The light literally leaving her eyes at the end absolutely shatters my heart
Oh my god why do people side with Lexie so much here. She’s not some kid. She’s literally been through med school. She’s acting like such a brat and should have some emotional awareness to not make this about her. She HAS a family and already has sisters. She also does feel a bit stalker-like and is harassing a STRANGER (blood, but they are strangers) at work.
I guess we'll never know.....
Just watched this and I cried harder at lexies death than George and Denny…..this was just awful, I loved and adored Lexie so much
I qujt watching the show after this episode. To tragic.
I honestly wish Cristina got fired the third season and never returned. I also wish that Shonda Jade Meredith move on from Cristina and stop talking about her.
The fact that Meredith named her daughter the “meanest woman who ever lived” (by no means an undeserved title) instead of the sister she loved so much still boggles my mind…
Every time i break down in tears😭
My girlfriend is making me watch this show and I’m trying hard to not like mark or Lexi because I spoiled what happens. And now I’m trying to watch it so I can hold it together when we get here lol. Mannnnn this sucks
This makes no sense after the cooking eggs scene in 4x11
I cant watch past episode 23. I only watched this clip because I wanted to know if they got to at least tell each other they loved each other one last time, That they at least got to be honest about how they felt towards each other one last time.
This song will forever remind of my friend who lost her husband to cancer. I always sing and cry when i hear it. They waited al long time to find each other.
It’s all Richard’s fault.
My favorite episode of all time. I cried the first time I watched and cried even harder the second time. 😢
Baileys part is what made me cry
Out of all of the episodes of Grey's.. this is my favorite. The cant get it out of my head kind of favorite. The whole episode. All participants that pulled this off. I just wish they made more occasionally.
I don’t watch Greys but clips come up on my feed and I was surprised this song made it into the show because it wasn’t a huge hit. Maybe its popularity peaked at the time of the episode I don’t know but… If anyone is curious for the actual song it’s “Breathe” by Anna Nalick
We're supposed to end up together. 💔
2:45 what the hell was that?? Eyelids aren't windowshades!!
I’m crying thru this whole song