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放眼好风光 CS
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 4 พ.ค. 2023
Welcome to our "Looking at the Beautiful Scenery" channel, where we will take you to appreciate the different beautiful scenery in various parts of China. Show you the magnificence and charm of the scenery through aerial photography, selfie and other ways. We will go deep into various scenic spots in China to bring you the most authentic visual experience, so that you can fully feel the beauty of nature. We will also explain the history and allusions of the scenic spots, so that you can better understand the local cultural heritage and make your visit more colorful. Let's set off together to explore the beauty of all parts of China and leave our own good memories.
Welcome to our "Looking at the Beautiful Scenery" channel, where we will take you to appreciate the different beautiful scenery in various parts of China. Show you the magnificence and charm of the scenery through aerial photography, selfie and other ways. We will go deep into various scenic spots in China to bring you the most authentic visual experience, so that you can fully feel the beauty of nature. We will also explain the history and allusions of the scenic spots, so that you can better understand the local cultural heritage and make your visit more colorful. Let's set off together to explore the beauty of all parts of China and leave our own good memories.
果洛(Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture)
► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html
In Qinghai Goluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, there are Animaqing Peak and Nianbao Yuze Peak, Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake, which were known as Bohai Divine Lake in ancient times, and their historical stories of Tibetan-Chinese marriages. There are famous temples such as Lajia, Baiyu, and Charang. Ancient temples and cultural landscapes.
► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html
In Qinghai Goluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, there are Animaqing Peak and Nianbao Yuze Peak, Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake, which were known as Bohai Divine Lake in ancient times, and their historical stories of Tibetan-Chinese marriages. There are famous temples such as Lajia, Baiyu, and Charang. Ancient temples and cultural landscapes.
มุมมอง: 1 091
มุมมอง 293ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 冬天的黑龙江,已是冰天雪地的世界了,有着一种独特的魅力,吸引着人们的眼球。银装素裹,笼罩在白烟银雾中,十分静谧。 Heilongjiang in winter is already a world of ice and snow, with a unique charm that attracts people's attention. Wrapped in silver and shrouded in white smoke and mist, it is very quiet.
มุมมอง 573ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 秋天的黑龙江,繁花似锦,在红色的山丁子树、绿色的樟子松、黄色的落叶松、白色的桦树林的映衬下,形成了一幅美丽的画卷。 In the autumn of Heilongjiang, flowers are blooming, forming a beautiful picture against the backdrop of red mountain sycamore trees, green sylvestris pine, yellow larch, and white birch forests.
มุมมอง 164ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 黑龙江,简称“黑”,是中国最北端及最东端的省级行政区,黑龙江省旅游资源特色鲜明、冰雪资源丰富、林地面积辽阔、江河纵横,提供了开展生态旅游的资源基础。北、东部与俄罗斯隔江相望。 Heilongjiang, referred to as "Hei", is the northernmost and easternmost provincial-level administrative region in China. Heilongjiang Province has distinctive tourism resources, rich ice and snow resources, v...
海宝塔(Haibao Pagoda)
มุมมอง 102ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 海宝塔,又称赫宝塔、黑宝塔。因其与银川市西的承天寺塔遥遥相对,俗称北塔。 据考证,海宝塔始建于北朝晚期至隋唐年间。 Haibao Pagoda, also known as Hebao Pagoda and Black Pagoda. Because it is far opposite the Chengtian Temple Pagoda in the west of Yinchuan City, it is commonly known as the North Pagoda. According to research, Haibao Pagoda was built from...
北武当(Bei Wu Dang Shan)
มุมมอง 165ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 北武当,又名“寿佛寺”。地因庙而得名,所以,民间一直称这里的山叫“武当山”。寺庙依山而建,背靠巍峨贺兰,东面滔滔黄河,整个寺院雄伟壮观,四进四合院式的古式建筑群组合。 North Wudang, also known as "Shoufo Temple". The place got its name from the temple, so the people have always called the mountain here "Wudang Mountain". The temple is built on the mountain, with the towering He...
鸣翠湖(Mingcui Lake National Wetland Park)
มุมมอง 105ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 鸣翠湖,享有“中国最美的六大湿地公园之一”和”中国生态保护最佳湿地“的美誉。鸣翠湖原名道祖湖,为明代长湖之中段,因其苇丛摇绿,鸟啼其间,故易名之曰鸣翠湖。 Mingcui Lake enjoys the reputation of "one of the six most beautiful wetland parks in China" and "the best wetland for ecological protection in China". Mingcui Lake was originally named Daozu Lake. It was the middle se...
黄沙古渡(Huangsha Guduyuan)
มุมมอง 172ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 黄沙古渡是国家级湿地公园、中国最佳生态休闲旅游胜地、明清宁夏八景之一。这里有康熙大帝渡黄河的古渡口、昭君出塞和亲留在大漠的月牙湖。 Huangsha Ancient Ferry is a national wetland park, the best ecological leisure tourist attraction in China, and one of the eight scenic spots in Ningxia during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Here are the ancient ferries where Empero...
须弥山石窟(Xumishan Grottoes)
มุมมอง 300ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 须弥山石窟,是中国西北黄土高原上的一处佛教石窟寺,始凿于北魏孝文帝太和年间,历经西魏、北周、隋唐各代大规模营造及宋、元、明、清 各代修葺重妆,是古代固原规模最大的一处佛寺禅院、中国十大石窟之一。 Xumishan Grottoes is a Buddhist grotto temple on the Loess Plateau in northwest China. It was first excavated during the Taihe period of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty. It went through ...
六盘山(Liu-p'an Mountains)
มุมมอง 288ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 六盘山位于中国宁夏、甘肃、陕西交界形成的三角地带中心,是西北地区重要水源涵养林基地和自治区风景名胜区,总面积6.78万公顷,横跨宁夏泾源、隆德、原州区两县一区,森林覆盖率达到70%以上。 历来有"春去秋来无盛夏"之说,主峰米缸山海拔2942米,登上主峰远眺,朝雾迷漫,云海苍茫。日出云开,只见重峦叠嶂,层出不穷。景区内有野荷谷、小南川、凉殿峡、植物园等景点。 Liupan Mountain is an important water conservation forest base in the northwest region and a scenic spot in the auto...
火石寨(Huo shi zhai)
มุมมอง 183ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 火石寨国家地质(森林)公园,是宁夏唯一同时拥有国家级地质公园、国家级森林公园、国家级自然保护区的旅游胜地。由于山体岩石呈现暗红色,尤其在绿树的掩映下,如同一团团燃烧的火焰,故而被人称为火石寨。 Huoshizhai National Geological (Forest) Park is the only tourist resort in Ningxia that has a national geological park, a national forest park, and a national nature reserve at the same time. Because...
贺兰山(Helan Mountain Scenic Area)
มุมมอง 521ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 贺兰山脉,为昆仑山脉余脉,周边地区皆是荒漠与半荒漠,它是兀立干旱背景中的一个“湿岛”,主要景点有拜寺口双塔、小滚钟口、苏峪口森林公园、贺兰山岩画等。这里峰峦叠嶂,崖壁险峭,森林资源丰富,早在西夏王朝时期,就已被视为避暑胜地。 The Helan Mountains are the remnants of the Kunlun Mountains, and the surrounding areas are deserts and semi-deserts. It is a "wet island" in the arid background. The main attractions...
沙坡头(Shapotou District)
มุมมอง 173ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 沙坡头是宁夏中卫的一个著名沙漠旅游区,沙坡头集大漠、黄河、高山、绿洲为一处,具西北风光之雄奇,兼江南景色之秀美。可以骑骆驼穿越腾格里沙漠,可以乘坐越野车沙海冲浪,咫尺之间可以领略大漠孤烟、长河落日的奇观。 Shapotou is a famous desert tourist area in Zhongwei, Ningxia. Shapotou combines the desert, Yellow River, mountains and oasis into one place. It has the majestic scenery of the northwest and t...
沙湖(Sand Lake)
มุมมอง 287ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 宁夏沙湖,是以自然景观为主体,沙、水、苇、鸟、山五大景源有机结合构成的国家级旅游景区,被誉为世间少有的文化旅游胜地。 是一处融合江南水乡之灵秀与塞北大漠之雄浑为一体的“丝路驿站”上的旅游明珠。 Ningxia Sand Lake is a national-level tourist attraction with natural landscape as the main body and an organic combination of five major scenic spots: sand, water, reeds, birds and mountains. It is ...
มุมมอง 683ปีที่แล้ว
@CHARMINGSCENERY1000 #放眼好风光 CS ►感受到大自然的鬼斧神工之美 ► 歡迎訂閱:th-cam.com/channels/jqhDoBXfdhUqwE4iCuk8NQ.html 宁夏回族自治区,简称“宁”,首府银川市,中国五大少数民族自治区之一,位于中国西北内陆地区。宁夏回族自治区是中华民族远古文明发祥地之一。早在3万年前的旧石器时代就有人类在这里生息繁衍,党项族首领李元昊在此建立了西夏王朝,并形成了西夏文化。宁夏既有秀美的风光,又有深厚的历史文化底蕴,古今素有“塞上江南”之美誉。 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, referred to as "Ning", with its capital Yinchuan City, is one of China's five major ethnic minority autonomous...
白水洋(Ba Tscu Ueung Park & Baishuiyang Park)
มุมมอง 177ปีที่แล้ว
白水洋(Ba Tscu Ueung Park & Baishuiyang Park)
Indeed Jiuzhaigou is breathtaking through the year.
polluted by human activities , what a shame, so called nature preserved place, what a fake
请问这首歌什么名字? 很好听!👋👋👍👍👍
挺好的!无人机拍的很不错! 最后一首伴奏曲子是啥曲子呢?
Hello, I am writing to inquire about your permission to use a short clip of your video. This is JTBC <Talkpawon 25hrs>, the Korean TV show which is broadcasted on JTBC (Korean TV channel). With your permission, I'd like to use your video to introduce the desert in China. It will be broadcasted at 9PM on 23 September, 2024. For further information, please contact us through an email.
Thác Bản Giốc Việt Nam
主播 能不能用你的视频作为素材
멋진 영상 잘 봤습니다~~~~~ 기회가 되면 꼭 안탕산에 가보고 싶습니다.
Hey, they were good videos. Thanks because quite a few of them have provided me with a pleasant way of spending time. It’s a pity they don’t reach more people. Where I’m from I have noticed I can search the same words in the title and they still won’t be among the search results. Good luck to you.
Amazing! Greetings from germany.
Wonderful video! I will definitely visit 雁荡山! Thanks 🙏
very very beautiful. thanks for sharing
I never knew this place existed. Interesting.
TQ I hakka too
Zhalantun has probably the best natural landscape within the broadly Chinese region of Earth.
青海湖 是中国最大的湖,但却是个咸水湖。 咸水不能供人饮用,不能浇灌农田。 中国有一些淡水湖,湖南的洞庭湖,江西的鄱阳湖,江苏的太湖,等等。 这些湖面积不大,三,四千平方公里。** 世界最大淡水湖是 美国 一 加拿大 边界上的苏必利尔湖,面积八万多平方公里,比中国渤海的面积还大,远超青海湖,洞庭湖,鄱阳湖,是太湖的三十几倍。 苏必利尔湖是世界最大的淡水湖湖群 五大湖(位于美加边界)中的一个。 五大湖的总面积比 包括朝鲜和韩国在内的整个朝鲜半岛的面积还大。
Absolutely beautiful scenery captured in the video 👍👍👏. I'm looking forward to seeing most of the beautiful scenes with the naked eye when I travel to Shaoguan in March.
你好, 我是新加坡一名制作者。 我想问你, 我是否能够只用你拍罗佛山航拍的视频 ( 10秒 ) 在我制作的纪录片里 ? 这个纪录片是描述新加坡的一间苗。 因为秒的起因实在罗佛山。。我没办法去罗佛山拍摄。 片尾可以加上你的名字。 谢谢
Please show a map at the beginning of Your wonderful videos. Where in China are this places? - But thank You a lot for this impressions!
Thanks for watching. It is more convenient to search directly on Google Maps. I haven't thought about making a map guide yet, but I will consider adding it in the future.