Noumenal (rational, analytic) is dual to phenomenal (empirical, synthetic) -- Immanuel Kant. Thought is dual to understanding/reason/knowledge -- the duality of the noumenal or 'a priori', the intelligible. Imagination is dual to belief -- the duality of the phenomenal or 'a posteriori', the visible. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" -- Einstein! Duality within duality.
I don't get it.
Смешно, но это неоплатонизм.
Noumenal (rational, analytic) is dual to phenomenal (empirical, synthetic) -- Immanuel Kant. Thought is dual to understanding/reason/knowledge -- the duality of the noumenal or 'a priori', the intelligible. Imagination is dual to belief -- the duality of the phenomenal or 'a posteriori', the visible. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" -- Einstein! Duality within duality.
u sound cute
Very helpful, thanks!!
My inner Laudan is cringing at some of the terminology used in this video, but it was very well done. Thank you!
niice explanation
This helped me a lot!
thank you for this it made me understand this divided line. this is my report in philosophy and i don't know what to do, then i found this