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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 3 ก.ย. 2012
Welcome to my channel. I mainly post guitar covers and sometimes bass covers, full songs covers, and other music related stuff.
If you see ads on my videos, it is beaucoup TH-cam puts them automatically as most of what I cover is not copyright-free.
If you see ads on my videos, it is beaucoup TH-cam puts them automatically as most of what I cover is not copyright-free.
Falling In Reverse - Bad Guy - Guitar Cover - 4K60
Cover of Bad Guy by Falling In Reverse on album Popular Monster.
มุมมอง: 435
Imminence - The Black - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 307หลายเดือนก่อน
Cover of The Black by Imminence on album The Black. This cover is done using the same guitar as the guitarist of the band, Harald Barrett.
Make Them Suffer - The Attendant - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 2.2K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
Guitar cover of The Attendant by Make Them Suffer on album How To Survive A Funeral.
Trees Of Eternity - Sinking Ships - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 1045 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cover of Sinking Ships by Trees Of Eternity on album Hour Of The Nightingale. In memory of Aleah Stanbridge, who would have been 48 years old this year. I made this cover to celebrate her birthday.
Bad Omens - Like A Villain - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 1.5K6 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cover of Like A Villain by Bad Omens on album The Death Of Peace Of Mind.
In Flames - Come Clarity - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 8667 หลายเดือนก่อน
Guitar cover of Come Clarity by In Flames on album Come Clarity. I play acoustic and electric guitars.
Fit For A King - When Everything Means Nothing - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 55010 หลายเดือนก่อน
Guitar Cover of When Everything Means Nothing by Fit For A King on album Dark Skies.
The Sorrow - Knights Of Doom - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 158ปีที่แล้ว
Cover of Knights Of Doom by The Sorrow on album Blessings From A Blackened Sky. I played both left and right guitars as well as center guitars.
Ice Nine Kills - A Grave Mistake - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 147ปีที่แล้ว
Guitar cover of A Grave Mistake by Ice Nine Kills on album The Silver Scream Collection.
In Flames - The Quiet Place - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 348ปีที่แล้ว
Cover of all guitars of The Quiet Place by In Flames on album Soundtrack To Your Escape. I do not own the song.
How to Arduino mod a Guitar Hero guitar - Update on software configuration
มุมมอง 1.9Kปีที่แล้ว
This video is a follow up to my "How to Arduino mod a Guitar Hero guitar - Full step by step guide from scratch". Make sure to watch it first ! In this video I show how to configure a modded guitar hero guitar with Sanjay's software, which I didn't manage to make work when I did my first video on how to mod the guitar. Sanjay's software link : github.com/sanjay900/guitar-configurator/releases
Imminence - Temptation - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 304ปีที่แล้ว
Cover of the song Temptation by Imminence on album Heaven In Hiding. I do not own the song.
Harakiri For The Sky - Funeral Dreams - Guitar Cover - 4K
มุมมอง 1.1Kปีที่แล้ว
Harakiri For The Sky - Funeral Dreams - Guitar Cover - 4K
I Prevail - Deadweight - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 94ปีที่แล้ว
I Prevail - Deadweight - Guitar Cover - 4K60
Twilight Of The Thunder God Solo Expert FC
มุมมอง 105ปีที่แล้ว
Twilight Of The Thunder God Solo Expert FC
How to Arduino mod a Guitar Hero guitar - Full step by step guide from scratch
มุมมอง 7Kปีที่แล้ว
How to Arduino mod a Guitar Hero guitar - Full step by step guide from scratch
Draconian - Bloodflower - Guitar Cover - FHD60
มุมมอง 586ปีที่แล้ว
Draconian - Bloodflower - Guitar Cover - FHD60
Dust River - Permanent Crisis - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 80ปีที่แล้ว
Dust River - Permanent Crisis - Guitar Cover - 4K60
Shinedown - Sound Of Madness - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 1012 ปีที่แล้ว
Shinedown - Sound Of Madness - Guitar Cover - 4K60
As Autumn Calls - Darkness Reflected - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 512 ปีที่แล้ว
As Autumn Calls - Darkness Reflected - Guitar Cover - 4K60
Deftones - Cmnd Ctrl - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 1K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Deftones - Cmnd Ctrl - Guitar Cover - 4K60
Deftones - Diamond Eyes - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 6342 ปีที่แล้ว
Deftones - Diamond Eyes - Guitar Cover - 4K60
The Morningside - To The Last Point - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 992 ปีที่แล้ว
The Morningside - To The Last Point - Guitar Cover - 4K60
Ghost Brigade - In The Woods - Guitar Cover - 4K60
มุมมอง 4802 ปีที่แล้ว
Ghost Brigade - In The Woods - Guitar Cover - 4K60
Soulless 4 Medium Difficulty 98% (70 Notes Missed)
มุมมอง 762 ปีที่แล้ว
Soulless 4 Medium Difficulty 98% (70 Notes Missed)
Hell yeah bro 🔥🔥🔥
what tuning is the guitar?
@@ИгорьЗайцев-ж8и Drop A#
HI FRIEND i need help please, i tried to arduino mod a guitar hero 5 guitar (the red with white) and the buttons board have the pins: V C D and G, so i put the G in the Ground, V on the 3v3, C and D in their pins too, but it doesn't work, can you help me please:(
3:50 🔥🔥
Oh dude I love this, thank you for covering this song I thought I was the only one who listens to these guys
@@biasedjonny thanks a lot, I don't know anyone who listens to them as well. I learned this song by ear as there are no tabs anywhere this is my favorite
This shit is awesome brother
I clicked on this expecting Cannibal Corpse and I was dissappointed
tuning ?
@@jacktt1206 drop A on a seven string guitar
this is sick!
I got the diamond series blackjack c7 too bro hella sick guitar 🔥🤘
Glad you like your instrument brother I hope you make the best of it 🤘
@@sustenance4422 thanks a lot bro,I'm just learning bro,got any tips.i just got it a few weeks ago and I try watching vids like yours to learn stuff but it's still hard.i want to learn Deftones and gojira .one day I'll get there.anyways keep up the good work bro and sick guitar 🔥💪🤘😎🍻
Keep it up bro 👌🏻
nice video :D
after a mod like this can the guitar still be used with ps2 for my example?
If you follow what I do here and cut the cables, then the guitar becomes only a body for the arduino. When I do software configuration, I set it as an xinput which is an xbox controller input, it won't work with the ps2. That being said, maybe you can change and reprogram the guitar on the fly with sanjay's software, they made a compatibility list here : santroller.tangentmc.net/
Nice Brother!
Excelent cover. Tuning???
@@juanvelazco6981 thank you! I play this guitar (27 inch scale) on Drop A# (A# F A# D# G C) with a custom 13-66 string gauge.
so im planning on doing this mod for a ps2 kramer striker, i do not have the dongle nor own a ps2, so i cannot provide the guitar with power in order to use a multimeter in the way you described, though i am pretty sure i know most of the pinouts anyway since they are mostly labelled except for the whammy, any tips or should i be fine?
Hi, if you can deduce de pinout thanks to the labels and by following some traces it will be fine. Usually grounds all join somewhere, that might help if you can't find ground for something. Other than that you should be fine
@@sustenance4422 alright, thanks for the reply
For the generic multi colored wires, what should I search up to find those?
You can search for "multi color wire" and you will find a lot of them
Nice video, do you have an eschematic to connect the wires from the guitar to the arduino?
Everything I've drawn is here : drive.google.com/file/d/1ZAJQ-DJeyEPln6ibo12J4LyJLJCBv_Wr/view?usp=drive_link I hope you find what you need
Yo this is hard af!!! 🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️
Any tutorial for ps3 guitar?
Doing this on a ps3 guitar would basically be the same. In the end the arduino becomes the main board and the guitar itself becomes "a body" and nothing more. You just have to figure out which cable does what so you can plug it in accordingly on the arduino board. For that, you can use the measurements chapter where I explain how to do it
2 things i noticed: you know how at the start of the chorus you play 2 bars of 5-7? In the second bar i usually play 5-8 instead. Sounds more like what was recorded to my ears. Second thing, nice consistency at the solo part, but you want to work a little on your bends I think, those were a bit flat. Try to pick the actual note where they bend to, and then try to replicate that note by bending up to it from below. Other than this, stellar cover!
Thanks for the constructive feedback. Regarding the chorus I followed the tab without thinking about it to much, I'll try playing like you said to see how it sounds. As for the bends, I agree with what you said, I'll have to work on it ;) Cheers
Keep at it man, good job!
This one of my favorite bad omens song
This was a beautiful video. I'm only 1/3 through, but I'm going to save it and watch the whole thing. It's fascinating
Nice cover, big like
amazing, your cat too
sounds really cool brother!! nice EMG
Thanks a lot
which cable is which? ground?
What do you mean ? Can you please elaborate your question, I'd be happy to help
Hell yeah! Great job!
Thank you
well done man
Thanks a lot
This is awesome! Well done
Nice Work, Brother!! 🤘🏼
great job
Excellent cover of my fave Draconian song.
Thanks a lot, glad you like it
yoo help me pls, i need to know which zone is the GND on the strum plate because i don't know, i have the cable (blue in your video) soldered in U form, but i don't know which of the others are the GND to know what cable solder to the GND hole in the Arduino😭
Hi, on the central board you only have to find the grounds for the two strum switches. In my case, they were the ones on the exterior side of the board, to which I soldered my black wires. Then I soldered them together with the other grounds (frets, joystick, whammy, start and select buttons) to a single cable and then on the arduino. In order to find which one were the grounds, I actionned the strum swtiches with the board powered on and looked for a positive value on my multimeter (I explain at 16:50). With a positive 3.3V value I know my black probe is on the ground pin. If I misunderstood your question please reply so I can try to help you more
@@sustenance4422 So to know what the GND is, I need it to be a positive 3.3V value on the multimeter and the ones that indicate that voltage are the GND?
@@sustenance4422 And what are the other cables that you soldered next to the GND? Are Up and Down?
@@itsme6276 To find ground you need to find a postive +3.3V value. When you have this value, the probe connected to the "COM" port of your multimeter will be the ground. In my case, I always connect the black probe to the COM on my multimeter, so the black probe indicates ground when I have a positive value
@@itsme6276 Yes, there are two pins per switch. One is ground, and the other is up and down
This is diabolical !
I'm confused about where you connect the cable, do you have a schematic or picture of the wiring?
Which cable are you having trouble with?
Почему сейчас не записывают такую музыку? Приходится в 1000000000 раз переслушивать то, что записано почти 20 лет назад?! Спасибо за кавер, очень порадовал!
The configurator is not detecting my Pi Pico. Its odd because not even 5 months ago it was detecting it. Any suggestions ?
Try pushing and maintaining the button there is on your pico before and while you plug it in to your computer
Very well done! You rock.
Awesome cover!! 🤘
Those look like some super thick strings. Nice playing!
Thank you ! I play a custom 24-90 gauge (all wounded) on this guitar, which has a massive 30 inch scale. I currently play it on Drop C1, which is 32.70Hz, very low for a ton of chugging
good job my friend keep it up and have a nice day :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent cover and cute kitty in the back
Do you know how I can map the buttons on the guitar to keyboard inputs? Right now i can only get my guitar to work on clone hero but I want to try other games.
Sorry for the very late reply. You can hit "change device settings" and from there you can set the guitar as a keyboard. From there I guess you can map the buttons of the guitar to keyboard inputs (I never tried it)
Great job man! Really impressive!
Great job, it sounds and you play incredible, what effects and amps or plugins use for this song? thanks in advance
Thanks a lot! I use archetype Gojira and that's it nothing else
@@sustenance4422 Interesting.... what preset or you are using one personal???
@@JulianGalaso I use Charlie Robins - Big Heavy with the mediums boosted a bit
@@sustenance4422 Thank ypu i will try it, i think it sounds really good in the video... please continue doing more videos
@@JulianGalaso I use this same preset on all my videos since 2021 if you want to check out how it sounds on other songs and guitars