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Come Riparare Tessuti o Tappeti Usurati
C'è sempre l'opzione di inviarlo a un professionista, ma può richiedere tempo e essere costoso.
00:00 - Ecco alcune guide fai-da-te per aiutarti a evitare il fastidio di riparare i tuoi tessuti o tappeti usurati:
00:08 - Passo 1. Preparare l'area danneggiata.
Prepara l'area danneggiata tagliando i fili sciolti o le parti irregolari e pulendola con un detergente per la casa.
00:19 - Passo 2. Mescolare e agitare le fibre di riparazione.
Riempi il barattolo vuoto con le fibre colorate. Aggiungi la pallina di metallo nel barattolo di miscelazione, avvita il coperchio e agita il barattolo per almeno 30 secondi. Rimuovi la pallina di metallo e fissa il setaccio al barattolo con l'elastico.
00:38 - Passo 3. Applicare uno strato sottile di colla per tessuti.
Applica la colla sull'area danneggiata, lavorando dall'esterno verso il centro per evitare bolle d'aria. Riempi l'area danneggiata il più uniformemente possibile. Applica anche uno strato sottile di colla intorno al danno per integrare la riparazione.
00:53 - Passo 4. Setacciare le fibre di riparazione.
Tieni il barattolo di miscelazione sopra l'adesivo a testa in giù e picchietta delicatamente. Questo farà passare le fibre attraverso il setaccio sull'adesivo. Copri completamente la colla per tessuti con le fibre. Premi leggermente le fibre con la spatola. Riproduci eventuali motivi del tessuto, come linee o spirali, con la spatola.
Lascia asciugare per 24 ore. Una volta che la colla per tessuti è completamente asciutta, soffia via le fibre in eccesso. Se l'area riparata è soggetta a usura intensa, puoi proteggerla spruzzando una lacca trasparente sull'area.
Per maggiori dettagli su come riparare danni a tessuti e tappeti, puoi controllare
Ottieni il tuo Kit di Riparazione per Tessuti e Tappeti Coconix:
มุมมอง: 142


Come Riparare Tagli, Strappi e Lacerazioni su Tessuti e Tappeti
มุมมอง 2903 หลายเดือนก่อน
I tagli, gli strappi e le lacerazioni sono danni antiestetici che vanno da lievi a gravi. 00:00 - Leggi il promemoria e le istruzioni qui sotto e sicuramente risolverai i tuoi danni ai tessuti in poco tempo! 00:06 - Passo 1. Preparare l'area danneggiata. Prepara l'area danneggiata tagliando i fili sciolti o le parti irregolari e pulendola con un detergente per la casa. 00:18 - Passo 2. Inserire...
Come Riparare Buchi su Pavimenti e Mobili
มุมมอง 1423 หลายเดือนก่อน
Non importa se sei il proprietario di casa o l'inquilino, è sempre difficile capire come riparare i danni al legno. 00:00 - Ecco come puoi riparare facilmente i buchi nel legno: 00:08 - Passo 1. Preparare e pulire l'area. Prepara l'area danneggiata rimuovendo con attenzione schegge di vernice e frammenti di legno. Pulisci l'area e rimuovi eventuali detriti. Puliscila con un panno umido e lascia...
Come Riparare Graffi su Pavimenti e Mobili
มุมมอง 303 หลายเดือนก่อน
I kit di riparazione fai-da-te per il legno possono essere la tua soluzione in situazioni come questa. Sono facili da usare e fanno perfettamente il loro lavoro! 00:00 - Come riparare graffi su pavimenti e mobili: 00:08 - Passo 1. Preparare e pulire l'area. Inizia pulendo l'area danneggiata e rimuovendo eventuali detriti. Puliscila con un panno umido e lasciala asciugare completamente. 00:17 - ...
Come Riparare Schegge e Ammaccature su Pavimenti e Mobili
มุมมอง 2083 หลายเดือนก่อน
A seconda del tipo di legno che vuoi riparare, un semplice danno può costarti centinaia fino a migliaia di dollari. 00:00 - Ecco come puoi risparmiare una fortuna nella riparazione di schegge e ammaccature nel legno: 00:06 - Passo 1. Preparare e pulire l'area. Prepara l'area rimuovendo con attenzione schegge di vernice, frammenti di legno e detriti. Pulisci l'area con un panno umido e lasciala ...
Come Riparare Bruciature e Buchi su Pelle e Vinile
มุมมอง 1023 หลายเดือนก่อน
Le bruciature e i buchi sono solitamente molto piccoli, ma spesso il minimo impatto può essere molto evidente negli interni in pelle dell'auto. Di solito, si tratta di danni che avvengono in un istante, come una sigaretta che tocca la superficie in pelle dell'auto, un oggetto appuntito o acuminato che perfora la tasca entrando nella pelle, o semplicemente della cenere che cade e brucia la pelle...
Come Riparare Tagli, Strappi e Lacrime su Pelle e Vinile
มุมมอง 1533 หลายเดือนก่อน
La pelle è stata utilizzata dall'uomo fin dai tempi preistorici. Ancora oggi, continuiamo a usarla per molti scopi diversi. Anche se a volte può sembrare indistruttibile, non lo è. 00:00 - Ecco come puoi riparare tagli, strappi e lacrime su pelle e vinile: 00:07 - Passo 1. Rimuovere tutta la polvere, lo sporco, il grasso, i bordi irregolari e i fili in eccesso. Pulire accuratamente l'area danne...
Come Riparare Graffi e Crepe su Pelle e Vinile
มุมมอง 1103 หลายเดือนก่อน
Sebbene la pelle possa essere un materiale molto resistente e senza tempo, può anche subire danni minori o gravi quando esposta a diversi fattori e utilizzata per molto tempo. 00:00 - Ecco come riparare graffi e crepe su pelle e vinile usando il Kit di Riparazione Coconix per Pelle e Vinile: 00:09 - Passo 1. Preparare l'area danneggiata. È fondamentale rimuovere tutta la sporcizia e la polvere ...
Come Riparare Bruciature e Buchi su Tessuti e Tappeti
มุมมอง 4983 หลายเดือนก่อน
Le ceneri di sigaretta, i falò, i ferri caldi e altri incidenti possono causare buchi bruciati nei tessuti. 00:00 - Non buttare via i tessuti danneggiati; invece, puoi riparare i buchi bruciati in pochi minuti. 00:08 - Passo 1. Preparare l'area danneggiata. Prepara l'area danneggiata tagliando i bordi irregolari o le macchie di bruciatura con le forbici e pulisci l'area con un detergente per la...
Comment Réparer les Brûlures et les Trous sur les Tapis et les Tissus
มุมมอง 3833 หลายเดือนก่อน
Les cendres de cigarette, les feux de camp, les fers chauds et d'autres accidents peuvent causer des trous de brûlure dans les vêtements. 00:00 - Ne jetez pas les tissus endommagés ; à la place, vous pouvez réparer les trous de brûlure en quelques minutes. 00:08 - Étape 1. Préparer la zone endommagée. Préparez la zone endommagée en coupant les morceaux irréguliers ou les marques de brûlure avec...
Comment Réparer les Égratignures et Fissures sur le Cuir et le Vinyle
มุมมอง 1303 หลายเดือนก่อน
Bien que le cuir puisse être un matériau très durable et intemporel, il peut également subir des dommages mineurs à graves lorsqu'il est exposé à différents facteurs et utilisé pendant très longtemps. 00:00 - Voici comment réparer les égratignures et fissures sur le cuir et le vinyle en utilisant le Kit de Réparation pour Cuir et Vinyle Coconix: 00:09 - Étape 1. Préparer la zone endommagée. Il ...
Comment Réparer les Coupures, Déchirures et Larmes sur le Cuir et le Vinyle
มุมมอง 943 หลายเดือนก่อน
Le cuir est utilisé par l'homme depuis les temps préhistoriques. Encore aujourd'hui, nous continuons à l'utiliser pour de nombreuses applications différentes. Bien qu'il puisse parfois sembler indestructible, ce n'est pas le cas. 00:00 - Voici comment vous pouvez réparer les coupures, déchirures et larmes sur le cuir et le vinyle: 00:07 - Étape 1. Enlevez toute la poussière, la saleté, la crass...
Comment Réparer les Brûlures et les Trous sur le Cuir et le Vinyle
มุมมอง 1073 หลายเดือนก่อน
Les brûlures et les trous sont généralement très petits, mais souvent le plus petit impact peut être très visible sur l'intérieur en cuir d'une voiture. Ce sont généralement des dommages qui se produisent en un instant, comme une cigarette touchant la surface en cuir de votre voiture, un objet tranchant ou pointu qui perce votre poche dans le cuir, ou simplement une cendre qui tombe et brûle vo...
Comment Réparer les Rayures sur les Sols et les Meubles
มุมมอง 243 หลายเดือนก่อน
Les kits de réparation de bois DIY peuvent être votre solution dans des situations comme celle-ci. Ils sont faciles à utiliser et font parfaitement le travail ! 00:00 - Comment réparer les rayures sur les sols et les meubles: 00:08 - Étape 1. Préparer et nettoyer la zone. Commencez par nettoyer la zone endommagée et enlever tous les débris. Essuyez-la avec un chiffon humide et laissez-la sécher...
Comment Réparer les Éclats et les Enfoncements sur les Sols et les Meubles
มุมมอง 253 หลายเดือนก่อน
Selon le type de bois que vous souhaitez réparer, un simple dommage peut vous coûter des centaines à des milliers de dollars. 00:00 - Voici comment vous pouvez éviter de dépenser une fortune pour réparer les éclats et enfoncements dans le bois : 00:06 - Étape 1. Préparer et nettoyer la zone. Préparez la zone en enlevant soigneusement les éclats de peinture, les éclats de bois et les débris. Ess...
Comment Réparer les Trous dans les Sols et les Meubles
มุมมอง 313 หลายเดือนก่อน
Comment Réparer les Trous dans les Sols et les Meubles
Comment Réparer les Coupures, Déchirures et Accrocs sur les Tissus et les Tapis
มุมมอง 963 หลายเดือนก่อน
Comment Réparer les Coupures, Déchirures et Accrocs sur les Tissus et les Tapis
Comment Réparer les Tissus ou les Tapis Usés
มุมมอง 273 หลายเดือนก่อน
Comment Réparer les Tissus ou les Tapis Usés
Cómo Reparar Telas o Alfombras Desgastadas
มุมมอง 1223 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cómo Reparar Telas o Alfombras Desgastadas
Cómo Reparar Cortes, Rasgaduras y Desgarros en Telas y Alfombras
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Cómo Reparar Cortes, Rasgaduras y Desgarros en Telas y Alfombras
Cómo Reparar Agujeros en Suelos y Muebles
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Cómo Reparar Agujeros en Suelos y Muebles
Cómo Reparar Arañazos en Suelos y Muebles
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Cómo Reparar Arañazos en Suelos y Muebles
Cómo Reparar Astillas y Abolladuras en Suelos y Muebles
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Cómo Reparar Astillas y Abolladuras en Suelos y Muebles
Cómo Reparar Quemaduras y Agujeros en Cuero y Vinilo
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Cómo Reparar Quemaduras y Agujeros en Cuero y Vinilo
Cómo Reparar Cortes, Rasgaduras y Desgarros en Cuero y Vinilo
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Cómo Reparar Cortes, Rasgaduras y Desgarros en Cuero y Vinilo
Cómo Reparar Arañazos y Grietas en Cuero y Vinilo
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Cómo Reparar Arañazos y Grietas en Cuero y Vinilo
Cómo Reparar Quemaduras y Agujeros en Alfombras y Telas
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Cómo Reparar Quemaduras y Agujeros en Alfombras y Telas
Wie man abgenutzten Stoff oder Teppich repariert
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Wie man abgenutzten Stoff oder Teppich repariert
Wie man Schnitte, Risse und Tränen in Stoff und Teppich repariert
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Wie man Schnitte, Risse und Tränen in Stoff und Teppich repariert
Wie man Löcher in Böden und Möbeln repariert
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Wie man Löcher in Böden und Möbeln repariert


  • @gustavoaltamirano6821
    @gustavoaltamirano6821 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Voy a intentarlo y después voy a compartir mi experiencia.

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Gracias por su interés en nuestro producto. Si necesita asesoramiento personalizado, envíe fotografías de su proyecto de reparación a nuestro correo electrónico de soporte ( para que podamos ayudarlo. Saludos, Sheryn de Coconix

  • @CrissCrossRoads
    @CrissCrossRoads 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for showing interest in our recoloring balm! Our Leather and Vinyl Recoloring balm is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @monsef6408
    @monsef6408 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Merci beaucoup pour cetre vidéo. Mon fils joué au fléchettes dans sa chambre Il a abîmé le sol en balaton Y a des trous comment reparer ça ? Y a t il une pâte ou crème a utiliser ??

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Merci d'être si intéressé par notre produit. Si vous avez besoin de conseils personnalisés, veuillez envoyer des photos de votre projet de réparation à notre e-mail d'assistance ( afin que nous puissions vous aider. Salutations, Sheryn de Coconix

    • @monsef6408
      @monsef6408 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Coconix merci infiniment

  • @rajeev_kumar
    @rajeev_kumar 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Amazing work.

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! Our Fabric and Carpet repair kit is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @Lucky-bo8ub
    @Lucky-bo8ub 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi, how do you prepare the paste please? Thanks

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for being so interested in our product. If you need personalized advice, kindly send pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @jackieconnelly1606
    @jackieconnelly1606 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I can’t tell what you’re using

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! Our Fabric and Carpet repair kit is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @EileenSummers-n1s
    @EileenSummers-n1s 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Where do I get this stuff

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! Our Fabric and Carpet repair kit is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @lorrainephillips3210
    @lorrainephillips3210 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You didn't say what you were using!

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! Our Floor and Furniture repair kit is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @ascendedprophetessofTMH144k
    @ascendedprophetessofTMH144k 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was like "waaaaiiittt-a-miiiinute" You made this look so easy

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for being so interested in our product. If you need personalized advice, kindly send pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @gracewoodring6405
    @gracewoodring6405 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How do you get the paint off when you make a mistake

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Grace! To remove the excess glue, you may gently wipe the treated area with hot soapy water and a cloth or rag. This should remove any excess glue and soften the repaired area. Please make sure the water is warm enough so it can soften the area adequately and then gently scrape the glue once soften. Please let us know if there is anything else I can help with. Regards, The Coconix Team

  • @antoniocampanile3689
    @antoniocampanile3689 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have a question. I don't need a piece of backing fabric under the damage because the fabric underneath is still intact... coconix still attacks even if I don't put the backing fabric? Thank you

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Antonio! We love to assist you with your repair. If you need personalized advice kindly send us pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, The Coconix Team

  • @fredamcgainey239
    @fredamcgainey239 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have the product but is that water in it..I see liquid you mixed the colors w water?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Please do not add water to the repair fibers. Our Fabric and Carpet repair kit includes a fabric glue so the repair fibers have something to hold on to. Apply a thin layer of fabric glue to the damaged area before shifting the repair fibers over it to blend the repair. If you need personalized advice, kindly send pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

    • @lkwdryan
      @lkwdryan หลายเดือนก่อน

      What was that powder you sprinkled on to match the color where the glue was showing?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@lkwdryan Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! The colored repair fibers were applied over the glue. You can mix and match the repair fibers to blend the repair. Our fabric and carpet repair kit is available at our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @missbari7502
    @missbari7502 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Very Best Video To explain how to repair the damaged Leather 👍👍👍

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for being so interested in our product. If you need personalized advice, kindly send pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @metimecandleco.2786
    @metimecandleco.2786 ปีที่แล้ว

    What did you use to repair it?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! Our Fabric and Carpet repair kit is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @jg11596
    @jg11596 ปีที่แล้ว

    how long does this repair last? thanks

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The repair compound in our kit is not only paint, it contains leather filler and adhesive and dries to a leather-like finish. The repair holds very strong and often outlives the actual material. If you need personalized advice, kindly send pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @DigiDosed
    @DigiDosed ปีที่แล้ว

    How do you do it if it's a rip on the front of a couch that is too heavy for me to flip so that the rip faces up? How should I apply the powder in this case?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We love to assist you with your repair. If you need personalized advice kindly send us pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @bbsquaredpodcast
    @bbsquaredpodcast ปีที่แล้ว

    Where can we get this product?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! Our Floor and Furniture repair kit is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @analizasalanap3703
    @analizasalanap3703 ปีที่แล้ว

    Materials to buy?tnx

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! Our Fabric and Carpet repair kit is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @sumanthgowdadr1507
    @sumanthgowdadr1507 ปีที่แล้ว

    Compound where to buy

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix ปีที่แล้ว

      Our Black Leather and Vinyl Repair kit is available on Amazon. Please use the link below to view our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @thoralder4963
    @thoralder4963 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello where is your video on how to repair scratches?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Thor, You can check our repair video for "How To Repair Leather and Vinyl Scratches and Cracks" by clicking the link below: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @93redcamaroz28
    @93redcamaroz28 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Items used list?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for showing interest in our repair kit! Our Fabric and Carpet repair kit is available in our Amazon store. Please use this link to check our product: Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @lsanderson40
    @lsanderson40 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a small tear (straight line and about 1 inch) that is on the side of the couch. On the side, there is no foam, just the vinyl leather fabric. So if I put the whole backing in there, it would simply fall down. I cannot get my hand back there to hold it in place. Would I do one half at a time? How do you suggest I tackle that kind of tear?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      We love to assist you with your repair. If you need personalized advice kindly send us pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @marilynnorton3747
    @marilynnorton3747 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    How do you open the tubes so that they can be reclosed?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The tubes can be opened by pulling the small tip which is the cap of the tubes. If you need personalized advice kindly send us pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @SailorNahiel
    @SailorNahiel 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    How can I do this when the fabric has different colors?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      We love to assist you with your repair. If you need personalized advice kindly send us pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @haiquoc2013
    @haiquoc2013 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    How do you repair the fabric of a shoe/sandal when it rips or gets wet?!

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      We love to assist you with your repair. If you need personalized advice, kindly send us pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @plourde98
    @plourde98 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What if the are I’m repairing is above me? How would you recommend I apply the powder bit??

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi! Thanks for reaching out to us! For upside down damages, we recommend using a flat surface material like a plastic lid. Spread the color fibers on the flat surface material and gently let color fibers touch the glue applied to the damaged area. If you have any further questions, feel free to comment or send us photos of your repair project at :)

  • @oshadigunarathna7889
    @oshadigunarathna7889 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your idea is very valuable and what is the black compound you used in the video above? What is it's name? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi there! The black repair compound in the video is the Coconix repair compound which is included in all of our leather and vinyl repair kits. The Coconix repair compound is not only paint, but it also contains leather filler and adhesive and dries to a leather-like finish. The repair holds very strong, often outlives the actual material. If you need personalized advice, please contact the Coconix Support Team with a photo of the damage. Cheers, Coconix Team

  • @crystalchia1342
    @crystalchia1342 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    What compund used

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Crystal! Thank you for watching! 💖 The repair compound used in this is the repair compound in our Coconix Leather and Vinyl Repair Kit. You may check our leather repair kits below: Official Coconix Store: Coconix Shop on Amazon: If you need repair advice, please email our Coconix Support Team at

  • @EnriqueLopez-hb5jn
    @EnriqueLopez-hb5jn 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you use a heating iron or element

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Enrique, We did not use any heating tool with this repair as it can affect the repair compound. If you need personalized advice kindly send us pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @pedi_10
    @pedi_10 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    How did u get that color? I have the coconix professional kit, and would like that one

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dear Erica, we 'd be happy to give you personalized color matching support. Please contact us at with a picture of the damage and we'll be glad to help.

  • @billm166
    @billm166 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm not sure of the color combo and best way to repair my vinyl couch? The color chart is not descriptive enough?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dear Bill, please contact us at and we will give you personalized advice.

  • @mariajara6791
    @mariajara6791 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is more to glue the ripped vinyl. I have a missing piece.

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Maria, Coconix Leather & Vinyl Repair Kit is also suitable to repair missing pieces Please have a look at this video: You can always contact us at and send a picture of the damage. We'll be happy to advise you about the repair. Greetings, Coconix Support Team

  • @debremington7467
    @debremington7467 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Any suggestions on how to repair vinyl boat seats that have a star pattern hole, and not enuf vinyl to pull together?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Deb, We love to assist you with your repair. If you need personalized advice kindly send us pictures of your repair project to our support email ( so we can assist you. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @lupenelson541
    @lupenelson541 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I used it to repair a pair of nude heels our pup chewed up. Took the shoes to a shoe repair shop, they replaced the heel tip. I repaired the rest of the heel with Coconix kit. My only regret is that I don't have a before pic. Very pleased with results.

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Lupe, Great to hear that you are satisfied with your repair! We love to hear about customers achieving great results in their repair projects. Thank you for being our customer. Greetings, Sheryn from Coconix

  • @battlefield5826
    @battlefield5826 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kick that fu^@&$g dog

  • @july13670
    @july13670 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bought this for my car doesn’t work as great on cracks in the leather it came out lumpy no matter how much I smoothed it

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Crystal, We're very sorry your repair did not turn out as planned. Please get in touch with us using below link so we can help you directly. Have a wonderful day! Coconix Team

  • @iii_siimply_kaly3199
    @iii_siimply_kaly3199 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where can I buy this

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's available on amazon.

  • @rodmcdonald4707
    @rodmcdonald4707 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have read this product only works on small tears. I that true ?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Rod, Our new and improved leather and vinyl repair kit is suitable for multiple large repairs. You can find it below: Have a great day! Coconix Team

  • @jfklazarus
    @jfklazarus 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Will this repair dashboard cracks?

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, absolutely.

  • @robeenero
    @robeenero 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thought this was to repair peeling as well. It isn't torn

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Peeling can also be repaired with this kit.

    • @Monica-il3rg
      @Monica-il3rg 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Coconix how

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@Monica-il3rg 1. Prepare the damaged area by trimming any curling edges and clean the area with a cotton swab or a cotton pad and rubbing alcohol. Please check first if the rubbing alcohol removes the color of your leather and proceed carefully. 2. After matching your color, apply a thin layer of compound to the damaged area. 3. Allow the compound to dry for several hours. You may need to apply multiple layers to rebuild the damaged area until it is level with the surrounding area. 4. When the compound is dry, use a cotton pad or a cotton swab with 90% rubbing alcohol to buff the edges.

    • @philiprowe2147
      @philiprowe2147 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Coconix Does 90% alcohol dissolve this product?

  • @therandomsis65
    @therandomsis65 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just want to repair some scratches my cat made on the sofa, there are no big holes

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      This kit is perfect for repairing cat scratches.

    • @glitterface77s21
      @glitterface77s21 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Coconix how? We can’t insert material in the scratches? Are suppose to put the liquid just on top of scratch and leave it?

    • @claudiameyer6254
      @claudiameyer6254 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Coconix Please show a video demonstrating how to repair small scratches.

    • @amyzeece
      @amyzeece 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      How do I repair cat scratches?

    • @britbrighton
      @britbrighton 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@amyzeece I know! I thought it would address that. My cat scratched the vinyl on my brand new massage table and I’m devastated. And it’s light purple and I doubt they have that range of colors.

  • @tedrodriguez9812
    @tedrodriguez9812 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Okay, that works great on black vinyl, what if the vinyl is a different color. The color on my John Deere is yellow.

    • @Coconix
      @Coconix 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Ted, our leather and vinly repair kit comes with 7 colors, so you can mix any color you need. If you need any help with matching your color, we're always happy to help.