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Moć POBJEDNIČKOG Mentaliteta/ Mentalitet ŽRTVE
"Jeste li ikada razmišljali o tome kako vaš način razmišljanja može utjecati na vaš uspjeh, motivaciju i pogled na život? 🔍 U ovom videu istražujemo dvije različite vrste mentaliteta - fiksni i razvojni mentalitet - i kako oni oblikuju naš pristup izazovima, učenju i osobnom rastu.
Ljudi s fiksnim mentalitetom vjeruju da su njihove sposobnosti i talenti 'zacementirani' i nepromjenjivi. Oni se često boje izazova jer ih doživljavaju kao prijetnju vlastitom uspjehu. S druge strane, ljudi s razvojnim mentalitetom smatraju da su sposobnosti poput mišića koje možemo ojačati radom, trudom i učenjem. 💪
Otkrijte kako ova dva različita mentaliteta utječu na sve aspekte našeg života, od obrazovanja i karijere do odnosa s ljudima. Naučit ćete koje navike i način razmišljanja mogu pomoći da se pomaknete prema razvojnijem pristupu i razvijete snažniju otpornost na neuspjehe. 🌱
Ako želite:
Naučiti kako promijeniti svoj način razmišljanja
Bolje razumjeti kako mentalitet utječe na vaš život i odluke
Potaknuti sebe ili druge na pozitivne promjene
... ovaj video je prava stvar za vas!
🔔 Pretplatite se za još inspirativnih sadržaja o osobnom rastu i motivaciji! 👍 Lajkajte video ako vam je bio koristan i podijelite s nekim tko bi također mogao imati koristi od njega!
มุมมอง: 237


มุมมอง 2942 หลายเดือนก่อน
U ovom videu istražujem zabrinjavajući pad inteligencije u svijetu nakon 1990. godine i analiziram glavne uzroke koji bi mogli biti odgovorni za ovaj fenomen. Prvo, gledamo kako tehnologija i digitalni mediji, poput Instagrama i TikToka, utječu na našu koncentraciju, dubinsko razmišljanje i navike učenja. Zatim, razmatramo kako moderan način ishrane, s visokim udjelom prerađene hrane, može utje...
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3 Savjeta za Najefikasnije Ucenje Njemackog Jezika.
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Njemački Školski Sustav/ što poslije OSNOVNE ŠKOLE? Koju SREDNJU školu odabrati?
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Njemački školski sustav nudi nekoliko različitih opcija nakon završetka osnovne škole, što može biti zbunjujuće za roditelje i učenike. U ovom videu objašnjavamo kako funkcionira obrazovni sustav u Njemačkoj i koje vrste škola su dostupne nakon osnovne škole (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium i Gesamtschule). Saznajte koje mogućnosti svaka škola nudi te koje su prednosti i izazovi svake opcije...
Kako Se Snaći U Njemačkoj Školi: 3 Savjeta Za Roditelje!
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Using the LAMBERT W FUNCTION find ALL solutions! / ( W_0 and W_-1)
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In this video we are going to solve 2 equations using the Lambert W Function. The goal is to find all real solutions using the lambert w function. You will learn how to determine how many solutions should you get considering just the lambert w function. (without the graph) For the Lambert W function, go to: For the Application of the Lambert W Function g...
Lambert W Function vs GLOG Function / Which is better?
มุมมอง 20K3 ปีที่แล้ว
In this video I will show you the application of two different methods, functions on one example. These Functions are the Lambert W Function and the glog Function. For the glog Function go to:​ For the Lambert W function, go to:​ Follow me on Instagram: intellecta9?hl=en If you want to see more videos like...
The Function you have never heard of?!
มุมมอง 7K3 ปีที่แล้ว
In this video I am going to be talking about the function which possesses similar properties and common application as the Lambert W Function. For more, please watch the video. For the Lambert W function, go to: Follow me on Instagram: intellecta9?hl=en If you want to see more videos like this, please like and SUBSCRIBE. Don...
Lambert W Function (No real solution???)
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Lambert W Function (No real solution???)
Find X (Lambert W Function - application)
มุมมอง 20K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Find X (Lambert W Function - application)
Application of the Lambert W Function (Part 2)
มุมมอง 22K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Application of the Lambert W Function (Part 2)
What is the Lambert W Function (Introduction )/ Part 1
มุมมอง 55K4 ปีที่แล้ว
What is the Lambert W Function (Introduction )/ Part 1
มุมมอง 13K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Find the DERIVATIVE of sinx^cosx (step by step)
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Find the DERIVATIVE of sinx^cosx (step by step)
Limit at Infinity / Indeterminate form 1 to Infinity (How to find)
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Limit at Infinity / Indeterminate form 1 to Infinity (How to find)
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How to make HEART shaped POM POM / Pom Pom Crafts / Pom Pom DIY (VERY EASY)
How to make a Unicorn Pom Pom / Easy Pom Pom Craft Tutorial
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How to make a Unicorn Pom Pom / Easy Pom Pom Craft Tutorial


  • @Onlystudy24-w5k
    @Onlystudy24-w5k 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Mam pls marry me😭

  • @Misha-g3b
    @Misha-g3b 3 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @ASINGH-li8eq
    @ASINGH-li8eq 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Madam .your writting board is not good. we can see nothing on the board .

  • @jojosuantak188
    @jojosuantak188 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    My idol scientist

  • @abdalmalikganem2228
    @abdalmalikganem2228 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you

  • @dedefeuerstein
    @dedefeuerstein 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    To draw a reciprocal function it is enough to make a symmetry with respect to the axis y=x

  • @nancymatro8029
    @nancymatro8029 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    interesting problem, good explanation

  • @DenisCartotto
    @DenisCartotto 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Après 2:41, la démonstration devient lourde, à la limite tordue

  • @randerson4009
    @randerson4009 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you. What is the advantage in using the Lambert W to solve equations (considering real solutions) rather than just using an iterative approximation on a spreadsheet? In both cases the answer is an approximation to some desired precision.

  • @donlowell
    @donlowell 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Funny how no one wants to graph to verify. Graphing y = 6x and graphing y = e^2x you can see there are 2 real solutions.

  • @rahulbamel
    @rahulbamel 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hey I am a 15years old student from India And your new subscriber. I just watched your Lambert lambda function video and I understand it easily and This video is not in English language so I can't understand it but I think it is very useful, so can you please re make it in English😅😅 I would be very grateful if you do so. thank you

  • @GaryTugan
    @GaryTugan 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So I’m noticing that if you graph those two functions, they do not intersect. Which explains why x = -(ln 8)/5 does not work for an input into the Lambert function Valid input …. -1/e < x < infinity -1/e =-0.368 and our value is less than that

  • @georrgy
    @georrgy 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Beautiful video, thank you!

  • @parinose6163
    @parinose6163 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi, Ok.

  • @gulielmi2002
    @gulielmi2002 หลายเดือนก่อน

    what I like to do for my strategy to solve these problems is to eliminate the exponent over the X first. in this problem, I do the 5th root of both sides to give me x=8^(x/5). this makes solving the problem easier. when I saw lambert W functions a few weeks ago for the first time, I noticed doing this strategy made lamber W function problems that were similar to this easier to solve.

  • @ivancollaomarin9466
    @ivancollaomarin9466 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Excelente profesora, se agradece por entregar sus conocimientos......

  • @rosalache4581
    @rosalache4581 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you ,I'm go to croacia and go to the village Nikola Tesla norn.

  • @marcohk609
    @marcohk609 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How calculate the function w of lambert to w(ln(8))/5)? If there'inst method , is bether input The function in The computar program.......

  • @gilleslecorvellec7680
    @gilleslecorvellec7680 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Glad to know the Lambert W at 57 years old !

  • @joseantoniovargasbazan5058
    @joseantoniovargasbazan5058 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No automatic CC. 🙁

    • @intellecta2686
      @intellecta2686 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you know how to enable it,just write. :) I tried everything, but I will keep trying:D

  • @zorejurcevic8263
    @zorejurcevic8263 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ovo je predobronikad nije kasno da poradimo na sebi ucimo dok smo zivi.

  • @kornelije23
    @kornelije23 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Male stvari svaki dan cine veliku promjenu. Hvala. Savršeno kao i uvijek. ❤

  • @infinitespace239
    @infinitespace239 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ovo je vrh. Bas za naučiti kako biti bolja osoba.

  • @intellecta2686
    @intellecta2686 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Some of you tell me that you can't turn on English subtitles. I'm sorry that's the case. I tried to set it up, but TH-cam keeps not confirming it. I will keep trying and I hope it will work.

  • @komunika3164
    @komunika3164 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    pored toga scega što ste naveli možda je televizija mnogo veće zlo i za mladju i za stariju generaciju_inteligenciju kod ljudi smanjuju informacije opšte koje su 90% laži pa onda razna muzička takmičenja koja su se motala na raličitim televizijama tu spadaju i razni rialiti programi i površna muzika koja se plasira još od devedesetih pa nadalje_sve je to uticalo na ljudski mozak tu su poremećeni i medjuljudski odnosi pa onda imao i mnogo rastavljenih brakova i imamo dosta ljudi koji su sami_čak šta više društvene mreze budu jedan period pa onda polako stagniraju dok televizija iako se možda manje gleda danas nego li ranije nažalost i dalje opstaje_

    • @intellecta2686
      @intellecta2686 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sigurno ste u pravu. Ima jako puno faktora koji utječu na smanjenje inteligencije, ja sam uzela samo 3 i to sam se bazirala na tiktok i tu vrstu informacija buduci da ima najbrutalniji utjecaj na mozak i smisljeno su napravljeni da utječu na mozgove najmlađih. Naravno da televizija plasira lazne vijesti i cilj je sirenje straha jer je to Jos jedan način da se ljudi drže manje inteligentnima,a kao takvi podložni manipulaciji. Tema je jako opsirna i sigurno bi se moglo jako puno o tome pričati.

  • @steveocken
    @steveocken 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It would be nice to remark that reflecting the graph of a monotone real function across the line y = x yields the graph of the inverse function.

  • @zorejurcevic8263
    @zorejurcevic8263 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Upornost se isplati,bravo

    • @intellecta2686
      @intellecta2686 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tako je Zorice :D

  • @hansimuli
    @hansimuli 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Moin. Grüß dich. Danke für Lambert Funktion Erklärung.

    • @intellecta2686
      @intellecta2686 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Danke fürs Zuschauen :)

  • @hansimuli
    @hansimuli 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @DeepakKumar-yt6ol
    @DeepakKumar-yt6ol 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How to find w(4)=?

  • @schweinehundbullshit9176
    @schweinehundbullshit9176 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Congrats! You already reached more than 5000 subscriptions.

  • @jovanstojcevski3334
    @jovanstojcevski3334 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Although very interesting it is impossible to read your text. Can you use a white board with black marker.

  • @jactournoij5739
    @jactournoij5739 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I do not understand a word, and unfortunately, subtitles are off. Schade....

  • @kornelije23
    @kornelije23 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Svaka čast ❤

  • @infinitespace239
    @infinitespace239 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To nije bilo lako 🎉 Svaka čast 😊

    • @intellecta2686
      @intellecta2686 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hehehe da, ti znaš najbolje 😅

  • @intellecta2686
    @intellecta2686 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Za konkretne savjete preskocite na 7:15.

  • @kornelije23
    @kornelije23 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hvala na informacijijama. Lijepo je to sve znati

    • @intellecta2686
      @intellecta2686 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ali, sto dalje od mene hahah

  • @yvesjunior2001
    @yvesjunior2001 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Si c'est du polonais, ça une sonorité proche du russe

    • @kornelije23
      @kornelije23 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nope, Croatian

    • @yvesjunior2001
      @yvesjunior2001 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kornelije23 ok but it's a little similar to russian

    • @infinitespace239
      @infinitespace239 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@yvesjunior2001 Not at all, completely different language, it is just Slavic language, like for example German and English are same group but very different.

    • @yvesjunior2001
      @yvesjunior2001 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@infinitespace239 i said a little because i heard some similar words

  • @goutambehera1216
    @goutambehera1216 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You can on your cc for English language because I am old student of your channel.

    • @intellecta2686
      @intellecta2686 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I will do it for sure. Thank you.

  • @charlefranje1882
    @charlefranje1882 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We can solve it without using W lambert ...x ^x= 1/(-2)² = (-2)-² then x=-2

  • @pablolucero1216
    @pablolucero1216 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dear Intellecta you are ver smart. Please go back to the channel

  • @peternolan814
    @peternolan814 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello, I'm just saying hello. I hope you are happy. I do not know what country you are from and what language you are speaking. I'm 71yo. All the best and many thanks, 🙂 Peter Nolan. Ph.D.(physics), Dublin, Ireland.

    • @intellecta2686
      @intellecta2686 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hallo Peter, nice to see you here again. I'm doing well, I hope you are doing well too. This is Croatian language. After using German for 7 years it feels easier to me to make content in my native language. This is just for my soul. Have a nice day and greetings from Germany.

    • @peternolan814
      @peternolan814 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@intellecta2686 Greetings Intellecta, So so nice to hear from you. I now know you are from Croatia but you are living in Germany. You did a TH-cam video about the Lambert W function or productlog and when I did an integration recently I actually got the Lambert W function - amazing. Then I saw several TH-cam videos about integrating the Lambert W function. I loved your TH-cam video about this function and the beautiful graphics you used to teach it. All the best and many thanks, 🙂 Peter.

  • @mohanvaddadi
    @mohanvaddadi 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    X^2 = 2^x. ; Square root both sides ; x= 2^x/2; Now we can solve using W function

  • @ManojKumarGupta-r2i
    @ManojKumarGupta-r2i 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you ma'am and It helped me so much☺️☺️

  • @SuperDeadparrot
    @SuperDeadparrot 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In Wolfram Alpha: solve -2x = productlog( -1/3 ) for x

  • @Shaani-000
    @Shaani-000 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thankyou madam. Im from srilanka ❤❤