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A rapid fireside chat with Phosphorus | Secolve livestream on-demand
The implementation of Extended Internet of Things (XIoT) like IoT and OT in critical infrastructure is growing but what is XIoT and how can we ensure we are effectively securing our industrial environments? Rewatch our rapid-fire livestream as Alex Nehmy (Regional CTO, Phosphorus Cybersecurity Inc.) sits down with Russell Thomas (Regional Sales Manager, Secolve) to discuss what XIoT is, and highlight the key challenges we are seeing in the market around it.
We dive into a real-world case study to explore some of the challenges and successes around securing an extensive environment of network-connected embedded devices, and Phosphorus's capabilities that sets their solution apart.
Explore the Phosphorus case study mentioned in more detail here: Read more into the case study here:
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มุมมอง: 11


Strengthening OT Security in the Middle East | Secolve livestream on-demand
มุมมอง 9หลายเดือนก่อน
Rewatch our livestream as Ahmed Farouk (Co-Founder & Head of Business Development, Invictux) sits down with Laith Shahin (CEO & Founder, Secolve) to talk us through OT-SAT, Secolve's video-based OT security awareness training, its unique capabilities, and offering that makes it stand out from competitors. We dive into some current Middle Eastern market observations, including governmental focus...
OT network taps and packets: Let's dive in! | Secolve livestream on-demand
มุมมอง 6หลายเดือนก่อน
Let's dive back into TAPs and packets! Rewatch our deep dive livestream with Chris Bihary (Garland Technology) and Russell Thomas (Secolve). In this session we explore network TAPs even more, delving into how Garland Technology provides ICS security tools with 100% packet visibility. We discuss the security of security monitoring tools and their communication channels, reducing network complexi...
Ask an Expert: Intro to offensive activities in OT environments | Secolve livestream on-demand
มุมมอง 265 หลายเดือนก่อน
Rewatch our livestream, Ask an Expert: Intro to offensive activities in OT environments, with Petr Novák (Head of Offensive Security, Secolve) and Russell Thomas (Regional Sales Manager, Secolve). In this session, we discuss the key differences between IT and OT offensive activities, common issues encountered in OT environments, solutions, and effective offensive approaches tailored for OT. Div...
An introduction to OT-SAT
มุมมอง 336 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure are on the rise and could have significant impacts for your organisation and surrounding community. We built OT-SAT, a video-based training platform, for critical infrastructure teams to get cyber aware on-demand to suit their busy schedules. Our training has been created by leading experts in the field and is already uplifting cyber security awareness i...
Secolve: About us
มุมมอง 1226 หลายเดือนก่อน
Secolve is Australia’s next generation OT specialist cyber security firm, working with key industries to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure by assisting organisations, large and small, to uplift their OT security. Secolve’s exclusive focus on OT ensures our team is at the cutting edge of all the latest developments in the cyber security space, be it software security enhancements, thr...
A rapid fireside chat with Palo Alto Networks | Secolve livestream on-demand
มุมมอง 186 หลายเดือนก่อน
Rewatch our rapid-fire livestream as Alex Nehmy (Regional Chief Security Officer, Palo Alto Networks) sits down with Russell Thomas (Regional Sales Manager, Secolve) to talk us through his journey with Palo Alto Networks and the compelling operational technology offerings, capabilities, and market differentiators that set Palo Alto Networks apart. We cover some current market observations, incl...
A rapid fireside chat with Garland Technology | Secolve livestream on-demand
มุมมอง 197 หลายเดือนก่อน
Curious about network TAPs and their significance in OT? Rewatch our rapid-fire livestream with Chris Bihary (CEO and Co-Founder, Garland Technology) and Russell Thomas (Regional Sales Manager, Secolve). In this session we demystify this technology, delve into why network TAPs are crucial for protecting critical infrastructure, and explore how Garland Technology and Secolve solutions are addres...
AESCSF AMA (Ask Me Anything) | Secolve livestream on-demand
มุมมอง 477 หลายเดือนก่อน
Rewatch our past livestream, AESCSF Ask Me Anything, with Bruce Large (Principal OT Security Architect and Chief Evangelist, Secolve) and Russell Thomas (Regional Sales Manager, Secolve). In this session, we discuss this framework’s history, the latest updates in AESCSF v2 and how these changes address evolving OT security standards and compliance requirements. With the expansion of CIRMP oblig...
OT-SAT, a video-based OT security awareness training platform by Secolve [60-second promo]
มุมมอง 3288 หลายเดือนก่อน
OT-SAT is a training platform designed to provide outcome-based training for OT engineers and users, IT and cyber security staff, and C-suite executives through short and easily digestible videos. OT-SAT covers a comprehensive suite of OT cyber security awareness training video modules, and allows team members to complete the training at their own pace whilst allowing managers to track each ind...