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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 4 ต.ค. 2011
Drops in the ocean
Ripples transform the waters
Till the end of time
Hello TH-cam!
Adara | Worldwave (she/her)
Visit my Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/theworldwave
Ripples transform the waters
Till the end of time
Hello TH-cam!
Adara | Worldwave (she/her)
Visit my Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/theworldwave
Corpsewave 2024 - KUSARI
It's 2024, and we are back with another Corpsewave piece! This time we're on an adventure through the KUSARI star cluster, a distant cluster of star systems arranged in such a way that they are linked together by warp-gates like a chain. Tune in as we visit each star on our roster!
An Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative endeavor to collectively assemble words or images into a composition, with a twist. Each collaborator adds to the composition in sequence, by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous participant contributed.
THIS IS CORPSEWAVE: A Musical Exquisite Corpse. Based on the classical Exquisite Corpse idea, 18 incredibly talented artists from the Worldwave Discord community and outside of it came together to collaborate on the fourth project in the series.
Each artist, in a randomly-arranged list, was tasked to create up to 16 bars in a timespan of 3 days, based ONLY on the 2 last bars of what the previous artist created, importantly NEVER getting a hint of the full composition, until the release. Then, the last 2 bars of their creation were sent forward to the next artist in line. Again, nobody was exposed to anything in the composition except their predecessor's prompts, until the moment of this release!
Kusari 鎖 - Chain, Strand, Lock
The lineup is bursting with talent as usual, but it's beautiful to see everyone solidifying their individual styles with their own unique toolsets - from an SID chip all the way up to AI samples! If this piece is any indication, expect great things from the artists on this lineup this year!
COLLABORATORS (in order of appearance):
00:00 - Worldwave - soundcloud.com/theworldwave
00:46 - Lirion - soundcloud.com/llrion
01:21 - Semi Neural - soundcloud.com/semineural
01:40 - Glum - soundcloud.com/glumbass
02:00 - Glyphli & Inktome - soundcloud.com/glyphli soundcloud.com/inktome
02:36 - Levia - soundcloud.com/leviamusic
03:00 - Popbot & Amfivolia - soundcloud.com/popbot1 soundcloud.com/amfivolia
03:27 - Xaleon - soundcloud.com/xaleonofficial
03:56 - PLΛGVE - soundcloud.com/pl4gve
04:27 - PixelPelican - soundcloud.com/pixelpelican
04:57 - Norhkuna - soundcloud.com/norhkuna
05:15 - 1emjay & Siedoro - soundcloud.com/1emjay soundcloud.com/siedoro
05:43 - Bleizik - soundcloud.com/bleizik
06:19 - Moon - soundcloud.com/moons_music808
06:53 - Lukasipo - soundcloud.com/lukasipo
An Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative endeavor to collectively assemble words or images into a composition, with a twist. Each collaborator adds to the composition in sequence, by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous participant contributed.
THIS IS CORPSEWAVE: A Musical Exquisite Corpse. Based on the classical Exquisite Corpse idea, 18 incredibly talented artists from the Worldwave Discord community and outside of it came together to collaborate on the fourth project in the series.
Each artist, in a randomly-arranged list, was tasked to create up to 16 bars in a timespan of 3 days, based ONLY on the 2 last bars of what the previous artist created, importantly NEVER getting a hint of the full composition, until the release. Then, the last 2 bars of their creation were sent forward to the next artist in line. Again, nobody was exposed to anything in the composition except their predecessor's prompts, until the moment of this release!
Kusari 鎖 - Chain, Strand, Lock
The lineup is bursting with talent as usual, but it's beautiful to see everyone solidifying their individual styles with their own unique toolsets - from an SID chip all the way up to AI samples! If this piece is any indication, expect great things from the artists on this lineup this year!
COLLABORATORS (in order of appearance):
00:00 - Worldwave - soundcloud.com/theworldwave
00:46 - Lirion - soundcloud.com/llrion
01:21 - Semi Neural - soundcloud.com/semineural
01:40 - Glum - soundcloud.com/glumbass
02:00 - Glyphli & Inktome - soundcloud.com/glyphli soundcloud.com/inktome
02:36 - Levia - soundcloud.com/leviamusic
03:00 - Popbot & Amfivolia - soundcloud.com/popbot1 soundcloud.com/amfivolia
03:27 - Xaleon - soundcloud.com/xaleonofficial
03:56 - PLΛGVE - soundcloud.com/pl4gve
04:27 - PixelPelican - soundcloud.com/pixelpelican
04:57 - Norhkuna - soundcloud.com/norhkuna
05:15 - 1emjay & Siedoro - soundcloud.com/1emjay soundcloud.com/siedoro
05:43 - Bleizik - soundcloud.com/bleizik
06:19 - Moon - soundcloud.com/moons_music808
06:53 - Lukasipo - soundcloud.com/lukasipo
มุมมอง: 488
Corpsewave 2022 - Chapter II - ATARAXIA
มุมมอง 7412 ปีที่แล้ว
The Worldwave Discord community has gathered for another incredible creative journey! CORPSEWAVE 2022 - CHAPTER II - ATARAXIA // An Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative endeavor to collectively assemble words or images into a composition, with a twist. Each collaborator adds to the composition in sequence, by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous participant contributed. THIS IS...
Corpsewave 2022 Chapter I - ACANTHUS
มุมมอง 7952 ปีที่แล้ว
The Worldwave Discord community welcomes you to 2022 with our latest Exquisite Corpse-style collaboration: CORPSEWAVE 2022 - CHAPTER I - ACANTHUS // Exquisite Corpse is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule or by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous person con...
Corpsewave 2021 - CASCADE
มุมมอง 8063 ปีที่แล้ว
Exquisite Corpse is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule or by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous person contributed. Introducing a new concept: A Musical Exquisite Corpse. Based on the classical Exquisite Corpse idea, 13 amazing artists from the Worldwave ...
Wave Salad - E2 - Instruо̄ Cš-L
มุมมอง 9K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Hello again! This is Episode 2 of Wave Salad, my sound design series. In this episode I'll be covering the Instruo Cš-L Complex Analog Oscillator. What a beautiful module! I'll take you through reviewing the basics of the different kinds of analog FM, AM, Sync and Wavefolding, techniques to utilize them in a musical and sound design paradigm, as well as showing the character of its analog oscil...
มุมมอง 5253 ปีที่แล้ว
03:36 - "Without another word, Dasmen pushes the steering yoke and the Kestrel emerges into space. Jakk’s eyes widen, the ship's thrust gently pushing her seat against her back. A little bit like the simulators, she thinks, but crisper, more visceral. Real, but she can’t believe it is! The toroid shape of the Institute of Spacefaring, or 'ISF', envelops clear, open space through which scores of...
Wave Salad - E1 - XAOC Devices Odessa
มุมมอง 12K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Hey everyone! This is the first installment of Wave Salad, where I introduce and explore my very favorite Eurorack modules, providing patches and interesting sound design tips. I will also be answering questions about the module and sound design in general, whether hardware or DAW-based. In this installment I explore the XAOC Devices Odessa Variable Spectrum Harmonic Cluster Oscillator. Hope yo...
มุมมอง 4684 ปีที่แล้ว
The COVID-19 pandemic quarantine has left me with some extra time to focus on the important things... Last night I decided to set myself adrift in the moonlight so I opened up the window, darkened my room and made this patch in bed, with the suitcase half of my synthesizer on my lap, and my headphones on. Just me, a bunch of pillows and the music. Patch Notes: Bass: Instruo Cs-L into Intellijel...
มุมมอง 7534 ปีที่แล้ว
I was playing around with this heavily distorted patch until I decided to just make a video of me finding all of the sweet spots. Hope you enjoy :) Patch Notes: Voices: Mutable Instruments Plaits on Dual Waveform mode's AUX output Filters: Intellijel Morgasmatron VCA's: Intellijel Quad VCA overdriven by 3V offset from Intellijel Quadratt 1U XAOC Praga Control: Squarp Hermod XAOC Zadar Intellije...
Eurorack - The XAOC Odessa
มุมมอง 2.6K5 ปีที่แล้ว
Hello everyone :) I have recently been able to finally put my hands on a XAOC Odessa "Variable Spectrum Harmonic Cluster" oscillator. In this video, I play with some of its key features, exploring some ways I have found of creating interesting sounds. It is sequenced randomly by a Hermod, running through a Black Hole DSP2 for some flanging action, through some of Praga's VCA's being controlled ...
มุมมอง 5246 ปีที่แล้ว
Tigris (tai-gris) GA 344 / 06 / 24 02:65:00 Aboard the Vigil "Tigris?" Jakk says, looking at the starmap. "That's what the decrypted files say," Redd says, as she sits down next to her. "Fuck that place, Jakk," Jules says, putting his hands on the table. "Let's quit this bullshit, we're chasing ghosts. There's nothing to know, nothing to find, just a myth." "What, are you scared, Jules?" Ray as...
มุมมอง 2986 ปีที่แล้ว
Welcome to Expanse, an electronic escapade through imagination. Inspiration comes from unexpected places. This started out as one lonely synth patch and note pattern that I made almost two years ago. I revisited some old projects, fell in love with that pattern and eventually made it from a 10-second loop into a 10-minute track. I tried my best to get in touch with the feeling of walking alone ...
มุมมอง 3417 ปีที่แล้ว
"Open your eyes," Ana whispers. "See it," she cups Jakk's hands. "Do you see it?" She opens her eyes. She shouts, scared, as the hail of information assaults her brain, the visual experience beyond human description. She sees it. She sees everything. Ana's face, through it, the stars behind her, each one... Each and every one, every planet, every single rock and speck of dust. Nothing blocks Ja...
Love your video! Watched this often when I go the Odessa, great overview, thank you! Seeing that you have Stages, wanted to share my favorite trick with it. Try taking the fundamental and use that to clock a LFO in Stages. I will track pretty decently and you can change the pitch of your LFO along the harmonic series. This way the fundamental can be at a different pitch but still related to the odd and even parts. You can also change the wave shape from Saw, to Sine, Trapezoid and Square and mix it back in. Take care and thanks again for making great videos
Using the Stages as an FM/RM modulator was my favorite thing! Especially with the Parasites firmware.
Really deep review - thanks / puts the usual reviewers to shame ;-)
I wish you would continue making videos because this is one of the best overviews i have seen! This just finally allowed me to make my choice on getting this over brenso for first complex osc thank you
Hey! Yeah, me too. I've been through a bunch these past couple years, but things're way better these days, so there might be more content like this in the future!
@@Worldwave thank you looking forward to it
Excellent presentation. Thanks.
This one is absolutely insane, oh my god. I’m amazed at how cohesive this one sounds. More of a worldbuilding approach, too
Thank you for this video, this is one of the best tutorials of anything I have seen before, I got the Odessa a while ago because of this video but revisit from time to time to keep the technical aspects of it fresh in my mind
Fantastic video! I'm thinking about getting an Odessa and this is pushing me further towards it.
Excellent work. Blows my mind how many companies will put out beautiful, complex gear and do nothing whatsoever to explain it to people.
Wow awesome!
This certainly is the most competent and insightful video on the Odessa out there, thanks a lot, top notch!
Hi What is your favorite harmonic vco ? I own and love 4ms ensemble vco but i need a second vco like this. Thx
I'm currently out of the Eurorack space, but my favorite for harmonic voices was Plaits, actually. It's super simple but gets you to the point quickly, in a format that's not so conducive to harmony. I didn't enjoy big harmonic oscs like the 4ms, due to lack of immediacy for complex ideas, but that's just me! Hope this was any help. I can't recommend MI Plaits enough.
what a find! I'm here from the au5 divinorum remix but stayed for some pretty unique content! keep up the great work
There are so many wild submissions. The creativity on display here is impressive
Work of Art, well done❤
This is fucking amazing you guys good job to everyone!! I'm glad I could be apart of it!
Yes, this is the best video about the Cs-L. I also learned so much about FM. I really hope you get back to making more videos in the future.
Thank you so much! Regarding making more videos: I will, but my life (and my approach to sound) has really changed a LOT in the past 2 years (like many of us). As a result I probably won't be doing more Eurorack videos in the forseeable future.
First time i actually hear terms like "pitch-drift" caused by FM. Very interesting stuff right there.
Outstanding demo Worldwave, very inspiring and instructional 🎉
That's cool
Hey guys! Some new insights from my experiments into sound design. If you look at about 32:38 ish when I'm moving the sync ratio, you will notice some peculiar behavior. Listen in - this should be the interaction between a sinewave and a squarewave - what are all these quick little sawlike zaps doing there? And then I show the example beforehand and say "these are artifacts from bouncing between the two points" - that's me being unaware of what was truly happening. Don't lose focus, listen in, it'd be good to teach yourself what these sound like! You see, in any form of hardsynced FM, whether the analog lin/exp + hardsync or the digital phase modulation patch, when you change the ratio in a continuous fashion, you will encounter discontinuations in the waveform! These are positions where the oscillator's cycle is hard-reset at a non-0 point, creating a straight line to 0, or in more creative terms, the thing that gives *the sawtooth waveform* its character. Yes! Hard waveform discontinuations sound sawlike! As sound designers working with complex waveforms, we can try to find many ways to avoid discontinuations while syncing or PMing (digital FM), when unwanted. The main idea is to soften the edges of the wave window by lowpassing the modulator in a PM patch, or fading out the frame in a Sync patch (can be done by ringmodding with a third oscillator, or in Vital just editing the waveshape... Vital is goode synthe 👍🏻). These methods add their own artifacts to the sound, so you kinda have to pick your poison when molding and shaping a waveform. Anyway, yes, I will continue rambling if I don't stop here. Just felt like adding some more useful knowledge. I am not the same sound designer I was when I made this video, and I won't be the same a year down the line, as natural. so it's important to me to keep things up to date. See ya, and check out my latest music on Soundcloud, Spotify, and my latest track Flowstate out now with Artlist Originals!
Hey guys. It's been 2 years since the release of this video, and being a person, I am flawed and always learning, so it's important to me to keep the knowledge here up to date. My explanation about harmonics and the ability to make "any sound" from a harmonic arrangement of sinewaves - the term "Any Sound" was an error in that context, even though I do explain it better when talking about the Tension knob later on. Delving further into sound design from a synthesizer point of view will teach you that beyond the harmonic editor's harmonic series lies an infinite realm of inharmonic sounds where not all sinewaves comprising the sound (or even any of them) obey the harmonic series. This is where inharmonic sounds lie: water, knocking on wood, footsteps, gravel, wind, untuned metal pings, and all noise. While traditional WT editors will not allow you to reach these sounds from the editor itself, going into inharmonic FM and PM is our traditional way of getting there, Additive synthesis like the Odessa offers another approach, and of course, modal synthesis. There is a module that explores Modal very deeply that I would recommend: Mutable Instruments' Elements. I have a nice little guide on intuitively working with analog FM and a bit on PM in my video on the Instruō Cš-L. And of course, the Odessa goes right in there with the tension, bank and ratio knobs. Happy bleepybloops! See you on my next release. Catch Flowstate on Artlist (or any other platform) if you haven't heard it yet!
Thanks for the update. I stopped by again to learn a little more about this fine and detailed lecture. Thanks 🎉🎉🎉
Finally ordered an Odessa. Loving this video, getting me hyped to the max for Odessa. Thanks for making this super awesome video.
Epic ❤
Hi Worldwave, are still making music these days. I really liked this cross electronic progrock pollination. Well balanced.
Yes I am! These days I am experimenting with drum and bass a lot more. My next track is going to be one of the big ones so I'm taking my sweet time on it.
you ROCK!! Thank you
Excellent video. And thankyou for bringing the level down; demos (particularly for oscillators) can be intolerably punishing on the ears. Subscribed. 👍
Thats really creative! turns out very cool too!
This is so well explained, please make more tutorial videos about modules
very nice! what's the verb, erica dsp2?
It was, yeah. At this stage I recommend getting any of the other Spin FV-1-driven modules like Happy Nerding FX AID as they are smaller + more flexible.
best odessa tutorial ive seen thank you!
Excellent presentation, thank you! 🙏🏽
Awesome video, so much excellent information.
this is awesome!, nice job!
UPDATE: Hey everyone. I haven't posted Eurorack videos in a while and that's because I've made a shift in my production to only utilizing DAW tools. At a certain stage I realized I outgrew my Eurorack tools for the purposes of making my own personal brand of sound, and I moved on from it for now. Maybe someday in the future I'll get back to it. Of course I kept all my favourite modules :) I'll make tutorials and track breakdowns for stuff that'll be coming out in the near future. Trust me, it's gonna be great :)
I love this video and I will absolutely come back to it. I understand if your endeavors have taken you "inside the box", but I've sub your channel and look forward to whatever you have to offer. but if you want to make more euro videos like this I won't complain.
So happy to have found your channel. I love all the technical background information and the way you visualise all the differences.
Very nicely done. Thank you!
W Rizz
New vid , please :)
Best vid on Odessa, and I learned a lot about synthesis from this. New sub. Thanks!
Just wanted to drop a huge thank you. Amazing stuff really educating and inspiring.
MERCI 1000 FOIS, j'ai ENFIN compris mon MODULE<3
me likes your presentation style and content. finally someone who invests more time into creating musically pleasing patches with modules, than just giving it the straight kick snare + major triad arpeggio noddling. actually these kinds of presentation have done the market more damage than good, because they make the average non-music interested consumer believe that this is what you get from it.instead of it being an extension of your technical musical knowledge. and if you know how to produce music, you wouldn't dare do such a boring presentation. and for that understanding and time investment, you have my full on Kudos!
great presentation
This is absolutely fantastic - thank you so much for taking the time to create this! :)
pigeon feeder boot strap! :) thanks