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Reading Cantonese: The Hound and the Hare (獵犬同野兔)
Read the fable in English (translated by V. S. Vernon Jones):
Google Drive:
มุมมอง: 4


Reading Cantonese: The Bald Huntsman (光頭嘅獵人)
มุมมอง 512 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Read the fable in English (translated by V. S. Vernon Jones): Google Drive: 光頭嘅獵人 有個男人自從甩晒啲頭髮之後,就開始戴假髮。有一日佢出咗去打獵。嗰陣啲風吹得好勁,佢頂帽都戴唔到幾耐,好快就俾一陣強風吹甩咗,連假髮都吹走埋。同佢一齊打獵啲人見到都覺得勁搞笑。佢自己都唔介意笑埋一份,就話:「嗰啲頭髮連自己原本個頭都黐唔實,唔怪得唔黐我啦。」
Reading Cantonese: The Rain Cloud (雨雲)
มุมมอง 1014 วันที่ผ่านมา
Read the fable in English (retold by J. H. Stickney): Google Drive: 雨雲 有一大嚿雲好快咁飄過咗一個徹底俾熱力蒸乾咗嘅國家,冇落過一滴雨去滋潤下面嗰笪乾旱嘅地。過咗冇幾耐,佢經過個海嗰陣,淋咗極大量嘅雨水落海。之後佢就好得意咁大聲講自己頭先落雨落得幾疏爽,好似驚海邊嗰座山聽唔到咁。 不過座山咁樣答佢:「你以為落場大雨等如做咗善事呀?真係睇到都覺得心悒呀。如果你頭先啲雨係落喺笪地度,話唔定嗰度成區就唔使鬧饑荒㗎啦。海裏面有大把水啦,使你幫佢加呀?」
Reading Cantonese: The Oxen and the Wheels (牛同車轆)
มุมมอง 1321 วันที่ผ่านมา
Read the fable in English: Google Drive: 牛同車轆 鄉間一段泥路上面,有兩隻牛一齊拉緊架車,車上裝住好重嘅嘢。佢哋用盡全力先拉得郁架車,但係都冇出聲呻過自己幾咁辛苦。 架車啲轆就同啲牛好唔同嘅。同啲拉車嘅牛相比,佢哋要做嘅嘢只係轉圈,明明輕鬆好多,重一路整啲吱吱聲出嚟,不停嘰嘰趷趷。 啲牛要用全身嘅力,喺層厚厚嘅泥上面拉車,本來已經夠慘,重被迫要聽住啲轆大大聲咁投訴。你都諗到佢哋捱啲噪音捱得幾辛苦啦。 啲牛終於忍無可忍,大叫:「同我收聲呀!你哋啲轆喺度嘈乜呀?而家拉車嗰個係你哋咩?我哋都未話啲嘢重,你哋嘈咩呀?」 最唔使捱嗰個先最多聲氣。
Reading Cantonese: The Lion and the Three Bulls (獅子同三隻公牛)
มุมมอง 921 วันที่ผ่านมา
Read the fable in English (translated by V. S. Vernon Jones): Google Drive: 獅子同三隻公牛 草地上面有三隻公牛喺度食草,有隻獅子一直𥄫住佢哋。佢想捉咗啲牛嚟食,只係擔心佢哋三隻夾埋一齊反抗嘅話,自己一個會唔夠打,所以佢第一步就係同啲牛打毒針,細聲講啲大話同啲有骨嘅嘢畀佢哋聽,挑起佢哋之間嘅妒忌心,破壞佢哋對彼此嘅信 。 佢嘅離間計好成功,好快就令啲牛對彼此越嚟越冷漠同唔友善,最後甚至刻意自己行開食草,唔再見面。隻獅子一見佢哋分散晒,就先後撲咗去三個唔同地方,分三次將佢哋殺晒。 朋友嗌交,外敵就有...
Reading Cantonese: The Spider and the Silkworm (蜘蛛同蠶蟲)
มุมมอง 1021 วันที่ผ่านมา
可笑,但係都有啲可悲呀。 Read the fable in English: Google Drive: 蜘蛛同蠶蟲 有隻蜘蛛好忙咁織緊網,想將個網由間房嘅一邊,一直織過去另一邊。有條好勤力嘅蠶蟲見佢咁忙,就問佢為乜要花咁多時間同功夫,整咁多條線同咁多個圈出嚟。隻蜘蛛就好嬲咁答:「唔好煩住我呀!你條蠶蟲識啲咩呀?我將我織網嘅技藝留畀後世,第時一定會好出名。」佢啱啱先講完,有個女僕就走咗入間房餵啲蠶蟲。佢見隻蜘蛛喺度織緊網,就用把掃把掃咗佢一下。佢唔單止掃走咗隻蜘蛛,重整爛埋佢辛苦織嗰個可以令佢一舉成名嘅網。
Reading Cantonese: The Dogs and the Cook (狗同廚師)
มุมมอง 1421 วันที่ผ่านมา
Read the fable in English (translated by Leo Wiener): Google Drive: 狗同廚師 有個廚師喺度煮飯,嗰陣啲狗都瞓晒喺廚房門口。廚師劏咗一隻牛仔,抌晒佢啲內臟出庭院度。啲狗執咗啲內臟食,食完都話: 「喂,呢個廚師掂呀,真係識煮嘢食。」 過咗一陣,廚師洗完啲青豆、蘿蔔同洋蔥,又抌咗啲廚餘出嚟。啲狗又走埋去,但係今次乜都冇執嚟食就話: 「我哋個廚師整啲嘢難食咗。佢之前煮得好好食㗎,但係而家已經唔得啦。」 不過廚師冇理啲狗,繼續照自己嘅方法煮餸。餐飯煮嚟係畀一家人食,唔係畀狗食㗎。全家食完都讚廚師煮得好味。
From CantoneseSpokenHK (2024-10-16)
มุมมอง 1728 วันที่ผ่านมา
From CantoneseSpokenHK (2024-10-16)
Reading Cantonese: The Stag and His Reflection (雄鹿嘅倒影)
มุมมอง 1428 วันที่ผ่านมา
Read the fable in English (illustrated by Milo Winter): Google Drive: 雄鹿嘅倒影 有隻雄鹿喺度飲緊泉水。啲水清到好似一塊鏡咁,照咗佢自己嘅倒影出嚟。佢真係覺得自己對角嘅線條彎得好優美,但係幾隻腳就瘦到成條柴咁,佢望到就想搵窿瓹。 佢一邊講,一邊嘆氣:「我有對咁華麗嘅角,點解啲腳偏偏要生成咁呀?」 跟住佢忽然就聞到附近有豹嘅味,即刻逃走。佢喺樹林入面不停咁跳,但係頭上嗰對分叉嘅角叉得太開,跳跳下就棘住咗啲樹枝,好快隻豹已經追咗上嚟。嗰陣隻鹿終於明白,如果唔係頭上嗰啲睇得唔用得嘅裝飾阻住,嗰幾隻佢咁嫌棄嘅腳...
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Flies and the Honey
มุมมอง 156หลายเดือนก่อน
Read the fable in English: Google Drive: 烏蠅同蜜糖 枱上面有一罌倒瀉咗嘅蜜糖,裡面啲甜溜溜嘅糖漿流晒出枱面。啲蜜糖嘅甜味好快就吸引咗一大群飛到嗡嗡聲嘅烏蠅。呢班不請自來嘅食客直接飛落一片蜜糖之中,食到停唔到口。好快佢哋已經食到成身黐滿蜜糖,連翼都黐住咗,腳都俾糖漿黏住晒,抽唔返出嚟。佢哋就係因為試咗蜜糖嘅甜頭,結果連條命都冇埋。 唔好貪一時嘅甜頭,因為你可能會害死自己。
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Mother and the Wolf
มุมมอง 892 หลายเดือนก่อน
Read the fable in English (illustrated by Milo Winter): Google Drive: 媽媽同狼 某條村嘅邊緣有間屋仔,有隻餓狼一大早就喺嗰度附近徘徊,搵落手嘅目標。佢搵緊嘅時候,聽到個細路嘅喊聲,由屋裡面傳咗出嚟。跟住佢聽到個阿媽咁講:「𭉝,唔好再嘈啦!再喊我就攞你去餵狼㗎啦!」 隻狼聽佢咁講,雖然覺得出奇,但係一諗到就嚟有好嘢食,就開心到直接停喺個開住嘅窗下面等,隨時準備攞餐。雖然個細路一直冇停過扭計,但係隻狼等咗成日都重未有嘢食。等到天就嚟黑嗰陣,隻狼再聽到個阿媽把聲。佢抱住個BB坐喺窗邊,唱歌氹佢瞓覺。 「好乖喎...
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Stag and the Vineyard
มุมมอง 502 หลายเดือนก่อน
Read the fable in English (translated by Leo Wiener): Google Drive: 葡萄園裏面嘅鹿 有隻雄鹿俾啲獵人追殺,匿咗入個葡萄園度。佢見啲獵人搵唔到自己喺邊,就開始咬啲藤蔓嘅葉嚟食。 啲獵人留意到啲葉喺度郁緊,就諗:「啲葉下面肯定有隻動物。」佢哋開槍射傷咗隻雄鹿。 隻鹿臨死嘅時候話:「救命嘅葉都想食,真係抵我死㗎。」
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Lion and the Hare
มุมมอง 422 หลายเดือนก่อน
Read the fable in English (translated by George Fyler Townsend): Google Drive: 獅子同野兔 有隻獅子搵到隻瞓得好稔嘅野兔,準備捉實佢嗰陣,忽然見到一隻又靚又嫩嘅雄鹿快步跑過,就抌低隻兔仔去追隻鹿。啲聲嘈醒咗隻野兔,嚇到佢跑走咗。獅子追咗隻鹿好耐之後,結果都係捉唔到佢,就想返去食隻兔仔。佢去到先發現隻野兔都已經走咗,就話:「我真係自己攞嚟㗎,已經到手嘅嘢食唔要,就係為咗試下搵唔搵到多啲返嚟。」
Cantonese vocabulary: Theme park
มุมมอง 162 หลายเดือนก่อน
主題公園 / 主題樂園 噴水池 fountain 氣球 balloon 紀念品 souvenir 表演 performance 展覽 exhibit 機動遊戲 ride 巡遊 parade 花車 float BB車 / 嬰兒車 stroller, pram 隊 queue 人龍 / 長龍 long queue 過山車 roller coaster 摩天輪 ferris wheel 旋轉木馬 carousel 咖啡杯 / 旋轉杯 spinning teacups 碰碰車 bumper cars 飛天鞦韆 swing carousel 海盜船 pirate ship 跳樓機 drop tower 鬼屋 haunted house
Cantonese vocabulary: Music 1
มุมมอง 282 หลายเดือนก่อน
音樂 1 曲 / 樂曲 piece of music 旋律 melody 伴奏 accompaniment 聲部 part 速度 tempo 節奏 rhythm 拍子 / 拍 beat 音 note 和音 consonance 撞音 dissonance 音高 pitch 音量 volume 音域 range 音色 timbre 樂器 instrument 樂譜 sheet music, score 拍子機 metronome 譜架 music stand 指揮棒 baton 管弦樂團 orchestra
Cantonese vocabulary: Animals 1
มุมมอง 372 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese vocabulary: Animals 1
Cantonese vocabulary: Electronic devices
มุมมอง 303 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese vocabulary: Electronic devices
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Birds in the Net
มุมมอง 1413 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Birds in the Net
Cantonese vocabulary: Preparing food (verbs)
มุมมอง 283 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese vocabulary: Preparing food (verbs)
Cantonese vocabulary: Attitude 1
มุมมอง 393 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese vocabulary: Attitude 1
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Old Hound
มุมมอง 1333 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Old Hound
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Old Man, His Son, and the Ass
มุมมอง 1083 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Old Man, His Son, and the Ass
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Sleeping Princess
มุมมอง 964 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Sleeping Princess
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Hares and the Frogs
มุมมอง 1614 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Hares and the Frogs
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Ants and the Grasshopper
มุมมอง 1464 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Ants and the Grasshopper
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Shepherd Boy by Brothers Grimm
มุมมอง 495 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Shepherd Boy by Brothers Grimm
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Fox and the Mosquitoes
มุมมอง 1335 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Fox and the Mosquitoes
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Dog and the Crocodile
มุมมอง 1295 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Dog and the Crocodile
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Tortoise and the Birds
มุมมอง 1316 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Tortoise and the Birds
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Porcupine and the Snakes
มุมมอง 1166 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cantonese audiobook (粵語有聲書): The Porcupine and the Snakes


  • @whatnot4919
    @whatnot4919 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @whatnot4919
    @whatnot4919 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @cantonesespokenhk8326
      @cantonesespokenhk8326 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      多謝鼓勵:) 時間有限,錄音確實盡咗力啦

  • @なつみかん-h2d
    @なつみかん-h2d 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like Cantonese. I subscribed to your channel😊

    • @cantonesespokenhk8326
      @cantonesespokenhk8326 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you🙂 nice to have you here in my little library on the net

  • @CanisMajoris-k9k
    @CanisMajoris-k9k 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    多謝,小姐! 你嘅videos對我有好大嘅幫助喇!

  • @marcochan3622
    @marcochan3622 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @cantonesespokenhk8326
      @cantonesespokenhk8326 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      多謝你:) 得閒再見!

    • @marcochan3622
      @marcochan3622 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@cantonesespokenhk8326 加油

  • @cantonesespokenhk8326
    @cantonesespokenhk8326 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    王子聽完就話:「燕子呀,你見過咁多呢啲我以前諗都未諗過嘅嘢,不過呢個世界重有啲嘢係更加難以置信㗎──男男女女為咗生存痛苦掙扎……世上未解嘅謎再多,都冇一個比呢種煎熬更加難解。燕子,去兜個圈,睇下我呢座城而家變成點啦,然後返嚟話畀我聽。」 燕子喺呢座大城市嘅上空飛,見到豪宅裡面玩樂嘅有錢人,同埋大宅門外坐嘅乞兒。佢飛入啲暗巷,見到啲捱餓嘅細路仔面色蒼白,眼都瞠唔太開,只係望住俾陰影籠罩嘅街道。 兩個攤喺橋底嘅男仔話:「好肚餓呀!」佢哋凍到要攬埋一齊保暖。 「呢度唔准瞓覺!」巡更嘅人大聲趕佢哋走,佢哋就由橋底慢慢行返出嚟溚雨。 跟住佢就飛返去,同王子講自己見到嘅嘢。 王子就話:「我全身都鍍咗一層金㗎,你一定要幫我,將佢逐片剝落嚟,派畀啲窮人。在生嘅人個個都係咁㗎,見到金就好開心。」 燕子啄落嚟嘅金箔一片接住一片,快樂王子個像逐漸變到又灰又暗。一片又一片嘅金箔由佢送到窮人手上,啲細路仔嘅面色就慢慢紅潤返。佢哋笑住喺街上玩遊戲,個個都話:「我哋有麵包食啦!」 然後就落雪啦,跟住再結埋霜。雪後嘅街睇落就同銀鋪成嘅一樣,閃閃發光。垂落各家各戶屋簷嘅冰條就好似一把把晶瑩剔透嘅匕首。街上嘅人個個著晒皮草,重有啲戴住鮮紅色帽嘅細路仔喺度溜冰。 可憐嘅燕子越嚟越凍,但係始終唔肯離開王子身邊。佢太愛王子啦。佢試過靠拍翼幫自己保暖,又趁麵包師傅唔為意嘅時候,執門口啲麵包碎食;但係最後佢都明白,唔使幾耐自己就會凍死。佢重勉強夠力飛上王子膊頭最後一次,有氣冇力咁講:「拜拜啦,王子,我最鍾意嘅王子……我可唔可以錫你隻手呀?」 王子就話:「你終於肯飛去埃及啦,燕子,咁我就放心啦。你喺度留咗太耐啦。不過臨走你要錫我嘅話,梗係錫個嘴啦。我好鍾意你㗎。」 燕子就答:「唔係去埃及呀……係去死呀。不過死呢,其實就係瞓覺瞓耐啲啫,講得啱唔啱呀?」 佢喺王子嘅嘴唇上面錫咗一下,就跌咗落嚟,死咗喺佢腳邊。就係嗰一刻,雕像裡面突然啪咗一聲,好似有啲嘢爛咗咁,其實就係嗰個鉛造嘅心一下裂成咗兩半。呢年冬天都真係凍得好誇張呀。 第二日一早,市長同啲議員一齊喺廣場度行緊。佢哋經過條柱嗰陣,市長望到上面個像,就話: 「嘩!快樂王子個樣殘到咁嘅!」 「係囉,殘到咁嘅!」啲市議員嘅睇法幾時都同市長咁夾㗎。佢哋講完就行近啲去睇。 市長都係有嗰句講嗰句:「佢把劍甩咗粒紅寶石,成對眼唔見埋,全身冇一笪金色嘅,唔講真係以為係乞兒呀!」 啲市議員又跟住講:「真係成個乞兒咁呀。」 跟住市長又話:「佢腳邊重有隻死咗嘅雀!我哋真係要公開呼籲全城居民,唔好由得啲雀仔死喺呢度。」市政府嘅秘書就記低咗呢個提議。 於是佢哋搵人拆咗快樂王子個像落嚟。 喺大學教美術個教授話:「個像唔靚,即係冇用㗎啦。」 佢哋就搵咗間鑄造廠熔咗個像。之後,市長主持咗次市政會議,傾下要點處置嗰啲熔出嚟嘅金屬。 佢話:「好明顯我哋係一定要換過個新嘅像──咁換我嗰個上去就得㗎啦。」 在場議員個個七嘴八舌咁話:「換我個像先啱呀。」好快全部人都喺度嗌交。我上次聽人講起嗰陣,佢哋都重喺度拗緊。 「呢個爛心勁古怪喎!」鑄造廠度個工頭話:「係鉛造嘅,但係熔唔到嘅!惟有抌咗佢啦。」啲工人就抌咗個心落垃圾堆。同一堆垃圾度,嗰隻死咗嘅燕子都喺埋度。 「帶城裡面最珍貴嗰兩樣嘢嚟畀我。」神咁樣同一個天使講,天使就帶咗個鉛心同埋隻死咗嘅雀仔返嚟畀佢。 神話:「你揀啱咗。呢隻雀仔會一直喺我嘅樂園裡面唱歌;而喺我嘅黃金之城入面,快樂王子就會傳頌我個名到永遠。」

  • @waltermorgan7628
    @waltermorgan7628 ปีที่แล้ว

    🤗 "Promo sm"

  • @mcm1628
    @mcm1628 ปีที่แล้ว

    期待新片 !

  • @mcm1628
    @mcm1628 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @yooooy7795
    @yooooy7795 ปีที่แล้ว

    你好👋 我係日本人。 你可唔可以用 the number for each 漢字? 因為廣東話太多難to catch the tone of it. 你好(nei5 hou2) I believe it makes it much easier for Cantonese learners to memorise the tone. Btw thank you for your very useful videos! 多謝晒🎉

    • @cantonesespokenhk8326
      @cantonesespokenhk8326 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hello🙂 i've given some thought to your suggestion. I've tried to learn another tonal language before, and i know sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the tones. I don't have enough time to add jyutping to every single video i make but i can do this for the playlist about cantonese grammar. I've added jyutping to this video. i think you will see it now, after turning on subtitles. I'll see if i can add jyutping to 1 or 2 more videos tomorrow🤔 btw japanese is not easy for cantonese speakers either😅

  • @luswyr8254
    @luswyr8254 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you ❤

    • @cantonesespokenhk8326
      @cantonesespokenhk8326 ปีที่แล้ว

      so happy to be part of your learning experience... and nice to see you here again too🙂

  • @luswyr8254
    @luswyr8254 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are amazing. Your grammar series is the best

  • @cantonesespokenhk8326
    @cantonesespokenhk8326 ปีที่แล้ว

    出 out 屋 house 佢哋跑咗出屋。 They ran out of the house. 佢哋喺出面。 They are outside. 佢哋喺屋外面。 They are outside the house. 佢哋喺出面玩緊。 They are playing outside. 佢哋喺屋外面玩緊。 They are playing outside the house. 店 shop, store 佢哋喺店外面。 They are outside the store. 佢哋喺店外面等緊。 They are waiting outside the store. 落 down (into) 落水 into the water 佢跌咗落水。 He fell into the water. 潛 to dive 佢潛咗落水底。 He dived underwater. 銀仔 coin 抌 to throw 佢抌咗個銀仔。 She threw the coin away. 佢抌咗個銀仔落水。 She threw the coin into the water. 一個井 a well 佢抌咗個銀仔落個井。 She threw the coin into the well. 跌 to fall / let fall 佢跌咗個銀仔。 She dropped a coin. 佢跌咗個銀仔落地。 She dropped a coin (and it fell) to the ground. 袋 bag 低 down 放低個袋。 Put down the bag. 佢放低咗個袋。 She put the bag down. 佢放低咗個袋喺地下。 She put the bag on the ground. 佢踎低咗。 She crouched down. / She squatted down. 佢坐低咗。 She sat down. 執起 pick up 佢執起咗個銀仔。 She picked up the coin. 盒 box 一個盒 a box 嗰度有個盒。 There is a box. 盒入面 in the box 盒入面有冇嘢? Is there anything in the box? 盒入面有嘢。 There are things in the box. (The box is not empty.) 盒入面有啲嘢。 There is something in the box. 有啲嘢喺盒入面。 Something is in the box. 啲嘢喺盒入面。 The things are in the box. 出嚟 out 攞啲嘢出嚟。 Take the things out. 攞盒入面啲嘢出嚟。 Take the things out of the box. 攞晒盒入面啲嘢出嚟。 Take everything out of the box. 入去 into 擺 to place, put 擺啲嘢入去。 Put the things inside. 擺返啲嘢入去。 Put the things back inside. 擺返啲嘢入個盒。 Put the things back into the box. 擺返晒啲嘢入個盒。 Put everything back into the box.

  • @luswyr8254
    @luswyr8254 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would love grammar on verbs with prepositions. 喺雪櫃囉啲嘢出嚟。擺個蘋果喺台上面 etc. But maybe even more complicated such as take the apple out of the bag in my room for my mother. Thanks so much!!

    • @cantonesespokenhk8326
      @cantonesespokenhk8326 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for your suggestion:) I'll try to include some sentences like these in the next video about grammar, but I prefer to use shorter sentences here, to keep things simple, and hopefully easier to understand and get used to in a short time.

    • @luswyr8254
      @luswyr8254 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cantonesespokenhk8326 Thanks, I think you must have had training to be a cantonese teacher because your teaching method is EXCELLENT, very much like my trained mandarin teachers method :D Effective and simple

    • @cantonesespokenhk8326
      @cantonesespokenhk8326 ปีที่แล้ว

      This means a lot to me. don't know what else to say. I'll thank you with the next video when it is ready:)

  • @luswyr8254
    @luswyr8254 ปีที่แล้ว

    So useful can’t wait for more. Thanks !!

  • @cccEngineer
    @cccEngineer ปีที่แล้ว


    • @cantonesespokenhk8326
      @cantonesespokenhk8326 ปีที่แล้ว

      多謝你意見:) 我啱啱聽返都覺得呢條文法片係快過之前嗰啲,之後嗰啲我會留意講返慢少少㗎啦

  • @Daniel-cc6gm
    @Daniel-cc6gm ปีที่แล้ว


  • @cccEngineer
    @cccEngineer ปีที่แล้ว

    These videos are great!!

  • @kissbutterkiss
    @kissbutterkiss ปีที่แล้ว

    Yey! Thank you so much!!

  • @kissbutterkiss
    @kissbutterkiss ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for your videos! Your videos are so helpful!

  • @annavinsensiakoli
    @annavinsensiakoli ปีที่แล้ว

    This is fantastic. Thank you for upload.

  • @kenshakar7794
    @kenshakar7794 ปีที่แล้ว

    Greetings from kenopensky. Happy new year!

  • @auduinriver
    @auduinriver ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you! It's a sad but touching story and wonderfully narrated!