- 13
- 102 845
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 13 มี.ค. 2006
Plentziako itsasadarra eta inguruak - Txipio Bai 1996
Txipio Bai elkarte naturalistak 1996an egindako bideoa, Plentziako itsasadarraren, Gorlizko badiaren eta inguruko itsaslabarren balio ekologikoak nabarmenduz.
มุมมอง: 236
John Bolduan Bilbon
มุมมอง 52713 ปีที่แล้ว
TVEko Destino España saioan atera zuten John Bolduan, bilbotartutako missouriar kantari eta gitarra jotzaile euskalduna.
irratia.com 1.0 Bertatik Bertara saioan
มุมมอง 18214 ปีที่แล้ว
2000ko azaroaren 1ean sareratu zen irratia.com euskal irrati digitala. ETBn 2001an grabatutako saio honetan orduko 1.0 bertsioaren ezaugarriak azaltzen agertzen gara. Artean pezetetan ordaintzen den...
irratia.com #100 spota - Basque Digital Shepherds' Meeting
มุมมอง 43417 ปีที่แล้ว
irratia.com irratsaioak abenduaren 5ean emitituko du bere 100. saioa (eta podcasta) Bilboko Kafe Antzokitik zuzenean 22:00etan. Hemen duzue iragarkia.
Hondartza Galduan - Ruper Ordorika Kafe Antzokian
มุมมอง 3K17 ปีที่แล้ว
Ruper Ordorika eta Jon Piris Bilboko Kafe Antzokian
Sahararen alde San Mamesen - Athletic con el Sahara
มุมมอง 21K17 ปีที่แล้ว
Santa Ageda bezperan urtero Arratiako koruak dirua batzen du kantuz. Aurten San Mamesera eroan dabe Saharauien jateko premia larria. Eurek bildutako diruaz PTM-Mundubat GKEk garapen proiektuak ordainduko ditu errefuxiatuen kanpamenduetan.
Txakurkalea Bilbon - Pascual Molongua
มุมมอง 1.3K18 ปีที่แล้ว
Txakurkalea proiektuaren aurkezpenean Pascual Molongua kantari. Hainbat taldek esku hartu dute bideoa eta musika konbinatzen dituen proiektu honetan.
International march against Morocco's wall of shame
มุมมอง 10K18 ปีที่แล้ว
May 2005, an international demonstration asks the demolishion of the Moroccan built wall, a 2.500 Km long berm protected by mines, barbed wire and more than 100.000 Moroccan soldiers, which separates the zone of Western Sahara occupied by Morocco and the freed zone under control of the Sahrawis' Polisario front.
Jata menditik itsas aldera
มุมมอง 69318 ปีที่แล้ว
Jata mendiko puntatik ateratako ikuspegia: Gorliz, Armintza, Bakio, Sollube.
Glimpses of the Basque Country
มุมมอง 55K18 ปีที่แล้ว
A short video on the Basque Country taken from the Basque Culture Institute's website: www.eke.org
Bilboko Kafe Antzokiak 10 urte
มุมมอง 2.5K18 ปีที่แล้ว
Bilboko Kafe Antzokiak 10 urte bete zituen 2005eko abenduaren 15ean. Ospakizunerako bideo labur bat prestatu zuen Kafe Antzokiak, bertatik igarotako hainbat artista eta lagunen argazkiekin. This short videoclip shows some pictures taken at the Kafe Antzokia venue in Bilbao.
Beautiful country.... beautiful people... rich culture.
Captain_SNAFU:El origen del apellido Nungaray está en la provincia de Gipuzkoa y en Iparralde(zona francesa).Viene de la palabra NUNZI,que en castellano es"Tamajo"(es un arbusto)y la palabra GARAI,que significa"alto"o"cima".El primer ancestro con este apellido apareció en México en 1700,en Nochistlán(Zacatecas)y se llamaba Antonio Nungaray.
Viva la Marocco From Holanda we all are brothers
wrong. they are an iranian people who adopted a lost, ancient anatolian language group. like uralic, for example; which is another Aryan language group that originated from the Caucauses, like Indo-European. Basques are as Aryan as other Europeans. They are thought to be pre-Celts who did not assimilate into Indo-European cultures, like their Celtic counterparts. You are suggesting Basques are another branch of Caucasians, when they aren't. They are totally Aryan.
Uh, no. Basques ARE Aryans. By race. All European Caucasians are Aryans, even the non Indo-European cultures. They are related to Celtic people, and it's believed that they speak a language group that all whites spoke, before Indo-European cultures formed. Caucasians that speak Uralic and Iranian languages are also Aryans. Basques are Aryans too. All white people, not just Indo-Europeans, The only exception being Jews and Arabs, who come from the Semitic branch of Caucasians.
ah. You're right. Sorry. I posted this when I was totally uninformed about Europe. I've done much more research since I posted this comment/theory. I have done research and realize that it is Berbers actually being a Semitic culture, while Basques are Aryan Caucasian, like the rest of Europe. Anyway, they must be pre-Celts.
hahaha viva Marocco
you are right..i just counted 40 people in the international march..hahahahaha cinema
is this Hollywood...
Scratch that, my firm belief is that they're a Celtic tribe that got isolated from other Celtic tribes. Aquitanian/Basque may have evolved and transformed so tremendously that it's probably difficult to distinguish it as a Celtic language now. Apparently, genetically, they are related to Irish and other Celts.
I think they're Berbers. That is, white Morrocos that traveled up to Spain and to the Pyrenees, during the Muslim conqueration of the Iberian Peninsula. There is also another theory that Aquitanian/Basque is an evolved and Latinized dialect of Egyptian Arabic dialect, and that Basques are descendents of ancient enslaved Europeans that escaped from Arab Egyptians, traveled West to Morocco then North, forming a tribe and new dialect and settling in the Pyrenees.
aww I love Ireland :) I've been there twice,amazing country with amazing people!
Irish people are good people.
god bless my father's home land, Basque country. peace to all.
and what is your point?
I am basque and I believe that our culture shall not be forgotten, but also as our culture must not be forgotten, these people who gave this fantastic land a good reputation cannot be forgotten either characters like Blas de Lezo, Miguel de Unamuno, and the list goes on and on. I am basque but I am also Spanish. By the way, this video is completely biased.
@cine2221 i am from the basque country and you should read a little bit more about us, before calliing us racist! its not being racist or not, we only revindicate our culture and language. The same culture and language that the spanish and french wanted to destroy. PD: im sorry about my english, my level isnt very high =)
Long live united Spain! That it's what makes Spain unique, different languages and customs!
I know of 3 race variations Black, Asian, White... like primary colors. Blood types are A, B, AB, or O. Genes are X, Y recessive and dominant. Our species has variation: the evolution theory isn't completely out of the question. All of the above mixed like paint on a convas, it's called shading. ART 101 & Anthropology 101 might teach a lesson about your existence and the entire history of world. Experience it... It might open your mind up.
It's a shame to see so many people mislead. Many scholars who have power always deceive us for personal gain. They try to convince the world how different we are when are constantly deceived by our own history. I feel sorry for people who are brain washed into this system and feel superior because of their skin color. Like who really cares! There's ugly people inside and out everywhere. Any kind of people can have the worst features, physically, history, minds and morals. are rotten.That's ugly!
People have the right to practice their belief, but they should question it. Sometimes our beliefs can be morally wrong and be contradictive. People languages are different, but even languages have influences from other idioms. It's like music. When are people human homo sapiens whatever color just going to realize we changed things due to our creativity to be different, to stand out amongst the rest, power, and greed. We did this to ourselves because we are born to create and destroy then lie.
Iberia sounds similar to Siberia without S... C'mon People! Regardless of class structure, everyone is mixed. I don't believe that their are any special people. Languages are important regardless what you look like. The fact people want to separate race to feel superior makes them racist. It creates racism. Instead of making people understanding, exploring various custom, rituals, languages, music, dance & open themselves other ideologies. Everyone's branded like clothes line. Disgrace;Disgust.
we let u dream hhhh and les chien aboie la caravane passe
viva maruecos desde tanger hasta lguira viva el rey hasta la muerte alah alwatan almalik aupa el rey de maruecos we love u forever
si hay una problima entre eta y los españoles no hay problema entre los maroqui lo se que esta gente dar mala imagine pra maruecos pero todo el mundo quiere maruecos y los maroquis si mirais el vicepresidente de sarko es dati maroqui y alcalde de roterdam es maroqui in beljik....... si no sientes verguenza haz lo qui quieres
very informative and such beautiful music.
@Kavkazec basques is ancient of 3500 years as their English and welsh brothers, the R1b forefather group of Basque - Celtic and germanic is originally from Volga, but from the Siberia.
@XJorgeLorenzoSpain1X basques are invaders native north of Garonne and French Brittany (Vardules, Wascons), they pervade the north of Spain from the 6/7th century having conquered wisigoths then Charlemagne and the germanic troops, their descendant also occupies for 50 % Galicie and for 70 % the Catalonia, but not elsewhere in Spain.
whatever you say sahara belongs to morocco otherwise barely fifty people were regrouped and you name this a INTERNATIONAL MARCH lol u should inquire about the green march
1/4 danish 1/4 english 1/4 scotish 1/4 french/basque
Freedom to Western Sahara. Viva la RASD. From a spaniard my best regards to all this people and the young who fight inside the occupy territories against the Morrocco invasion.
ce jeu va bientot finir avec la perte des espagnol et le polisario sortez de chez nous et laissez nous tranquill mellez vous de vos problem
@PremierLeague2010 Catalunya!!!!!!!
Jabi, Patxi! Zuen twitterrean ikusi berri dut, ze gazte zaudeten biak :P Urte askoz gehiagoz, irratia.com gozatu!
I am proudly Basque in blood.
@akumie that's preciselly why it is called the Basque COUNTRY - el PAIS Vasco, Euskal-HERRIa, BaskeLAND , Paese basco Страна на баските, Баскские земли Tír na m Bascach, Gwlad y Basg et al. because it already is ( always has been) one Country, melón. P.S. defind COUNTRY please :) Eskerrik asko
long live basque country and Rufi Etxeberria... great from kurdistan
Basque Country new potencial country!!!
Euska herri maitia!!! Beti bihotzean!!! Gora Euskal Herria Askatuta!!!
Basques and Bretons are genetically the single people, and that they are in Spain or in France change nothing.
cromagnon-iberian (Yugoslavian 40 %, French 10 %) or Viking (Finnish 75 %, Scandinavian 25 %, German 20 %, brittons and Basque 12 %) is one of the elements European, but 46 % of the European (Gaelic, Saxon) are indo-european R1b. Basque = proto-Celtic 73 % R1b, 12 % or more I, I1 Viking, and Slavonic 10/5 % R1a, but not of G or of J as at the Armenians or Georgians. Basque are very close of English Brittons and Bretons of France.
im basque (euskalduna)and i have and other video of my country. enter in yotuve "theagint"
Thank you for the video. Do you have more videos on the Basque Country? Thanks
iceblue775: Your surnameis as Basque as they come, and it means in Spanish "el alto de la colina= Nun or nuin, colina and garay=alto o en lo alto y tambien puede significar, granero u horreo. Por tanto nungarai or nungaray puede ser, lo alto de la colina o el granero en la colina. Garay is very popular in the Basque country, either in the French side or the Spanish one. saludos algunos apellidos con garay:
DNA studies have shown that most people in the British isles are descended from the same bronze age people from the Basque region.
LOL, Are you sure we're not related!? My family moved to Trujillo, Zacatecas, Mexico. And from the research I've done, yes, it's Basque.
Yes my great grandparents left Spain in the early 19th century to settle in Guadalajara, Mexico. Nungaray is not a common sur name in Spain so thats why I was wondering if it is Basque>>