I think this social media post is very serious and raises several huge issues: 1. In my country Canada, 17 years old is considered a minor, meaning sex as a 40-year-old is not only considered inappropriate, but illegal because as a minor, you are not fully mature. There is a power imbalance here. He should not have sex and prey upon a minor. 2. You are not the only minor he has had sex with. This is a pattern, not a coincidence. 3. He makes pornography and calls it a “trophy.” Again, repeatedly. 4. He blackmails his former lovers. He didn’t delete the images. His solution to a woman's protest was to replace porn with more porn. If what you have said is true, this is not the case of a lonely guy feeling heartbroken over a break up with a nice girl, trying to maintain a friendship. Instead, it is someone who has and values the maintenance of incredible leverage over his sexual partners. I believe women have gone to the police over much less. Julia: If this is true, you should go to the police to prevent this person from sharing your image without your consent. I support you, but I believe TH-cam is not the place for this. One last thing, I write all this from the perspective of a 38-year-old Christian man, that romantic relationships should be about getting to know one another and whether you both can do life together; And that sex should be reserved for when you both can be fully vulnerable to each other and have commited to stick with each other for life, after marriage. I understand different cultures have differing social norms and perspectives, but even if the genders, ages, or ethnicities were reversed, I believe anyone can agree that someone who is being blackmailed should be protected.
He is really bad, and having the picture of someone who is under 18 isn't legal. I have to say, he doesn't treat you like a person, and this will make you distrust other boys. Anyway, we will support you and hope you can find a better one.
It's a pity that you met the wrong people and things in Taiwan. Maybe you can come to Taiwan again if you have the opportunity. I wish you all the best in the future.
我是不信妳啦,一直賣慘刷人設已經過頭了。 沒跟多少渣女交手過的處男才會信這一套。 看過太多想從男人身上榨取好處沒得手反咬的案例, 不要以為小女生就不會有壞心思。 現在的女人比你們這些處男想得還會玩。
What about Bangkok
her eating french fries chips 5:19
Жахлива історія, сподіваюсь все наладится, привіт із Чорткова і Аватарії))))
Taiwan is a very tasteless place with overly low power distance among ppl. Dont need to explain, just enjoy your life onwards.
You seem to be incapable of self-reflection.What a pack of lies,young lady!
click like to support Tony!
@ thank you bro
@@Judaspig How can a 40 year old man be pursued by a highschool girl? You have no conscience..
男方也出來說明了, 我認為你問題更大!! 根本價值觀偏差了, 情緒管理有問題而且把世界想得太簡單 你很快會被這世界教訓的 , 利用你的外表假裝很弱勢, 但事實根本不是如此 你只是再利用男人
一個未成年女生,願意跟一個40多歲的老男人交配,你自己沒問題?捫心自問沒有貪圖對方什麼? 說到底這也犯法了,你真的有理有據,趕快去提告
17歲,只要雙方合意,沒犯法,好嗎!😂 我記得未滿16才犯法
這不只是男方的問題吧? Julia後來還自願去泰國的"俱樂部"工作, 聽說薪水很高, 代表她本身可能就是願意為了錢跟利益而出賣自己肉體的女性, 只是這次沒在男方身上討到好處, 還被趕出來, 心有不甘才把事情鬧到上檯面吧? 如果真的有證據, 那就不需要在這裡玩與論戰了, 直接上法院提告就解決了, 會還在這裡帶風向跟與論, 多半是因為證據可能無法替自己的說詞站的住腳吧? 男方大這麼多歲的戀愛通常裡面都伴隨著金錢方面的物質利益, 男方有錢, 女方有姿色, 而女方吃虧時, 也會試圖把自己打造成受害者的角色, 但裡面自己真的一點問題都沒有嗎? 我不是很相信這一點, 這只是女方一方的說詞, 目前為止都只有女方出來講, 男方呢? 男方的說詞都不用聽不用採信就咬定是男方的錯? 這就沒有問題嗎? 台灣只要是男人不善待外國女人就是錯? 我覺得鄉民們的邏輯需要改變, 要是Julia那麼善良無知, 她怎麼會知道泰國的俱樂部? 還知道去那裡工作很多錢賺? 我們都知道泰國的俱樂部賣的都是年輕女人的肉體, 世界各國的男性現在都往那裡跑, 這樣的女人, 來台灣跟一個40歲的男人交往, 你跟我說都是男的錯, 我真的不相信, 你要是跟我說一個年輕拜金女討錢討不到還被趕走而憤怒的鬧上檯面, 我還比較願意相信, 最有可能的, 不就是包養出了問題, 雙方吵架, 最後女方想要毀掉男方, 讓男方社會性死亡嗎? 看事情如果這麼偏頗一方又這麼看表面, 是很有問題的
哪裡有到俱樂部的資料?? 來源來自哪
@@大衛葛格 不要鬧工作室
那就法庭上見啊 你這麼多廢話幫男方辯解做什麼?
@@markk3356 我發表意見是我的自由, 你是在不爽什麼? 不爽還回, 我就是要站這裡與論的另一面, 咬我阿笨蛋
Hi Julia, sorry to hear your story & U deserve better. I hope our daughters can learn from this video. Wishing you the best from Canada.
I think this social media post is very serious and raises several huge issues: 1. In my country Canada, 17 years old is considered a minor, meaning sex as a 40-year-old is not only considered inappropriate, but illegal because as a minor, you are not fully mature. There is a power imbalance here. He should not have sex and prey upon a minor. 2. You are not the only minor he has had sex with. This is a pattern, not a coincidence. 3. He makes pornography and calls it a “trophy.” Again, repeatedly. 4. He blackmails his former lovers. He didn’t delete the images. His solution to a woman's protest was to replace porn with more porn. If what you have said is true, this is not the case of a lonely guy feeling heartbroken over a break up with a nice girl, trying to maintain a friendship. Instead, it is someone who has and values the maintenance of incredible leverage over his sexual partners. I believe women have gone to the police over much less. Julia: If this is true, you should go to the police to prevent this person from sharing your image without your consent. I support you, but I believe TH-cam is not the place for this. One last thing, I write all this from the perspective of a 38-year-old Christian man, that romantic relationships should be about getting to know one another and whether you both can do life together; And that sex should be reserved for when you both can be fully vulnerable to each other and have commited to stick with each other for life, after marriage. I understand different cultures have differing social norms and perspectives, but even if the genders, ages, or ethnicities were reversed, I believe anyone can agree that someone who is being blackmailed should be protected.
都4x歲了還欺負人家未成年,你好意思這樣做,這種人欠教育要把他的事情告訴他父母跟親戚朋友,讓他知道自己做的事情多擊敗。 之前創意私房事情鬧那麼大,還敢拿影片威脅人,腦袋只剩下精蟲了吧! 真他媽丟台灣人的臉!
Not every Taiwanese like your EX-boyfriend
Taiwanese old man?
at least drop a lawsuit before leaving we need some drama on news
Julia 加油
歡迎來到「台灣」 也歡迎來到台灣工作 幹這種髒事的肯定要提告 而且需要提供更多細節給警方 都是線索 還有很多問題 為什麼還要和他聯絡 需要更多細節
正常的台灣人都會支持Julia提告這個渣莮 依目前兒童及少年性剝削防制條例規定,禁止任何人拍攝未成年人的性影像 可處1至7年的有期徒刑,最高併科新臺幣(以下同)100萬元的罰金。 更荒謬的是這個渣莮居然那這些偷拍內容來恐嚇你?? 那更是罪加一等,絕對會判得更重
He is really bad, and having the picture of someone who is under 18 isn't legal. I have to say, he doesn't treat you like a person, and this will make you distrust other boys. Anyway, we will support you and hope you can find a better one.
is it the present bf or ?now you are single?
依目前兒童及少年性剝削防制條例規定,禁止任何人拍攝未成年人的性影像 可處1至7年的有期徒刑,最高併科新臺幣(以下同)100萬元的罰金
這對男女感覺都有問題 先別急著下定論
@@user-pg8bj9tp7n 你有沒有看過不要鬧那邊的影片??
@@momokaikai0323不止看過 男方解釋影片也全都看完了啊 這兩個我覺得都有病
然後她嫌錢少願意去泰國俱樂部工作 你知道那是很大可能出賣肉體的嗎 這就表示女方問題真的很大
你們兩人很配阿 感覺都有問題 底下一堆肥宅留言真好笑
要更懂得保護自己 不要被垃圾影響自己 收集證據以備不時之需
這種人,從來就沒有把自己以外的人當人看。只是把和對方當成洩慾工具,關係結束後就變成籌碼戰利品 ,就和isis如出一轍....真的噁心至極。 Julia 你很勇敢,為了自己和其他人發聲。雖然台灣有這種垃圾還在呼吸著,但同時也有許許多多的好人會站在你身旁支持你!
40歲也吃 那你只能怪自己
40歲以下才可以怪別人? 邏輯?
留這種低智商留言, 你是可以去怪自己父母
一個沒犯法 一個犯法 孰重孰輕你不會分?
你腦子有問題吧 表面評判家
Thank you Matti 🩷🩷
It's a pity that you met the wrong people and things in Taiwan. Maybe you can come to Taiwan again if you have the opportunity. I wish you all the best in the future.