Jaakko Villapaita
Jaakko Villapaita
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Tony Zaret talks earnestly about memes
The Enthusiasts Club podcast from October 2019
มุมมอง: 18 383


Have a Nice Day! (ハバナイ) / dawn of prom
มุมมอง 5646 ปีที่แล้ว
BANDCAMP : virginbabylonrecords.bandcamp.com/ SOUNDCLOUD : soundcloud.com/blackchinpilaboy TWITTER : SCUM_BEACH_BOY scumparkhand
HASAMI group / 窒息
มุมมอง 36K7 ปีที่แล้ว
HASAMI group is a music group (not a band) formed mainly by Ryuichiro Aoki who was then a junior high school student in 2006. 窒息 from the album 夜行性孔雀ブート 穿ったような街角は何も無いような気がして 宇宙船みたいなマンション朝明かす前に登る 死ぬなとか生きろとかそればっか聞くけれど 生きるって息をすりゃいいの? 希望とか平和とかそればっかほざくけど 生きるってどうすればいいの? 鮮やかな退屈が空に逆上せてしまうような 吐き出したビルが駅の向こうで亡霊のように 死ぬなとか生きろとかそればっか聞くけれど 生きるって息をすりゃいいの? 希望とか平和とかそればっかほざくけど 生きるってどうすればいいの? 窮屈で居心地の塩辛いこの街で 死ぬまで暇潰...


  • @flaco3462
    @flaco3462 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    im shocked he can conjure up a suggestion of a real person behind the endless black abyss that he is which has the indecency to take up space in the same universe that i live in

  • @Helibeli8
    @Helibeli8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    HASAMI group es increíble.

  • @bugsted
    @bugsted 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    obviously satire #poeslaw

  • @AxlPatrol
    @AxlPatrol 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hearing him speak with no filter of irony is surreal.

  • @stupeiacedefective8937
    @stupeiacedefective8937 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    when bob from hr sends his email blast

  • @eggshelf
    @eggshelf 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hearing Scumbag Steve in the good year of 2024 is a blessing

  • @werglob3230
    @werglob3230 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    no he doesn't

  • @el_carpincho_grande
    @el_carpincho_grande 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    it’s impossible to tell if this interview is authentic due to “poe’s law”

  • @NikhilSharma-ug1rx
    @NikhilSharma-ug1rx ปีที่แล้ว

    Find his stuff funny but think his lack of exposure to a variety of memes has led to him having a skewed perception of the influence of memes. Because there is such a large crowd making memes for a global audience nowadays, the scope of what they can achieve is being underestimated. Memes are an artistic expression which encompasses such a wide range of media that it can be used to say just about anything. The algorithms of social media create filter bubbles which serves to confirm and reinforce beliefs in the public and leads to deeper polarization. However, they can also communicate new ideas to people who would have never discovered them would they not have stumbled onto it. Pretty much have the whole world is into memes now, including my 95-year-old Malaysian grandfather. While the most shared memes are typically surface-level relatable humor or maybe a politically-tinged minion jpg, the more online someone is the more likely they are to be influenced by the online content they consume, as is the case with any other form of media.

  • @mr.urthling9238
    @mr.urthling9238 ปีที่แล้ว

    never get sick of this song, one of my favorites 🩵🩵

    • @NiceKobudo
      @NiceKobudo หลายเดือนก่อน

      顎偏執狂で磁気照射事件を2000件くらい犯している半田貴子っていう化け物が好きそうな仮面ですね。その人殺し、またこのメゾンの近くの部屋にいるらしいですよ。先日も韓国性の玉蜀黍茶を取っ替えられて質を落とされた。今日,泥棒ピウスバチェビシス(この緑背景の全面写真の男)と半田貴子(39歳、子持ち女性、元劇団員、芸能人との交流多数、アクセサリーなど物質で人心掌握、有害行為及びエイズ事件の水先案内人、松野可奈子に美貌があった頃をインストールしたクローン人造人間)に仕返ししてください。 impersonators Erika Toda and Takako Handa recreated my birth scene, and although they were the suspects in the December 26, 2022, Naptime AiDS Blood Injection Incident in which I was infected with AIDS (assailants are Erika Toda, Takako Handa, Hikari Mitsushima, Ayame Gouriki, Aya Ueto, Tokyo Musashino Hospital, Hikaru Utada, Matsubara, Asami Kimura, Yuu Ooshika, Akiko), they apparently carried out fraudulent activities with the intention of creating a video document to cover up the incident. Because these people claimed that my victimization was their own, in the winter of 2023, when I went to report, the low-intelligence police in France were at the mercy of the killer•actors, and even though I presented my ID, they confined me by measures that should have been taken against the two of them when I went to report the experience as crime. Stupid. The above-mentioned acquaintances and TV celebrities, as well as LUNASEA guitarist SUGIZO, Arashi's Ninomiya Kazunari and Hashimoto Toru, who have completely destroyed my memory and appearance with harmful chemicals, CT scans and MRI scans, committed an injury crime of harmful radiation on me while I was sleeping on the day of my second-hospitalized transport, August 23-24, 2023, together with immoral French medical workers and scammers. 昨年2023年8月23日に私の赤ちゃんが殺された時の状況が明かされました。戸田恵梨香と半田貴子が容疑者であるにも関わらず私の出産シーンを演技のように再現し、 私がエイズ感染された2022年12月26日昼寝のエイズ血液注射事件 (現場にいたとされる容疑者は戸田恵梨香、半田貴子、満島ひかり、剛力彩芽、上戸彩、東京武蔵野病院勤務経験者、宇多田ヒカル、松原、木村麻美、大鹿由、秋子)を揉み消す為に2023年8月24日に私を二次輸送した先の病院セント アンですら影武者のような活動で結果を健康な人間のものに差し替えたそうです。 上記の女加害者達は揉み消しの為の映像資料のつもりで詐欺活動している。 こいつらが私の被害を自分の事のように主張するせいで、被害を訴えに行った2023年の冬に、フランスの低知能警察が役者達の言いなりになり、私が身分証を提示しているにも関わらずその2人が拘束されるべき対処を被害を訴えに行った私に仕向けて来ました。 有害化学物質やCTスキャンやMRIスキャンで散々わたしの記憶や風貌の破壊を行ってきた上記の知人若しくはTV有名人達及びLUNASEAのギタリストのSUGIZOと嵐の二宮和成及び橋下徹は、その出産の日2023年8月23日にすら私の就寝中、フランスの背徳的な医療従事者や詐欺師たちと共に私に有害照射の傷害事件を起こしました。 記憶のデジタル改竄を50億点もされ、体顔つきをそれに合わせて醜くされるというおぞましい犯罪をおかされ続けました。私の親、奈美子も幸彦も顔の造形が意図的に変形をきたされていることを2022年の夏、彼等の渡仏時に感じましたが、日本での深刻な被害について彼らの口から語られることはありませんでした。私は自分の被害の説明や日本に帰国の意志が無いことを伝えることに集中していたので、彼等のために日本の近隣住民を警告する余地がありませんでした。異常すぎる危険な生活を強制されて、感覚が通常より鈍っていたと思いますが、そもそもどこで生活していても性の搾取、略奪、理不尽な対応が止まず、刃向かうには誰に味方してもらえっていうのだろうと思っていた。 結局フランスに住んでも誰も 味方がいなかった、被害は全て他人事で、インターネットで見ず知らずの他人を侮辱する人々のように非難はわたしや日本の家族のせいにし、悪人に媚びへつらい、個人の楽しみを優先して犠牲者という言い回しで社会実験のような扱いをされた。 言いがかりを付ける為にいつもインターネット、全感覚、思考のハッキングをされ続けているのです。私は被害者家族の長女松野 可奈子(女性、4月13日生まれ、国立市、練馬区向山2-17-2,宮崎市、パリ市内に居住経験あり、40歳、未婚、著名人や権力者との交流は一切ない)です。 今日、横浜総合病院での監禁惨殺事件の監視カメラ映像の買収の話が揉み消された。日本の2024年1月29日30日は異常事態なおどろおどろしい雰囲気や情報はありましたか?現場容疑者は松岡茉優、宮川大輔、SUGIZO,松本人志、伊東あすみ等と聞いています

    • @NiceKobudo
      @NiceKobudo หลายเดือนก่อน

      Internet, tous vos sens, vos pensées sont constamment piratés. Je m'appelle Kanako Matsuno (fille aînée de la famille de la victime, née le 13 avril 17-2-2 Nerima-kuKouyama, ville de Kunitachi, ville de Miyazaki, vécue à Paris, 40 ans, célibataire, célèbre et puissante, Il n’y a aucune interaction avec qui que ce soit). Aujourd'hui, l'histoire de l'acquisition d'images de caméras de surveillance de l'affaire du meurtre brutal à l'hôpital général de Yokohama a été évoquée. Y a-t-il eu une atmosphère effrayante ou des informations sur la situation inhabituelle des 29 et 30 janvier 2024 au Japon ? Nous apprenons que les suspects présents sur les lieux incluent Mayu Matsuoka, Daisuke Miyagawa, SUGIZO, Hitoshi Matsumoto et Asumi Ito.顎偏執狂で磁気照射事件を2000件くらい犯している半田貴子っていう化け物が好きそうな仮面ですね。その人殺し、またこのメゾンの近くの部屋にいるらしいですよ。先日も韓国性の玉蜀黍茶を取っ替えられて質を落とされた。今日,泥棒ピウスバチェビシス(この緑背景の全面写真の男)と半田貴子(39歳、子持ち女性、元劇団員、芸能人との交流多数、アクセサリーなど物質で人心掌握、有害行為及びエイズ事件の水先案内人、松野可奈子に美貌があった頃をインストールしたクローン人造人間)に仕返ししてください。 impersonators Erika Toda and Takako Handa recreated my birth scene, and although they were the suspects in the December 26, 2022, Naptime AiDS Blood Injection Incident in which I was infected with AIDS (assailants are Erika Toda, Takako Handa, Hikari Mitsushima, Ayame Gouriki, Aya Ueto, Tokyo Musashino Hospital, Hikaru Utada, Matsubara, Asami Kimura, Yuu Ooshika, Akiko), they apparently carried out fraudulent activities with the intention of creating a video document to cover up the incident. Because these people claimed that my victimization was their own, in the winter of 2023, when I went to report, the low-intelligence police in France were at the mercy of the killer•actors, and even though I presented my ID, they confined me by measures that should have been taken against the two of them when I went to report the experience as crime. Stupid. The above-mentioned acquaintances and TV celebrities, as well as LUNASEA guitarist SUGIZO, Arashi's Ninomiya Kazunari and Hashimoto Toru, who have completely destroyed my memory and appearance with harmful chemicals, CT scans and MRI scans, committed an injury crime of harmful radiation on me while I was sleeping on the day of my second-hospitalized transport, August 23-24, 2023, together with immoral French medical workers and scammers. 昨年2023年8月23日に私の赤ちゃんが殺された時の状況が明かされました。戸田恵梨香と半田貴子が容疑者であるにも関わらず私の出産シーンを演技のように再現し、 私がエイズ感染された2022年12月26日昼寝のエイズ血液注射事件 (現場にいたとされる容疑者は戸田恵梨香、半田貴子、満島ひかり、剛力彩芽、上戸彩、東京武蔵野病院勤務経験者、宇多田ヒカル、松原、木村麻美、大鹿由、秋子)を揉み消す為に2023年8月24日に私を二次輸送した先の病院セント アンですら影武者のような活動で結果を健康な人間のものに差し替えたそうです。 上記の女加害者達は揉み消しの為の映像資料のつもりで詐欺活動している。 こいつらが私の被害を自分の事のように主張するせいで、被害を訴えに行った2023年の冬に、フランスの低知能警察が役者達の言いなりになり、私が身分証を提示しているにも関わらずその2人が拘束されるべき対処を被害を訴えに行った私に仕向けて来ました。 有害化学物質やCTスキャンやMRIスキャンで散々わたしの記憶や風貌の破壊を行ってきた上記の知人若しくはTV有名人達及びLUNASEAのギタリストのSUGIZOと嵐の二宮和成及び橋下徹は、その出産の日2023年8月23日にすら私の就寝中、フランスの背徳的な医療従事者や詐欺師たちと共に私に有害照射の傷害事件を起こしました。 記憶のデジタル改竄を50億点もされ、体顔つきをそれに合わせて醜くされるというおぞましい犯罪をおかされ続けました。私の親、奈美子も幸彦も顔の造形が意図的に変形をきたされていることを2022年の夏、彼等の渡仏時に感じましたが、日本での深刻な被害について彼らの口から語られることはありませんでした。私は自分の被害の説明や日本に帰国の意志が無いことを伝えることに集中していたので、彼等のために日本の近隣住民を警告する余地がありませんでした。異常すぎる危険な生活を強制されて、感覚が通常より鈍っていたと思いますが、そもそもどこで生活していても性の搾取、略奪、理不尽な対応が止まず、刃向かうには誰に味方してもらえっていうのだろうと思っていた。 結局フランスに住んでも誰も 味方がいなかった、被害は全て他人事で、インターネットで見ず知らずの他人を侮辱する人々のように非難はわたしや日本の家族のせいにし、悪人に媚びへつらい、個人の楽しみを優先して犠牲者という言い回しで社会実験のような扱いをされた。 言いがかりを付ける為にいつもインターネット、全感覚、思考のハッキングをされ続けているのです。私は被害者家族の長女松野 可奈子(女性、4月13日生まれ、国立市、練馬区向山2-17-2,宮崎市、パリ市内に居住経験あり、40歳、未婚、著名人や権力者との交流は一切ない)です。 今日、横浜総合病院での監禁惨殺事件の監視カメラ映像の買収の話が揉み消された。日本の2024年1月29日30日は異常事態なおどろおどろしい雰囲気や情報はありましたか?現場容疑者は松岡茉優、宮川大輔、SUGIZO,松本人志、伊東あすみ等と聞いています

    • @NiceKobudo
      @NiceKobudo หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is for rend Gaccount. I borrow this one. If you won't punish two of them, you are degeneration creator. I am not green background man Pijus but Kanako Matsuno living with him....

    • @NiceKobudo
      @NiceKobudo หลายเดือนก่อน

      And today, in Paris, snow comes from the sky, beautiful... TakakoHanda escapes from Paris if she senses the crime punishment executors. And I am thank you give me back one thing, I am Kanako, now with Pijus Bacevicius...instead of Handa, today suspicious MinamiKojima approachs him and goes to bother my rest time...I hate her.

  • @johnmurdoch8534
    @johnmurdoch8534 ปีที่แล้ว

    Its crazy how he consistently flies under the radar.

  • @johnmurdoch8534
    @johnmurdoch8534 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey i remember livejournal. The relateable content stuff he did which included background "research" was especially hilarious. I remember old dial uo days and message boards but i think i missed alot of the "meme" stuff after ytmnd and definitely felt out of touch and old when first seeing it (even though i was still in my early 20s at the time) .

  • @jonhurst9368
    @jonhurst9368 ปีที่แล้ว

    PLOT TWIST: tony is a liberal?!?!

  • @jonhurst9368
    @jonhurst9368 ปีที่แล้ว

    He only did this for clout

  • @shinobitactix
    @shinobitactix ปีที่แล้ว

    on the surface, this seems really legitimate, which is great! Unfortunately, there is no way to actually tell if this is genuine or not due to a little something us zaretheads like to call "poes law". Just my input.

  • @pyramida2763
    @pyramida2763 ปีที่แล้ว

    i think this is actually his fake personality....

  • @MarquaviusDingleton
    @MarquaviusDingleton ปีที่แล้ว

    due to poe's law, we can't tell whether he's actually being earnest or not

  • @TheSteakStyles
    @TheSteakStyles ปีที่แล้ว

    It's amazing that Tony was able to hold that facial expression for so long

  • @bigalf5143
    @bigalf5143 ปีที่แล้ว

    love this guy

  • @SamualtheOrangtang
    @SamualtheOrangtang ปีที่แล้ว

    He's actually just playing another character in this video

  • @nee-doshiyo
    @nee-doshiyo ปีที่แล้ว


  • @sickofit1574
    @sickofit1574 ปีที่แล้ว

    "My feeling when". Lmao, Zaret my bro "mfw" means "my face when" There is "tfw" which means "that feel when"

    • @PandaPelley
      @PandaPelley ปีที่แล้ว

      sorry this comment is "cringe"

  • @nxone9903
    @nxone9903 ปีที่แล้ว

    14:38 I never knew those movie quotes were from a joke for some reason I assumed they were taken at random

  • @wimberlen
    @wimberlen ปีที่แล้ว

    The interesting thing about memes is that nowadays you almost never see them used to convey any genuine sentiment. And in the times that they are they usually do so by making fun of other formats which used to convey genuine sentiment. Like for example when you see someone preface something with “[thing] fans when you tell them” or “my face when” they’re almost always doing so because it’s like, a weird ironic poke at memes which use those phrases genuinely. The entire point of memes now has become making fun of other memes

  • @user-gs1vx4fl9b
    @user-gs1vx4fl9b ปีที่แล้ว


    • @HF-mo7fo
      @HF-mo7fo 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @yu-kibutu9936
      @yu-kibutu9936 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @PapP148
    @PapP148 ปีที่แล้ว

    woah haha this interview is so funny i laughed as hard my face turned as red as a bajigger

  • @KrogOfTurtlePeople
    @KrogOfTurtlePeople ปีที่แล้ว

    He's so right about musical humor being the highest form. I laughed my ass off at his chord progression song. And some of my funniest memories were just making songs on a keyboard or something late at night with the bros

  • @proddelle
    @proddelle ปีที่แล้ว

    can't believe i just found this today. it's incredible how tony's understood basically our generation's culture because he actually understood what was going on. i totally do agree with a lot of stuff he's saying about this culture. to witness the concept of memes nowadays how we're so apt to quickly communicate our criticisms online from this insane source of knowledge is truly fascinating, and i really do appreciate his effort to really understand where we internet people come from. although his videos maybe the most braindead stuff you'd ever watch, he's an absolute genius

    • @clouds-rb9xt
      @clouds-rb9xt ปีที่แล้ว

      so true, i just came here today as well

    • @Nilmand
      @Nilmand ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe you shouldn't judge a book,... by its cover 😎

    • @proddelle
      @proddelle ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Nilmand Woke Mcdonalfs

  • @quitting_the_internet
    @quitting_the_internet ปีที่แล้ว

    1:01 how guys play with there foreskin.

  • @spadinnerxylaphone2622
    @spadinnerxylaphone2622 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hearing Tony out-of-character makes me uncomfortable.

  • @campbellssoup2742
    @campbellssoup2742 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is this a “tony” or a “zaret”

  • @Brain-washed2
    @Brain-washed2 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    man i didn't know he was so late to making ironic memes he basically came to the same conclusion [autistic humor] (spelled with the brackets), this is not satire, Orange Memes, fun and silly drawings did on facebook but like, 5-6 years later. [autistic humor] was a pioneer of ironic memes and the main reason the doge meme blew up despite what KYM will tell you. he mostly did it as a complete joke like "this isn't even not funny guys, this is my worst shit i've ever made." and it became the #1 meme for so many years. they often gloss over facebook's influence so it's not surprising. this is not satire was an enigma. he did a lot of oc comics and he was ambiguous if it was 1 guy or a group, mainly bc he would draw comics about working with people on the page. sometimes he'd post straight ironic memes under a different tag. but then other times he'd say stuff like "it's tough running this page by myself" which he usually deleted. but he was really great, had a website and everything, all gone. i could keep going but eh

    • @vvviiixxx8745
      @vvviiixxx8745 ปีที่แล้ว

      The unfortunate truth is that a lot of those admins of [AH] are actual neo-nazis, and generally negative people. I get the feeling Tony is at least coming from a less hateful place.

    • @Erik-yq7es
      @Erik-yq7es 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The only one of these I was able to find was Fun Silly Haha drawings. Am I stupid, or is this an SEO issue / lost media?

    • @Brain-washed2
      @Brain-washed2 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Erik-yq7es a lot of them are long gone now yeah

  • @heresyisprogress
    @heresyisprogress 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thought this was going to be based content for guys but this is cringe talk for Teds smdh

  • @faitttth
    @faitttth 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    25:24 tony says F*CK?!?!

  • @Timmy_Changas
    @Timmy_Changas 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's honestly pretty inspiring to here Tony talk about memes like this, its like he is so fascinated by the obscure nature of this type of humor that he has become engrossed with it himself, leading to him eventually creating his own memes that perfectly demonstrate the absolute ridiculousness of memes to the point where it feels so obscure even to the viewer that you can't help but notice the ironic nature of them, and even though Tony's memes feel so wild, they end up not being all that different from completely non satire memes.

    • @heresyisprogress
      @heresyisprogress 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      "If you gaze into the memes, the memes gaze back into you" - some based philosopher for guys

    • @Baloongis2
      @Baloongis2 ปีที่แล้ว

  • @siyacer
    @siyacer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tony is a true "Southerner"

  • @randowboosh6772
    @randowboosh6772 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The part at 16 minutes reminds me of the conversation surrounding Sampling in music, combining different potentially disparate things, and using people's association with those things to create new art - this is an awesome interview

  • @nickchambers3935
    @nickchambers3935 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It feels so weird to hear Tony talk sincerely, I had no idea he'd be so intelligent and articulate. This taught me an important lesson: never judge a book, by its cover

    • @aweldof
      @aweldof 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      A great quote I've heard regarding someone like Tony is "It takes a genius to be that stupid". Pretending to be an idiot that well takes a lot of intelligence and awareness

    • @spadinnerxylaphone2622
      @spadinnerxylaphone2622 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      He is Tony "Zaret" he makes memes that make libcr*ds TRIGGERED!

    • @sodicious
      @sodicious ปีที่แล้ว

      Poes "Law"

    • @PeterGodmez
      @PeterGodmez ปีที่แล้ว

      there's an art to what tony does and it is really a stroke of genius for those who vibe with it

    • @xXMapleVodkaXx
      @xXMapleVodkaXx ปีที่แล้ว

      Literally 1984

  • @yaro825
    @yaro825 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    listened to this so many times over the years, thank u for uploading it!

  • @mythsqueuemusic
    @mythsqueuemusic 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So strange hearing him talk normally lol

    • @kshycatch3635
      @kshycatch3635 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He became woke

  • @ouchouchouch
    @ouchouchouch 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I guess you should never judge a book by its cover!

  • @zedc6072
    @zedc6072 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God it is so WEIRD hearing Tony talking normally. It’s interesting hearing his thought process and his whole design process being based around him being an outsider looking into memes, yet somehow having his thumb on the pulse of proto zoomers

  • @TheRealNeoThe
    @TheRealNeoThe 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can’t believe he stayed in that pose for 36 minutes

    • @mythsqueuemusic
      @mythsqueuemusic 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Crazy he was able to talk so well without moving his mouth

    • @faitttth
      @faitttth 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      master ventriloquist

    • @xanderrock98
      @xanderrock98 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      His mouth was stuck

    • @heresyisprogress
      @heresyisprogress 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mythsqueuemusic that's because Tony is a talented ventriloquist

    • @Wagon_Lord
      @Wagon_Lord 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      His face was stuck like that ever since he did a reaction video on a movie trailer about a classic childhood game

  • @ckhgator
    @ckhgator 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tony Zaret is gatekeeping comedy

    • @Knapperoni
      @Knapperoni 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gatekeeping? He invented comedy

    • @michael-vy4rv
      @michael-vy4rv ปีที่แล้ว

      if u like gatekeeping so much name 3 gatekeepers

    • @ViewbobTrue
      @ViewbobTrue ปีที่แล้ว

      @michael I will name them "Stanley", "Gerald", and "Sprimbus". I hope this "helps".

  • @mooreanonumbers
    @mooreanonumbers 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My favorite meme is "big chungus"

  • @ShelleyDuncan
    @ShelleyDuncan 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is my first time listening to your podcast. Thanks, host and guest! Subscribed. : 3

  • @froxdo
    @froxdo 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    this video should have a frankenstein

    • @Knapperoni
      @Knapperoni 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      no it shouldn't. too scary

  • @islandkol
    @islandkol 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    If this is the first time you, the person reading, saw Tony being genuine, then you should check this out. th-cam.com/video/qU-fYov1AMw/w-d-xo.html

  • @haiguyzimnew
    @haiguyzimnew 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Interesting to hear how Tony actually missed the early days of memes and he has a perspective more of an outsider looking in. Maybe that's why he's able to distill a meme (image and video) down to its component parts so well. I don't know if he'd consider what he does regarding memes as "anti-humor", but I'd call it that. It's very good regardless, and for some reason just very funny. Would like to see his stand up.

    • @islandkol
      @islandkol 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I call it modern dada

    • @sinistrality
      @sinistrality ปีที่แล้ว

      @@islandkol I call him modern daddy

  • @aidanfriedman6201
    @aidanfriedman6201 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    First time I’ve seen him be unironic

    • @KrillGorilla
      @KrillGorilla 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      due to pole slaw we don't know this