Sfen Rhône-Ain-Loire
Sfen Rhône-Ain-Loire
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  • 26 713
Le marché de l'électricité en France : questions en débats, par Jacques PERCEBOIS
La forte hausse des prix du gaz et de l’électricité depuis le début de l’été 2021 ne constitue peut-être que les prémices d’une hausse soutenue pour les mois qui viennent. Afin de comprendre les raisons de la hausse du prix de l’électricité, et les mécanismes du marché européen de l’électricité, cette conférence se propose de répondre aux questions suivantes :
• Pourquoi le prix de l’électricité est-il corrélé au prix du gaz naturel alors que la part du gaz dans le mix électrique est faible en France ?
• Quel avenir pour l’ARENH (Accès Régulé à l’Electricité Nucléaire Historique) ?
• Quelles réformes possibles du marché de l’électricité ? Quelles perspectives pour le nucléaire à l’horizon 2050 (cf rapport RTE « Futurs énergétique 2050 » d’octobre 2021) ?
• Quel arbitrage entre nucléaire et renouvelables ?
Jacques PERCEBOIS est Professeur Emérite à l’Université de Montpellier. Il est Agrégé des Facultés de Droit et de Sciences Economiques, Docteur d’Etat ès Sciences Economiques et diplômé de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques. Il a enseigné de nombreuses années à l’Université de Grenoble, où il a dirigé l’Institut de l’Energie IEPE avant de rejoindre l’Université de Montpellier. A Montpellier il a créé le CREDEN et un master en économie et droit de l’énergie qu’il a dirigé durant 25 ans. Il enseigne encore dans cette formation ainsi qu’à l’Ecole des Mines de Paris et à l’IFPEN. Il a également été Professeur invité dans plusieurs universités étrangères (l’Asian Institute of Technology à Bangkok, l’Université Bocconi à Milan, l’Université Laval à Québec).
Il a fait plusieurs missions pour la Banque Mondiale ou des ministères et été membre de plusieurs commissions sur l’énergie. Il a notamment présidé la Commission « Energies 2050 » qui a rendu un rapport au Ministre de l’Energie (Eric Besson) en mars 2012 recommandant l’allongement de la durée de fonctionnement du parc nucléaire. Il est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages et articles scientifiques, notamment « Énergie : économie et politiques » écrit avec Jean-Pierre Hansen, avec une préface de Marcel Boiteux (de Boeck, 3ème édition, 2019, 728 pages) et « L’énergie racontée à travers quelques destins tragiques » (Editions Campus Ouvert, 2ème édition, septembre 2021, 242 pages). Il a reçu « the 2006 Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Profession of Energy Economics », distinction décernée en 2007 à Florence par The International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE).
มุมมอง: 2 378


Le grand carénage et le 4ème réexamen de sureté, par Anne PELLE
มุมมอง 3.1K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Alors que la problématique de l’énergie est au cœur de l’actualité, la Sfen RAL vous propose une conférence pour apporter des éléments d’éclairage sur la stratégie industrielle d’EDF pour exploiter le parc nucléaire existant au-delà de 40 ans. La conférence permettra d’exposer les enjeux du programme du « Grand Carénage », qui regroupe tous les investissements destinés à engager la rénovation d...
Les innovations dans la filière nucléaire
มุมมอง 962 ปีที่แล้ว
La filière nucléaire consacre 1,8 milliard d’€ à la R&D, la plaçant au 4ème rang des industries les plus innovantes. L’innovation est présente à toutes les étapes : conception, exploitation, maintenance, déchets, démantèlement. Quelques exemples, à découvrir dans cette vidéo : La fabrication additive , La robotique (drones et robots, autonomes et télé-opérés) et la cobotique (exosquelettes), L’...
Quelques métiers de la filière nucléaire
มุมมอง 1.4K2 ปีที่แล้ว
La filière nucléaire est la 3ème filière industrielle française, derrière l’aéronautique et l’automobile : - Avec 222 000 salariés, dont 90% en CDI - Disposant d’un haut niveau de qualification : 66% sont cadres ou ETAM - Bénéficiant d’un turn-over 2 fois inférieur à la moyenne française - Dans plus de 3 000 entreprises : 22% de grandes entreprises, 34% d’ETI, et 44% de TPE et PME - Dont 80% on...
Die Energiewende la transition énergetique allemande, par Hartmut LAUER
มุมมอง 6932 ปีที่แล้ว
Les idées reçues sur la transition énergétique allemande sont légion en France. Pour les uns c´est un modèle à suivre, pour les autres c´est un véritable fiasco. Sur la base des informations données par le conférencier, les auditeurs pourront se former une opinion propre et en déduire d´éventuelles pistes pour la France. Bien que la Loi sur les énergies renouvelables mise en place en 2000 et l´...
La résilience des centrales nucléaires face aux aléas climatiques, par Hervé CORDIER
มุมมอง 5253 ปีที่แล้ว
Les connaissances scientifiques aujourd’hui disponibles, et les informations quotidiennes, font consensus sur la réalité du changement climatique et en donnent des témoignages concrets (sécheresses, canicules, pluies intenses, …). Face à ce défi planétaire, le nucléaire apparaît comme un levier important de la décarbonation de la production d’énergie et donc comme un moyen permettant de limiter...
La commercialisation du gaz et de l'électricité en France, Par Jean-Sébastien DEGOUVE
มุมมอง 7733 ปีที่แล้ว
La libéralisation du marché aval de l’électricité et du gaz naturel (la vente aux consommateurs et aux entreprises) a 20 ans. Jean-Sébastien DEGOUVE présente ici le fonctionnement et les coulisses de ce marché. La dynamique concurrentielle est désormais installée. Un panorama des différents commercialisateurs sera expliqué avec, pour les différents types d’acteurs, leurs enjeux économiques et l...
Les ramifications du cycle du combustible nucléaire, par Tristan KAMIN
มุมมอง 3.3K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Sur son parcours depuis la mine d’uranium au retraitement ou à la gestion des déchets radioactifs en passant par l’utilisation dans les centrales nucléaires, l’uranium passe par des processus de traitement sophistiqués. Toutes ces étapes sont résumées dans le concept de « cycle du combustible nucléaire ». Le cycle du combustible nucléaire débute par l'extraction du minerai, le traitement et l'e...
Sfen faire avancer le nucléaire
มุมมอง 1993 ปีที่แล้ว
La Sfen est une Société savante dont le but est de produire et diffuser de la connaissance sur les sciences et techniques du nucléaire. Elle est ouverte au grand public et au débat d'idées, la Sfen est le lieu de rencontre privilégié des professionnels du secteur de l'énergie. La Sfen RAL est le Groupe régional de la Sfen actif sur les départements du Rhône, de l'Ain et de la Loire.
Le projet ITER de fusion nucléaire, par Bernard BIGOT
มุมมอง 14K3 ปีที่แล้ว
ITER (en latin le « chemin ») est l'un des projets les plus ambitieux au monde dans le domaine de l'énergie. En France, dans le département des Bouches-du-Rhône, 35 pays sont engagés dans la construction du plus grand tokamak jamais conçu, une machine qui doit démontrer que la fusion - l'énergie du Soleil et des étoiles - peut être utilisée comme source d'énergie à grande échelle, non émettrice...
Le numérique et la consommation d'électricité, par XavierVERNE
มุมมอง 3643 ปีที่แล้ว
Le numérique étant reconnu comme un levier de développement économique et social, la transition numérique apparaît comme incontournable pour l’ensemble des pays et des entreprises. La transition numérique est en outre souvent considérée comme un moyen de réduire la consommation d’énergie dans un grand nombre de secteurs. Pourtant, les impacts environnementaux directs et indirects (« effets rebo...


  • @biragayegueye1841
    @biragayegueye1841 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gouververné c'est prévoir on ne pourra pas attendre au dernier moment pour régler un problème q'uil fallait régler y'a 30 ans derier l'explication est très claire quand on s'y connaît un peu.ceux sui non pas aucune connaissance dans ce domaine ne pourront pas compredre .bravo pour l'explication

  • @patricklyard2615
    @patricklyard2615 ปีที่แล้ว

    Baratin pénible je zappe

  • @alainlinassi1425
    @alainlinassi1425 ปีที่แล้ว

    Faudrait entrer dans le sujet...au bout de 10 minutes,j'ai rien apris😏😒🛌bzzz

  • @theos4114
    @theos4114 ปีที่แล้ว

    Le projet inter 😀 peniche à milliards qui est aujourd'hui déjà dépassé, alors que toujours pas fonctionnel, par un petit laboratoire américain. Mais quelle honte. Ne laisser plus la science et les budgets aux pontes qui n'ont de gloire que leur ego. Encore un gros gros ratage pour la France. Laser à rien disaient ils ! N'est ce pas !

  • @bernardbrachet5375
    @bernardbrachet5375 ปีที่แล้ว

    ouais ouais , un gouffre monumental !! plus c'est gros, plus ça passe! comment récupérer de l'électricité dans un plasma à 100 millions de degrés ??? on peut mourir tranquille !

  • @Ezamose
    @Ezamose 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Donc , donc, donc, donc , donc , donc , donc , donc, donc, donc, donc, donc, donc, donc !!! Il ne peut pas faire une phrase sans dire " donc " !!!

  • @mrmimiswing
    @mrmimiswing 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Donc j'ai construit un grand cylindre....non bernard ça m'étonnerait que tu ai touché un poste à souder ou une pelle...alors on peut attendre que le projet disparaisse pr lui même, incendie dans la garrigue, tremblement de terre, ...que les crédit sois coupé, qu'il n'y ai plus une seule centrale en marche pour donner de l'electricité, (a propos vous le toucher à combien le MW?).toute cette débauche d'argent de minerai et d'energie pour untruc typiquement français qui ne fonctionnera à mon avis, jamais....à c'est vrai avant on avait fait des surgenerateur, phoenix, et super phoenix y s'appelaient..z'ont trop bien marché. Et citer Emmanuel , et nous faire le détail du trajet par la gendarmerie, mais quelle vacuité.

  • @baptistegibeaux8882
    @baptistegibeaux8882 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    RIP B.B.

  • @latechniquedupapillon1422
    @latechniquedupapillon1422 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Quand il aura claqué 25 milliards sans avoir stabilisé les plasmas, il sera à la retraite à nos frais.

  • @patrickruissel8538
    @patrickruissel8538 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Le dérèglement arrivera beaucoup trop vite pour que la fusion nucléaire soit une solution à notre consommation d'énergie !

  • @tilnevil1
    @tilnevil1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jamais vu de trou noir aussi brillant...

  • @tom13OM
    @tom13OM 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Si tout va bien, phase d'industrialisation prévue en... 2050-2060 MDR

    • @walkonliner
      @walkonliner 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      il fera plus 3 degrès sur la planète en moyenne , on aura d'autre chats a fouetter que cette gabegie...

  • @workandworkhere
    @workandworkhere 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Le problème de notre société c'est que les vidéos de Cyprien font 1000 fois plus de vues que ça

  • @sandustanBrasov
    @sandustanBrasov 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stan Sandu The FIRST controlled thermonuclear REACTOR type ENOCH -PACAL, after the UNIFIED LAW! Bernard Bigot -Director General of ITER, in March 15, 2018 says: ”We have not a long-term option, for energy. If we do not find an option, we will have big problems.I am almost 70 years, I will not live to see the benefits of the fusion, but we*ll you get there. It is my duty to bring together some of the large chain parts delivery”. Thus, January 30, 2019 ITER Council renewed the mandate of the ITER director general until 2025. În a video from April 12, 2021 (by Steven Krivit) entitled ”ITER The Grand Ilusion; A Forensic Investigațion of Power Claims”, in which the Finance Commission asks scientists and builders: - When will the commercial thermonuclear fusion take place? That billions upon billions of dollars have been spent on public mony and deadlines are constantly being posponed by 20...30 years! Scientists and disigners did not consider the real model of how the Sun works continuously, and they did not take into account that these elements of the Sun*s functioning were rigorously determined decades ago by observations with rokets and satellites. If this real data has not been put into the computer, then the computer has not MODELED something functional! At FISSION - large chemical elements we divide, and items arising are lighter than when they were together. This difference in weight is converted into energy. At FUSION - light chemical elements come together, and when united are lighter and can extract the difference in weight, as well as energy. It follows that it actually a matter is of concentrated energy. We consider the magnetic field usually just energy. But in fact, a magnetic field is all the time a matter with other properties - an ethereal matter, which may constitute a boundary between a plasma with millions degrees and solid wall of the thermonuclear chamber. After the mode of organisation of the ITER, each participating nation has access to all data and all the technologies involved, without having to pay royalties on patents. After approximately 200 installations type: tokamaks; with laser, and many other models are built in the last 60 years, NONE product the fusion and think it will not the model ITER being in construction. I understand it can achive an operating installation: after the model of the operation of the Sun; after the description given by Patriarch Enoch in the his Book; and after the sketch of the device for production and emission of the flow of electromagnetic field, sketch which it find in the bottom of the scheme printed on the tombal stone of the King Pacal from Palenque- Mexic. For learning and understanding comercial thermonuclear fusion phenomenon that directly produce the electricity, it can, as in the same ITER space: land and buildings, including construction tokamak mount, can be installed and thermonuclear controlled reactor type ENOCH -PACAL, having at hand all utilities: electricity, cryogenics, vacuum systems, equipment of control and monitoring, and more others . In the Book of Enoch chapter 68, the patriarch Enoch being in a heavenly ship, the Angels also show: ”the camps of the stars and all the lights”, these 6350 years ago, and Enoch says: ”and I Enoch was in the heaven and there I saw in the core of that light, something like a HOUSE raised from slabs of ICE( thermonuclear combustion chamber), and among the pieces of ice were LIVE FIRE - FLAMES ( electromagnetic field fluxes of the magnetic trap). And my spirit saw a CIRCLE of FIRE that surrounds the house, from the four corners of it to fire those living rivers that surrounded the house”. The notions of ”FIRE”, streams of live fire, flames, circle of fire burning in the four corners and climbing as streams of live fire, or flaming fire live, all these relate to bundles of the electromagnetic field flux of the magnetic trap, which around and get back in thermonuclear combustion chamber, to spatialized plasma and go out again through the central part. In the heavenly ship Enoch believes the his it show a divine vision, and he describe without knowing what he describes, - a controlled thermonuclear reactor, with spherical chamber of thermonuclear combustion. I understand that him Enoch was shown only at the top part of the thermonuclear combustion chamber, whose principal axis was vertical namely: 1). The core of light is the center of the combustion chamber; 2). The carcase of the chamber, seem made of slabs of ice, for the installation work to -270 degrees Celsius; 3).In inside sparkled and moved languages flaming fire alive, that is flows electromagnetic of the magnetic trap which tighten and turn plasma into combustion chamber; 4).A CIRCLE of FIRE surrounding with fire, circle formed from electromagnetic flux of the magnetic trap, and at the four corners of the circle of fire are lifted up to the top of the chamber by entering in the device for producing and transmitting, the flux becoming stronger and entering again into the combustion chamber, and forming the continuous circulation of the magnetic trap. Two spherical halves joined in the midle ( maximum diameter), form the spherical chamber of thermonuclear combustion. I think so that will look the first installation controlled thermonuclear reactor, and sould call it Reactor thermonuclear controlled ENOCH -PACAL model! This as a standard model for future power plants that will give us electrical current for all our domestic and industrial installations. In a video ”Anty- GRAVITY PROJECT” of Jeff Lucas Astrophotographer, published on October 27, 2018, the man explained that he managed to alter magnetic field of the coil with intervening components: a permanent magnet and some dielectrics. After he managed to modify the electrical permitivity and magnetc permeability around of the coil and thus the magnetic field around coil it turned in electromagnetic field, which is able to move further into space as radiation, to cancel the radiation of gravitational attraction. He deserves the Nobel Prize for two reason: 1). Demonstrate that a stream of electromagnetic field can propagate in space as a reactive propulsion force showing possible operating reactive electromagnetic motor; as the scheme is printed on the tomb stone of Pacal from Palenque- Mexico and 2). This reactive electromagnetic motor which converts the magnetic field in the electromagnetic field, is the best device for producing a magnetic trap interior, which spatialized, to press and to confine the plasma thermonuclear, the facility ITER = international thermonuclear experimental reactor with spherical chamber, as described in the book of Enoch chapter 68.

  • @sandustanBrasov
    @sandustanBrasov 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stan Sandu MATERIALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MAGNETIC TRAP, FOR THE CONTROLLED THERMONUCLEAR REACTION! From the Fundamental Principles of Democritus, atomist from antiquity: 470 ... 380 BC. we find out: "Nothing is born of nothing; nothing that exists can not be destroyed and any transformation consists of a reunion and a separation. Nothing is accidental, everything happens because of a cause and a need. Except ATOMS and ETHER, everything else is just reasoning and there is none. Atoms that are infinite in number and shape give birth to the visible world through their movements and collisions and the rotations that arise from this cause. The difference between objects depends only by the difference between the number, the shape and the order of the atoms from which the objects are made, and there is no other qualitative difference between atoms, which act between them only through possession and collisions. The SPIRIT as the ETER is made up of small, spherical, highly mobile atoms, whose atoms are the phenomenon of life! ” Where did the Democrit atomist know about the constitution of matter 2400 years ago? In the communications of the higher spirits and of the angels in the book: "From the mysteries of life and the universe", Professor Scarlat Demetrescu (from 1939) tells us: "The spirit is not impressed neither hot nor cold, he can stand at the most alive fire, without suffering, because its ethereal coat does not undergo any change. The creative father created the spirits so he could live at any temperature, from the lowest to the highest. ” Also the celestial sources, we are told that the whole Cosmos like the Infinite are filled with a dense powder of living electrogenic etheric particles, and between them act other streams of particles and smaller, particles of the attraction of the gravitational field. Who created these living particles in Infinity? This is the mystery of mysteries! What a wonderful thing if it moves inside it and thinks, feels and wills, because an electric current is always flowing through the interior matter of a particle in Infinity. The living particles in the Infinite area reach the Cosmos area and the four universes. Thus the universal ether is a mass of small living bodies, living particles, that would enter in a microbe of yours (space brothers tell us) with hundreds of thousands. These living particles, particles not seen by us, particles of cosmic ether, are composed of three kinds of living particles; in which some have INTELLIGENCE (1%); others have little intelligence and a lot of MEMORY (9%); and most have WILL (90%). The higher spirits of God can combine these living particles, and they can obtain different small bodies, like invisible MICROCYCLES that can perform certain functions. Thus the LIFE in any seen or unseen being comes and manifests through these living particles of the etheric and spiritual matters. Today we do not know well what functional characteristics some etheric materials have, such as: electric current, magnetic field and electromagnetic field, with which man has been working for a long time! In the ITER installation there is a thickness of 60cm vacuum vessel and 80cm lithium blanket thickness, totaling 1.4m. That is, 1.4m distance from the electrical conductor of the coils to the area with thermonuclear plasma. In the magnet system of ITER, coils are used in which a high intensity electric current flows, a CONSTANT current for the coils in the toroidal system and a VARIABLE current for the poloidal coils and the central solenoid. On November 24, 1831 Michael Faraday discovers the ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION: a phenomenon by which a voltage, an electric current appears in a circuit crossed by a variable magnetic field flux. Thus Faraday establishes the law that links electricity to magnetism and motion; is also the day when he presented to the English Royal Society the first DINAM, an electricity source, as well as the first electric TRANSFORMER, as applications of electromagnetic induction. The intensity of the magnetic field outside the electric conductor is proportional to the intensity of the electric current through the conductor and decreases with the distance from that conductor. The magnetic field is only around and inside the coil, at a maximum of 20 ... 40cm from the conductor of the coils and not at distances of the order of meters. In electric motors, the substance of electricity (the electric ether) in the network will establish a torque between the inductive magnetic field and the induced magnetic field, which will rotate the motor's rotor but will also produce heat resulting from the confrontation between the inductive and induced magnetic particles. Also, when heating metal bars, for hot deformation, medium frequency currents of 8000 Hz are used. The electrical installation creates an alternating magnetic field around the metal bar that induces turbulent currents inside the metal bar that create an opposite magnetic field. From the struggle and the combination of the particles of the inductive and induced magnetic field results the heat and light that will heat the metal bar to 1000 degrees Celsius in 10 ... 15 seconds. From a theoretical point of view, the emission and the displacement in space of a strong electromagnetic field flux is affirmed from the year 1860 by J.C.Maxwell who said: "An electromagnetic radiation results not only by the variation of the fields, but also at constant field, when it varies in time. either the electrical permittivity of the environment, or the magnetic permeability, or both ”. But in the case of the Sun we have a practical certainty. The sun is high and it has certain conditions for the thermonuclear reaction, and we improperly say that it is naturally self-controlled. But after the study done and the data from the researches and observations on the Sun I am now sure, that the Sun was also CREATED properly for to unfold the thermonuclear reaction, and is permanently SUPERVISED by the creator heavenly beings! It does not happen the sun, to have a strong electromagnetic trap, it does not happen to have a rotational motion of the plasma mass perpendicular to the field of the electromagnetic trap, and emits continuously electric energy = electric ether in space, very necessary for all life in the solar system, almost like a mognetohydrodynamic generator. The solar magnetosphere that cloaks the incandescent solar mass and go billions of miles into space and returns to the top again, and coats the incandescent solar mass again, allowing not to scatter in space! What can be said about the current magnetic traps of the Tokamak and stelator installations? Theoretically, the shape of the installations has only an apparent justification, but to function as a controlled thermonuclear installation it is IMPOSSIBLE, because the effect of the magnetic field produced by all types of coils installed is almost completely blocked. We must not seek in vain for physical-chemical (metallic) materials, but to use the etheric materials correctly, that is to say we use the magnetic field and the electromagnetic field correctly, as in the case of the Sun!

  • @sandustanBrasov
    @sandustanBrasov 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stan Sandu How can God give us freedom to know some very important but also dangerous things, for example to the controlled thermonuclear reaction if we as a humanity lack a moral, spiritual, intellectual and scientific education? For example, one hundred years have passed since it was discovered that there is much hydrogen and helium in the Sun, and it was concluded that a controlled thermonuclear reaction occurs in the Sun. And for 70 years, humans have begun to build different devices or plants to make a thermonuclear fusion reaction like in the Sun. But since the late nineteenth century, human science began to be blocked because scientists, over to nickname, have misinterpreted, without reason, certain practical experiments and issued wrong laws and principles that contradict the good laws developed on the basis of practical experiments. , logical and rational. Today, most scientists have an intellectual basis, linked to standardized theory. They believe scientists because they have learned some books with standardized theories. These people cannot know the matter in its depth, with the seen and the unseen, because Albert Einstein in 1905 with his theory of relativity told them that the ETER - respectively the etheric matter does not exist. If there were no etheric matter then, they may believe that there is no spiritual matter, and they do not want to know anything about the heavenly worlds that live with us on and around the planet Earth. I, as an engineer, believe in my opinion, but also of many researchers in the field of underground soil richness, that all MATERIAL RESOURCES: coal, oil, methane gas, all minerals, do not come from a mineral or vegetable and animal source, but have they were simply created and planted or buried, or introduced into the earth's soil by our "extraterrestrial" brethren. The termination of material resources - said and natural - actually expresses a time, a period, in which our humanity must reach a certain LEVEL of scientific and technological DEVELOPMENT: such as mastering the controlled thermonuclear reaction, as the greatest source of inexhaustible energy. We must not fight among ourselves, as in the jungle, but try to awaken ourselves in the knowledge of things, to move on to the heavenly science of our creators: God and the extraterrestrial worlds. Until now, no such information was published, but it is now in the news. Every year incursions of O.Z.N.'s (heavenly ships) take place above the silos with nuclear weapons. That is, aliens deactivate our nuclear weapons for over 60 years, weapons 20 meters below the ground. When an O.Z.N. in the air above the silo and sends a red ray to the ground, on the launch screens it appears: "No gou!" And the Americans and the Russians have declared these incidents. We as a humanity have developed ourselves militarily, but not at the high level of the extraterrestrial entities that supervise us! That is why, not coincidentally, in 1985, presidents Mihail Gorbachev and Ronald Regan met and decided to build several ITER = International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, as an international scientific collaboration between the peoples of the earth's world. Researches in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion have been carried out for over 60 years, there are many installations of many kinds, and over time I have studied them, and I have come to the conclusion that controlled thermonuclear fusion can be achieved, but not after the models presented on the Internet. We can make an installation: according to the operating model of the Sun; after the description made by the patriarch ENOH in his book and after the outline of the device for the production and emission of the magnetic field flux, a sketch that is on the tombstone of Palenque - Mexico. I'm talking about Patriarch Enoch, who was very little quoted in the Bible, but he talks a lot in his book, describing everything the angels showed him in heaven, how the heavenly world works and about us people. But the Book of Enoch was considered APOCRIFY (that says too many real and clear things) and thus the Bible was covered with a great deal of information. In the Book of Enoch chapter 68, the patriarch Enoch being in a celestial ship, which gravitates around the Earth, the angels show him more things from heaven and Earth but also show him the camps of all stars and all the lights". In the south of France at Cadarache (near Nice), the experimental energy source is being built: the 42-hectare ITER, and in 2018 the construction was completed in half. If we surround the participants in the construction: Japan, China, Korea, India, Russia, the European Union, the United States of America and others, we notice that we are on the path of globalization. After about 200 Tokamak-type installations, with Laser and other types built over the last 60 years, NO ONE HAS WORKED, and then I think that what is being built now will not work with the model it is running, and with the technology used. The notion of: "FIRE", .. flames of fire, tongues of fire, living fire, circle of fire, vivid of fire, circle of fire burning in the four corners and ascending like rivers of living fire, all these refer to the electromagnetic field beam of the magnetic trap, which surrounds the installation and enters the thermonuclear combustion chamber again to powerfully space the thermonuclear plasma sphere of the reaction. In the heavenly ship Enoh believes that he is shown a wonderful divine vision, and he describes without knowing exactly what he describes, that energy installation, clearly seeing the unfolding of the thermonuclear reaction in the middle of that light, and in addition seeing the path of the electromagnetic fluxes of the magnetic trap. , inside and outside the thermonuclear combustion chamber. Two spherical halves joined in the middle form the spherical chamber of thermonuclear combustion. I made the sketches from 2012, I gave them on the Internet, but few noticed them. I think this will look like the first controlled thermonuclear reactor installation, and we should call it: "ENOH-PACAL model controlled thermonuclear reactor!" This is a standard model for future energy installations, which will give us electricity for all our installations. industrial and domestic. I did some 40 years ago an attempt to make a device for the production and emission of a strong electromagnetic field flux, I saw that "something moved", but I did not have the control devices and the necessary electrical current . Then my limited possibilities did not stop. But today, when we see clearly the rapid depletion of fossil fuels, and the long questionable construction of ITER, I try by those exposed to participate as much as possible in the realization of the controlled thermonuclear fusion with the project of a simple and fast to build facility. With a team of 50 people with manufacturing experience: 20 engineers, and 30 skilled workers, you can do a working group within the ITER site, in a work area of ​​approximately 800 square meters, powered by existing utilities: electricity, cryogenics, vacuum installation, verification equipment, and with a financial fund of ten million euros, I think that one year can be obtained from starting the necessary results to build a controlled thermonuclear fusion plant for marketing that directly produces electricity without steam and turbines, without switch of heat.

  • @sandustanBrasov
    @sandustanBrasov 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stan Sandu The FIRST controlled thermonuclear REACTOR type ENOCH -PACAL, after the UNIFIED LAW! Bernard Bigot -Director General of ITER, in March 15, 2018 says: ”We have not a long-term option, for energy. If we do not find an option, we will have big problems.I am almost 70 years, I will not live to see the benefits of the fusion, but we*ll you get there. It is my duty to bring together some of the large chain parts delivery”. Thus, January 30, 2019 ITER Council renewed the mandate of the ITER director general until 2025. În a video from April 12, 2021 (by Steven Krivit) entitled ”ITER The Grand Ilusion; A Forensic Investigațion of Power Claims”, in which the Finance Commission asks scientists and builders: - When will the commercial thermonuclear fusion take place? That billions upon billions of dollars have been spent on public mony and deadlines are constantly being posponed by 20...30 years! Scientists and disigners did not consider the real model of how the Sun works continuously, and they did not take into account that these elements of the Sun*s functioning were rigorously determined decades ago by observations with rokets and satellites. If this real data has not been put into the computer, then the computer has not MODELED something functional! At FISSION - large chemical elements we divide, and items arising are lighter than when they were together. This difference in weight is converted into energy. At FUSION - light chemical elements come together, and when united are lighter and can extract the difference in weight, as well as energy. It follows that it actually a matter is of concentrated energy. We consider the magnetic field usually just energy. But in fact, a magnetic field is all the time a matter with other properties - an ethereal matter, which may constitute a boundary between a plasma with millions degrees and solid wall of the thermonuclear chamber. After the mode of organisation of the ITER, each participating nation has access to all data and all the technologies involved, without having to pay royalties on patents. After approximately 200 installations type: tokamaks; with laser, and many other models are built in the last 60 years, NONE product the fusion and think it will not the model ITER being in construction. I understand it can achive an operating installation: after the model of the operation of the Sun; after the description given by Patriarch Enoch in the his Book; and after the sketch of the device for production and emission of the flow of electromagnetic field, sketch which it find in the bottom of the scheme printed on the tombal stone of the King Pacal from Palenque- Mexic. For learning and understanding comercial thermonuclear fusion phenomenon that directly produce the electricity, it can, as in the same ITER space: land and buildings, including construction tokamak mount, can be installed and thermonuclear controlled reactor type ENOCH -PACAL, having at hand all utilities: electricity, cryogenics, vacuum systems, equipment of control and monitoring, and more others . In the Book of Enoch chapter 68, the patriarch Enoch being in a heavenly ship, the Angels also show: ”the camps of the stars and all the lights”, these 6350 years ago, and Enoch says: ”and I Enoch was in the heaven and there I saw in the core of that light, something like a HOUSE raised from slabs of ICE( thermonuclear combustion chamber), and among the pieces of ice were LIVE FIRE - FLAMES ( electromagnetic field fluxes of the magnetic trap). And my spirit saw a CIRCLE of FIRE that surrounds the house, from the four corners of it to fire those living rivers that surrounded the house”. The notions of ”FIRE”, streams of live fire, flames, circle of fire burning in the four corners and climbing as streams of live fire, or flaming fire live, all these relate to bundles of the electromagnetic field flux of the magnetic trap, which around and get back in thermonuclear combustion chamber, to spatialized plasma and go out again through the central part. In the heavenly ship Enoch believes the his it show a divine vision, and he describe without knowing what he describes, - a controlled thermonuclear reactor, with spherical chamber of thermonuclear combustion. I understand that him Enoch was shown only at the top part of the thermonuclear combustion chamber, whose principal axis was vertical namely: 1). The core of light is the center of the combustion chamber; 2). The carcase of the chamber, seem made of slabs of ice, for the installation work to -270 degrees Celsius; 3).In inside sparkled and moved languages flaming fire alive, that is flows electromagnetic of the magnetic trap which tighten and turn plasma into combustion chamber; 4).A CIRCLE of FIRE surrounding with fire, circle formed from electromagnetic flux of the magnetic trap, and at the four corners of the circle of fire are lifted up to the top of the chamber by entering in the device for producing and transmitting, the flux becoming stronger and entering again into the combustion chamber, and forming the continuous circulation of the magnetic trap. Two spherical halves joined in the midle ( maximum diameter), form the spherical chamber of thermonuclear combustion. I think so that will look the first installation controlled thermonuclear reactor, and sould call it Reactor thermonuclear controlled ENOCH -PACAL model! This as a standard model for future power plants that will give us electrical current for all our domestic and industrial installations. In a video ”Anty- GRAVITY PROJECT” of Jeff Lucas Astrophotographer, published on October 27, 2018, the man explained that he managed to alter magnetic field of the coil with intervening components: a permanent magnet and some dielectrics. After he managed to modify the electrical permitivity and magnetc permeability around of the coil and thus the magnetic field around coil it turned in electromagnetic field, which is able to move further into space as radiation, to cancel the radiation of gravitational attraction. He deserves the Nobel Prize for two reason: 1). Demonstrate that a stream of electromagnetic field can propagate in space as a reactive propulsion force showing possible operating reactive electromagnetic motor; as the scheme is printed on the tomb stone of Pacal from Palenque- Mexico and 2). This reactive electromagnetic motor which converts the magnetic field in the electromagnetic field, is the best device for producing a magnetic trap interior, which spatialized, to press and to confine the plasma thermonuclear, the facility ITER = international thermonuclear experimental reactor with spherical chamber, as described in the book of Enoch chapter 68.

  • @richelios4362
    @richelios4362 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ça risque de dégénérer selon JPP. th-cam.com/video/Fi_uurHZY-g/w-d-xo.html

    • @captainmurk3745
      @captainmurk3745 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jpp est un naze. Un charlatan, il n’a même pas été directeur du cnrs comme il le prétend mais s’est fait virer de son service. Sa page Wikipedia est un fake du début à la fin.

    • @richelios4362
      @richelios4362 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@captainmurk3745 c'est très moche de calomnier. Je connais personnellement JPP depuis 20 ans et il m'a beaucoup appris sur la physique des plasmas et la MHD. JPP à prédit l'instabilité du système regardez les 2 videis ci-dessous et nous verrons qui a raison. th-cam.com/video/JBn4lzAo5g8/w-d-xo.html th-cam.com/video/cxz8W_n-FBI/w-d-xo.html

    • @richelios4362
      @richelios4362 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@captainmurk3745 on a mis JPP dehors à cause de son intérêt pour les OVNIS! Il s'est vengé en devenant un grand spécialiste de l'astrophysique . Les abrutis de pseudo-scientifiques ignorant tout du phénomène, se mordent les doigts aujourd'hui depuis la divulgation officielle de L'US Navy des vidéos infrarouges prises par les pilotes de chasse du Nimiz en 2004 pour chasser des OVNIS en forme de Tic-Tac, la pilule est amère n'est-ce pas? Tout comme vous ils n'ont cessé de se foutre de la gueule de JPP auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur le phénomène OVNI. Le voile est tombé et on n'entend pas ces mauvais scientifiques se confondre en excuses et reconsidérer leur méprises. La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid et JPP a finalement triomphé.

    • @marcuslambert8722
      @marcuslambert8722 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Il n'y a pas que jpp.. beaucoup pensent que la fusion contrôlée est absolument impossible

    • @richelios4362
      @richelios4362 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@marcuslambert8722 bonjour pouvez vous donner des noms?JPP a cité une thèse de doctorat d'un étudiant français qui aurait démontré la quasi impossibilité de faire fonctionner une centrale basée sur la technologie d'ITER. Il y a 2 problèmes majeurs en dehors du binôme temos/température - La stabilité du plasma à cause du gradient énorme de température - la corrosion de l'enveloppe

  • @cr5547
    @cr5547 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    En fait ITER c’est encore un prototype de prototype de test. Vu le coût du projet en face des crises societales, les gens risquent de ne pas accepter un tel projet au long terme.

    • @sfenrhone-ain-loire5056
      @sfenrhone-ain-loire5056 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Le cout du projet est actuellement autour de 20 milliards d'euros, financé par les 35 pays membres d'ITER, ce qui fait un cout par pays très modeste pour un projet de recherche de cet ampleur (A titre ce comparaison, le soutien aux énergies renouvelables en France à été chiffré par la Cours des Comptes à 121 milliards d'euros d'engagés à fin 2018, pour un paiement jusqu'en 2044, pour un seul pays, la France)

    • @workandworkhere
      @workandworkhere 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Quand on voit l'argent que l'on met dans les armées ou le marketing par exemple, Iter n'est pas si délirant vu son utilité potentielle.

    • @aubrynicolas2874
      @aubrynicolas2874 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Et on parle du coût de Jo ? 😅

  • @plasma-rd
    @plasma-rd 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    - "ITER sera la première installation de fusion capable de produire une quantité d'énergie nette." Précisons cela: la machine devra produire 500 MW de puissance portée par les neutrons de fusion pendant 6 minutes. Pour cela elle consommera plus de 400 MWe de puissance électrique pendant ces six minutes, et une puissance auxiliaire très importante avant et après l'expérience. Le bilan énergétique n'est donc pas supérieur à 1, il n'y a pas d'énergie "nette". Après 3/4 de siècle de recherches scientifiques et technologiques en fusion thermonucléaire, ce projet ITER consomme plusieurs dizaines de milliards d'euros d'argent public. Il est bien peu avancé sur la route vers un futur réacteur produisant une puissance électrique de l'ordre de 1GWe. Peut-être pour nos arrière-petits-enfants au 22-ième siècle? - Autre précision: à la minute 27:00 de la vidéo, il est indiqué que le tokamak européen JET en 1997, après dix ans de recherches, a produit 16 MW de puissance de fusion, pour 24 MW de chauffage HF du plasma (sans compter la puissance auxiliaire d'environ 200 MWe), soit un rendement "plasma" de 0.67 (cf. DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/41/3A/002), et un rendement énergétique global de l'ordre de 1/10. Mais attention, cela a été obtenu pendant moins d'une demi-seconde! C'est sur ce résultat bien ténu, une sorte de "flash" de neutrons, que l'ambitieux projet ITER a été engagé dix ans plus tard.

    • @sfenrhone-ain-loire5056
      @sfenrhone-ain-loire5056 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      En complément des tokamak précédents (Tore Supra West, JET,...), le projet ITER doit justement démontrer (entre autres) que l'on peut atteindre un facteur 10 entre la puissance injectée pour amorcer le plasma (50MW) et la puissance générée par la réaction de fusion (500MW). Vous trouvez ces éléments à la minute 33:10 de la vidéo, ainsi que sur le site d'ITER : www.iter.org/fr/proj/inafewlines Cordialement

    • @plasma-rd
      @plasma-rd 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sfenrhone-ain-loire5056 Il me semble que vous n'avez pas bien saisi la problématique: la puissance pour "amorcer le plasma" n'est pas de 50 MW. La puissance de "création du plasma" n'est pas précisée, plusieurs centaines de MW globalement (induction du courant de 15 millions d'ampères entre autres). Cette puissance de 50 MW est seulement la puissance supplémentaire de chauffage micro-ondes du plasma (à la fréquence cyclotronique électronique) pour faire monter sa température. Cordialement (contribution d'un physicien des plasmas de la fusion et des tokamaks depuis 40 ans).