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事情繁忙如何保持状态?(如来临在)How can one maintain a good state amidst busyness? (Presence like the Buddha)
#无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练
Coach Wenbin, you're so busy, yet you remain so relaxed-how do you do it?"
This question reflects what many people wonder about. When faced with a whirlwind of complex tasks, how can one maintain a good state of mind, staying unaffected by external pressures? After watching this video, you might find the answer.
#WuJiCoach #WuJiPath #CoachWenBin
มุมมอง: 8


如何有耐心,慢下来?(灵魂绽放)How can one nurture patience and embrace a slower pace of life?
มุมมอง 1314 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
不识灵魂又怎么能懂得生命,唯有破除心中迷雾,方可开启觉醒人生。 生命不是没有耐心,而是未见本心,本心向善,爱护生命,本心向阳,照耀生命,本心向上,赋能生命。 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练
如何消除分别心?(一灯能破千年暗,一智能破万年愚)How can we eliminate the mind of discrimination?"
มุมมอง 914 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
有分别才有标准规则,没有分别自由绽放,生命就是一场关于标准和自由的游戏,标准规则可以让我们做事更好地达成共识,自由绽放可以让生命充满生机,当我们能看见便不会被禁锢,这便是一灯能除千年暗,一智能破万年愚。 愿这条视可以被更多的生命看见、关注、传播,让每一个遇见的人都能灯亮暗室,智破愚痴🙏🙏🙏 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 There is differentiation, and thus there are standards and rules. Without differentiation, there is freedom to blossom. Life is a game between standards and freedom. Standards and rules help us reach consensus more effectively, while...
一个生命是如何活出来的?(大者无形,师者觉悟)How does one truly live out a life? (The greatest is formless.)
มุมมอง 3616 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
4个孩子的妈妈,却毅然选择每个月从法国飞回国一次,就为了能亲身来到线下,支持和陪伴更多的生命,是什么让她有那么坚定的决心和勇气? 透过她的讲述,你能看到,一个生命是如何活出来的,不仅可以成为自己,更可以成为他人的陪伴者和支持者。 如果你也想像她一样,活出绽放,欢迎将本视频分享给更多需要的人 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 A mother of four children, yet she still resolutely chooses to fly back to her home country from France once a month, all for the purpose of being physically present to support and accompany more lives in person. What gives her such ...
生命是如何联结的?(问道无国界)How are lives connected? (Seeking the Way Without Borders)
มุมมอง 2719 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
我们总以为,生命的联结需要条件,但当真正走上异国的街头,你会看见,无论人们是否能在头脑上相互理解,都不阻碍彼此心的联结,你有多打开,你也将遇见多大的世界。 如果你也想像视频中的问道者一样,更大地打开自己,去联结更多生命,去创造更大生命的奇迹,欢迎与我们联结。 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 #问道巴黎 We often think that the connection between lives requires conditions. But when you truly step onto foreign streets, you’ll see that whether people can understand each other intellectually or not does not hinder the connection of hearts. The mo...
一个生命是如何在三分钟解决自己问题的?(生命影响生命)How did one person solve her own problem in just three minutes?
มุมมอง 44วันที่ผ่านมา
一个生命提出如何“身心合一,看见本质”这样的话题,透过三分钟的问道,便自己找到了答案。 如果她可以,看见视频的你也可以,这便是每个生命的本自具足,无需外求 Someone asked how to 'align body and mind, and see the essence.' In just three minutes of exploration,she found the answer within herself. If she can do it, so can you watching this video. Every life is inherently whole, with no need to seek answers externally. #WuJiCoach #DaoWuJi #CoachWenBin #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练#覺醒 #開悟...
如何勇敢地和真实的自己达成一致?(内心一小步,人生一大步)How to courageously align with your true self?
มุมมอง 7วันที่ผ่านมา
从“太在意会不会伤害他人,而不能真实地表达自己”,到“我就是我世界里最重要的人”,内心的一小步,却带来重大的人生变化 谨以此视频,送给所有内心善良,却压抑了真实自我的人,祝福你们 From 'caring too much about whether I might hurt others and unable to truly express myself' to 'I am the most important person in my own world,' a small step in the heart can bring about a major life transformation. I dedicate this video to all the kind-hearted people who have suppressed their true selves....
如何支持另一半?(男人不容易,女人却更难)How can you support your partner?
มุมมอง 17วันที่ผ่านมา
男人不容易,女人却更难,在这个充满变革的时代,我们每个人都在努力活着,在奋斗活好,在拼搏活出。 无论男女,没有谁容易,当我们想要要求另一半改变时,先问问自己,我还可以为TA做点什么,给点时间或许大家想要的彼此就真的呈现了,祝福每一个在生命中艰难向前的朋友,事业有成,家庭幸福🙏🙏🙏 It's not easy to be a man, but being a woman can be even more challenging. In this ever-changing world, each of us is striving to live our best lives and seeking fulfillment. No matter our gender, life presents its challenges for everyone. When we wish for...
如何在事情繁忙时保持状态?(如来临在)How can one maintain a good state during busy times? (By being fully present)
มุมมอง 1814 วันที่ผ่านมา
“文斌教练,你这么忙,为什么状态还依然那么放松?” 问道者的提问,问出了许多人的心声,当众多纷繁复杂的事情扑面而来,如何在忙中,也依然能保持自己的好状态,不被外在影响? 看完这条视频,或许你就知道了 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 Coach Wenbin, you're so busy, yet you always seem so relaxed-how do you do it? This question captures what many people wonder. When life becomes overwhelming with so many things coming at us, how do we stay in a good mental state and not let the outside world affect us? Watch th...
如何能坚定前进?(欢快雀跃)How can one move forward with steadfast determination? (With joy and enthusiasm)
มุมมอง 514 วันที่ผ่านมา
想要由着心来选择,却又担心脱离了大部分人的轨道,难以走出自己的一条道,面对人生选择,你是不是也有这样的困扰? 但每个人生而不同,正如世界上没有两片相同的叶子,也不会有完全一样的人生答案,到底如何做,才能放下比较,真正欢快雀跃地,奔赴在自己的人生之路上呢? 今天的视频,如对你有所启发,欢迎分享给更多的朋友 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 You want to follow your heart when making choices, but you're worried about drifting too far from the path most people are on, making it harder to find your own way. Do you ever face this kind of struggle when making life deci...
如果找不到使命,如何让人生有意义?(与命合一)If you cannot find a mission, how can you still create a meaningful life?
มุมมอง 7614 วันที่ผ่านมา
如果使命不再是一件具体的事,而是你这一生,要如何使用这条命,你会如何活呢? #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 If your mission is no longer a specific task, but rather your entire life-how you choose to use this life-how would you live? #WujiCoach #AskingtheWayofWuji #CoachWenbin
人生的出路在哪里?(阳光普照)Where is the way out in life? (When the road is bathed in sunlight)
มุมมอง 2121 วันที่ผ่านมา
事业生活都不顺利,人生的出路在哪里?向外找,永远难以确定;唯有自信,前路方可阳光普照 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 When both career and life are not going well, where is the way out? Searching outward will always lead to uncertainty; only through self-confidence can the road ahead be bright and filled with sunshine. #WuJiCoach #DaoOfWuJi #CoachWenbin
如何与自己的心建立联结?(燃烧的能量)How can you reconnect with your heart? (Igniting Your Energy)
มุมมอง 1121 วันที่ผ่านมา
朋友,你有多久没有和自己的心建立联结了? 这条视频看到最后,也许会给你意想不到的启发,每个生命的心都储存着巨大的能量,点燃自己的心灯,让心里的能量燃烧起来,释放无限的潜能,绽放与众不同的自己。 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 Dear friend, when was the last time you truly connected with your own heart? By the end of this video, you might discover some surprising insights. Every heart holds immense energy within it. So let's light up that inner flame and allow your heart's energy to shine brightly, unlock...
如何让身心通达合一?(日积月累)How to achieve mind-body integration? (Gradually over time)
มุมมอง 4021 วันที่ผ่านมา
泰山不辞微尘,故能成其高;江河不让涓低,故能就其深 愿你一点一点成为那个泰山,成为那个江河,在你的生命中身心合一 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练 Mount Tai does not reject even the smallest grains of dust, so it can become tall; rivers do not reject even the smallest streams, so they can become deep. May you gradually become that Mount Tai and that river, achieving mind-body integration in your life. #Wudang Coaching #Wudang Wisdom #Wenbin Coaching
มุมมอง 3628 วันที่ผ่านมา
有想做的事,却缺少一股勇往直前的力量?她的问题,也代表了许多朋友的现状 其实无中生有,有生无,万千变化终归那个道,当你找到自己心中的那条道,你便拥有了无穷无尽的力量向上螺旋生长 如感觉本支视频对你有所启发,欢迎分享给更多需要的人 #无极教练 #问道无极 #文斌教练
怎样做能与更多人链接?(千里之行始于足下)A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.)
มุมมอง 12หลายเดือนก่อน
怎样做能与更多人链接?(千里之行始于足下)A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.)
事业和家庭如何平衡?(取舍之道)How to balance career and family? (The way to make choices)
มุมมอง 22หลายเดือนก่อน
事业和家庭如何平衡?(取舍之道)How to balance career and family? (The way to make choices)
如何找回生命力?(含苞绽放)How can you regain vitality? (Budding and Blossoming)
มุมมอง 53หลายเดือนก่อน
如何找回生命力?(含苞绽放)How can you regain vitality? (Budding and Blossoming)
人生是一场游戏吗?( 凝望之力)Is life a game? (The Power of Gaze)
มุมมอง 16หลายเดือนก่อน
人生是一场游戏吗?( 凝望之力)Is life a game? (The Power of Gaze)
如何真正活出自己?(吾性自足)How can one truly live authentically?
มุมมอง 26หลายเดือนก่อน
如何真正活出自己?(吾性自足)How can one truly live authentically?
如何放下怀疑,见到真实的自己?(直击心灵)How to let go of doubt and see your true self? (Straight to the heart)
มุมมอง 33หลายเดือนก่อน
如何放下怀疑,见到真实的自己?(直击心灵)How to let go of doubt and see your true self? (Straight to the heart)
夫妻相差很大,如何经营好婚姻?(取”经“之路)How can they maintain a successful marriage despite difference?
มุมมอง 49หลายเดือนก่อน
夫妻相差很大,如何经营好婚姻?(取”经“之路)How can they maintain a successful marriage despite difference?
มุมมอง 27หลายเดือนก่อน
如何在当下瞬间,从恐惧到有勇气打开心?(彼岸“花”开)How can we open our hearts in the present moment?
มุมมอง 25หลายเดือนก่อน
如何在当下瞬间,从恐惧到有勇气打开心?(彼岸“花”开)How can we open our hearts in the present moment?
孩子不想去学校,怎样是对他真正的支持?(将心比心,换位思考)How can you truly support a child who doesn’t want to go to school?
มุมมอง 26หลายเดือนก่อน
孩子不想去学校,怎样是对他真正的支持?(将心比心,换位思考)How can you truly support a child who doesn’t want to go to school?
怎样的教育能真正释放孩子的潜能?(问心中之道,无生命之极)What kind of education can truly unlock a child’s full potential?
มุมมอง 33หลายเดือนก่อน
怎样的教育能真正释放孩子的潜能?(问心中之道,无生命之极)What kind of education can truly unlock a child’s full potential?
宇宙之道,自然之法(无极系统)The Way of the Universe, the Law of Nature (WuJi System)
มุมมอง 33หลายเดือนก่อน
宇宙之道,自然之法(无极系统)The Way of the Universe, the Law of Nature (WuJi System)
问道无国界,无极贯中西 ,一段跨越语言的问道(问道巴黎)Seeking the truth in Paris
มุมมอง 47หลายเดือนก่อน
问道无国界,无极贯中西 ,一段跨越语言的问道(问道巴黎)Seeking the truth in Paris
如何去创造生命的无限可能(本来无一物,何处惹尘埃)How to Unlock Infinite Possibilities in Life.
มุมมอง 49หลายเดือนก่อน
如何去创造生命的无限可能(本来无一物,何处惹尘埃)How to Unlock Infinite Possibilities in Life.
为什么妈妈不让我玩手机?(本自具足)Why Won't Mom Let Me Play on the Phone? (Innate Wholeness)
มุมมอง 8หลายเดือนก่อน
为什么妈妈不让我玩手机?(本自具足)Why Won't Mom Let Me Play on the Phone? (Innate Wholeness)