Lafayette Adoration
Lafayette Adoration
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The Real Presence - Chapter 47 Saint Mary Magdalen - Audiobook
มุมมอง 185 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 47 Saint Mary Magdalen - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 46 Saint John The Baptist - Audiobook
มุมมอง 175 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 46 Saint John The Baptist - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 45 The Eucharistic Transfiguration - Audiobook
มุมมอง 225 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 45 The Eucharistic Transfiguration - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 43 The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Audiobook
มุมมอง 405 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 43 The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 44 The Heaven of the Eucharist - Audiobook
มุมมอง 115 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 44 The Heaven of the Eucharist - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 41 Epiphany and the Eucharist - Audiobook
มุมมอง 185 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 41 Epiphany and the Eucharist - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 42 Corpus Christi - Audiobook
มุมมอง 45 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 42 Corpus Christi - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 40 New Year Wishes to Our Eucharistic Lord - Audiobook
มุมมอง 65 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 40 New Year Wishes to Our Eucharistic Lord - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 39 Christmas and the Eucharist - Audiobook
มุมมอง 155 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 39 Christmas and the Eucharist - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 38 Jesus, Model of Poverty - Audiobook
มุมมอง 95 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 38 Jesus, Model of Poverty - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 37 Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart - Audiobook
มุมมอง 395 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 37 Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 36 Self-Abasement and Eucharistic Holiness - Audiobook
มุมมอง 155 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 36 Self-Abasement and Eucharistic Holiness - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 34 Let Us Love the Most Blessed Sacrament - Audiobook
มุมมอง 65 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 34 Let Us Love the Most Blessed Sacrament - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 35 The Eucharist Our Way - Audiobook
มุมมอง 45 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 35 The Eucharist Our Way - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 33 The Cultus of the Eucharist - Audiobook
มุมมอง 85 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 33 The Cultus of the Eucharist - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 32 The God of Our Heart - Audiobook
มุมมอง 55 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 32 The God of Our Heart - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 31 God is There! - Audiobook
มุมมอง 35 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 31 God is There! - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 30 The Triumph of Christ Through the Eucharist - Audiobook
มุมมอง 65 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 30 The Triumph of Christ Through the Eucharist - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 29 The Most Blessed Sacrament is Not Loved! - Audiobook
มุมมอง 85 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 29 The Most Blessed Sacrament is Not Loved! - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 28 Our Sovereign Good - Audiobook
มุมมอง 65 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 28 Our Sovereign Good - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 27 The Eucharist, The Center of Love - Audiobook
มุมมอง 55 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 27 The Eucharist, The Center of Love - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 26 The God of the Poor - Audiobook
มุมมอง 45 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 26 The God of the Poor - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 25 The God of Goodness - Audiobook
มุมมอง 35 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 25 The God of Goodness - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 24 The Family Feast - Audiobook
มุมมอง 75 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 24 The Family Feast - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 23 The Eucharist and Family Life - Audiobook
มุมมอง 75 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 23 The Eucharist and Family Life - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 22 The Excess of Love - Audiobook
มุมมอง 115 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 22 The Excess of Love - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 20 The Mystery of Faith - Audiobook
มุมมอง 125 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 20 The Mystery of Faith - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 21 The Love of Jesus in the Eucharist - Audiobook
มุมมอง 85 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 21 The Love of Jesus in the Eucharist - Audiobook
The Real Presence - Chapter 19 The Eucharistic Veil - Audiobook
มุมมอง 85 ปีที่แล้ว
The Real Presence - Chapter 19 The Eucharistic Veil - Audiobook


  • @beantrader4723
    @beantrader4723 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Paul said 2Tim 3:16-17 AMP "All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately-behaving honorably with personal integrity & moral courage]; so that the man of God may be 'complete' & proficient, outfitted & thoroughly equipped for every good work" (>no mention of the rcc adding in their separate teachings, traditions). God’s perfect power - Who IS the Holy Spirit, is represented in the Bible as He that teaches Christ's Church/Believers who follow the teachings of Christ <. The scriptures are words spoken by God & are testimonies of Jesus’ life here on earth. The Bible IS God's breath, giving life IN the Word which IS the Power, Who IS the Holy Spirit, that brings to life within the Scriptures the very Word, Who IS Jesus. So, the Holy Spirit teaches our spirit, through the written Word, the exact teaachings of Jesus when He was on earth. God's believers are one with God through the ressurection sacrifice. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit came, as Jesus promised, and 'indwelled' the presence of the Trinity in the Temple of the Believers. As before the sin 'in' Adam, WE are ONE with God (as he was in Adam-when He breathed life into him). The Throne Room of God is open to us forever, as it was before the sin of Adam entered the world (through Adam). Jesus never named Peter a pope because God sent God (to continue HIS work). Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to continue the work of Jesus. He promised 'never to leave or forsake us'. At Pentecost, the 'indwelling of the spirit of God in US' is the same AS the 'indwelling of God-in-flesh' when Jesus entered Mary's womb > except, with us, God indwells us entirely! (We cannot get any closer to God than that). We 'are' ONE with GOD. We confess, we pray, we worship, we form an ongoing relationship with God-in-us >"Emanuel" (God is with us). God’s name reveals His nature. God isn’t restricted by time. He is “I am”, He is “the beginning & the end”. He is “who is & who was & who is to come”. He is 'not' hand-made, outside of us, in a piece of bread (he can't be "swallowed through bread/wine), he's not in a stone building, on a mountain top, in a relic, statue, rosary, medal, scapular, dead 'saint' or angel. God is not a 'thing' you see with your eyes. God is spirit that only faith in 'Him' will reveal Him (in us). Satan wants to trick you into worshiping anything or anyone other than God. Satan wants to keep you focused on 'things' to worship so you will not form a relationship & worship God alone. 'This' is our purpose for living > to live to love, know, & serve God in this world to prepare us for what IS already estaablished (in place), in heaven. Jesus loves you, return to your first love. Let go of the 'things' of this world. Worship God, alone. BE taught by God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit IN the Word that God gave us to lead, guide, teach, AS Christ taught HIS Church.

  • @banditnip0345
    @banditnip0345 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's happening all over the world. The US is in the lead. He saw this coming. I saw it coming. A country without God is doomed. We have trained Marksist's raking in large donations to buy elaborate homes with money that's supposed to go for helping the under priveledged. Right now in 2021.

  • @mia795
    @mia795 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The consecration was NOT made as requested by heaven. If it had been done, we would see the promised era of peace and there has been NO peace. The Blessed Mother said that RUSSIA, only RUSSIA, was to be consecrated in concert with all the Bishops. This has NEVER been accomplished. As Father Gruner told me personal, heaven's prescription for peace is not subject to negotiation. It is legalistic. Don't believe it? Ask an exorcist. They understand the legalistic nature of liberation. God will only permit the liberation when certain circumstances have been met. As for Sister Lucy, do you not find it odd that Our Lady told her the secret should be revealed prior to her death or by 1960, whichever comes first. St. Lucy was in danger of death, which is why she was ordered to write down the secret. Sr. Lucy did not live beyond 1958. The woman who was propped up in her place bears no resemblance to Sr. Lucy. Even Stevie Wonder could see that. The replacement has also said heretical things that no true seer would ever say. There is a group in Italy currently doing forensic investiation that can prove all this. It will all come to light in time. The key point being that the masonic/satanic infiltration of the church and the Communist takeover of the world, which the Blessed Mother warned about, are nearly complete. If we continue to naively act as though the consecration has been done and do not live the message of Fatima daily, it will be a fait a complit within a few short years. TIME TO WAKE UP! Actually, long past time.

  • @robertlane8465
    @robertlane8465 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @tgwcl6194
    @tgwcl6194 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    BERGOGLIO IS A FREE MASON! The Holy Roman Catholic Church and world are in existential crisis. Bergoglio is not the pope. Not even Catholic anymore. He is the 'False Prophet' from Revelations. Why? On several counts he is automatically excommunicated. Bergoglio was not canonically elected (voting not after canonic 15 days after abdication, but after 13 days). Coz he is a closet free mason. Coz he lobbyed before the last two conclaves, which is punished by the Church (canon law written by John Paul II) with automatic excommunication (Bergoglio is part of the rebellic Sankt Gallen Group who plotted Bergoglio's election). Coz Bergoglio gave a Church medal to a 10.000 (!) times Italian abortionist and he hailed a Dutch abortionist (Lilian Ploumen). Supporting mortal sin is, according to Church teachings, the same as commiting it. Coz of Bergoglio's endless twisting and denying of 2000 year old fundamental Church teachings ('Christ was just a man.', 'Atheists go to Heaven.' Allowing public adulterers to Holy Communion. And much more.) This means that anything Bergoglio writes or says or decides, including holy Communion for public adulterers, has no value whatsoever. Not worth the paper its written on. Saint Franciscus called Bergoglio the 'destroyer'. And in the chilling Malachy Prophecy Bergoglio is the last on the throne of Saint Peter, but not a pope. Being afraid of their careers, most clergy however cowardly continue to support this heretic. And most laity is Catholic in name only and dont care as long as Holy Mass, if they go at all, is cosy. Act now! Do as Our Lady Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, asked in Fatima in 1917. Start wearing a blessed Brown Scapular and pray daily the mighty Rosary and/or Rosary of Seven Sorrows of Our Lady! In return, by the power of Christ, Our Lady Mary promised help, special protection, and eternal life with Her Son!! Our Lady is not a McDonalds. Pray with humility, trust and patience please. God bless!

  • @davidjohnzenocollins
    @davidjohnzenocollins 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Call me delusional, then. Russia has been converted from atheistic communism to orthodox Christianity. Those Russian alliances Fr. Casey touched on are a reaction to the evil, war-mongering imperialism of the US. As far as young people saying they'd vote for communism: consider the economic hell they are living under. Anything , they think, would be better than this regime which benefits only the 1% (and is kind of OK for the top 20%).

  • @deematthews5886
    @deematthews5886 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless Fr Casey and All the Frs of Mercy. But I believe mankind is doing a pretty good job at distroying people and the earth but now I see The Antichrist stepping in slowly but surely

  • @kevinmoran7891
    @kevinmoran7891 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    do you know if his sermons are shared on youtube?

  • @roselee7230
    @roselee7230 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you want to know the truth about the Catholic Church listen to Father Casey

  • @makemyday6217
    @makemyday6217 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless you and your order father Casey +J.M.J+

  • @liasosa4100
    @liasosa4100 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Such a powerful testimony of faith, thank you Fr Casey!

  • @susyruggeri310
    @susyruggeri310 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    very good father

  • @georgepenton6023
    @georgepenton6023 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Some of the promises made to those who devote themselves to the Sacred Heart: "I will give them an ocean of mercy"; "tepid souls will become fervent, and fervent souls will quickly mount to high perfection"; "I will bestow a large blessing upon all their undertakings". I have been practicing Sacred Heart devotions for over 40 years now and I have yet to have any of these things come true. Sorry if I didn't say what some might have wanted to hear but all I can tell you is what happened to me.

  • @mufc99ok
    @mufc99ok 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless fr bill casey how the church needs good holy priests like fr bill casey

  • @CatherineYarton
    @CatherineYarton 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent commentary.

  • @laraineschilling5343
    @laraineschilling5343 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wished I had been able to come to hear Doug Barry's talk....but....thank you so much for sharing this on TH-cam to allow people to hear this talk. Very powerful!

  • @charmq777
    @charmq777 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless Doug Barry and his ministry. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

  • @Anne-po99
    @Anne-po99 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I first saw this a few yes ago on Ewtn. I was riveted to the screen. What a great portrayal of Jesus last days. I was truly blessed