School of Management LUM
School of Management LUM
  • 103
  • 19 895
LUM ACADEMY - 75 borse di studio !
Un' opportunità straordinaria per coloro che vogliono approfondire le proprie conoscenze e dare una svolta alla propria carriera.
Le iscrizioni resteranno aperte fino al 30 settembre !
#altaformazione #digitaltrasformation #salesforce #marketingstrategies
มุมมอง: 67


Nuovo Anno Accademico della LUM School of Management
มุมมอง 172 หลายเดือนก่อน
Nuovo Anno Accademico della LUM School of Management
Dott. Gianroberto Costa - Direttore scientifico e docente MSA - Master in Strategic Affairs
มุมมอง 1192 หลายเดือนก่อน
🧑🏻‍🏫 Il Dott. Gianroberto Costa, presidente ENASARCO e segretario generale Confcommercio Milano, ci presenta il Master in Strategic Affairs e Gestione delle relazioni tra Privati e PA - MAS - di cui è direttore scientifico e docente. 🗣 “ Il 24 ottobre presso il campus della Lum School of Management di Milano avrà inizio il primo master in Public Affairs. Si affronteranno argomenti come strategi...
Mons. Giulio Dellavite - Docente del Master MSA della LUM School of Management.
มุมมอง 1472 หลายเดือนก่อน
Mons. Giulio Dellavite, delegato vescovile per le relazioni istituzionali della Curia di Bergamo, formatore e scrittore. Direttore scientifico e docente del Master MSA, Strategic Affairs e Gestione delle Relazioni tra Privati e PA della LUM School of Management. 🗣 “ Lo Strategic Affairs è un concetto molto moderno e al tempo stesso estremamente antico. Ma cosa c’entra un prete con un master in ...
🎓 Il Prof. Fabio Gabrielli - Docente del Master MSA della LUM School of Management.
มุมมอง 783 หลายเดือนก่อน
🎓 Il Prof. Fabio Gabrielli, Filosofo, Antropologo, Scrittore e docente universitario. Ricercatore con una nomination al Premio Nobel nelle neuroscienze. Docente del Master MSA, Strategic Affairs e Gestione delle Relazioni tra Privati e PA della LUM School of Management. 🗣 "Il Master MSA si distingue per l'ampiezza e l'organicità dei contenuti, la competenza dei docenti, il taglio innovativo sop...
MADEM - Master in Arts and Design Management
มุมมอง 283 หลายเดือนก่อน
Albert Aleksanyan - student of Master in Arts and Design Management - Intern at Fondazione Luciana Matalon
La Dr.ssa Antonella Guida
มุมมอง 466 หลายเดือนก่อน
La Dr.ssa Antonella Guida, D.S. 12 Caserta, per il Progetto Laboratorio LEAN - 9 Aprile 2024, presso l'aula Aldo Rossi dell'Università LUM. hashtag#lumschoolofmanagement
Prof. Ing. Giovanni Schiuma
มุมมอง 277 หลายเดือนก่อน
Prof. Ing. Giovanni Schiuma
Il Prof. Federico Caligaris, docente del Master MIBGI, International Business and Global Innovation
มุมมอง 187 หลายเดือนก่อน
Il Prof. Federico Caligaris, docente del Master MIBGI, International Business and Global Innovation
Il Prof. Francesco Manfredi, Direttore LUM School of Management
มุมมอง 417 หลายเดือนก่อน
Il Prof. Francesco Manfredi, Direttore LUM School of Management
Professor Alessandra Ricciardelli
มุมมอง 477 หลายเดือนก่อน
Professor Alessandra Ricciardelli
La Dott.ssa Anna Maria Rago, Responsabile Ufficio Placement della Lum School of Management
มุมมอง 428 หลายเดือนก่อน
La Dott.ssa Anna Maria Rago, Responsabile Ufficio Placement della Lum School of Management
Master in International Business in China, MIBC
มุมมอง 228 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master in International Business in China, MIBC
Dott.ssa Silvia Dalena - Ex Studentessa Master MAHRM
มุมมอง 418 หลายเดือนก่อน
Dott.ssa Silvia Dalena - Ex Studentessa Master MAHRM
Master di II livello in Pianificazione e Progettazione dei Fondi Europei, MAPPFE.
มุมมอง 188 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master di II livello in Pianificazione e Progettazione dei Fondi Europei, MAPPFE.
Executive EMBA - Lum School of Management - LEADERSHIP e MANAGEMENT - Prof. Vittorio D'Amato
มุมมอง 238 หลายเดือนก่อน
Executive EMBA - Lum School of Management - LEADERSHIP e MANAGEMENT - Prof. Vittorio D'Amato
Master MADEM - Ibadat Edhi
มุมมอง 7310 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master MADEM - Ibadat Edhi
MADEM - Prof. Paolo Cacciato Testimony
มุมมอง 1710 หลายเดือนก่อน
MADEM - Prof. Paolo Cacciato Testimony
5th Edition MIFL Master students testimonies: discover expectations and internship opportunities.
มุมมอง 81ปีที่แล้ว
5th Edition MIFL Master students testimonies: discover expectations and internship opportunities.
Francesca D'andrea, Alumna MIFL, Giorgio Armani SpA
มุมมอง 62ปีที่แล้ว
Francesca D'andrea, Alumna MIFL, Giorgio Armani SpA
Open Day - School of Management LUM
มุมมอง 84ปีที่แล้ว
Open Day - School of Management LUM
Il Direttore scientifico Vittorio D’Amato presenta la prima edizione dell’EMBA
มุมมอง 71ปีที่แล้ว
Il Direttore scientifico Vittorio D’Amato presenta la prima edizione dell’EMBA
Graduation Ceremony - La LUM School of Management festeggia i suoi studenti
มุมมอง 208ปีที่แล้ว
Graduation Ceremony - La LUM School of Management festeggia i suoi studenti
4th Edition MIFL Master students testimonies: discover expectations and internship opportunities.
มุมมอง 2012 ปีที่แล้ว
4th Edition MIFL Master students testimonies: discover expectations and internship opportunities.
Dott.ssa Chiara Garamante - Master MIFL, Cantine Ferrari Trento
มุมมอง 1422 ปีที่แล้ว
Dott.ssa Chiara Garamante - Master MIFL, Cantine Ferrari Trento
OpenDay LUM School of Management - 18/07/2022
มุมมอง 1132 ปีที่แล้ว
OpenDay LUM School of Management - 18/07/2022
Master MIFL (Made In Italy, Fashion and Luxury Management) student
มุมมอง 6742 ปีที่แล้ว
Master MIFL (Made In Italy, Fashion and Luxury Management) student
GOVERNARE LA COMPLESSITÀ - Programma di Alta Formazione rivolto al personale INPS Lombardia
มุมมอง 1242 ปีที่แล้ว
GOVERNARE LA COMPLESSITÀ - Programma di Alta Formazione rivolto al personale INPS Lombardia
MIMAS - Master in Innovation Management delle Aziende Sanitarie
มุมมอง 1022 ปีที่แล้ว
MIMAS - Master in Innovation Management delle Aziende Sanitarie
LUM - Master Universitario di I Livello in "Careers with the European Union"
มุมมอง 1002 ปีที่แล้ว
LUM - Master Universitario di I Livello in "Careers with the European Union"


  • @townpullins2827
    @townpullins2827 ปีที่แล้ว

    'Promo sm' 😍

  • @khalil5908
    @khalil5908 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    @FIBBIIAC 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    altro sistema dittatoriale per controllare i cittadini

  • @rubenpatton4771
    @rubenpatton4771 2 ปีที่แล้ว