As a 外国人 (Switzerland) your accent and your velocity of speech are really approachable. Thanks, for helping me deepen my understanding of Mandarin while simultaneously learning about fascinating topics.
11-12海内昆仑墟 山海经濮语解读 张明友2022 竹和松出版社 Hai-nei-kun-lun-xu (93,5533E;35,71969N) 海内昆仑墟[1],在西北,帝之下都[2],昆仑之墟,方八百里,高万仞。上有木禾[3] ,长五寻 [4] ,大五围 [5] 。面有九井,以玉为槛 [6] 。面有九门 [7] ,门有开明兽守之 [8] ,百神所在 [9] 。在八隅之岩 [10] ,赤水之际 [11] ,非仁羿莫能上冈之岩[12]。 注释:[1]昆仑墟:指昆仑山口。海内,指比海外远的地方,实际指海外。 Notes: [1] kun lun xu: refers to Kunlunshankou, (mouth of Kunlun Mountain) 。Hainei (sea within): actually, refers to localities further removed from the proper China, in this contact, it is even further than Haiwai (beyond sea), hai has two meanings, water body as sea and ocean, or landmass areas which is not a body of water。 [2] 西北帝之下都:唐古拉山的东麓。西北帝,读曦鳖抵,指彤老剌,即唐古拉。 [2] xi bei di zhi xia du (west north di’s lower capital) Tr: the east side of Tanggula Mountains。Xibeidi: reads as xibidi, refers to Tonglaola, another phonetic rendering of Tanggula。 [3] 上有木禾:那里有扎曲。扎曲,古称木禾河。 [3] shang you mu he (up has wood plant) Tr: there is the Zhaqu River, its ancient name is Muhe River。 [4] 长五寻:楚玛须河。五,读梅音,与玛谐音。 [4] chang wu xun (long as five xun) Tr: refers to the Machu River。Wu (five) reads as may, a close phonetic match to Ma。 [5] 大五围:达玛维河,今称通天河。 [5] da wu wei (big five wei) Tr: the Damawei River, known today as the Tongtian (reach sky) River。 [6] 面有九井,以玉为槛:山上有无数的源泉,是由冰融化而成。 [6] mian you jiu jing (face has nine wells), yi yu wei lan(jade as rails and handles) Tr: there are countless springs on the mountains, from the melting ice。 [7] 面有九门:上面有许多通道。 [7] mian you jiu men (face has nine gates) Tr: there are many passageways。 [8] 有开明兽守之:有丝绸族通过。这里的丝绸族是指丝绸贩运氏族。 [8] you kai ming shou shou zhi (has open bright beasts guard it) Tr: silk tribes go through here; silk tribes refer to the tribes engaged in trade and transportation of silk products。 [9] 百神所在:到达巴斯蜀纪。 [9] bai shen suo zai (hundred deities are here) Tr: travelling to Basishuji。 [10] 赤水之纪:且舍的部落。 [10] chi shui zhi ji (red water this record) Tr: The Qieshe tribes。 [11] 非仁羿莫能上冈之岩:从事织绸的能沽之乡。非仁,指专门;羿莫,指织绸;能冈,指能沽洛略;岩,指乡。 [11] fei ren yi mo neng shang gang zhi yan (not virtue yi not can up cliff ‘s rock) Tr: refers to the Nenggu area that is engaged in silk production。 Feiren: specialize; yimo: weaving silk; nenggang: nengguluolui; yan: locale, xiang: township。 译文:海外昆仑山口,在唐古拉山东麓,属昆仑山脉的东部,方圆八百里,高万仞。那里有木禾河、楚玛须河、达玛维河。上面有无数的源泉,是由冰融化而成。上面有许多通道,有丝绸(贩运)族从那里通过,到达巴斯蜀纪、且舍部落和专门从事织绸的能沽之乡。 Translation: Haiwai Kunlunshankou is located to the east side of the Tanggula Mountains, an east stretch of the Kunlun Mountains。 It commands 800 li wide and stands as high as ten thousand ren。 There are Muhe River, Chumaxu River, Damawei River。 There are countless springs bubbling out as a result of the melting ice。 There are many passageways。The Silk trade tribes go through there to reach Basi-shuji, Qieshe tribes, and the Nenggu township which specializes in silk production。
02-03-16阴山 山海经濮语解读 张明友2022 竹和松出版社 西山经三系列16山 Yinshan (57,09546E;30,29788N) 又西三百里,曰阴山[1]。浊浴之水[2] 出焉,而南流注于蕃泽 [3] ,其中多文贝 [4] 。有兽焉,其状如狸而白首[5] ,名曰天狗[6],其音如榴榴[7],可以御凶[8]。 注释:[1]阴山:指伊鲁德山,在伊朗中南部。在贾恩山的西南面。 Notes: [1] yin shan (shade mount) Tr: it refers to Yilude Mountain, in the middle south part of Iran, to the southwest of Jia’en Mountain。 [2] 浊浴水:指扎兰河。 [2] zhu yu shui (dirty bath water) Tr: refers to Zhanland River。(Jarahi River) [3] 蕃泽:波泽,即波斯湾。 [3] pan ze (foreign sea) Tr: The Persian Gulf。pan, po, per are phonetic matches。 [4] 文贝:维俾,即南俾路支人。 [4] wen bei (marked shell) Tr: wei pi, it refers to the south Balochi people。 [5] 狸而白首:山区的农业氏族。 [5]li er bai shou (leopard with white head) Tr: refers to the agriculture clans from the mountains。 [6] 天狗:达尔格布里支系。 [6] tian gou (sky dog) Tr: it refers to the Dargabli tribe。 [7] 榴榴:伊鲁河。 [7] liu liu: refers to the Yilu River (Erud river) 。 [8] 可以御凶:克尔曼伊斯,今称克尔曼。 [8]ke yi yu xiong (can prevent brutality) Tr: refers to Kerman-is (Carmania), known today as the Kerman。 译文:由贾恩山往西南三百里,有座山叫伊鲁德山。扎兰河发源于这座山,向南流入波斯湾,这里住着南俾路支氏族。有一个氏族,是山区的农业氏族,名叫达尔格布里氏,住在伊鲁河北岸的克尔曼(伊斯)。 Translation: Three hundred li further southwest from Jia ‘en Mountain there stands the Yilude Mountain. Zaran-rud originates from this mountain and goes south into the Persian Gulf。The south Balochi people live here。 An agricultural tribe from the mountains called Dargabli Shi lives in Kerman(-is) on the north bank of Erud River。
說山,說不完。 說水,說不盡。
蒙古人 并不是发源于蒙古复地,发源于黑龙江流域,和契丹同源,也算东北起家的。
Oh shit Mr. 慢腾腾, covers my favourite 省. (amicably)
As a 外国人 (Switzerland) your accent and your velocity of speech are really approachable. Thanks, for helping me deepen my understanding of Mandarin while simultaneously learning about fascinating topics.
周人傳說的“夏”,只是萬國林立中的霸主,與商一樣,談不上“朝”,“王朝”是后世史家妄想出來的。夏的起源地在甘肅夏河一帶,古時也稱甘肅為“夏州”。禹時,東侵中原和江淮一帶,才將夏的名號帶往中原一帶,夏縣、禹縣,說明:夏和禹是真實存在的,只是不象后世說的“中央王朝”,僅是諸候霸主而已,類似春秋戰國時的齊、晉、秦、楚等霸主。因春秋策論托古喻今,以著名霸主--夏商說事,而被銘記下來,同時期的“萬國”大多消失在歷史的塵埃中了。 西周金文“夏”,象持鉞武士狀,以武力建國稱“夏”,羌人建立“大夏”,黨項建立“西夏”,都以武力建國。商時,稱“羌方”。周時,文獻無“羌”,以“夏”取代。羌夏異名而同體,羌是族名,夏是國名。商革夏命后,國已不存在,商甲骨卜辭以族名稱“羌方”,類似清亡后,稱“滿人”。西周則以“有夏自居”,說明:羌、夏、周,有淵源關系。這也就是為何“夏”出自周人傳說的原因。 “夏”造成的歷史迷霧,主要原因有五:1商滅夏,以“羌”蔑稱。類似周滅商,以“殷”蔑稱,由此造成名號的錯亂。2周人傳說的“夏”,注入了神化因素,真假難辯。3儒家“春秋筆法”,禪讓和大禹治水,以功德獲取天下,混淆視聽,是非難識。4考古難以確定“夏”的文化特質,多是各家猜測,難以形成共識。5夏后氏是游牧民族,四處征戰遷都,難以確定考古學文化類型屬于“夏墟”。
11-12海内昆仑墟 山海经濮语解读 张明友2022 竹和松出版社 Hai-nei-kun-lun-xu (93,5533E;35,71969N) 海内昆仑墟[1],在西北,帝之下都[2],昆仑之墟,方八百里,高万仞。上有木禾[3] ,长五寻 [4] ,大五围 [5] 。面有九井,以玉为槛 [6] 。面有九门 [7] ,门有开明兽守之 [8] ,百神所在 [9] 。在八隅之岩 [10] ,赤水之际 [11] ,非仁羿莫能上冈之岩[12]。 注释:[1]昆仑墟:指昆仑山口。海内,指比海外远的地方,实际指海外。 Notes: [1] kun lun xu: refers to Kunlunshankou, (mouth of Kunlun Mountain) 。Hainei (sea within): actually, refers to localities further removed from the proper China, in this contact, it is even further than Haiwai (beyond sea), hai has two meanings, water body as sea and ocean, or landmass areas which is not a body of water。 [2] 西北帝之下都:唐古拉山的东麓。西北帝,读曦鳖抵,指彤老剌,即唐古拉。 [2] xi bei di zhi xia du (west north di’s lower capital) Tr: the east side of Tanggula Mountains。Xibeidi: reads as xibidi, refers to Tonglaola, another phonetic rendering of Tanggula。 [3] 上有木禾:那里有扎曲。扎曲,古称木禾河。 [3] shang you mu he (up has wood plant) Tr: there is the Zhaqu River, its ancient name is Muhe River。 [4] 长五寻:楚玛须河。五,读梅音,与玛谐音。 [4] chang wu xun (long as five xun) Tr: refers to the Machu River。Wu (five) reads as may, a close phonetic match to Ma。 [5] 大五围:达玛维河,今称通天河。 [5] da wu wei (big five wei) Tr: the Damawei River, known today as the Tongtian (reach sky) River。 [6] 面有九井,以玉为槛:山上有无数的源泉,是由冰融化而成。 [6] mian you jiu jing (face has nine wells), yi yu wei lan(jade as rails and handles) Tr: there are countless springs on the mountains, from the melting ice。 [7] 面有九门:上面有许多通道。 [7] mian you jiu men (face has nine gates) Tr: there are many passageways。 [8] 有开明兽守之:有丝绸族通过。这里的丝绸族是指丝绸贩运氏族。 [8] you kai ming shou shou zhi (has open bright beasts guard it) Tr: silk tribes go through here; silk tribes refer to the tribes engaged in trade and transportation of silk products。 [9] 百神所在:到达巴斯蜀纪。 [9] bai shen suo zai (hundred deities are here) Tr: travelling to Basishuji。 [10] 赤水之纪:且舍的部落。 [10] chi shui zhi ji (red water this record) Tr: The Qieshe tribes。 [11] 非仁羿莫能上冈之岩:从事织绸的能沽之乡。非仁,指专门;羿莫,指织绸;能冈,指能沽洛略;岩,指乡。 [11] fei ren yi mo neng shang gang zhi yan (not virtue yi not can up cliff ‘s rock) Tr: refers to the Nenggu area that is engaged in silk production。 Feiren: specialize; yimo: weaving silk; nenggang: nengguluolui; yan: locale, xiang: township。 译文:海外昆仑山口,在唐古拉山东麓,属昆仑山脉的东部,方圆八百里,高万仞。那里有木禾河、楚玛须河、达玛维河。上面有无数的源泉,是由冰融化而成。上面有许多通道,有丝绸(贩运)族从那里通过,到达巴斯蜀纪、且舍部落和专门从事织绸的能沽之乡。 Translation: Haiwai Kunlunshankou is located to the east side of the Tanggula Mountains, an east stretch of the Kunlun Mountains。 It commands 800 li wide and stands as high as ten thousand ren。 There are Muhe River, Chumaxu River, Damawei River。 There are countless springs bubbling out as a result of the melting ice。 There are many passageways。The Silk trade tribes go through there to reach Basi-shuji, Qieshe tribes, and the Nenggu township which specializes in silk production。
播主 好疑惑 怎么评论里这么多杠精😂
02-03-16阴山 山海经濮语解读 张明友2022 竹和松出版社 西山经三系列16山 Yinshan (57,09546E;30,29788N) 又西三百里,曰阴山[1]。浊浴之水[2] 出焉,而南流注于蕃泽 [3] ,其中多文贝 [4] 。有兽焉,其状如狸而白首[5] ,名曰天狗[6],其音如榴榴[7],可以御凶[8]。 注释:[1]阴山:指伊鲁德山,在伊朗中南部。在贾恩山的西南面。 Notes: [1] yin shan (shade mount) Tr: it refers to Yilude Mountain, in the middle south part of Iran, to the southwest of Jia’en Mountain。 [2] 浊浴水:指扎兰河。 [2] zhu yu shui (dirty bath water) Tr: refers to Zhanland River。(Jarahi River) [3] 蕃泽:波泽,即波斯湾。 [3] pan ze (foreign sea) Tr: The Persian Gulf。pan, po, per are phonetic matches。 [4] 文贝:维俾,即南俾路支人。 [4] wen bei (marked shell) Tr: wei pi, it refers to the south Balochi people。 [5] 狸而白首:山区的农业氏族。 [5]li er bai shou (leopard with white head) Tr: refers to the agriculture clans from the mountains。 [6] 天狗:达尔格布里支系。 [6] tian gou (sky dog) Tr: it refers to the Dargabli tribe。 [7] 榴榴:伊鲁河。 [7] liu liu: refers to the Yilu River (Erud river) 。 [8] 可以御凶:克尔曼伊斯,今称克尔曼。 [8]ke yi yu xiong (can prevent brutality) Tr: refers to Kerman-is (Carmania), known today as the Kerman。 译文:由贾恩山往西南三百里,有座山叫伊鲁德山。扎兰河发源于这座山,向南流入波斯湾,这里住着南俾路支氏族。有一个氏族,是山区的农业氏族,名叫达尔格布里氏,住在伊鲁河北岸的克尔曼(伊斯)。 Translation: Three hundred li further southwest from Jia ‘en Mountain there stands the Yilude Mountain. Zaran-rud originates from this mountain and goes south into the Persian Gulf。The south Balochi people live here。 An agricultural tribe from the mountains called Dargabli Shi lives in Kerman(-is) on the north bank of Erud River。
Das ist tocharisch nation Ewigkeit die ärger und hassen.Mord amgvaka die fu jiezi ist Ewigkeit von Laster Menschen
山海经濮语解读,张明友2022. 中山经第六山系,第七山系出现的夏山,夏水,(毂山,毂水)就是最早的仰韶文明地区, 夏读如毂,或苦,库, 并不读如xia.
作為一個在台灣生長的蒙古裔人, 看到 您這個節目, 很感動. 對於一些沒有水準的惡評, 毋庸介意, 一笑置之, 加油 !
贺兰雪 李元昊
鲜卑、党项族群已融入华夏民族, 说华夏就是说他们
南北向的山多了 太行山 、横断山、长白山 兴安岭 …… 在这吹啥?想讲历史 讲政治 。别添盐加醋、画蛇添足。
@@slavish_superiority 怎么是武断呢?我只是说南北方向的山脉多去了。要讲贺兰山的重要性 也不能唯其南北向而言。至于讲山脉方向的地缘政治性,我想 哪一座山脉都起作用了,我是从地理学角度觉得你的口气不妥。似乎有点伟光正的意味。😁
@@cx9327 哈哈,视频不是我的做的,我不是播主。我也给他提了,单拿南北向说事,确实牵强,至少陇山就比贺兰山重要,是拱卫关中的门户。我只是觉得你说话愣了点,播主不是官方狂热民族主义奴性秽史观,你可以宽容些