hey so just in case you never figured it out/other people want to know when hosting, you'd put: 主光10@土土土光光 If you want a translation, that says "Host is light (doing 10% exe), looking for 3 dirt players and 2 light players." this is because light and dirt tenets is all people care about clearing. if you are joining someone else's raid, you put "光10" in the co-op chat so let them know you're 10% exe.
replacement for Narmaya?
Thank you very much
Is mugen replacable at all?
May I know what to input this and do this run get carried by coop? Thanks in advance
hey so just in case you never figured it out/other people want to know when hosting, you'd put: 主光10@土土土光光 If you want a translation, that says "Host is light (doing 10% exe), looking for 3 dirt players and 2 light players." this is because light and dirt tenets is all people care about clearing. if you are joining someone else's raid, you put "光10" in the co-op chat so let them know you're 10% exe.
I see my friend in the Raid
コメント失礼します。 召喚石はそれぞれ完凸じゃないと厳しそうですか? あと、船炉もお聞きしたいです。
アルテミスは無しでも10%いけました。 メタトロンは完凸じゃないと1ターンで10%削るのは厳しそうな気がします。 でもその後の繭込みなら10%削れると思います。 船炉はなしでも主人公はそんなにダメージ変わらなかったと思います。
so you tank it out with S.Brodia and wait?