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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 3 เม.ย. 2017
Aspiring content creator and Vtuber. I like to play games and talk about them.
December 12th Update Review They (Didn't) Cook | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Let's hope for a Hotfix.
มุมมอง: 1 291
TCM's voice chat is STILL wild.
มุมมอง 1.3K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
Here we can find a documentary showcasing gamers in their natural habitat, the TCM lobby, where they wait and strike on unsuspecting enemy gamers to assault them with verbal and psychological attacks.
14 Minutes of Clutch Victim plays and Escapes | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 505หลายเดือนก่อน
A year and a half later and this game can still be incredibly tense and movie like.
Strength (And New Grapples) Explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 2.9Kหลายเดือนก่อน
So long Wrestlemania. Important to note: The Max starting value for Victims is still 40 at 50 strength, first to 100 Wins. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rgpbVd8Qt_lSP5MLiuuB2Fx-_rPKXOLvWJCvAUIMSTc/edit?gid=1556998698#gid=1556998698 Google Doc by ChronoTrader containing some information used in the video. Music Used: WWE 2K23 SOUNDTRACK METALLICA - SAD BE TRUE Parcels - Nightwalk (The second h...
The REAL October 22nd Patch Review | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 1.5K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
For realsies this time. Grapple video coming soon, sometime next week hopefully.
The DREAM update | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 2.8K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
This game is so easy to fix, please do it GUN, instead of nerfing Rush week Johnny
Scariest Ghost girl moment.
มุมมอง 2112 หลายเดือนก่อน
She can be a scary one. The mod that does this is called Diversity mod. Thumbnail art: www.reddit.com/r/lethalcompany/comments/1d2wtrg/the_ghost_girl_reimagined_in_my_art_style/
Rush Week is ALMOST perfect | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 8262 หลายเดือนก่อน
The newest gamemode did not disappoint and with a few changes it could really become an amazing addition to the game and asymetrical games in general. But please do fix the audio bugs and the doors.
TCM Clips that make you question everything
มุมมอง 6K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Compilations of shenanigans, tomfoolery and whatever other nonsense this game decides to throw at me. Music used: Fire escape Mumbo's Mountain - Banjo Kazooie
TCM's Voice chat is wild.
มุมมอง 7K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Compilation of clips that I've had saved up for more than a year showcasing the effects of prolongued exposure to lobbies.
Endurance Rework explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 2.6K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
Those Victims do be going fast now.
The Best Beginner Builds | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 6865 หลายเดือนก่อน
Today I challenge myself to running builds that new players can run and make use of in the shortest amount of time playing. I decided to only use the 5 Base Victims as everyone will have access to them I may cover DLC Victims later. The Challenge was hard as I had no abilities leveled and a very limited selection of Perks, but the baseline Victims are good enough to put up a fight and escape. T...
Hands is here and he is strong (Hands Explained) | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 2K6 หลายเดือนก่อน
He is a handy little fella.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre at High level is AMAZING | A response to Choy.
มุมมอง 2.3K6 หลายเดือนก่อน
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre at High level is AMAZING | A response to Choy.
Proximity chat is a blast | Killer Klowns from Outer Space
มุมมอง 63K6 หลายเดือนก่อน
Proximity chat is a blast | Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Johnny Lunge explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 3.7K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Johnny Lunge explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Lobbies Explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 1.9K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Lobbies Explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Toughness and Savagery Explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 15K8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Toughness and Savagery Explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Endurance Explained (Partially outdated) | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 11K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
Endurance Explained (Partially outdated) | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Close Encounters explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
มุมมอง 20K10 หลายเดือนก่อน
Close Encounters explained | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Keep calm and Bellow | The Butcher's Circus
มุมมอง 2812 ปีที่แล้ว
Keep calm and Bellow | The Butcher's Circus
Dodge in a nutshell | The Butcher's Circus
มุมมอง 4.7K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Dodge in a nutshell | The Butcher's Circus
VS The tutorial team | The Butcher's Circus
มุมมอง 1542 ปีที่แล้ว
VS The tutorial team | The Butcher's Circus
Nothing like Leper crits | The Butcher's Circus
มุมมอง 1352 ปีที่แล้ว
Nothing like Leper crits | The Butcher's Circus
Disorienting Blast Value! | The Butcher's Circus.
มุมมอง 1272 ปีที่แล้ว
Disorienting Blast Value! | The Butcher's Circus.
Plague Doctor DoT Team | The Butcher's Circus
มุมมอง 1222 ปีที่แล้ว
Plague Doctor DoT Team | The Butcher's Circus
I would have to agree with that one guy about the Johnny players LMAO they whined about the change
is there any point of me having 42 strength? or is it just useless or not any different from 40
I want old grappling back
At the very least Wyatt is conceptually fine and just needs his dumb bullshit removed instead of like Danny being horrible design regardless of how you slice it.
They need to add CALIBER to the game
Does the graveyard have less wells? Almost every map is structured with 2 wells in the center with another behind each locked area? Unless I'm mistaken, I think there are two in the center and one behind each locked door.
You're smoking if you think Graveyard is ok. Only 3 gates need to be guarded and it's especially hard with a Hands. Also had a few matches where the basement exits were HH trapped and being guarded, imagine playing solo q against that.
Wyatt can shut off the family house generator from side garden...that's a problem. He can also shut off generator on gas station map without even entering the gates. I think that is a problem.
Too many sweats
The only thing that'll make the game live is tcm x pearl collab :')
Must be an Annual Tradition at Gun in celebration for the Holidays - Unintentionally overpowered Victim (Danny/Wyatt) - Unintentionally underpowered Family (Nancy/Bones)
Bones is also OP for the same reason as Wyatt. They both get super stupid ability upgrades that make them absurd. They really need to rework those skill trees, I do think Bones’ bombs going off faster would be a nice buff tho
Absolutely awful update, bones is horrible family is horrible and Wyatt destroyed the game
TCM has alot of potential and can be really good!, its just the TCM devs are clueless at balance with no common sense in place!. how can they not make wells RNG like WTF did the devs think who this spot is always a safe location no needs to EXPLORE MAPS, you can just rush!. wells need like 3 random different locations hell i think some maps victims should have to unlock an gate to have a well to escape. TCM needs to do a better job to make this game more fun and gameplay stragety in it atm not much you just rush or unlock crap!!! gets boring fast and chase times with family are so boring cause they can also end REAL FAST! might want to think tcm devs and give alot of family basekit perks cause atm barricades are already free escape, wells are free escapes and certain loops are just infinte! not a good design to have a BIG FAN BASE, game is extremly victim sided! which ever tcm devs are doing victims are doing no balance at all, while the family devs are balancing the family but the TCM devs balancing the family are doing it horribly making to many things useless.
@@avrandlane2735 I would like them to make stealth useful again. The higher the stealth the less family can hear you randomly talking or something like that.
Btw, you should try Tenderizer + Barge combo. If done correctly you deal (35 from Door Slam + 43 from Barge) 78 damage for absolutely free. Though I gotta say they kinda fumbled Hands' Barge. Now you have tap B twice: first to activate an ability to even Barge and then, evidently, Barge. You can't attack after pressing B, and your stamina doesn't recover.
Wyatt not only can nuke the battery and gen, he nuke the server for everyone with one missed knife
Ahh yes, the famous server nuke (it happened to me 5 times in a row no joke)
@@czempin23same to me
Only Gun can cook and cookn't at the same time 😂 Now we're stuck until mid January.
LMAOOO I didn’t know you clipped me jumping out of the window 😂 I’ve watched it back like, ten times
It was such a fantastic clip, I had to use it.
A day a hero was borned
You have to update this though. - They polished it in November 26th update.
This is wrestling game not massacre no more! - The only way for vics to win is to escape the property and let the referee count to 10!
I laughed so much I had to subscribe 🤭
How can others play with cross play? My lobbies are always PlayStation because that's what I own. I never see cross player users
@@JazminMunoz-d3l There is an option that allows you to enable crossplay.
when is this footage from? I swear i can't find extra drip on my danny
@@rhayelgameplays Some clips are from before the skill tree rework.
"YOu OnLy wOn bCUz OUr LeLaNd WaS AfK!" The lelands name : Top tier bussy
What are people playing into their microphones?
never miss an eloxist upload
The OG
Sanest johnny fan is back
I hate that there is now footage on TH-cam of me actually being nice to a group of victims. Just kidding. Lol.
This video will leave an irreversible mark on my mental health.
Wake up babe! Eloxist uploaded!
Hi Elo and Nancy, LOL! That was an excellent and funny video, also I remember the last match, it was awesome and I was there watching with Serra and Johnny and the family. It was such a beautiful ending and I'm super happy that they got the last in-game trophy 🏆 too, it was so nice. I love happy endings and Johnny! 😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The intro reminds me of a caramelo247 video
Honey a new Eloxist TCM voice chat video is up! I loved how you wrapped it up with some wholesome matches in the end 😊
You're alive!
2:49 me when leland and his dingaling in his shorts
Leland in the last clips had me fucking crying laughing, he was so mad.
HerRetr0 NAHHH his twitch is crispyretr0tv XD
First dude sounded just Like Johnny
Realistically the only way to escape this is to jump out the window or have someone save you. Absolutely evil.
Scout makes it worst lol
“Voice chat was a mistake”😭
I'm confused with the damage chart would it be 35 percent for both big swings and vailent in catalog it says 25 for both?
I don't quite get what you mean.
love the videos <3
we never miss an eloxist upload
7:31 I'm confused how did ur stamina regen like that? if it was conditioned isn't it only after you FULLY run out of stam?
Conditioned’s description is worded unnecessarily, it applies at all times regardless of if you start recovering at 50 stamina or 0
@ omg thats so cool i never knew that def gonna try it out