- 69
- 71 748
Roberto D'Amato
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 20 ส.ค. 2012
Ryan & Naomi (1-07-2022)
Mill-2015 'il hawn, snin ta' memorji sbieħ flimkien li qed iwasslu għal din il-ġurnata speċjali għalihom; il-ġurnata tat-tieġ tagħhom.
Sorpriża ċkejkna li ngħatat lill-għarajjes
Sorpriża ċkejkna li ngħatat lill-għarajjes
มุมมอง: 192
Ħarsa lura lejn l-2021
มุมมอง 2383 ปีที่แล้ว
Fuq l-għatba tas-sena 2022, inħarsu lura lejn is-sena 2021 u fuq fommna nżommu l-kliem "Grazzi Sinjur Alla, Aħfirli Sinjur Alla"- San Ġorġ Preca Ġbir ta' informazzjoni - Warren Busuttil
มุมมอง 4833 ปีที่แล้ว
IS-SINJAL TAS-SALIB Naraw l-imħabba ta' Ġesù u allura għalina s-salib hu speċjali ħafna
มุมมอง 9883 ปีที่แล้ว
Illum ingħaqdet magħna Raquela biex turina kif għandna nitqarbnu u xi kliem irridu ngħidu.
มุมมอง 1.3K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Għandna seba' sinjali -Sagramenti li niltaqgħu magħhom minn żgħar sa kbar. Taf liema huma?
มุมมอง 7783 ปีที่แล้ว
It-Talba tas-Sliema nitoluha lil mamá tagħna Marija, omm Ġesù biex nuruha kemm inħobbuha
มุมมอง 1.3K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Bit-talba tal-Missierna nuru kemm inħobbu lil papá tagħna - Alla
มุมมอง 6913 ปีที่แล้ว
Talba qasira li biha ngħidu "Grazzi" lil Alla talli jħobbna
NITGĦALLMU FLIMKIEN - Ħames ħwejjeġ kif inqerr tajjeb
มุมมอง 1.4K3 ปีที่แล้ว
KIF INQERR TAJJEB? Meta nersaq għas-Sagrament tal-Qrar, inkun qiegħed nilqa' lil Ġesù li lili jixtieq jaħfirli d-dnubiet tiegħi. Għalhekk tkun ħaġa tajba li nipprepara ruħi sewwa meta nersaq għall-qrar.
มุมมอง 2.8K3 ปีที่แล้ว
L-ATT TAL-INDIEMA Hija talba li nistgħu nitgħallmu flimkien biex biha nkompli nuri li jiena jiddispjaċini mid-dnubiet li jiena għamilt. Din it-talba nitlobha wkoll waqt is-Sagrament tal-Qrar.
L-Għanja tal-Imnikket - Poeżija ta' Rużar Briffa
มุมมอง 9333 ปีที่แล้ว
Interpretazzjoni tal-Poeżija 'L-Għanja tal-Imnikket' ta' Rużar Briffa Produzzjoni: Roberto D'Amato Filmati u Muntaġġ - Charles Falzon Ringrazzjamenti -Parroċċa San Pietru fil-Ktajjen
Meta Nħares lejn il-Presepju - Vico & Liam
มุมมอง 1194 ปีที่แล้ว
Poeżija tal-Milied interpretata minn Vico Ghirxi Pizzuto u Liam Muscat Milied 2020
Meta nħares lejn il-Prepsepju - Vico &Liam (bil-kliem)
มุมมอง 574 ปีที่แล้ว
Interpretazzjoni tal-Poeżija minn Vico Ghirxi Pizzuto u Liam Muscat Milied 2020
Ġesù Ċkejken Għidli naqra? - Luca & Jake
มุมมอง 2074 ปีที่แล้ว
Poeżija tal-Milied interpretata minn Luca u Jake Milied 2020
Lil Ġesù Bambin - Zack & Kai
มุมมอง 644 ปีที่แล้ว
Poeżija interpretata minn Zack Zammit u Kai Aquilina Milied 2020
Ġesù Ċkejken Għidli Naqra - Luca & Jake (bil-kliem)
มุมมอง 434 ปีที่แล้ว
Ġesù Ċkejken Għidli Naqra - Luca & Jake (bil-kliem)
Aħbar Kbira Ġejt Nagħtikom - Luigi Zahra
มุมมอง 1274 ปีที่แล้ว
Aħbar Kbira Ġejt Nagħtikom - Luigi Zahra
Aħbar Kbira Ġejt Nagħtikom - Luigi Zahra (bil-kliem)
มุมมอง 314 ปีที่แล้ว
Aħbar Kbira Ġejt Nagħtikom - Luigi Zahra (bil-kliem)
Doqqu Qniepen - Julian Fenech Magrin (bil-kliem)
มุมมอง 1074 ปีที่แล้ว
Doqqu Qniepen - Julian Fenech Magrin (bil-kliem)
Lil Ġesù Bambin - Zane Calleja (bil-kliem)
มุมมอง 164 ปีที่แล้ว
Lil Ġesù Bambin - Zane Calleja (bil-kliem)
Talba tal-Milied - Aaron Caruana (bil-kliem)
มุมมอง 764 ปีที่แล้ว
Talba tal-Milied - Aaron Caruana (bil-kliem)
Flimkien Miegħu - Il-Ħajja ta' San Ġorġ Preca Ep 7
มุมมอง 7024 ปีที่แล้ว
Flimkien Miegħu - Il-Ħajja ta' San Ġorġ Preca Ep 7
Flimkien Miegħu - Il-Ħajja ta' San Ġorġ Preca - Ep6
มุมมอง 6704 ปีที่แล้ว
Flimkien Miegħu - Il-Ħajja ta' San Ġorġ Preca - Ep6
Flimkien Miegħu - Il-Ħajja ta' San Ġorġ Preca - Ep5
มุมมอง 9514 ปีที่แล้ว
Flimkien Miegħu - Il-Ħajja ta' San Ġorġ Preca - Ep5
Flimkien Miegħu - Il-Ħajja ta' San Ġorġ Preca - Ep 4
มุมมอง 1K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Flimkien Miegħu - Il-Ħajja ta' San Ġorġ Preca - Ep 4
sir, xkelna hw ghax insejt
need a reply before you kill me
Hello how beautiful
hello sir inti il class tutor tieghi jien gabriel
Great job keep it up
prosit sir
Luckier disgraced us all from heaven as he wanted to be father ,king and God ,that can never be ,a creature so beautiful his name luckier meant beautiful light ,so God sent the evil angels who followed luckier, out of heaven,and sent us Jesus His beloved son ,As our savior,Sr Joseph our ninety one yr old spiritual director in legion of Mary taught us all this ,she passed away to rest in peace on 2nd April 2021,her restful prayer was divine mercy creed, Amazing Grace to save a wretch like me ,before I was blind ,now I see ,was written by Isaac .Newton, he was trading slaves ,a Strom broke out very bad indeed ,Newton told God if you save me ,from drowning,I will not trade ,anymore slaves,Somerton, went down on his knees, prayed ,then the strom stopped Newton ,wrote Amazing grace,as God Jesus came to save us ,not judge us ,as Jesus loves sinners .Jesus just hates sin as it demean us not enlight us ,we need enlightens of God to have fruitful lives sane minds sane hearts healthy body, ,that is what the Euchzrist ,is body soul divinity Jesus alive in all of us best breakfast there's,and best suppurtgdre is ,the Eucharist is Jesus sacred heart in our heart ,every person is the temple of the holy spirit,you break the temple of the holy spirit God breaks you ,as we bless not hate and curse, no we have to solve our problems not see others we think ,they are better than us no no oneis exempt of suffering, in every woman there is a girl crying, in every man there is a boy who cries ,as we all have no perfect family not my words but a ninety one yoldAugustinian nu now resting in Joy with her divine spouse God is mor of spirit thanczrnal love ,as in spirit are the fruits of the holy,yspirit ,is limitless heaven on earth is joy of the holy,yspirit ,you want joy ,sing praises to God,honor God with gratitude, and Thanksgiving jioncztholic czrismatic you get wet with ho,yspirit ,dry without ,you get so joyful you get Honeymoon with holyspirit you never forget and wants to go to heaven so fast ,that life on earth ,has no meaning away so far from home get orgsnised ,old family catholic czrismatic ,now we have more experience ,to do better don 't we after mistakes we're the wiser ,we give joy to our dear bishops like we gave joy to God and our dear departed bishop Rev ,Joseph Mercieca ,how we all welcomed him with that song in Latin pkplesse sing Maltese, we are many who do not know Latin, and if bishop Rev ,JosephMercieca was here, he would say ,yes sing in .Maltese as I, he would say took many days me and bishop Nikol Cs7chi to translate alot of Latin in .Maltese, as many had to live school towels at home as mothers died many giving birth in early years in war ,still many motherless children in their nineties ,eighties ,mme in her sixties had to leave school to look after father and brother and you gest sister, when my sister Anne married, father needed care ,and younger sister too and brother, so we have no knowledge of Latin, i guess that is why Pooe Frances said celebrate in every country try with each country native language ,I want to understand what I am praying in Mass and worship, God lives in worship of His people ,we have to understand what we are praying, we are not parrots and we do not want to warm thechairs ,we learn by prayers and songs and word of God change ourbad mood theword of Godor God word in us make us smile, get up ,get washed ,dressnice and clean go fervently for Massknows what priest is saying in Mass everything,offer Mass for the priest and for all loved ones and all as every person is in in us mwith us through us as we are all one body in,Christmases we learned at king school czrismatic God channels EWTN and of course in our country from parents grand parents best teachers ever and priestsdefending us from adults who tries on using orphans and widows ,wolveswaitingforadultsto die ,so they use young ones the mongrels but Godczn change it to positive any way they do get sorry and even help us too ,so we bear no grudges ,so chooses roads are made to live better plan that is God life intended for us each by God ,wish to understand God fully though ,who foes that such small minds and God so great, as in Auguxtineputying sea water in sand ,how can we fit the ocean in small mind ,wecN by every day gospel yes ,we take decisions on everyday according to the day gospel. Mother.grace at most St Monica taught me quite clearly, that ,I admired her following the day gospel, when it came,that day that those who hear my word and do it ,act upon .jesusgospel for that day, is my mother sister and brother from her mother,Grace i learned that ,that day i went to visit sister Joseph and she came and said now she is at Mass everything morning youcan see her at Mass ,she looks out for her nuns like a mother, she gives them eCh advice ,I lesrnfrom her ,and she looks like holy mother Maltese so nzyural beauty of within, outside from beauty of within beauty is in the rye of the beholder, so quiet, I really admire her how quiet she is but advisable to her nuns I love mothers duperiour ,I know a good few ,they really truly remind me of the true book i read about st.tgereses ofAvika and St John of the cross ,how St Therese of Avila tried to make her nuns so loved and tried hdr best, to make them happy, be bold to love ,at first they won't know your intentions,you get so awkward to give someone your pizza instead of eating it yourself ,you see a young priest you know going to a nun at her convent ,you do need courage as it gets awkward to say here is a hawian pizza ,and wow it feels awkward, you might say ,that is not a normal thing to do ,but what the heck, you meant to love the priest and the nun he visited to shar a pizza instead you eating your favorite pizza ,mine is hawian as I love pineapple and plain pizza ,so after you feel a rush of being loving towards them ,anas the goodshepherd nis wise ,she sees you and makes you feel great to say that is my favorite pizza ,to show ,that she knows you did that with love a dear leader taught me that providence generate providence see how many great people I met so as I said, please learn faster than me I am so slow to learn tonpromote the good of the other person we meet as ger ,his good teach the bad desmens so let go ignore the bad zs I have weaknesses too but I have good and my good use ,my bad ignore ,bye take good care ,.zsbishop .Fulton. sheen used to say after each teachings on EWTN God loves you ,so do I bye good night all happy dreams
Prosit Sir, Minghand Jazlyn
Il festi it tajba sir minghand Jazlyn
Lilkom ukoll :)
Diska bhal din tghini naprezza kemm hi sabiha s-semplicita' u l-innocenza. Bhala adulti facli hafna li ninsewha dik il-haga u Gesu Bambin kien kuntent jisma t-tifel idoqq it-tanbur. Proset immens ta din l-interpetazzjoni 💖
I love this music
Prosit tassew.
Tista tighdli fejn tinsab Triq San Mikiel, jekk joghgbok....Grazzi u proset.
Prosit !
Very big well done Terence.
Proset terence😉
Well done Rob! :D
Prosit kbira keith u robert thanks ta kollox hbieb l vera napprezza.
Ejja min hemm !!!!