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科学 - T细胞的“营养密码”:如何用食物重塑免疫战士
马诗昕等人,“Nutrient-driven histone code determines exhausted CD8 T cell fates”,Science, Vol 387, No. 6734 (2024), DOI: 10.1126/science.adj3020。
มุมมอง: 0


Science - Unveiling the Secret Code: How Nutrients Make T Cells Great AgainScience - Unveiling the Secret Code: How Nutrients Make T Cells Great Again
Science - Unveiling the Secret Code: How Nutrients Make T Cells Great Again
6 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
A study from the Salk Institute has highlighted a significant discovery relating nutrients to T cell behavior, explaining how chronic conditions cause their exhaustion. The research pinpoints that the modification of their DNA by histone acetylation using specific nutrients causes varying effectiveness. Two enzymes, ACSS2 and ACLY, determine T cells' metabolic 'fashion' choices, dictating their...
Science - 外来DNA的奇妙旅程:在酵母细胞核中的异类生活Science - 外来DNA的奇妙旅程:在酵母细胞核中的异类生活
Science - 外来DNA的奇妙旅程:在酵母细胞核中的异类生活
7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
这篇研究揭示了大型细菌或真核生物DNA进入酿酒酵母细胞核后的行为模式,发现DNA的GC含量影响其在细胞核中的整合和表现,并且通过深度学习模型分析能够预测这些行为。这项研究为合成生物学和基因工程应用提供了新的视角和可能性。 Meneu, L., Chapard, C., Serizay, J., et al. (2025). Sequence-dependent activity and compartmentalization of foreign DNA in a eukaryotic nucleus. Science Vol. 387, No. 6734. DOI: 10.1126/science.adm9466.
Science - DNA's Big Mix-and-Match Party: What Happens When Foreign DNA Crashes Yeast's Genomic Bash?Science - DNA's Big Mix-and-Match Party: What Happens When Foreign DNA Crashes Yeast's Genomic Bash?
Science - DNA's Big Mix-and-Match Party: What Happens When Foreign DNA Crashes Yeast's Genomic Bash?
7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
The study explores how foreign DNA behaves in the nucleus of budding yeast, *Saccharomyces cerevisiae*, by behaving based on its GC content. DNA with compatible GC content integrates and becomes active, while those with differing contents remain separate. The research highlights challenges and opportunities in genome editing and synthetic biology, with potential applications in designing predic...
Science - Malware Malaise: How Discovering Plasmodium's Secrets Could Outwit Drug ResistanceScience - Malware Malaise: How Discovering Plasmodium's Secrets Could Outwit Drug Resistance
Science - Malware Malaise: How Discovering Plasmodium's Secrets Could Outwit Drug Resistance
7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
The study introduces a novel approach in the fight against malaria, specifically targeting drug-resistant Plasmodium parasites like Plasmodium knowlesi. By employing genomic transposon mutagenesis, researchers identified critical genes necessary for parasite survival, potentially unlocking new drug and vaccine targets. This research offers promise for more effective antimalarial treatments, con...
Science - 猴子的基因暴露了疟原虫的小秘密Science - 猴子的基因暴露了疟原虫的小秘密
Science - 猴子的基因暴露了疟原虫的小秘密
7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
基于普氏疟原虫的研究,科学家们通过筛选基因技术,探讨了疟疾的耐药性,并为开发更有效的治疗方法和疫苗设立了目标,展望提升疟疾的治疗效果及人类生活质量。 本文参考的研究数据来源于:Elsworth, B., et al. (2025). The essential genome of Plasmodium knowlesi reveals determinants of antimalarial susceptibility. Science, 387(6734). DOI:10.1126/science.adq6241.
Science - 螳螂虾:你不知道的小海兽居然是个“波霸”?Science - 螳螂虾:你不知道的小海兽居然是个“波霸”?
Science - 螳螂虾:你不知道的小海兽居然是个“波霸”?
7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
螳螂虾,以其惊人的超音速打击能力和复杂的节肢锤构造,激发了科学家对声子屏障技术的探索。这项研究不仅打开了理解自然界高性能生物材料的新视角,还预示着在医疗和建筑领域应用更先进的防护技术的潜力。 Alderete, N. A., et al. (2025). Does the mantis shrimp pack a phononic shield? *Science*, 387(6734), 659-666. DOI:10.1126/science.adq7100
Science - Mantis Shrimp: Nature's Own Soundproof Marvel of the DeepScience - Mantis Shrimp: Nature's Own Soundproof Marvel of the Deep
Science - Mantis Shrimp: Nature's Own Soundproof Marvel of the Deep
7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
The article explores a study on mantis shrimp, focusing on its dactyl club, a formidable weapon that acts both as a hammer and a shield. The club's complex structure, which includes hydroxyapatite coating and chitin fibers, creates phononic bandgaps that serve as a natural soundproofing system. The study suggests vast opportunities to develop materials inspired by the mantis shrimp, leading to ...
Science - 超级突变术 PK:消灭疟原虫的绝妙利器Science - 超级突变术 PK:消灭疟原虫的绝妙利器
Science - 超级突变术 PK:消灭疟原虫的绝妙利器
7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
在研究中,科学家们通过“超级饱和突变”识别了疟原虫中关键基因区域。这项创新增加了我们对寄生虫基因组的了解,并提出了新的疟疾防控策略。尽管这项研究面临挑战,如不同疟原虫的变异性,但它开启了开发跨物种抗疟药物的可能性,有利于全球公共健康的改善。 Oberstaller J, Xu S, Naskar D, Zhang M, Wang C, Gibbons J, Valente Pires C, Mayho M, Otto TD, Adams JH. Supersaturation mutagenesis reveals adaptive rewiring of essential genes among malaria parasites. Science. 2025 Feb 7;387(6734). DOI: 10.1126/science.adq7347.
Science - Malaria Parasites and Their Sneaky Genetic Tricks: Turning the Tables with MutagenesisScience - Malaria Parasites and Their Sneaky Genetic Tricks: Turning the Tables with Mutagenesis
Science - Malaria Parasites and Their Sneaky Genetic Tricks: Turning the Tables with Mutagenesis
มุมมอง 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
The study led by Jenna Oberstaller reveals genetic adaptations of the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium knowlesi, using mutagenesis to identify essential genes that allow it to thrive in different host environments. Over 175,000 genetic insertions unveiled the parasite’s ability to adjust its metabolism and evade host immune defenses. Despite challenges, this research opens avenues for new ma...
科学 - 玉米根系的“天气转向”:解密水分响应的根分枝路径科学 - 玉米根系的“天气转向”:解密水分响应的根分枝路径
科学 - 玉米根系的“天气转向”:解密水分响应的根分枝路径
มุมมอง 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
斯坦福大学的研究揭示玉米根系如何响应水分变化。一些品种在干旱时会拓展侧根,而另一些则精确追踪水源。关键在于生长素、乙烯及阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白的协调。该研究强调了基因及环境因素的影响,为培育耐旱农业新品种提供了新思路。 D. Scharwies et al., “Moisture-responsive root-branching pathways identified in diverse maize breeding germplasm,” Science, vol. 387, no. 6734, pp. 666-673, 2025, doi:10.1126/science.ads5999.
Science - Maize Mania: Unearthing Roots’ Secret Superpowers Against DroughtScience - Maize Mania: Unearthing Roots’ Secret Superpowers Against Drought
Science - Maize Mania: Unearthing Roots’ Secret Superpowers Against Drought
8 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
The study led by Johannes D. Scharwies at Stanford University explores the genetic and hormonal mechanisms behind maize roots' response to moisture, uncovering how plants navigate dry conditions. Their research highlights the diversity of genetic responses in maize strains to drought and identifies the significant role of hormones like auxin, ethylene, and arabinogalactan protein in facilitatin...
Nature - 百听不如一“扭”:扭曲三层石墨烯超导的玄机Nature - 百听不如一“扭”:扭曲三层石墨烯超导的玄机
Nature - 百听不如一“扭”:扭曲三层石墨烯超导的玄机
มุมมอง 612 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
这篇文章探讨了扭曲三层石墨烯在超导性方面的奇异表现,特别是其在“魔法角度”下的电性现象和超流刚性。文章分析了科学家们如何利用射频反射测量技术揭示TTG的超导机理,并展望其在未来科技应用中的潜力。 Banerjee, A., Hao, Z., Kreidel, M., et al. Superfluid stiffness of twisted trilayer graphene superconductors. Nature 638, 93-98 (2025).
Nature - Thrilling Twist of Superfluidity: Unveiling the Magic of Twisted Trilayer GrapheneNature - Thrilling Twist of Superfluidity: Unveiling the Magic of Twisted Trilayer Graphene
Nature - Thrilling Twist of Superfluidity: Unveiling the Magic of Twisted Trilayer Graphene
มุมมอง 212 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Research by Abhishek Banerjee and his Harvard team has revealed the superfluid stiffness of twisted trilayer graphene (TTG), marking a significant stride in graphene's potential use in superconductors. TTG exhibits nodal superconductivity, challenging previous assumptions about this property being exclusive to cuprates. The findings suggest a promising future in faster electronics and innovativ...
自然 - 揭开雅檀勒: 印欧人的基因起源和迁徙之谜自然 - 揭开雅檀勒: 印欧人的基因起源和迁徙之谜
自然 - 揭开雅檀勒: 印欧人的基因起源和迁徙之谜
มุมมอง 1212 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
哈佛大学的Iosif Lazaridis团队揭示印欧人的基因起源,通过435个古代DNA样本探索这些族群的迁徙和文化影响,为理解现代社会的多样性提供关键视角。 Lazaridis, I., Patterson, N., Anthony, D. et al. The genetic origin of the Indo-Europeans. Nature (2025).


  • @shanobuo
    @shanobuo 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you for the excellent and exciting information!. Albeit the URL to the journal paper is incorrect. Could you please amend it? Thanks.

    • @NatSci_DeepSeek
      @NatSci_DeepSeek 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you for reminding me. The link has been updated.