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40 Strangest Cat Behaviors Explained - I Never Knew This!
If you live with a cat, you probably notice they exhibit some strange behaviors that pique our curiosity. In today’s video, we will discuss 40 strange things cats do and explain the meaning behind them.
Head Butting. Cats mark territory and show affection and trust through head-butting.
Kneading. Rooted in kittenhood, kneading shows comfort and contentment, and helps mark territory.
Chattering at Birds. This mimics a hunting bite and expresses excitement or frustration.
Bringing 'Gifts.' Cats bring dead animals to their owners as a sign of sharing their hunting success.
Random Zoomies. Sudden sprints around the house release pent-up energy.
Staring Blankly. Cats' heightened senses detect movements or sounds imperceptible to humans.
Sleeping in Tight Spaces. Small, enclosed areas make cats feel safe and secure.
Watching TV. Cats enjoy TV due to their curiosity and hunting instincts.
Knocking Things Over. This playful behavior seeks attention and explores their environment.
Ignoring Expensive Toys. Cats prefer simple items that stimulate their hunting instincts, like crinkly paper or cardboard boxes.
Sudden Hissing or Growling. Cats hiss or growl to communicate fear, discomfort, or aggression.
Sleeping on Uncomfortable Objects. Cats often sleep on seemingly uncomfortable objects like keyboards or books for warmth and to be close to their humans.
Purring While Eating. Purring during meals indicates contentment and a sense of security.
Drinking from Faucets. Cats prefer running water due to its freshness and movement.
Licking Plastic. This behavior can be due to the texture, taste, or sound of the plastic, or a desire for more stimulation.
Sitting in Circles. Cats are drawn to enclosed shapes, which offer a sense of security and boundary.
Following to the Bathroom. Cats are naturally curious and enjoy being close to their humans.
Slow Blinking. Slow blinking, or "cat kisses," is a sign of trust and affection.
Eating Grass. Eating grass helps cats with digestion and can induce vomiting to clear their system of hairballs or indigestible material.
Stalking Invisible Prey. This behavior is a form of play that mimics hunting in the wild.
Burying Food. Cats instinctively bury or hide food to protect it from predators and return to it later.
Pawing at Mirrors. Cats paw at mirrors because they don’t recognize their reflection.
Suckling on Fabric. Suckling on fabric can be linked to early weaning or comfort-seeking.
Stretching on Door Frames. Cats stretch on door frames to mark territory with their scent glands and to stretch their muscles.
Playing with Water. Playing with water engages their curiosity and hunting instincts.
Sticking Their Head in Shoes. Shoes carry the scent of their owners, providing comfort and familiarity.
Nibbling on Fingers. Cats nibble gently when they are feeling playful or affectionate.
Eating Non-Food Items. This behavior, known as pica, can be due to nutritional deficiencies, boredom, or stress.
Scratching at Windows. Cats scratch at windows out of frustration or excitement.
Tail Quivering. Tail quivering is a sign of excitement or marking territory.
Sleeping on Electronics. Cats sleep on electronics for warmth and attention.
Paw Dipping in Water Bowl. Cats dip their paws in the water bowl out of curiosity or preference.
Rolling on Their Back. Rolling on their back is a sign of trust and playfulness.
Digging in Litter Excessively. Excessive digging can signal dissatisfaction with the litter's cleanliness or type.
Watching Shadows. Cats watch shadows because they’re intrigued by the movement.
Meowing at Nothing. Cats meow to communicate various needs or emotions.
Jumping at Sudden Noises. Cats jump at sudden noises due to their heightened sensitivity and natural startle response.
Hiding During Thunderstorms. Cats hide during thunderstorms out of fear and a need to feel safe.
Drooling When Happy. Cats drool when happy, especially during intense purring or kneading.
มุมมอง: 36


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THIS Happens When You Feed Your Cat RAW Food Only Every Day
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How to Tell if Your Cat is Cold
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THIS Happens When You Feed Your Cat Dry Food Only Every Day
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THIS Happens When You Feed Your Cat Dry Food Only Every Day. For many cat owners, dry food seems like a convenient and economical choice for their feline companions. However, relying solely on dry food may have various effects on your cat's health and well-being. In this video, I’ll tell you what happens when you feed your cat dry only everyday. Keep watching till the end, the facts will surpri...
Why Does My Cat LICK ME and Then BITE ME? 🐱 (Odd Behavior EXPLAINED)
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Instantly Improve Your Cat's Life with these 13 Things
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HELP! My Cat Won’t Let Me Sleep!
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HELP! My Cat Won’t Let Me Sleep!
16 Common Foods That Will Kill Your Cat
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16 Common Foods That Will Kill Your Cat
If You Sleep With Your Cat Every Night, THIS Will Happen 🐱
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If You Sleep With Your Cat Every Night, THIS Will Happen 🐱
The Real Reason Black Cats Are Bad Luck Is Scary
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19 Mistakes Cat Owners Make
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9 Scientific Ways To Get Your Cat To Love You The Most
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8 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do
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The Real Reason Cats Give You Gift is Disgusting
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The Real Reason Cats Give You Gift is Disgusting
Things That Emotionally HURT Your Cat (Be Careful)
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Things That Emotionally HURT Your Cat (Be Careful)
14 Secrets Your Cat Knows About You (That You Didn't Know) 👀
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14 Secrets Your Cat Knows About You (That You Didn't Know) 👀
13 Signs That Your Cat Has Imprinted on You
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13 Signs That Your Cat Has Imprinted on You
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How Do Cats See the World? | Kitten Munch Answers
Does My Cat Love Me? 13 Signs to Look For 🔥
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Does My Cat Love Me? 13 Signs to Look For 🔥
Can A Feral Cat Become A House Cat? | Kitten Munch Answers
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Can A Feral Cat Become A House Cat? | Kitten Munch Answers


    @IMACWLSC 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    True ❤❤❤

  • @deathscythehell7937
    @deathscythehell7937 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Why are you talking about dogs? I careless about dogs,why is a channel on kitten's and cats talking about dogs? I've owned cat's since I was 6, got rid of the dog to do so. Mom said it's either the dog or the cat not both. Bye Fido hello Puffy.

  • @hornitusnevalis3847
    @hornitusnevalis3847 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    My dog wants to see me naked. Does it mean it is a nasty, dirty pig?

  • @mattgoodmangoodmanlawnmowi2454
    @mattgoodmangoodmanlawnmowi2454 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    My new catboy Leo likes his belly rubs. Laying on his side he arches his back, then tolls onto his other sode, still arched. I have owned so many cats I can’t remember them all. Only cat I have ever seen who does these back rolls.

  • @shreyanshkesharwani
    @shreyanshkesharwani 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I don't have a cat, but thank you.

    • @kittenmunch
      @kittenmunch 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You're welcome!

  • @davidweaver2156
    @davidweaver2156 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    My dog follows me to the bathroom because he can't figure out how I can suck the water in while standing

  • @carpathianken
    @carpathianken 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    4:06 I tried reading my cat the Tolstoy novel war & peace but she slept through the first 1,000 pages or so.....

  • @alittlecreepywhenyou
    @alittlecreepywhenyou 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Yeah, I'm not putting any faith in my cat for protecting me from any shit at all. Has this guy even met a cat?

    • @amandawilson890
      @amandawilson890 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I heard a guy one time say "cats don't judge you only himans judge you" .... he must be a dog person.

  • @timothymoore7266
    @timothymoore7266 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    "Welcome to the machine." ⚡

  • @itsjustme7487
    @itsjustme7487 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    When my doorbell rings, my cat speeds to hide under the bed. The bell is apparently a "stranger alert."

    • @tenz9675
      @tenz9675 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      My cat is curious and would be going out to see who are the visitors if she is awake.

  • @TheCourtJester.
    @TheCourtJester. 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    this video was made by cats pretendning to be humans do not believe this cat propaganda

  • @9Achaemenid
    @9Achaemenid 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This video is not scientific, very few statements in this video may be accurate but in general it's not quite true. Exp Cats follow people to get treats and they sleep by the door because they want out. :)

  • @beomjinhan6908
    @beomjinhan6908 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I’m sorry but usually they’re just hoping you would give them food.

    • @christophersmith8316
      @christophersmith8316 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Mine work like a team of bodyguards, some in front some behing some watching from high spot like snipers

    • @swirlgirl8778
      @swirlgirl8778 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That would be a dog

    • @amandawilson890
      @amandawilson890 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      They protect me from all kinds of things.... houselfies, small spiders, imaginary mice. Once even a real mouse, although it was a tiny baby mouse. Alsp from my own hair, which is apparently plotting against me and needs to be murdered at least twice a week.

  • @rhythm9616
    @rhythm9616 11 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @deborahmeyers551
    @deborahmeyers551 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This video is literally doing things to the poke cats belly to show us what not to do which is distressing to the poor cat how does that make sence? Please don't

  • @melissa9375
    @melissa9375 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Good, useful information! Thanks.

    • @kittenmunch
      @kittenmunch 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You're welcome!

  • @robertc7072
    @robertc7072 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Depends on the food. premium foods will likely fill them up and keep them less hungry throughout the day. I usually feed a portion of wet in the morning, freeze dried treats in the middle of the day, a portion of wet in the evening and a bit of dry food out during the night. This allows them to get a variety.

  • @CaptainHieronymusLex
    @CaptainHieronymusLex 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I thought everyone did that already because every cat SCREAMS while you are preparing meat for cooking 😂

  • @SuperBotanica
    @SuperBotanica 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    As long as the cats and dogs do not receive dry food or processed food, the animals live healthier and longer lives.

  • @sawyersweetie
    @sawyersweetie 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Would you eat cereal for every meal and expect to be healthy?

  • @christineczyryca5820
    @christineczyryca5820 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So what are you supposed to do, serve processed food? I don't think so. Anything is better than that!

    • @Trumpet9406
      @Trumpet9406 21 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @ingzimmerman899
    @ingzimmerman899 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    How Educational.

  • @jws1948ja
    @jws1948ja 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I will never forget my cat curled into a ball, with every piece of her bare skin covered, including her nose. She used her tail to cover her nose.

  • @Anitas-peaceful-universe
    @Anitas-peaceful-universe 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Who feed their cat dry food and not enough water. This video is feeding on things that can go wrong if and if. 👎🏻. You can buy food that has no corn or rice. The cats I had was feed good quality dry food. Never had a sick day nor where they overweight

  • @precognation
    @precognation 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I’ve been feeding my cat very expensive wet food called Smalls. It’s $4 per package and gets delivered frozen. At first my cat loved it (dove into it) but now she prefers the dry grain free kitty food that I supplement for her teeth and is not eating the Smalls. I’m very upset at the waste because it’s so expensive. There are dry grain free cat foods that are really good and I don’t have to worry about the food spoiling. I add a pump of omega 3 oil to the dry food and I think it helps with digestion and also makes her coat soft and shiny. I used to feed my previous kitty only dry cheap food and she lived a long 19 years so I think I’m just going to give my kitty the dry food she enjoys eating. She drinks and gets plenty of water with the two fountains she drinks from so I don’t think she is dehydrated at all.

  • @LaFanfanTulipe
    @LaFanfanTulipe 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I gave dry and wet food to my cat 3 times daily. She is nicely lean and is doing quite well since I found her on the farm when she was only six weeks and had many health issues. She is ten years old now and she shows no sign of getting fat. Her hair is purely black and shiny.

  • @MaureenErrant
    @MaureenErrant 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I call BS.......I've had cats for over 50 years and fed all of them dry food. Not ONE was fat.

    • @anastasia1009
      @anastasia1009 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Cats are obligated carnivores means they need meat it kibble. Kibble is not needed ever and means you need to do some research before having cats

  • @samnomad46
    @samnomad46 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    24/7 dry quality food and water. my cat not fat

    • @anastasia1009
      @anastasia1009 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Poor cat - cats should only get water from their food. Start saving money for kidney disease and cancer treatment

  • @georgeanngash9896
    @georgeanngash9896 27 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @georgeanngash9896
    @georgeanngash9896 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I wish my vet told me this

  • @georgeanngash9896
    @georgeanngash9896 27 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @robbos3245
    @robbos3245 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Something about eyes

  • @criz5991
    @criz5991 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @notawuss
    @notawuss หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think it's more like a taste. If it's good enough, they'll go in for the bite.

  • @SeniorCharry
    @SeniorCharry หลายเดือนก่อน

    My cat is lucky she’s adorable because she will wake me up at 3am demanding food. She’s an older lady, and the vet recommended I stop feeding her hard food. So I can understand her being hungry after a whole night with no food. I try feeding her dinner later and sometimes it works. I don’t know how much time she has left, so I don’t lash out or get super angry at her. Call me soft, but she’s been a great stress reliever and fluffy friend. So I don’t want to punish her during the golden years.

  • @VomicaEmanio
    @VomicaEmanio หลายเดือนก่อน

    My cats always start chasing each other all over the apartment as soon as I go to bed. After a couple of months I started sleeping through this though (except the few times one of them uses my stomach as a springboard during the chase, that wakes me up XD)

  • @gregorychristensen5165
    @gregorychristensen5165 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I work nights and sleep during the day, works out for me, my cat just cuddles up next to me. 😊

    • @kittenmunch
      @kittenmunch หลายเดือนก่อน

      Love it!!

  • @joymiller2368
    @joymiller2368 หลายเดือนก่อน

    sorry. My fur babies sleep with me. We are bonded

  • @WeknowCoCo
    @WeknowCoCo หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dry food causes Dehydration; I've had cats that will not drink water regularly. I will give my cat a little dry food sometimes but most often it's wet food.

  • @ChimpOnComputer
    @ChimpOnComputer หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oh my cat definitely knows not to eat anything coffee, she's eager to bury it lol.

  • @ChimpOnComputer
    @ChimpOnComputer หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cooked eggs worked well as an emergency food when I found a stray kitten at the construction site, well, it really found me to be fair. It was all I had for my lunch, and she ate it all up. 3 years old now, and Millie is happy and healthy with me now.. and very spoiled.

    • @CL-mp4vn
      @CL-mp4vn หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for loving her and congrats, it's a win-win

  • @rosykatzCATS
    @rosykatzCATS หลายเดือนก่อน

    Chocolate can kill Cats & Dogs! Nuts too.

  • @rosykatzCATS
    @rosykatzCATS หลายเดือนก่อน

    Solid gold brand

  • @luwiscarvenger3034
    @luwiscarvenger3034 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My cat really likes dried apricots. Is it okay for her to ingest that?

    • @kittenmunch
      @kittenmunch หลายเดือนก่อน

      Apricots in general is okay, however, with the dried apricots though, since it has a lot of sugar content, it should be eaten in moderation.

    • @luwiscarvenger3034
      @luwiscarvenger3034 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @kittenmunch ouh thanks, appreciate it 🙏 .. I'll bear this in mind

    • @kittenmunch
      @kittenmunch หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@luwiscarvenger3034 You're welcome!

  • @cathyn7640
    @cathyn7640 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Citing a cat expert named "Del Gato", lol.

  • @anaklancar2163
    @anaklancar2163 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @bhagyamacharya9701
    @bhagyamacharya9701 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can we give milk to Persian kitten