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Stranger Things Pause Game! | At the movies!
มุมมอง 2.6Kปีที่แล้ว
Stranger Things Pause Game! | At the movies!
stranger things pause game || Camping Edition
มุมมอง 4.5K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Might do a DND Campian one next I just don’t know to play
stranger things pause game || Picnic Edition
มุมมอง 1.7K2 ปีที่แล้ว
stranger things pause game || Picnic Edition
stranger things pause game || Summer Day Edition
มุมมอง 3.3K2 ปีที่แล้ว
stranger things pause game || Summer Day Edition
stranger things pause game || Rainy Day Edition
มุมมอง 7K2 ปีที่แล้ว
made this when I woke up migjtnsuck sorry
stranger things pause game || Waterpark Edition
มุมมอง 12K2 ปีที่แล้ว
stranger things pause game || Waterpark Edition
stranger things pause game || Sick Edition
มุมมอง 3.4K2 ปีที่แล้ว
stranger things pause game || Sick Edition
stranger things pause game || Love 💕 Edition
มุมมอง 5K2 ปีที่แล้ว
stranger things pause game || day in the life!
มุมมอง 8K2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @PipinhaGordinha
    @PipinhaGordinha 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Walk with- mike Defends me- robin Sit next to- Jonathan Love letter- steve Bestfriend- mike Steals the sit- Jonathan Crush- Eddie Invited me to a party- will Makes plans with me- will We go- mall Run into- robin Takes me home- lucas Mikes gt/bf is- max (what?) See my crush- Eddie Offers ride- Eleven In my room- Eddie My Parents are getting married i tell first- robin.

  • @0h0h0money
    @0h0h0money 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What are the odds that Suzie takes care of me and Dustin is jealous

  • @MaryQuinn2925
    @MaryQuinn2925 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I just woke up, last night I had a sleepover with Eddie; we decide to go hang out at Dustin's house; Will was already at the house; we all hang out for a bit, then Max shows up; Dustin wants to go to the mall; we go to the mall and I see my bf, Jonathan; we lose Nancy at the mall; Dustin finds her; she gets lost at Food Court; Lucas really wanted a hot dog on a stick, but is broke; Will buys it for him, out of "Pure Kindness" but eats half of it; Steve gets everyone slushees; I decide to go home, Mike comes with me; when I am home Eddie shows up; we hang out and stay up until 3, Dustin randomly shows up at 1 am

  • @lorraiin33
    @lorraiin33 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    1. Joyce 2. Jonathan 3.Erica 4.Eddie 5.Robin 6.Mike 7.mike 8.El Uhm ok! 9.Steve 10.dustin

  • @NewRustyLuna
    @NewRustyLuna 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nancy invited us all over and Dustin arrived soaking so Argyle offered ot make brownies, Steve fell asleep at six pm while Mike runs laps outside but will locks him out. Dustin eats half the browines. Eleven wants to watch a movie but Argyle doesent shut up the whole time we're watching it while Erica has way too many bathroom breaks. At the end of the movie Eleven is asleep. The movie was so loud it woke Steve up and when the lights went out he started lighting candles. When I go to sleep Dustin has taken my spot so I push him off 😤. Robin must have been in agood mood because the next morning she made us all pancakes and bacon, I sit next to Erica

  • @RainbowSavannah
    @RainbowSavannah 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wait so Mike gets me sick, Nancy avoids me, Dustin takes care of me, and Eddie is jealous? This actually kinda makes sense

  • @NaomiStaley
    @NaomiStaley 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So I walk with Will, Dustin, and Lucas. Mike and Eleven defend me from the Bullies. I will sit with Max in class. I get a Love letter from Steve and Mike. Mike and Dustin are fighting over me for lunch. El steals the seat. Mike makes plans with me after school. We go to the Arcade, Mall, and the Roller Rink. We run into Steve somehow. Mike takes me home. Lucas has a New Girlfriend. Will invites me to his party. I see Mike at the party. I sit at table 1. Mike takes me home. Eleven is in my room now. And the first person I tell is Will and Mike. What a day

  • @Stranger_Things4eva
    @Stranger_Things4eva 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    First Crush: Steve Harrington First Gf: Eleven First Heartbreak: Lucas Cheated on my gf with: Steve First person to cheat on me with: Eleven Who i go to the snowball with: Steve Who i go to collage with: Erica Who proposed to me: Erica Who i end up marrying: Erica Who im really in love with:Erica Who my true love in love with: nobody (landed on black square) Who i end up growing old with: Eddie😭 THIS IS ALL TRUE💞

  • @pobodynerfect3610
    @pobodynerfect3610 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jonathan is my first crush Max was my first girlfriend (as someone who is straight, yes) Mike was my first heartbreak (talent of his istg) I cheat on Max with Dustin (Max ily sorry) Argyle is the first person to cheat on me waaahhhh I go to the snowball with Jonathannnn I go to college with Mike (oh gee) Eddie proposes to me I marry Steve (oof Eddie rejected) I'm actually in love with Lucas (<3) Lucas is married to Max (LUMAX ENDGAME) I grow old with Max (HUHHH?)

  • @Yes.its_me.
    @Yes.its_me. ปีที่แล้ว

    Eleven invited everyone Robin showed up first Mileven is suspiciously late Argyle brought the snacks Dustin calls to sit next to me Steve and Jonathan wants no one to sit next to them.. 🤨 Eddie notices and calls them out Erica seems jealous 💀 Erica can’t handle them being together and storms of.. 😃 Eddie follows her and asks what’s wrong Argyle hogs the popcorn The duo sits next to max Robin keeps looking at me Eleven steals dustins spot Lucas takes me home Will comes along for a sleepover.. (yay) Steve’s in a bad mood Nancy stays up all night (I forgot about her- poor nancy)

  • @Hernandezpricy89
    @Hernandezpricy89 ปีที่แล้ว

    The marring I was marring is eleven it’s was all elevens I love eleven alot

  • @ECllz
    @ECllz ปีที่แล้ว

    el and max were suspicious late >;)

  • @The..BluePost
    @The..BluePost ปีที่แล้ว


  • @moonlightshadow6743
    @moonlightshadow6743 ปีที่แล้ว

    First crush: Nancy First bf: Eddie First heartbreak: Eddie I cheat on Eddie with Mike But Eddie also cheats on me I go to the snowball with Jonathan I go to college with Steve Will proposed to me I end up marrying Max I am really still in love with Nancy Nancy is married to El I end up growing old with Max

  • @moonlightshadow6743
    @moonlightshadow6743 ปีที่แล้ว

    Eddie invites everyone Steve is the first to show up El and Mike are suspiciously late Argyle brought all the snacks Dustin calls sitting next to me Robin and Steve want nobody sitting near them Argyle notices this and calls them out El seems jealous (what is she jealous of?) Eddie can’t handle them being together and storms off (Steddie?) Dustin follows Eddie to ask what’s wrong (aww he’s sweet) Argyle hogs the popcorn Robin and Steve feel guilty and sit next to El Eddie keeps looking at me Dustin goes to the bathroom and El steals his spot Eddie takes me home Steve comes along for a sleepover (Yay I’m going to be thirdwheeling Steddie🥲) Dustin is in bad mood all night Jonathan is up all night

  • @aseelxedits7321
    @aseelxedits7321 ปีที่แล้ว

    Will invited everyone over Eleven came soaking wet Eddie made everyone cookies Eddie fell asleep at 6pm Max had so much energy, she ran outside in laps Mike locks her out (dang) The brownies were done, and Dustin ate half of them (I KNEW IT) Robin wanted to watch a movie Steve talked the whole time Max had at least 30 bathroom breaks Jonathan was fast asleep The power went out, and Lucas decided to light the candles I decided to go to sleep, but Eleven stole my spot (HEY) Eddie makes breakfast I sit next to Erica while I eat

  • @aseelxedits7321
    @aseelxedits7321 ปีที่แล้ว

    walk with - Steve defends me - Eddie sit next to - Steve love letter - Dustin bestfriend - Robin crush - Will steals the seat - Mike makes plans with me - Eddie we go - Arcade run into - Karen takes me home - Max mikes bf/gf is - Max invited me to party - Jonathan see my Crush - Lucas offers a ride - Nancy in my room - Jonathan who I tell first about my Parents getting married - Jonathan

  • @unisquad3992
    @unisquad3992 ปีที่แล้ว

    Steve invtes everyone Max is the first to show up Robin and Steve Are suspiciously late El brings all the snacks Lucas is sitting next to me Steve and Jonathan want nobody to sit near them😭 El notice them and calls them out Eddie gets jealous Robin Had enough of their crap and storms out Argyle Follows robin out to see what's wrong Finn hogs all the popcorn Robin Comes back in with tears in her eyes and then Jonathan and Steve Start to feel bad so they sit by dusty Robin keeps looking at me😍 While Lucas goes To the bathroom do steals his seat so she can sit by me❤ After the movie Steve takes me home Argyle comes to have a sleepover So then everyone decides to come but Steve ends of having a bad mood the whole time like bro Than robin's up all night ❤

  • @pobodynerfect3610
    @pobodynerfect3610 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm walking on the street when *Lucas* pulls me into an alleyway He asked if I wanted to join him and *Max* (oh yes I'd LOVE to third-wheel ;-;) As we're walking, *Will* offers us a ride (boy where's your license) *Mike* is in the passenger's seat (oh so now I'm third-wheeling two couples great) *Nancy* needs a ride I lost my phone (supposedly) but found it. It buzzed, *Dustin* is calling, offering to pick Lucas, Max and I up Lucas starts crying because he used to date Dustin and got cheated on with *Robin* (what 💀) So we choose *Steve* to drive us

  • @JesusChristLovesYou111
    @JesusChristLovesYou111 ปีที่แล้ว

    First one here

    @CH3RRY-STARZ87 ปีที่แล้ว

    Invites everyone over: Nancy Comes soaking wet: Max Offers to make cookies: Robin Falls asleep at 6pm: Mike (he would honestly) So much energy so they run outside in laps: Jonathan Looks Jonathan outside: Lucas Who eats over half the brownies: Dustin Wants to watch a movie: El Talks the whole time: Lucas Has at least 30 bathroom breaks: Argyle (OKAY THAT'S JUST TOO ACCURATE) When movie ends, someone is fast asleep: Jonathan Power goes out! Who lights the candles:Nancy I decide to sleep, but someone took your spot: Erica (canon) I push her off and sleep, in the morning I wake up to fresh pancakes and bacon who made it: Karen I sit next to when I eat: Lucas

    @CH3RRY-STARZ87 ปีที่แล้ว

    walk with - Nancy defends me - Eddie sit next to - Robin love letter - Erica (LMAOO MA'AM I'M WAY OLDER THAN YOU) bestfriend - Eddie crush -Steve steals the seat - Lucas makes plans with me -Mike we go - Roller Rink run into - Murray takes me home -Eddie Eddie's bf/gf is - Dustin (WTF) invited me to party - Max see my Crush - El Table 2-Eddie offers a ride - Steve in my room - Mike parents getting married tell first - Will

  • @Draco_Malfoy_simp435
    @Draco_Malfoy_simp435 ปีที่แล้ว

    I walk to school with Eddie.11 notices the bullies and stops them. I walk into class and sit next to Eddie as usual. I get a love letter from Jonathan in my locker. I walk in to lunch and will my best friend and Mike who has a crush on me fight to sit next to me. Will runs up and steals the seat. Nancy make plans with me after school. We go to the mall. Then we spot Miss Wheeler. Jonathan Nancy’s boyfriend takes us home. my best friend will from lunch tells me they have a new boyfriend Mike😮😮😮😮😮😮. Nancy hosts a party and invites me to come. At the party I see my crush Eddie. I sit at table 2 with the older kids. After the party, Jonathan take me home since we are neighbors. and surprise Eddie is in my room.😊😊. My parents are getting married, so I tell Lucas first.

  • @Ar020s
    @Ar020s ปีที่แล้ว

    Will invited everyone Mike came soaking wet ( he couldn't wait to meet will 😭) Max offered to make everyone cookies Lucas fell asleep early Jonathan has so much energy he ran around in laps 💀 Max locked him out 💀 El ate half of the brownies Argyle wanted to watch a movie Eddie talked the whole time Robin had like 30 bathroom breaks ☠️ Eddie fell asleep right after the movie finished El decided to light the candles Will stole my spot for sleeping 😭 Joyce made those fresh pancakes ❤️ I sat next to Jonathan while we ate

  • @Ar020s
    @Ar020s ปีที่แล้ว

    1sr crush: argyle 💀 First bf : Jonathan 🗿 1st heartbreak: Lucas (oh-) I cheated on my bf with Mike lol 1st person to chest on me: Jonathan ( bro got his revenge 💀) I went to the snowball with argyle I go to college with Lucas (wait wha-) Eddie proposed to me 😭 Can't believe this I end up marrying Eddie 💀 And in actual I still love Jonathan 😭 My true love is married to argyle 😂 I end up growing old with will 💀 This is fked up 💀😂

  • @Ar020s
    @Ar020s ปีที่แล้ว

    I got sick from Robin Mike avoids me Jonathan takes care Dustin is jealous 💀 Lucas gives me company El brings me a kitten 😭 Dustin saw someone drop flowers and chocolates It was Eddie 🗿 Steve always offers to take my care ❤️ Eddie asked me on da date 🗿💪

  • @jennie-vj9jr
    @jennie-vj9jr ปีที่แล้ว

    First crush:Lucas First gf : max First heartbreak: Erica ( bit weird cus I had a crush on her brother) Who I cheated with: Mike Who cheated on me:nancy Who I go to snowbal with : miKe Who I go collage with : jhonothan WHO proposed to me: Lucas Who I end up marrying:EDDDDIEEEEE

  • @cutie_pie266
    @cutie_pie266 ปีที่แล้ว

    Getting sick from: Mike mom🤔 Who avoids me: Erica😭 Who take care of me :Dustin😭✨ Who jealous: Eddie😳 The person who keep me company :mike Who bring me kittys :max😘 Who see somone drop you off flowers and chocolate is: Dustin😭✨ Who dropped off:jhonethan👍✨ Who often always take care of you frist :Eddie 😭✨ Who asked me out on date :Eddie 😩❤️

  • @star_girl4546
    @star_girl4546 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love Eddie he got everyone slushees

  • @JCMN101
    @JCMN101 ปีที่แล้ว

    Got me sick: Steve Avoids me: Mike Takes care of me: Max Jealous: Lucas Keeps me company: Will Brings a kitten: Johnathan Saw someone drop something off: Dustin Dropped them off: Mike Offered to take care of me: Joyce Once I’m better asked me out: Mike

  • @MollytheHufflepuff
    @MollytheHufflepuff ปีที่แล้ว

    - I get sick from Joyce - Erica keeps avoiding me - Eddie takes care of me - Dustin is jealous - Lucas keeps me company - El brings me a kitten - Eddie sees someone give me stuff anonymously - Nancy drops it off - Lucas always offers to take care of me first - Eddie asks me on a date when I’m healthy

  • @ems4596
    @ems4596 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nancy was my 1st crush. El is my 1st GF Will is the 1st heartbreak Cheat on El with Mike 😱 Robin cheats on me first Goes to the Snowball with Steve Go to collage with Max who is my true love. El proposes to me but I marry Argyle. Than El marries my true love Max. I grow old with Robin being visited by my grandbabies

  • @Badgerfrost_Draws
    @Badgerfrost_Draws ปีที่แล้ว

    Will invites everyone to the movies. Will was the first to show up. Dustin and Lucas come suspiciously late. Mike brought all the snacks. Dustin calls sitting next to me. Will and Mike want nobody sitting near them. Robin calls them out. Erica seems jealous. Robin can’t handle them being together and storms off. Will follows her to ask what’s wrong. Steve hogs to the popcorn. Mike and Will go to sit with Erica. Robin keeps looking at me. Eddie steals Dustin’s spot. Jonathon takes me home. Dustin comes over for a sleepover. Steve is in a bad mood all night. Steve is up all night.

  • @Badgerfrost_Draws
    @Badgerfrost_Draws ปีที่แล้ว

    I get sick from Lucas. Dustin completely avoids me. El takes care of me. Mike gets jealous of El. Will keeps me company. Jonathon brings me a kitten. El gave me flowers and chocolate. Nancy dropped it off. Joyce always offers to take care of me first. When I get better, Robin asks me on a date.

  • @sturniolo_nmc333
    @sturniolo_nmc333 ปีที่แล้ว

    Y'all it's official I got Mike as my lover but he's with Will. BYLER IS OFFICALLLLL

  • @GamerGodOfficiaI
    @GamerGodOfficiaI ปีที่แล้ว

    -Mike invited everyone to the movies -Steve is first to show up (Bro loves his kids) -Robin and Nancy are suspiciously late to show up -Argyle brings all the snacks (Accurate) -Dustin is sitting next to me (My favorite character) -Will and Mike wants no one sitting next to them -Jonathan notices and calls them out -Argyle seems to be jealous -Max couldn’t handle them being together and storms out -Jonathan follows Max and asks what’s wrong -Argyle hogs the popcorn (Accurate again) -Max comes back, Will and Mike feel guilty and leave with Lucas -Argyle keeps looking at me 🤨 -Dustin goes to the bathroom and Max steals his spot -After the movie, Max takes me home -Nancy comes over for a sleepover -Everyone follows, Jonathan was in a bad mood all night -Mike is up all night

  • @IconicallyCat
    @IconicallyCat ปีที่แล้ว

    Nancy invited everyone (this better be a good movie) Lucas is the first to show up Nancy and Robin are suspiciously late (what have you guys been doing..) Will brought snacks (YESSS FOOD) Jonathan calls sitting next to me (someone looking for a break up) Dustin and Lucas want no one sitting near them (sus...) Jonathan notices and calls them out (#Caughtin4k) Argyle is jealous (why) Max storms off (why is this so accurate 😂) Lucas follows her to ask whats wrong (she's about to dump you) Argyle hogs the popcorn (EXCUSE YOU >:[[[) Lucas and Dustin sit with Eddie after Max comes back with wet eyes (what happened 😳) Mike keeps staring at me ( 🤡🤡🤡) El steals Jonathan's seat (YASS) Steve takes me home (Yesssss) Jonathan comes for a sleepover Mike is in a bad mood all night (then go away) Dustin is up all night

  • @IconicallyCat
    @IconicallyCat ปีที่แล้ว

    Argyle invited everyone (I hate camping) Max brings everyone blankets (ok good thx) Argyle doesn't want a blanket (💀💀💀) Steve thinks he is possessed (I always thought he was possessed) Dustin sets up the tents but fails (🤡) Eddie has to do it right for him (😂) Nancy cooks the food (HURRY) Erica makes everyone s'mores (ooo) I share i tent with Mike (not bad) There is a rustling sound in the woods so Lucas gets up to investigate It was just Dustin looking for the bathroom (💀💀💀) I try to sleep but Dustin and Eddie are talking (🤠🤠🔫) Dustin is the first one to wake up and cook (you hate sleep don't you) Lucas is missing ( CRAP) Will finds him ( i thought it would be the other way round) Argyle forgot his swim suit (💀💀💀💀💀) Will gives him a spare (a nice person finally)

  • @IconicallyCat
    @IconicallyCat ปีที่แล้ว

    Karen made me sick (I hate you ) Mike avoids me (I hate you) Dustin takes care of me (thx everyone is being so rude 🤧) El is jealous (stay jealous) Robin keeps me company ( YES YES YES) Eddie brings me a kitten (YES YES YES YES WAIT would my cat want company.... I think so..) Max sees someone drop off flowers and chocolates anonymously (WHO) Eddie dropped them off ( you literally gave me a kitten you can give me flowers and chocolates) Eddie always offers to take care of my first (and you can't give me a chocolate to me face 😶) When im better, Mike asks me on a date (EXCUSE YOU, YOU ABANDONED ME WHEN I WAS SUFFERING SO NO)

  • @ginalagallinaa
    @ginalagallinaa ปีที่แล้ว

    my true love was Mike(I dont really like him tbh) and he was married to Nancy 💀😭

  • @WatershipDown4life
    @WatershipDown4life ปีที่แล้ว

    Maxine having to put up the tents correctly for Lucas is kinda cannon

  • @no.1kpopstanlily
    @no.1kpopstanlily ปีที่แล้ว

    1-Nancy 2-Mikey 3-Jonathan🤠 4-El 5-Bsf:Dusty Bun-❤s me:El 6-Jonathan(😭) 7-Mama Steve 8-Arcade 9-Joyce 10-Mama Steve 11-Dustin’s bf:Jonathan-Gf:Nancy 😧 12:El 13:Argyle(uh) 14:Table 1 with Mikey my real crush 15-Robin 16-Jonathan(Wtaf) 17-Mikey

  • @mudusathehognose2905
    @mudusathehognose2905 ปีที่แล้ว

    Johnathan and Steve are the duo that sit next to each other In the movie theater. Johnathan drives me home and Steve comes along and has a sleep over wow

  • @tracynoojin6819
    @tracynoojin6819 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a sleepover with Eddie We are at Will's house Dustin was already there Nancy shows up Dustin wants to go to the mall I see my boyfriend Steve El got lost at the mall Suzie finds El El got lost at Hot Topic Erica wanted a hotdog on a stick but couldn't get one Jonathan buys her one but eats half💀 Mike get everyone slushies Robin comes home with me When we are at home Nancy shows up Eddie shows up early and randomly That is what I got💀

  • @tracynoojin6819
    @tracynoojin6819 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dustin invites everyone Nancy refused to come until she heard I was coming Will forgot his money Jonathan hesitantly covered for him El burned up because she forgot sunscreen Nancy made everyone do the lazy river Lucas got everyone snacks Eddie rode the double tube slide with me El keeps showing her "tan line" Will told her nothing is there El wants to ride the drop slide Robin gets out on " 3 2 1" Mike burns his feet on the hot concrete Erica holds my hand out of fear when it starts thundering Will calls her out for getting scared Steve brings everyone home That is what I got💀

  • @brunebrizuela4503
    @brunebrizuela4503 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lucas is my first crush! <3 Argyle is ny first bf !! Erica is my first heartbreak ;( I cheat on Argyle with Will💀 Steve is the first person to cheat on me :o I go to snowball with Steve (HE CHEATED ON ME-) I go to college with Will (okay) Steve proposed to me (ISTG-) I end up marrying Dustin (at least he didn't cheat on me-) I am actually in love with Erica (yes) Erica married Robin (noOOO) I end up growing old with Mike (why me?) I guess im still on the closet then because i didn't even touch a woman-

  • @cicialex1836
    @cicialex1836 ปีที่แล้ว

    I got sick from Robin Max completely avoided me Nancy took care of me Mike was jealous that Nancy was taking care of me (He's jealous of his own big sister taking care of me!?) Mike kept me company Dustin brought me kittens to make me feel better (Awwwww, thanks Dusty!💖) Mike saw that someone mysterious had dropped off some flowers and chocolate for me Dustin dropped it off Steve always offered to take care of me first (Awwwww, thanks Mom!) When I was healthy, Eddie asked me out on a date (YES! My favorite rocker and boyfriend! (In my dreams!))

  • @mellamopalo1924
    @mellamopalo1924 ปีที่แล้ว

    🌹murray 🌹dustin 🌹max 🌹mike 🌹eddie 🌹erica 🌹eleven 🌹dustin 🌹robin 🌹erica

  • @JustLayla1015
    @JustLayla1015 ปีที่แล้ว

    My first crush is Eddie (I'm sorry no) Max is my first gf!! My first heartbreak was Will </3 I cheated on Max with Steve (WOOP WOOP THATS THE SOUND OF THE POLICE) The first person to cheat on me was Steve... I go to the snowball with Mike I go to college with Erica! Mike proposed to me <3 I end up marrying Dustin?! But I'm really in love with Mike <3 Mike is actually married to Lucas now??? I end up growing old with Will

  • @joshuathegummybeargamer7240
    @joshuathegummybeargamer7240 ปีที่แล้ว

    My first crush is Will