The US Bill of Rights is just a copy of the 1689 English BoR English Bill of Rights 1689 An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown ""That the pretended power of suspending the laws or the execution of laws by regal authority without consent of Parliament is illegal; That the pretended power of dispensing with laws or the execution of laws by regal authority, as it hath been assumed and exercised of late, is illegal; That the commission for erecting the late Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes, and all other commissions and courts of like nature, are illegal and pernicious; That levying money for or to the use of the Crown by pretence of prerogative, without grant of Parliament, for longer time, or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted, is illegal; That it is the right of the subjects to petition the king, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal; That the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law; That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law; That election of members of Parliament ought to be free; That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament; That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted; That jurors ought to be duly impanelled and returned, and jurors which pass upon men in trials for high treason ought to be freeholders; That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void; And that for redress of all grievances, and for the amending, strengthening and preserving of the laws, Parliaments ought to be held frequently.
we don't have it in sweden but i think sweden should have these rights with them being respectful and dignified i follow these laws even though i live in sweden for me these rules are important
December 10th 2024.... This Document is the only thing keeping the American people, thus the free world, FREE. Clinton and Kerry both stating, amongst many others, that the 1st Amendment is what is keeping them from controlling information... The War rages on. Thank you for posting this.
In order to graduate HS in California, we had to study civics for two semesters. In that class, we studied the Declaration of Indepence, and the constitution including the Bill of Rights.
I kept my promise you all never met a American sure as hell clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly what we stand for one nation under God indivisible by 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all in God we trust no government to give freedom no cops to hand out justice we trust in God and we can't and don't want to be there policing government we have state local and federal unbais unopinionated fact checked news police government for we the people we can police news is exactly are jobs as we the people we fact check news and interpret justice following no law decide guilt on injust no injust not guilty and the state can't be the victim or it becomes the injust system dollars on your heads and they couldn't build prisons fast enough and would fall into civil war destroying itself from within without my right this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one government and the unbais unopinionated fact checked news we understand exactly how to find truth and make politicians tell the truth and do there jobs exactly are jobs as we the people we fact check news and sheriff interprets law we interpret justice following no law decide guilt on injust is my idiot proof protection from the enemy within since day one government and the cops we trust in God here get the hell out if can't handle the truth
Age over doomed roofs milking many days tits up they just don't know it yet. Like thieves caught in the knight in broad daylight for all to see they will hand it over everything took in a divine name or providence and I will give it away debate educated guessers unknown ass proclaimed false prophets leading many astry pretending to see deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to be known and unknown swine all could proclaim at best if keep it up
It’s 2024 now and since this video was uploaded, our Constitution has been under attack by the radical left. Hopefully in another 16 years we will have restored many of our lost freedoms.
As a United States Marine i defend the bill of rights . But when the freedom of the press takes away your free will Thats a problem. You can call the police and go to court . If a federal judge says stop and a distric judge tells them stop and they just pic up steam . Thats police miscuduct and a corupt , court house and a broken system.
You worms cant even fake Americans clueless about how the truth protects freedom and injust protects the just exactly your jobs and duty as we the people we trust in God no government to give freedom no cops to hand out justice exactly not a chance we trust in God no politicians to tell the truth or do there jobs we make them is exactly are jobs as we the people we protect freedom and justice from enemy's within since day one united we stand for one nation under God indivisible by 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all in the golden endless true and just golden endless known age of Aquarius born I'd no debate or guess game sure as hell never been Americans can't even fake Americans anymore clueless about how to find truth and fact check news we fact check news and sheriff interpret lawis
Point being nothing confusing me about the nature of there game rolling stones to Switzerland united postal union to Alberta Canada three points make a stand measure out 60 and 120 mona lisa saying rocky mountains Canada three points make a stand measure out 60 and 120 proof of the true betrayers is there why looking for reeds blowing in the wind three points make a stand
But none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
And God's army's without borders will stand real soon is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self and others injust self and others unknown pretend to be known deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to see unknown age over best know it unknown wont see into the true and just golden endless known age of Aquarius blind people is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self and others
None of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
@fiddletown2002 worn run mouth not here worm you about to meet a American . Who the hell you pretending to be . I going to prove without a doubt worma running mouth pretending to understand educated guessers age over worma
@fiddletown2002 now you pissed me off you going to meet a American you arrogant jackasses can't even fake Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from the enemy within since day one you worma running mouth
@fiddletown2002 think your sorry ass right this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one government going to meet a American I never stand alone I five stand as one M1911 Michael my God given name jackasses.age over
Point is the truth sets you free and keep you free here we the people understand exactly how to find truth and make politicians tell the truth and do there jobs exactly your jobs as we the people we trust in God no government to give freedom no cops to hand out justice no politicians to tell the truth or do there jobs exactly what we stand for one understand exactly how find truth and fact check news state local and federal unbais unopinionated fact checked news we fact check news and sheriff interprets law we interpret justice following no law decide guilt on injust no injust not guilty and the state can't be the victim or it becomes the injust system dollars on your heads and they couldn't build prisons fast enough and would fall into civil war destroying itself from within without my right this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one government and the unbais unopinionated fact checked state local and federal unbais unopinionated fact checked news
And none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
Who said I asking or you telling or the not false prophet at the end of the age test all trust none many false prophets says exactly How to test this moment now you can and don't know how best know you can't understand this country play you understand the world known to the ALL proclaimed three times over before you born the untouchable living book was in me before I was born Jeremy Michael Middle name nicknamed moezer at 3 known as out a road whore the man of steel Flys without wings choosen before he was born known to the true virgin mother creator married the father out womb known before I was born proclaimed once and three times over out womb 1.24.75 add move right repeat return to one and in man born again in life without tasting death became a Corps army of five stand as one M1911 Michael my God given name I am the hope for the man of understanding see is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self and others injust self and others unknown pretend to be known deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to see test none pick a self proclaimed people proclaimed for what false prophet all could proclaim are if keep it up as we say he here only in America without a doubt I given God's given name and understanding see is I am the hope for the man of understanding see is see what I mean see is can explain adds up makes sense doesn't change stays the same is without a doubt God's given understanding or kill false prophets is law . Or be temporary insane once in a lifetime i used mine at 15 was to strong and took to many hits without going down they the tooth fairy if I that strong . To witch I stood up said if wanted me down why not no marks lumps on my legs head wasn't a spot could find without a lump I said I give them two free shoots then it's my turn . Told judge they admit they fairy's is on video or callem in we go again. My lawyer tackle me said shut up you walking I said I wanna change may plea judge said canti juvenile I said was a adult looking at 5 to 10 a second ago he Said get him outta here made me go home
Still none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
I kept my promise to trust in God no politicians to tell the truth or do there jobs exactly what we stand for one nation under God indivisible 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all in the purple and gold state two became one in ten thousand three returned in one whole in one whole in one 💜 out womb and in man born again in life without tasting death in Christ born 18.1.24 given God's given understanding see is I am the hope for the man of understanding see the untouchable living book was in me before I was born Jeremy Michael Middle name nicknamed moezer at 3 speech impediment shortened to moe out womb add move right repeat return to one 1.24.75 and in man born again in life in the purple and gold state five stand as one M1911 Michael my God given name I never stand alone I five stand as one undeniably proclaimed three times over before I was born three times over out womb and in man born left a body became a corpse seen self as the forth in heaven passed tests walked the old Way Dow Path cause and effect known to the true virgin mother creator cause and effect given amnesty from law wont taste death married the father walked the golden path back to beginnings passed tests married the father danced with the tiny dancer Mary became a man squashed seeds head of snake eating tail returned a child is without doubt God must see eyes just true beauty Path be known to the
But none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
Sure as hell about to meet a American understands exactly how to find truth and how the truth protects freedom and injust protects the just exactly what I stand for. I stand for one nation under God indivisible by 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all known in the golden endless true and just golden endless known age of Aquarius 3 times one whole in one whole in one many . Is three in one whole in one whole in one perfect true and just known self reborn walked threw door reborn triple cant become two double unforgiven debt owed to be paid in full intrust owed on the unforgiven debt owed to be paid in full for the unforgiven. Unknown to self divided became two the day you one you became two divided deceiving self exactly pretending to understand educated guessers unknown ass proclaimed false witness lies telling self to believe pretending to be known deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to see unknown swine all could be that direction debate educated guessers deceivers unknown of self and others injust self and others refuse correction refuse truth refuse to anything but pretend to know much in life deceive even self unknown exactly believe your own lies. 5 true .5 just unknown to even self strangers in self unknown swine all could be that direction at best false prophets if keep running mouth pretending to be the hope for the man of understanding see is I see in true and just known self of God's given understanding see is I see in God's given understanding see is I am the hope for the man of understanding see is at the end of the age test all trust none many false prophets says exactly How to test this moment in plain words deaf when spoke plain test none or play you make up the test decide if passed or if is a test who the hell said test none pretend to be known deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to see unknown pretend to be known to the true virgin mother creator cause and effect given amnesty from law wont taste death out the divine spark light fire purified Holy Spirit in eye of fire is in him and five stand as one M1911 Michael my God given name born again in life our womb and in man born known to the true virgin mother creator before I was born proclaimed three times over out womb known before I was born choosen by the undeniable living one could put a Bible in my name birthday spot born choose by the ALL and walked the golden path back to beginnings from ends first became last last first out womb a Trinity first and last beginning and end one and 99.born 100 one whole in one whole in one many out womb and in man born again in life without tasting death born again in Christ 18.1.24 judgement multiply once see perfect harmony in balance 369 arc curves angels and lines triple arc curves walked threw door reborn on the golden Path three in one whole in one whole in one true and just known self reborn two became one in ten thousand three returned in one whol in one whole in one perfect true and just known self reborn walked threw door reborn on the golden Path triple arc curves angels and lines one against Two two against three three against two two against three three triple whole what will you do if you become two you one you became two divided deceiving self exactly unknown void in understand can't explain don't understand can't make sense stay the same isn't God's given understanding see is I am the hope for the man of understanding see is I see in God's given understanding see is snake I mean see Speck in i I beam out the man flys without wings known before I was born proclaimed three times once blessed be the three times over known before he was born choosen before he was born for great suffering and before and during great suffering always staying true and just choosen by God before I wad born out womb two became one in ten thousand in the purple and gold state next to two sleeping giants and a bottomless pit on international inland lake halfway around the world where paper became money with mankind's promise to trust in God and the o es he sends at the end of the age test all trust none many false prophets says exactly How to test this moment in plain words deaf when spoke plain pretend to hear blind pretend to see unknown pretend to be known educated guessers deceivers of self and others injust self and others unknown exactly false prophets if keep it up self proclaimed people proclaimed for what false prophet all could proclaim are if keep it up is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self exactly believe your own lies deceive even self refuse correction refuse truth refuse to anything but pretend to know much in life like being we the people we trust in God no government to give freedom no cops to hand out justice we stand united for one nation under God indivisible by 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all in the golden endless true and just golden endless known age of Aquarius born first and last beginning and end one and 99 born 100 one against Two two against three three against Two two against three three I draw it out while explaining it Plato's divided line is a reason we have 12 on a jury and the truth protects freedom and justice exactly ww the people understand exactly how the truth protects freedom and justice exactly what sets you free and keep you free here is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self and others unknown age over known or unknown unknown I told to tell many Mary became a man squashed seeds head of snake eating tail returned a child is without doubt God must see eyes just true beauty Path be known to the
But none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
God bless America, land that we love. Stand by her and guide her with leaders who protect our country and citizens. Lord, continue to give us political leaders who will not join terror group nor destroy our systems of authority, which are now at risk, by comrades of the Entertainment Industry and Planned Parenthood, financed by WHO, and Hollywood Elites who have dethroned their king Biden and are no longer leading in truth! Absolute power has corrupted this administration’s with much error and deception that is being revealed!
If one were to publish a booklet featuring our Constitutional Amendments, perhaps highlighting the 1st and 4th, including all applicable case law included and with state specific companion booklets. 1) What all would be included? Who's gonna teach cops to actually KNOW & honor their oath? Auditors & citizen journalists are the new 4th Estate? Investigative journalism will disappear without them?
The Bill of Rights was written to protect you from the government. Most of what was written after that enslaves you to corrupt corporate America. Cops and courts hate it. Most cops know little if anything about the bill of rights. Yet they swear an oath to uphold the bill of rights. Being in violation of their oath is grounds for termination. Congress and the legislators screwed we the people first followed by the courts and cops. So much for checks and balances and separation of powers. Welcome to corrupt corporate America everyone land of the fee home of the slaves. "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." - John F. Kennedy" When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals." -Edward Snowden One of the founding fathers of this once great country said, " Government at its very best is a necessary evil and at its worst it is an intolerable one." And its been a long time since its been at its best.
So the police use the internet and control your job search to keep you from paying a retainer and suing the local police for the monies you’ve lost. They defeat the Bill of Rights.
What we have endured are in fact cruel and u usual punishment! As American 🇺🇸 Nationals this should never have happened or continued! Yet the level of toxic rhetoric and unprofessional is astounding. We are letting our country be over run by ignorant men and women while Russia parks a nuclear sub in the vicinity of Cuba. How did it by pass the threshold? Unfocused people that’s how.
You can’t let hate and Tierney take our life away, and take my freedom away, this is the United States of America, the land of the free, but because of the Brave!
The US Bill of Rights is just a copy of the 1689 English BoR English Bill of Rights 1689 An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown ""That the pretended power of suspending the laws or the execution of laws by regal authority without consent of Parliament is illegal; That the pretended power of dispensing with laws or the execution of laws by regal authority, as it hath been assumed and exercised of late, is illegal; That the commission for erecting the late Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes, and all other commissions and courts of like nature, are illegal and pernicious; That levying money for or to the use of the Crown by pretence of prerogative, without grant of Parliament, for longer time, or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted, is illegal; That it is the right of the subjects to petition the king, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal; That the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law; That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law; That election of members of Parliament ought to be free; That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament; That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted; That jurors ought to be duly impanelled and returned, and jurors which pass upon men in trials for high treason ought to be freeholders; That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void; And that for redress of all grievances, and for the amending, strengthening and preserving of the laws, Parliaments ought to be held frequently.
we don't have it in sweden but i think sweden should have these rights with them being respectful and dignified i follow these laws even though i live in sweden for me these rules are important
December 10th 2024.... This Document is the only thing keeping the American people, thus the free world, FREE. Clinton and Kerry both stating, amongst many others, that the 1st Amendment is what is keeping them from controlling information... The War rages on. Thank you for posting this.
Thank you God for everything protecting me and bringing me justice and balance amen amen amen 🙏
In order to graduate HS in California, we had to study civics for two semesters. In that class, we studied the Declaration of Indepence, and the constitution including the Bill of Rights.
Dude! The echoing. Haha. Grow up
This is so refreshing , holding people to law they don't understand haven't studied, have no knowledge of .
Like entrapments, violating rights of citizens.
I kept my promise you all never met a American sure as hell clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly what we stand for one nation under God indivisible by 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all in God we trust no government to give freedom no cops to hand out justice we trust in God and we can't and don't want to be there policing government we have state local and federal unbais unopinionated fact checked news police government for we the people we can police news is exactly are jobs as we the people we fact check news and interpret justice following no law decide guilt on injust no injust not guilty and the state can't be the victim or it becomes the injust system dollars on your heads and they couldn't build prisons fast enough and would fall into civil war destroying itself from within without my right this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one government and the unbais unopinionated fact checked news we understand exactly how to find truth and make politicians tell the truth and do there jobs exactly are jobs as we the people we fact check news and sheriff interprets law we interpret justice following no law decide guilt on injust is my idiot proof protection from the enemy within since day one government and the cops we trust in God here get the hell out if can't handle the truth
Age over doomed roofs milking many days tits up they just don't know it yet. Like thieves caught in the knight in broad daylight for all to see they will hand it over everything took in a divine name or providence and I will give it away debate educated guessers unknown ass proclaimed false prophets leading many astry pretending to see deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to be known and unknown swine all could proclaim at best if keep it up
It’s 2024 now and since this video was uploaded, our Constitution has been under attack by the radical left. Hopefully in another 16 years we will have restored many of our lost freedoms.
As a United States Marine i defend the bill of rights . But when the freedom of the press takes away your free will Thats a problem. You can call the police and go to court . If a federal judge says stop and a distric judge tells them stop and they just pic up steam . Thats police miscuduct and a corupt , court house and a broken system.
Now what you got to say 👀👀👀
...or to the people
Ammendment 9 is possibly my favorite
Get the hell out
You worms cant even fake Americans clueless about how the truth protects freedom and injust protects the just exactly your jobs and duty as we the people we trust in God no government to give freedom no cops to hand out justice exactly not a chance we trust in God no politicians to tell the truth or do there jobs we make them is exactly are jobs as we the people we protect freedom and justice from enemy's within since day one united we stand for one nation under God indivisible by 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all in the golden endless true and just golden endless known age of Aquarius born I'd no debate or guess game sure as hell never been Americans can't even fake Americans anymore clueless about how to find truth and fact check news we fact check news and sheriff interpret lawis
Point being nothing confusing me about the nature of there game rolling stones to Switzerland united postal union to Alberta Canada three points make a stand measure out 60 and 120 mona lisa saying rocky mountains Canada three points make a stand measure out 60 and 120 proof of the true betrayers is there why looking for reeds blowing in the wind three points make a stand
But none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
@fiddletown2002 what protects freedom and justice do explain if you say I incorrect
And God's army's without borders will stand real soon is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self and others injust self and others unknown pretend to be known deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to see unknown age over best know it unknown wont see into the true and just golden endless known age of Aquarius blind people is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self and others
None of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
@fiddletown2002 worn run mouth not here worm you about to meet a American . Who the hell you pretending to be . I going to prove without a doubt worma running mouth pretending to understand educated guessers age over worma
@fiddletown2002 now you pissed me off you going to meet a American you arrogant jackasses can't even fake Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from the enemy within since day one you worma running mouth
@fiddletown2002 think your sorry ass right this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one government going to meet a American I never stand alone I five stand as one M1911 Michael my God given name jackasses.age over
@@fiddletown2002 play I like.any now pisses
Point is the truth sets you free and keep you free here we the people understand exactly how to find truth and make politicians tell the truth and do there jobs exactly your jobs as we the people we trust in God no government to give freedom no cops to hand out justice no politicians to tell the truth or do there jobs exactly what we stand for one understand exactly how find truth and fact check news state local and federal unbais unopinionated fact checked news we fact check news and sheriff interprets law we interpret justice following no law decide guilt on injust no injust not guilty and the state can't be the victim or it becomes the injust system dollars on your heads and they couldn't build prisons fast enough and would fall into civil war destroying itself from within without my right this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one government and the unbais unopinionated fact checked state local and federal unbais unopinionated fact checked news
And none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
Who said I asking or you telling or the not false prophet at the end of the age test all trust none many false prophets says exactly How to test this moment now you can and don't know how best know you can't understand this country play you understand the world known to the ALL proclaimed three times over before you born the untouchable living book was in me before I was born Jeremy Michael Middle name nicknamed moezer at 3 known as out a road whore the man of steel Flys without wings choosen before he was born known to the true virgin mother creator married the father out womb known before I was born proclaimed once and three times over out womb 1.24.75 add move right repeat return to one and in man born again in life without tasting death became a Corps army of five stand as one M1911 Michael my God given name I am the hope for the man of understanding see is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self and others injust self and others unknown pretend to be known deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to see test none pick a self proclaimed people proclaimed for what false prophet all could proclaim are if keep it up as we say he here only in America without a doubt I given God's given name and understanding see is I am the hope for the man of understanding see is see what I mean see is can explain adds up makes sense doesn't change stays the same is without a doubt God's given understanding or kill false prophets is law . Or be temporary insane once in a lifetime i used mine at 15 was to strong and took to many hits without going down they the tooth fairy if I that strong . To witch I stood up said if wanted me down why not no marks lumps on my legs head wasn't a spot could find without a lump I said I give them two free shoots then it's my turn . Told judge they admit they fairy's is on video or callem in we go again. My lawyer tackle me said shut up you walking I said I wanna change may plea judge said canti juvenile I said was a adult looking at 5 to 10 a second ago he Said get him outta here made me go home
Still none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
I kept my promise to trust in God no politicians to tell the truth or do there jobs exactly what we stand for one nation under God indivisible 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all in the purple and gold state two became one in ten thousand three returned in one whole in one whole in one 💜 out womb and in man born again in life without tasting death in Christ born 18.1.24 given God's given understanding see is I am the hope for the man of understanding see the untouchable living book was in me before I was born Jeremy Michael Middle name nicknamed moezer at 3 speech impediment shortened to moe out womb add move right repeat return to one 1.24.75 and in man born again in life in the purple and gold state five stand as one M1911 Michael my God given name I never stand alone I five stand as one undeniably proclaimed three times over before I was born three times over out womb and in man born left a body became a corpse seen self as the forth in heaven passed tests walked the old Way Dow Path cause and effect known to the true virgin mother creator cause and effect given amnesty from law wont taste death married the father walked the golden path back to beginnings passed tests married the father danced with the tiny dancer Mary became a man squashed seeds head of snake eating tail returned a child is without doubt God must see eyes just true beauty Path be known to the
But none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
Sure as hell about to meet a American understands exactly how to find truth and how the truth protects freedom and injust protects the just exactly what I stand for. I stand for one nation under God indivisible by 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all known in the golden endless true and just golden endless known age of Aquarius 3 times one whole in one whole in one many . Is three in one whole in one whole in one perfect true and just known self reborn walked threw door reborn triple cant become two double unforgiven debt owed to be paid in full intrust owed on the unforgiven debt owed to be paid in full for the unforgiven. Unknown to self divided became two the day you one you became two divided deceiving self exactly pretending to understand educated guessers unknown ass proclaimed false witness lies telling self to believe pretending to be known deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to see unknown swine all could be that direction debate educated guessers deceivers unknown of self and others injust self and others refuse correction refuse truth refuse to anything but pretend to know much in life deceive even self unknown exactly believe your own lies. 5 true .5 just unknown to even self strangers in self unknown swine all could be that direction at best false prophets if keep running mouth pretending to be the hope for the man of understanding see is I see in true and just known self of God's given understanding see is I see in God's given understanding see is I am the hope for the man of understanding see is at the end of the age test all trust none many false prophets says exactly How to test this moment in plain words deaf when spoke plain test none or play you make up the test decide if passed or if is a test who the hell said test none pretend to be known deaf pretend to hear blind pretend to see unknown pretend to be known to the true virgin mother creator cause and effect given amnesty from law wont taste death out the divine spark light fire purified Holy Spirit in eye of fire is in him and five stand as one M1911 Michael my God given name born again in life our womb and in man born known to the true virgin mother creator before I was born proclaimed three times over out womb known before I was born choosen by the undeniable living one could put a Bible in my name birthday spot born choose by the ALL and walked the golden path back to beginnings from ends first became last last first out womb a Trinity first and last beginning and end one and 99.born 100 one whole in one whole in one many out womb and in man born again in life without tasting death born again in Christ 18.1.24 judgement multiply once see perfect harmony in balance 369 arc curves angels and lines triple arc curves walked threw door reborn on the golden Path three in one whole in one whole in one true and just known self reborn two became one in ten thousand three returned in one whol in one whole in one perfect true and just known self reborn walked threw door reborn on the golden Path triple arc curves angels and lines one against Two two against three three against two two against three three triple whole what will you do if you become two you one you became two divided deceiving self exactly unknown void in understand can't explain don't understand can't make sense stay the same isn't God's given understanding see is I am the hope for the man of understanding see is I see in God's given understanding see is snake I mean see Speck in i I beam out the man flys without wings known before I was born proclaimed three times once blessed be the three times over known before he was born choosen before he was born for great suffering and before and during great suffering always staying true and just choosen by God before I wad born out womb two became one in ten thousand in the purple and gold state next to two sleeping giants and a bottomless pit on international inland lake halfway around the world where paper became money with mankind's promise to trust in God and the o es he sends at the end of the age test all trust none many false prophets says exactly How to test this moment in plain words deaf when spoke plain pretend to hear blind pretend to see unknown pretend to be known educated guessers deceivers of self and others injust self and others unknown exactly false prophets if keep it up self proclaimed people proclaimed for what false prophet all could proclaim are if keep it up is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self exactly believe your own lies deceive even self refuse correction refuse truth refuse to anything but pretend to know much in life like being we the people we trust in God no government to give freedom no cops to hand out justice we stand united for one nation under God indivisible by 4 with each I stand for liberty and justice for all in the golden endless true and just golden endless known age of Aquarius born first and last beginning and end one and 99 born 100 one against Two two against three three against Two two against three three I draw it out while explaining it Plato's divided line is a reason we have 12 on a jury and the truth protects freedom and justice exactly ww the people understand exactly how the truth protects freedom and justice exactly what sets you free and keep you free here is no debate educated guessers deceivers of self and others unknown age over known or unknown unknown I told to tell many Mary became a man squashed seeds head of snake eating tail returned a child is without doubt God must see eyes just true beauty Path be known to the
But none of that is true. If one posts something as true, it’s his burden to support that claim with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority. Saying something doesn’t make it true, and no one has to believe unsupported statements. If one doesn't support his statements with verifiable, credible evidence or legal authority, it's appropriate to reject those statements as untrue. So none of that is true.
.. Grateful for the Founders of This Republic! 🇺🇸🗽
God bless America, land that we love. Stand by her and guide her with leaders who protect our country and citizens. Lord, continue to give us political leaders who will not join terror group nor destroy our systems of authority, which are now at risk, by comrades of the Entertainment Industry and Planned Parenthood, financed by WHO, and Hollywood Elites who have dethroned their king Biden and are no longer leading in truth! Absolute power has corrupted this administration’s with much error and deception that is being revealed!
All Americans must copy and frame this statement. In Jesus name. Amen 🇺🇸🌎🕊️
If one were to publish a booklet featuring our Constitutional Amendments, perhaps highlighting the 1st and 4th, including all applicable case law included and with state specific companion booklets. 1) What all would be included? Who's gonna teach cops to actually KNOW & honor their oath? Auditors & citizen journalists are the new 4th Estate? Investigative journalism will disappear without them?
Thank you for sharing this precious document 🙌🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻❤️💯🇺🇸🙌🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻
Very important😮
The Bill of Rights was written to protect you from the government. Most of what was written after that enslaves you to corrupt corporate America. Cops and courts hate it. Most cops know little if anything about the bill of rights. Yet they swear an oath to uphold the bill of rights. Being in violation of their oath is grounds for termination. Congress and the legislators screwed we the people first followed by the courts and cops. So much for checks and balances and separation of powers. Welcome to corrupt corporate America everyone land of the fee home of the slaves. "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." - John F. Kennedy" When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals." -Edward Snowden One of the founding fathers of this once great country said, " Government at its very best is a necessary evil and at its worst it is an intolerable one." And its been a long time since its been at its best.
The second amendment makes sure we have the first amendment. 🇺🇲
So what about sobriety tests used as evidence ?????
So the police use the internet and control your job search to keep you from paying a retainer and suing the local police for the monies you’ve lost. They defeat the Bill of Rights.
Thank you Just by seeing this people can see just how wrong the Biden installed President and administration has been !!
Due process went away years ago. Crime families run the show
Listened to this July 4, 2024. ❤
Precious words Thank you Forefathers and Father God
Listening July 4th 2024 ❤
What we have endured are in fact cruel and u usual punishment! As American 🇺🇸 Nationals this should never have happened or continued! Yet the level of toxic rhetoric and unprofessional is astounding. We are letting our country be over run by ignorant men and women while Russia parks a nuclear sub in the vicinity of Cuba. How did it by pass the threshold? Unfocused people that’s how.
some better tell ole ricky perry that here in texas and his band of trump cultist
You made the most ignorant comment of the day.
@rickyodom1201. You should get your TDS cheek,it's making you post stupid posts dumb@$$.👍🇺🇸🇺🇸
It’s like they seen the future
Ten simple ways to become a Super Power ❤
You can’t let hate and Tierney take our life away, and take my freedom away, this is the United States of America, the land of the free, but because of the Brave!
We need to show this to the people in our Congress. Boy, would they be surprised.
Buttered toast
My great grandfather..George Mason