奕杞游Yi Qi travel
奕杞游Yi Qi travel
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泉州靈源禪寺,唐朝時一個道士與另一個和尚共同創建的寺院什麼樣。Lingyuan Temple, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China.
寺院建築氣勢恢宏,布局精巧。以中軸線為中心,分佈著天王殿、大雄寶殿等主要建築。大雄寶殿規模宏大,重檐歇山頂,與之相連的拜亭飛檐翹脊,精美的青石盤龍柱盡顯莊嚴華麗。周圍還有諸多亭閣點綴,與殿堂相互輝映。寺內有古老的羅漢松,樹齡超 1500 年,是寺院歷史的見證者,還有靈源古井,井水有神奇傳說。
Quanzhou Lingyuan Chan Temple is a Buddhist temple with a long history and profound cultural heritage. It is located on Lingyuan Mountain in Jinjiang, Quanzhou. It was first built in the Sui Dynasty and has undergone changes and renovations in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. According to legend, in the early Sui Dynasty, there were monks who built a temple on the top of Lingyuan Mountain to worship Guanyin. In its long development process, many famous monks and Taoists participated in the construction. Zhang Dingbian, an old subordinate of Chen Youliang in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, also became a monk here and contributed to the temple. The temple buildings are magnificent and exquisitely laid out. Centered on the central axis, there are main buildings such as the Heavenly King Hall and the Grand Buddha Hall. The Grand Buddha Hall is large in scale, with a double-eaved hip roof. The worship pavilion connected to it has upturned eaves and corners, and the exquisite bluestone coiled dragon pillars show solemnity and magnificence. There are also many pavilions and kiosks around, complementing the halls. Inside the temple, there is an ancient arhat pine tree with an age of over 1500 years, which is a witness to the temple's history. There is also the Lingyuan ancient well, and the well water has magical legends. In terms of culture, the temple has precious cultural relics such as the "Eternal Prohibition Tablet by Imperial Decree in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty". There are many cliff carvings, and the inscriptions contain the beauty of calligraphy art. This is a Buddhist holy place where believers gather and incense is flourishing. Many literati and poets have left behind poems and calligraphy masterpieces, making its literary value remarkable. The temple fair of Lingyuan Chan Temple is held on the first day of the first lunar month. It is extremely lively and is a major event in the local area, fully demonstrating the important position of the temple in religious and cultural exchanges and folk activities.
มุมมอง: 578


泉州洛伽寺,跨海才能進入的佛寺,門口廁所曾經需要交錢才能使用。A video shows Luojia Temple in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China.
มุมมอง 3642 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
泉州洛伽寺,跨海才能進入的佛寺,門口廁所曾經需要交錢才能使用。A video shows Luojia Temple in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China.
一個視頻看完中国福建泉州清凉古寺。An immersive video experience of Quanzhou Qingliang Mosque in Fujian, China.
มุมมอง 3404 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
一個視頻看完中国福建泉州清凉古寺。An immersive video experience of Quanzhou Qingliang Mosque in Fujian, China.
一個視頻看完中国福建泉州崇福寺。An immersive video experience of Quanzhou Chongfu Temple in Fujian, China.
มุมมอง 9097 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
一個視頻看完中国福建泉州崇福寺。An immersive video experience of Quanzhou Chongfu Temple in Fujian, China.
一個視頻看完中国福建泉州少林寺。A video shows Quanzhou Shaolin Temple in Fujian Province, China.
มุมมอง 4509 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
一個視頻看完中国福建泉州少林寺。A video shows Quanzhou Shaolin Temple in Fujian Province, China.
一個視頻看完中國福建泉州承天寺。An immersive video experience of Quanzhou Chengtian Temple in Fujian, China.
มุมมอง 98212 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
一個視頻看完中國福建泉州承天寺。An immersive video experience of Quanzhou Chengtian Temple in Fujian, China.
一個視頻看完福建泉州開元寺。Watch Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple in Fujian in one video.
มุมมอง 1.6K16 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
一個視頻看完福建泉州開元寺。Watch Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple in Fujian in one video.
一個視頻看完賽博朋克求籤機的泉州天後宮都有什麼。A video shows a Tianhou Temple with a cyberpunk fortune-telling machine.
มุมมอง 1.5K19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
一個視頻看完賽博朋克求籤機的泉州天後宮都有什麼。A video shows a Tianhou Temple with a cyberpunk fortune-telling machine.
一個視頻看完福建泉州最大的古建關帝廟。Watch a video to see the largest ancient Guandi Temple in Quanzhou, Fujian.
มุมมอง 2.7K21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
泉州關帝廟,位於泉州市鯉城區塗門街,俗稱塗門關帝廟。 其始建於宋代,距今超千年,最初為水神廟。明太祖朱元璋時,於泉州七座城門各建關帝廟,此廟因位於通淮街得名通淮關岳廟。現存廟宇為民國十六年(1927 年)重修,1986 年至 1990 年再次全面整修。 廟宇坐北朝南,由武成殿、崇先殿、三義廟三座並排廟宇組成,均為三進,建築面積 1300 多平方米。主殿武成殿正位左祀關聖帝君,右祀岳武穆王,配祀 24 位歷代著名忠武將士;左為三義廟,祀劉、關、張及孔明、趙雲;右為崇先殿,祀關羽三代祖先。 廟內裝飾精美,有木雕、石雕和泥塑,屋脊剪瓷龍雕,造型各異。還存有諸多珍貴文物,如宋朱熹《正氣》、明張瑞圖《充塞天地》古匾,以及清乾隆年間的碑刻等。楹聯“詭詐奸刁,到廟傾誠何益;公平正直,入門不拜無妨”,體現關帝爺忠義及誠信理念。 廟前山門兩側有兩尊駿馬雕像,分別為關羽的赤兔馬和岳飛的雪青騏驥。 這裡香...
一个视频看完中國唯一供奉解放軍烈士的廟宇The only temple in China that enshrines martyrs of the People's Liberation Army.
มุมมอง 595วันที่ผ่านมา
「泉州天下第一廟」通常指的是位於福建省泉州市惠安縣崇武鎮西沙灣畔的解放軍烈士廟,它是全國唯一的「解放軍廟」,被譽為「天下第一奇廟」。以下是關於它的詳細介紹: 歷史背景:1949 年 9 月 17 日,解放軍第十兵團 28 軍 84 師 251 團在崇武西沙灣集結,準備參加解放金廈戰役。突然,敵機空襲,當時正值漁鎮集市,為保護人民群眾,正在西沙灣練兵的解放軍戰士當即用機槍對空射擊,把敵機引向自己,27 名官兵壯烈犧牲。1993 年,當年被解放軍戰士從敵機轟炸下救出的小姑娘曾恨傾其積蓄,帶動群眾踴躍捐款,建造廟宇,正名「廿七君廟」。此後,烈士紀念館、紀念碑、紀念亭、報恩館由社會各界捐資陸續建成。 建築風格:廟宇建築由山門、正殿、烈士紀念館、烈士紀念碑、烈士亭等部分組成,均採用崇武石雕工藝,形成具有閩南風格的仿古建築群。山門門頂有一顆豎寫著「八一」兩字的紅五星雕塑,兩邊各有三面紅 。正殿...
一個視頻看完福建泉州護海宮媽祖廟。Watch a video to see through the Mazu Temple at Hùhǎi Palace in Quanzhou, Fujian.
มุมมอง 1.3Kวันที่ผ่านมา
Huhai Palace in Quanzhou The Huhai Palace in Quanzhou is located in Pengchenggangya Natural Village, Dongling Town, Hui'an County. Historical Origin - It was first built during the Jiajing period (1522 - 1566) of the Ming Dynasty. The statue of Mazu in the palace was enshrined after being separated from the Mazu Temple in Meizhou, Putian. It is commonly known as the "Third Mazu". - It has been ...
一個視頻看完莆田南山廣化寺Watch a video to fully explore Putian Nanshan Guanghua Temple.
มุมมอง 1.1Kวันที่ผ่านมา
一個視頻看完莆田南山廣化寺Watch a video to fully explore Putian Nanshan Guanghua Temple.
莆田南少林寺,據說其形狀如同觀音坐蓮。Putian Nanshaolin Temple is said to be shaped like Guanyin sitting on a lotus.
มุมมอง 1.4Kวันที่ผ่านมา
莆田南少林寺位於荔城區西天尾鎮九蓮山林山村,距莆田市區約 17 公里。 它的前身是林泉院,建於南朝永定年間(公元 557 年)。唐初,因十三棍僧救唐主有功,太宗特敕北少林曇宗方丈在此建少林寺,即南少林寺。至清初,因反清復明被夷為平地。1986 年,考古發現其遺址,1998 年重建竣工並對外開放。 這裡環境清幽,周圍九座山峰圍成一圈,形如九瓣蓮花,寺廟就坐落在花心位置,得名九蓮山少林寺。寺內建築古樸典雅,有南少林牌坊、山門、天王殿、大雄寶殿等,重現了當年十方叢林的恢宏氣度。 莆田南少林寺是南拳發源地,武術表演精彩絕倫,能看到韋陀拳、繼林拳、飛鶴拳等拳法展示,剛勁有力、攻防兼備。它還是佛教中禪宗的代表性寺院之一,香火鼎盛,祈福氛圍濃厚,讓人感受到寧靜祥和。 此外,寺廟還有千年種茶史,鼎盛時茶園達 1000 多畝。在這可品嘗特色平安面,感受當地風情。平時門票 30 元,周六、日還有免費武術...
福州萬福寺,玻璃大王曹德旺出資 2.5 億修建的中日黃檗禪宗寺院。A Sino-Japanese Obaku Zen temple built with 250 million yuan.
มุมมอง 75614 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州萬福寺位於福清市漁溪鎮梧瑞村的黃檗山,距今有 1200 多年歷史。它始建於唐貞元五年,初名“般若堂”,後朝廷賜名“建福禪寺”,俗稱“黃檗寺”,明朝萬曆年間改稱“萬福寺”。歷史上,萬福寺歷經多次興衰,曾毀於山洪、火災,又多次修復與重建。萬福寺是中國佛教禪宗臨濟宗的祖庭之一,在佛教界地位崇高。這裡名僧輩出,尤其是隱元禪師,他在清順治十一年東渡日本,創立了日本黃檗宗,讓萬福寺成為中日文化交流的重要紐帶。如今的萬福寺占地一百餘畝,殿堂布局規整,內山門、天王殿、大雄寶殿等沿中軸線分布,兩邊有鐘鼓樓、伽藍殿等。寺內佛像均為純銅鑄造,造型精美,莊嚴肅穆。寺門右側有放生池,石板路旁三角梅綻放,景色宜人。1983 年,萬福寺被國務院確定為漢族地區佛教全國重點寺院,2023 年入選“福建省華僑文化交流基地”首批名單。
福州九仙宮,在這做梦就能美梦成真的神奇道觀。In this magical Taoist temple where dreams can come true.
มุมมอง 1.4K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州九仙宮,在這做梦就能美梦成真的神奇道觀。In this magical Taoist temple where dreams can come true.
福州南少林寺,福建真假南少林。There are three Shaolin Temples in Fujian, China. Which one is the authentic one?
มุมมอง 4.5K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州南少林寺,福建真假南少林。There are three Shaolin Temples in Fujian, China. Which one is the authentic one?
福州開化寺,西湖邊的靜謐角落。Fuzhou Kaihua Temple, a quiet corner by the West Lake.
มุมมอง 68914 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州開化寺,西湖邊的靜謐角落。Fuzhou Kaihua Temple, a quiet corner by the West Lake.
福州定光寺,始建於唐代的古老寺院,內有同一時期的文保級白塔Fuzhou Dingguang Temple is an ancient temple built in the Tang Dynasty.
มุมมอง 1.2K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州定光寺,始建於唐代的古老寺院,內有同一時期的文保級白塔Fuzhou Dingguang Temple is an ancient temple built in the Tang Dynasty.
福州城隍廟,全台灣城隍廟的祖廟。Fuzhou City God Temple is the ancestral temple of all City God Temples in Taiwan.
มุมมอง 9K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州城隍廟,全台灣城隍廟的祖廟。Fuzhou City God Temple is the ancestral temple of all City God Temples in Taiwan.
福州裴仙宮,一座藏於市井小販中的道觀。Fuzhou Peixian Palace, a Taoist temple hidden among street vendors.
มุมมอง 95514 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州裴仙宮,一座藏於市井小販中的道觀。Fuzhou Peixian Palace, a Taoist temple hidden among street vendors.
福州三坊七巷天后宫,肌肉猛男財神像。Fuzhou Mazu Temple, the statue of the buff and hunky God of Wealth.
มุมมอง 1.3K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州三坊七巷天后宫,肌肉猛男財神像。Fuzhou Mazu Temple, the statue of the buff and hunky God of Wealth.
福州開元寺,內有千年大鐵佛Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple has a huge thousand-year-old iron Buddha from the Five Dynasties.
มุมมอง 1.6K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州開元寺,內有千年大鐵佛Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple has a huge thousand-year-old iron Buddha from the Five Dynasties.
福州南湖太極道觀,裡面供了許多叫不上名字的神仙。Fuzhou Nanhu Taiji Taoist Temple houses many gods whose names are unknown.
มุมมอง 1.7K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州南湖太極道觀,裡面供了許多叫不上名字的神仙。Fuzhou Nanhu Taiji Taoist Temple houses many gods whose names are unknown.
福州萬壽寺,佛印大師曾在此常駐,內有一千年古井。There is a thousand-year-old ancient well in this temple in China.
มุมมอง 61121 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州萬壽寺,佛印大師曾在此常駐,內有一千年古井。There is a thousand-year-old ancient well in this temple in China.
天下之大無奇不有,福建隱峰禪寺的蜜蜂竟把功德箱當成了蜂箱In a temple in China, the bees actually took the merit box as a beehive.
มุมมอง 32521 วันที่ผ่านมา
天下之大無奇不有,福建隱峰禪寺的蜜蜂竟把功德箱當成了蜂箱In a temple in China, the bees actually took the merit box as a beehive.
福州磹香寺,藏於山中的清淨寺院,門口是笑哭臉的濟公和尚塑像。Fuzhou Tanxiang Temple. The crying and laughing face of Monk Jigong.
มุมมอง 2.6K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州磹香寺,藏於山中的清淨寺院,門口是笑哭臉的濟公和尚塑像。Fuzhou Tanxiang Temple. The crying and laughing face of Monk Jigong.
福州開善寺,一座孫悟空看門,並且藏了舍利子的清淨寺院裡有什麼?What's in a serene temple guarded by Sun Wukong and housing relics?
มุมมอง 2.3K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
福州開善寺,一座孫悟空看門,並且藏了舍利子的清淨寺院裡有什麼?What's in a serene temple guarded by Sun Wukong and housing relics?
福建寧德棲林寺內有一座母豬墓,傳說歷代住持清明時節都要去掃墓。 | There is a sow's tomb in a monastery in Ningde, China.
มุมมอง 1K28 วันที่ผ่านมา
福建寧德棲林寺內有一座母豬墓,傳說歷代住持清明時節都要去掃墓。 | There is a sow's tomb in a monastery in Ningde, China.
一個視頻看完溫州玉蒼道觀\\Wenzhou Yucang Taoist Temple, a pure and peaceful Taoist place hidden in the mountains.
มุมมอง 77728 วันที่ผ่านมา
一個視頻看完溫州玉蒼道觀\\Wenzhou Yucang Taoist Temple, a pure and peaceful Taoist place hidden in the mountains.