Divine Inspiration Outdoors
Divine Inspiration Outdoors
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มุมมอง: 10


มุมมอง 214 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Brussels  controls 70percent of Irish 🇮🇪 law.
มุมมอง 3.3K14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Brussels  controls 70percent of Irish 🇮🇪 law.
มุมมอง 23วันที่ผ่านมา
มุมมอง 17วันที่ผ่านมา
มุมมอง 3414 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @flowersofthefield340
    @flowersofthefield340 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @Phadraign2p8d
    @Phadraign2p8d 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    God Bless Ireland

  • @Iornmac
    @Iornmac 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The Germans are open cast mining in Michael Schumacher’s home village for power stations, they compulsory purchased the whole village.All the environmental taxes that we are forced to pay to keep warm this winter are not European enforced but Green Party enforced.A 40 kilo bag of smokeless coal is18 euros in the north and 28 in the south for the exact same brand. The fact that European countries are using solid fuel for heating and electricity is proof enough that all this carbon tax enforcement is all down to the Green Party.

  • @michaelcandon2971
    @michaelcandon2971 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Grassroots copping onto s.f.leadership hidden agenda..ireland under threat,yet again!!!.

  • @zzzzzxcvhjiiiibbbb
    @zzzzzxcvhjiiiibbbb 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    European Union out out out

  • @zzzzzxcvhjiiiibbbb
    @zzzzzxcvhjiiiibbbb 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ireland 🇮🇪 stop supporting European Union

  • @Darth-Ru
    @Darth-Ru 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    FF & FG have been in power for last 20yrs or so. How has the last 20 yrs been for you? Great? Truly? And the last 4 yrs have been nothing but treason from all government members. We're well beyond cronyism now! Its the UN/WEF 2030 Agenda in the guise of climate change & mass immigration. We must stop it, dead! We lose this vote, we'll never be allowed vote again.

  • @jasonhughes6994
    @jasonhughes6994 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This is what happens when people vote for tds that treat them like morons.

  • @Darren-d8e
    @Darren-d8e 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Research Maurice Samuel qoute about 'We J@@s are destroyers...., Then you will be on the path about who is destroying Ireland.

  • @ivanhunter3907
    @ivanhunter3907 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Gents, if ye bothered you backside to study co2 you’d realise that co2 is not a driver of the climate. I have spent 10yrs reading and reaching the subject and it’s clear that co2 does not drive climate but the lie is ubiquitous and group think stops people from speaking out. Just for your benefit. If you firstly examine Paleoclimatological records (records going back 100s millions years) of the co2 levels vs recorded temperatures, you’ll note that there is no observable correlation between these metrics. In essence they plot two independent unrelated scribbles on a graph. Secondly, examine the Hawaii records of co2 otherwise known as 'The Keeling graph' and you'll note that this graph is unable to detect any variation in co2 levels during/following either the Covid lockdowns or the large industrial uptick in and around the year 2000 from both India and from china.. The graph just sailed on along the same trajectory and the curve was unperturbed . However, when we zoom in we can see the seasonal fluctuations related to winter Spring summer and fall yet two of the largest shifts in anthropogenic co2 output remain hidden.. . These are two simple facts that should set of alarm bells in any one willing to think for themselves. So in 1990's ice cores were taken at either end of the planet at the poles. Dansgaurd and Oeschger were the scientist who conducted this field work and these findings were very insightful.. When you examine the data from these Dansgaurd Oeschger oscillations which they established as occurring during the quaternary period, you'll see huge anomalies in temperature data and co2 levels wherein temp rose by 5-15 deg in as little as a few decades while co2 rose from circa 180ppm to 330ppm over the same period and this occurred several times over the 700k year records examined in the ice core data and this is the DO oscillations .. It is this data that Alarmists use to prop up the Al-Gore theory and yes.. there seems to be a synchronous duality between co2 effect and earths temperatures but the facts are THIS.. This is a relationship uniquely linked to ocean gyres/currents which has only become omnipresent since the closure of the Tethys sea.. (The Tethys sea was a equatorial body of water that nearly encompassed the entire mid-drift of the earth wherein warm water permanently resided at the equator and it is believed that Hadley cell styled atmospheric systems of air currents were the prime driver of the heat flux or heat transportation and the main means by which thermal equilibrium was achieved across the globe . When this equatorial sea existed the dual rise and fall of co2 was not evident. Incidentally 63million year ago is when the Tethys sea began to disappear, India slid into Asia and closed the first portion of the TethysSea with last major closing occurring only 3.5 million years ago when Central America was formed via plate tectonic upheaval. But when this sea closed we see DO oscillations. This closure created a new dynamic earth system which was forced to find a new route to equilibrium or a new way to distribute heat evenly over the planet. The oceans where now more restricted or blocked from their east/west travel and currents started to flow north and south along the great continents. This effected the earth's deep waterbodies but it took several thousand years to see the effects.. The effect seen this new equilibrium mechanism heat the oceans and produced the tell tale signs of co2 pulsing with temperature, but again this is only present in recent geological times or since the Tethys sea closure. The principle cause is outgassing of co2 by warming oceans as co2 is less soluble in warmer water. The DO oscillations show this and show that in most instances, it is temperature rise that leads co2. But not always and this leads us to the Milinkovic .. milankovitch cycles. The milankovitch cycle are in essence a geometric function of our position and ordination in space Its mathematically represented by a series of synodal sine waves that captures the earth ‘insulation’ relative to the earths orbit, procession and tilt etc etc.. These waves overlap at different times depending on the earths physical position/ordination. This cycles are somewhat linked to rhythm of DO oscillations but milankovitch cycle only became effective at governing earths climate when the planet had sufficient cooled to allow such a minor effect manifest itself as the great glaciations, previous tho this one might expect that it was more evident in simple weather systems but snow has a lasting effect.. We cooled and snow became more critical to the formation of a new climate structure and the new equilibrium was cemented. However, this equilibrium does change and is susceptible to chaage or external influences by other far reaching forces from deep space. Finally we are led to examine the beryllium 10 isotope data, It is formed in the atmosphere when earth was bombarded with sub atomic particles from deep space. The qualities within the geological despots allow us to ascertain the level of bombardment relative to the geological timeframe. This too was found in the same ice cores and the deposits found show a perfect correlation with known events. One such event being the Mini Ice Age, This was a time when we suffered a near return to deep glaciation which by the way, is the norm for 9/10th of this particular epoch in earth’s history. It is now understood that the sun controls more that first understood. As the earth has a magnetoshear, so does the sun have a heliosphere, the first being a magnetic shield and the later being a plasma based shield that extends out past the Ortt cloud. Solar output energy and the subsequent health of this heliosphere is one in the same. This heliosphere shields the solar system form incoming material from interstellar space, being material most likely ejected from supernova and other large cosmic phenomena . This heliosphere is pivotal to the solar system’s ability to deflect GCR (Galactic cosmic rays:-aka deep space particles travelling at 50k km/sec) as these partials ionize the upper atmosphere and set the stafe for excessive seeding of cloud formation which in turn blocks sun light and increase our reflection or earths albedo.. The levels of beryllium 10 which was found tied in perfectly with our written meteorological records of this time. This finding was further verified via sun spot records, which were recorded in earnest by generations of astronomers who were, at the time, unclear of the relevance of the observations and how it related to climate. A weakening sun over this period was illustrated via the sun spot number or the complete lack there of, this was known as the Maunder minimum. The bigger picture tells us that as the sun weened in output, sun spots activity lessened, the heliosphere weakened and GCR's created more ionized particales in the atmosphere and subsequently more cloud cover formed and earth cooled and this is what was witnessed.. The milankovitch cycles original hypothesis suggested that ice ages were exclusive to only one pole at any one time however, the DO data told us that ice ages occurred simultaneously at both poles thus we were able to see that it's the sun that causes the world wide effect and not 'earth-insulation' The milankovitch cycles were still felt by the relevant poles and this was evident in the order of the aforementioned sequence of events attributed to the time-lines of the rise and fall of co2 and temperature or in other words 'which rose first' The cycles could advance or retard the development of polar ice cap formation but only by around 1000years or less. So it clear now that co2 is just an observed effect of a warming earth and not a driver of climate change.. Remember that the political elite are generally the group of peropel that failed in the real world and they fell into politics. Now they set rules based on an A,B C understanding of climate. Additionally the problem is compounded now as the earths magnetosphere is weakening and it is not entirely clear as to the reasons why.. As such we know it’s weakening because we are detecting Aurora lower latitudes, even though the Sun has not been particularly active.. The one this that clear is that we dont understand what is exactly driving the sun and subsequently the earths climate. We know that we have energy field in space connecting stars, these are known as Burkeland currents and as such it is thought that a stars proximity to a burkeland current drives the stars output and its subsequent plasma field strength. if you are wishing to remain attached to the views of 200-year-old scientific beliefs under misunderstood concepts, then please do so! But anyone who believes that CO2 has the ability to do the heavy lifting of climate change is a clown... I have given you all the facts here! You need now to go and examine these facts for yourselves don't let Dark Green or Deep Green as I like to call it, try and ride the last profits from humanities endeavors. People, please educate yourselves, don’t take my word for it.. co2 is a religious concept to many who are too blinkered to accept flaws in their thinking. Regardless of this or any efforts by the earths populations, nothing will stop our return into the full ice age which is what n our doorstep.. Ice sheets from the poles to 50deg latitude north and south.. wake up ! You're being manipulated by the UN and its unelected bodies.

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ivanhunter3907 100s million years ago, have the government and their well paid scientist in suits got a secret Time Machine tell me who created the earth or power authority brought to life your article is too long. No one‘s gonna read it.

    • @ivanhunter3907
      @ivanhunter3907 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@patrick.7326 The main point is in the start.. co2 causes nothing! Then I go on to explain some data that backs up this statement. If no one reads it then fine but if ye want to know it, then it’s there for anyone who is unaware of the facts

  • @karlbyrne6021
    @karlbyrne6021 2 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @johnkiely673
    @johnkiely673 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Well said 👏..government needs to be gone. Get them traitors out.

  • @Sunshine-Light
    @Sunshine-Light 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, Labour, Greens and Healy Are’s have sold you all out I. Europe

    • @barryahern6645
      @barryahern6645 วันที่ผ่านมา

      you left out sine fein

  • @paulmalone1208
    @paulmalone1208 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The eu is a mix of iron and clay control our own affairs

  • @2girlsfur192
    @2girlsfur192 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Only when we bring all the rot onto ourselves, then we can see how far away we are from God.

  • @mariaJones-x5m
    @mariaJones-x5m 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Good for this man, stand up for our heritage, country and especially our elderley people☘️Every one else's heritage and cultures respected except the Irish. Government are supposed to work for the people of this country.

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@mariaJones-x5m Brussels has a plan for the elderly it’s called euthanasia they’re already taking about this, do your research, GOD BLESS.

  • @JD2747
    @JD2747 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Well you’s wanted the British out of Ireland and voted in Sinn Fein. Rather than reaching out to your neighbours yous give your sovereignty to Brussels. You reap what you sow

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@JD2747 sinn fein are not in government and looks like won’t be anytime soon, and what could our neighbours to for us, send our women to India 🇮🇳 like the past? have you seen what is taking place for the last year in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 were the government are not listening to the people how Islam flag s have replaced English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ones, were the English good living people are not allowed to ask questions take head, this is happening everywhere, they as in eu leaders think we are leprechauns and make the world laugh, but when we shout the world will hear us, long live catholic IRELAND 🇮🇪.

  • @ReachTea
    @ReachTea 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Leaving the EU is such a silly idea... fight these stupid laws, but leaving the EU would be awful stupid and short sighted, maybe we shouldn't bend over for everyone as a nation 🤔

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ReachTea on less the Lisbon Treaty is gone, nothing can be done, it’s that simple.

  • @johncoffee4708
    @johncoffee4708 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Brussels is the Irish law.

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@johncoffee4708 They might as well be

  • @philomenamckinley8287
    @philomenamckinley8287 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Com:on people vote these traitors out

  • @ireneyoung8696
    @ireneyoung8696 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    We have to leave the EU,I keep saying it,is anyone listening.It wont be the end of the world.

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ireneyoung8696 Amen

  • @johnhughes4170
    @johnhughes4170 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    As like most products, including immigration Fianna Fail and Fine Fine Gael have signed away our right in Europe. Next thing you know we will have Brazilian beef in our supermarkets they sold us years ago regarding the Lisbon treaty,when the majority of irish voted no,and embarrassing they the politicans went back to Europe,got an ead bashing and told not to come back until you get a yes vote on Lisbon. As they say, you get what you vote for. Well done, lads burn burn.

  • @Acto22
    @Acto22 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ..and QATAR controls Bruxells...follow the money .

  • @SelinaBrowne-h3f
    @SelinaBrowne-h3f 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Jesus Christ what next

  • @itsmeitsme99
    @itsmeitsme99 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Irish government.......EU puppets. Both..... monsters.

  • @joeoshea30
    @joeoshea30 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    EU muppet Laws

  • @roseannatyrrell4498
    @roseannatyrrell4498 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Your fighting a loosing battle. The legal stystem is corrupted by the current politicians that are working for the wef and the EU

  • @pjwinters8601
    @pjwinters8601 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    What happened Ming? He went to Brussels and become one of them and got on the gravy train

  • @tombarry2523
    @tombarry2523 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I wouldn’t go as far as to leave the EU but our government needs to step up and push back against stupid environmental schemes that affect rural Ireland.

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tombarry2523 we need to have the power over our country schools so on, Ireland is a shadow in the background for-to land plans and bully us as people,they have no good intention for Ireland 🇮🇪 remember the president of France 🇫🇷 when we sad no the first time to the Lisbon treaty there should have never been a second referendum, but he said we are fools, some one paid the bill and made it happen.

  • @johnmccabe4352
    @johnmccabe4352 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Some boys

  • @AndyMan-f4w
    @AndyMan-f4w 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The problem is that the older generation of Ireland will still vote for horrible ff or fg because they and their forefathers have always done so.. But they've got to realise that the present ff,,fg, are not the parties of old' these present day ff / fg parties are now puppets for Brussels and are also very anti Irish... The older generation need to wake up and vote now for Irish nationalist parties. Otherwise everything Irish will be lost forever if we get another five years of these present vermin into government.

  • @Irish2050
    @Irish2050 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You know, because we are taking in so many foregners and ECONOMIC migrants aswell as illegal migrants, Irish government is forcing farmers to zone land. Even in Rush county Dublin, a traditional farming village/town known for greenhouses, the government are FORCING a tax on that land that was farming land because its not got houses on it for fucking migrants. Farmers been put out of business

  • @derektierney1314
    @derektierney1314 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It's ok for the EU to bring in there own truff but it's not ok for our own turf it's like the sugar we had the best sugar compared to that dust in a bag that's on a shelfs

  • @oliver69cork46
    @oliver69cork46 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Well if thats all thats bothering you,then what a pitiful situation? Pathetic. Theres alot more than turf that should be far more important. 70% of laws are eu driven-it was signed up to in treaties mostly. Theres other issues you should be more concerned about that will change ireland for not the better.

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@oliver69cork46 let the people know.

    • @oliver69cork46
      @oliver69cork46 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@patrick.7326 they should already know-now at least try to comment with something more constructive rather than being childish?

  • @Darren-d8e
    @Darren-d8e 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    My comments about Gods Chosen people being this green agenda was quickly removed. The Hasbara works very fast.

  • @Darren-d8e
    @Darren-d8e 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Any ban is not about protecting the environment, or people's health. It is about TAX, people burning their own turf or wood avoid the payment of Carbon Tax. Coal, Oil, Gas, etc, are all subject to Carbon Tax.

    • @patrick.7326
      @patrick.7326 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Darren-d8e it’s simple outsideers tell us to jump, and we are supposed to say how high and shut our mouths and ask no questions.

  • @adriangear106
    @adriangear106 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Voting is rigged, no decent party is ever going to I get in now

  • @HopefullResistance
    @HopefullResistance 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    If the powers of FF and FG along with their brothers in SF can't tax people for firewood and turf, then they would rather watch irish people freeze to death . Well said lads, thanks for trying to stand up for the irish people

  • @patriciaoconnor-e3b
    @patriciaoconnor-e3b 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Folks, be very careful how you Vote, it's looking like the Election will be called on the 29th November! I hope people will Not be Stupid enough, 😊to Vote this shower back into Government, otherwise it will be more of the Same!! Please be careful how you Vote and No Point in Voting for the Independents they can't do anything!!!!

  • @Hayes2703
    @Hayes2703 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The big path machines crank into action and you end up with more of the same, too many vested interests. Never give up, we can top the balance, one new TD at a time. 💪🙏

  • @johnodonnell55
    @johnodonnell55 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Everything in regards to Irish culture is completely diluted and is not a concern for the present Anti Irish government..their concern is focused on the migrants and not our own Irish people …If Brussels tells our government puppets to jump they’ll ask ..” How High “ ..