How to log in?
como coños se llama el jueguito!!
apa nama game nya?
I love SAKURA!!!!^^
emang gamenya masih bisa?
Masih main bang?
Wtf the game is not even out how did you download it
Why cant enter game using fb its say unknown error is this limited beta only few player join
*Keren game nya tp blm bisa mainiin......*
gw juga main nih, seru juga bikin addicted
How to log in?
como coños se llama el jueguito!!
apa nama game nya?
I love SAKURA!!!!^^
emang gamenya masih bisa?
Masih main bang?
Wtf the game is not even out how did you download it
Why cant enter game using fb its say unknown error is this limited beta only few player join
*Keren game nya tp blm bisa mainiin......*
gw juga main nih, seru juga bikin addicted