- 2 044
- 135 806
Peter Wang
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 5 เม.ย. 2013
Lead Pastor of Hope Chinese in Corona California
20250119 路加福音2章22 奉献不是教会需要 而是信徒自己需要 想明白几天哈利路亚
มุมมอง 5214 วันที่ผ่านมา
20250119 路加福音2章22 奉献不是教会需要 而是信徒自己需要 想明白几天哈利路亚
20250117 加拉太书5章14-15 爱人如己 以自由尽服侍 哈利路亚
มุมมอง 13814 วันที่ผ่านมา
20250117 加拉太书5章14-15 爱人如己 以自由尽服侍 哈利路亚
20250112 路加福音2章16-21 抉择时刻 放下一切 紧紧跟随 哈利路亚
มุมมอง 4521 วันที่ผ่านมา
20250112 路加福音2章16-21 抉择时刻 放下一切 紧紧跟随 哈利路亚
20250112 路加福音2章15 向下 还是 向上 主重要 还是 钱 重要
มุมมอง 3221 วันที่ผ่านมา
20250112 路加福音2章15 向下 还是 向上 主重要 还是 钱 重要
审判后会带祂的子民离开,尊重那些自由选择不要祂的 会 离 开 他们。
wechat 43357816
往联合国搞歌颂共产党的春晚,就是基督徒往高处走了吗?不依靠势力不依靠才能,只有依靠耶和华方能成,这才是圣经切实的教导,更何况联合国早就成了中国政府的喉舌,令人不齿的烂慈善烂黑帮,美国早就应该停止给联合国一分钱,早就还滚出美国,去中国落户口最后。 信和不信不可同谋,神会拆毁联合国这个偶像祭坛。
为什么一直要说“我们”,“我们”,请不要用这种大一统集体主义捆绑的词汇,连救恩都是Individualism,是一个一个独立的个体得救与上帝的私人关系,不是一帮人一票人集体得救。 保罗最反对拉帮结派,这个“我们”其实就是将自己亲近的人拉成一个小团伙,不信的人进来势必觉得别排斥,被隔绝,融不进去教会的小团体。还有最讨厌的就是互相称呼“弟兄” 和“姐妹”,什么张姐妹,刘弟兄,不拉亲近关系就没有安全感吗?没有安全感的救恩还可以信吗?
我不是怕中共不学美国,而是怕中共学美国,如果中共学会美国的苛税,像今天的美国人一样要交林林总总、包罗万象的税,我就成了美国式的税奴。一个美国人,哪怕你最穷的人,哪怕你只有一美元收入也要交所得税,不仅要交联邦所得税,还要交州府所得税,工资要扣社安税,工资要扣失业救济金,工资要扣养老医疗金,要交房产税,房产保险金,房产出租要交出租税,要交银行存款税,炒股税,购物消费税,收点小费也要税,旅游要住宿税,老人退休金也要税,吃一个早餐也要交税,还要购买昂贵的医疗保险,如此林林总总的税和费把人压得透不过气。你可能说没有房子不用交房产税和房产保险金,对不起,你租房子的话,这些税费,房主老板必须转嫁给你。除了住帐篷的流浪者,没有人可以躲脱房产税和房产保险金。目前我在中国专制国虽然受压迫,但是我不用缴纳林林总总的税,还没有像美国税奴一样压榨得喘不过气。 以前中共的官吏待遇与人民差别并不大,自从向美国学会双轨制,跟美国一样官吏、公务员的工资福利的在天上,老百姓的工资福利在地底,老百姓也像美国一样要买养老保险金(美国交社安金),退休只有微薄的养命钱。美国超税收割聚集的财政收入,25%以上用于官吏和公务员的工资福利和医疗。只有一点零头用于穷人的救济,并以此为晃子穷凶极恶征税,中共看见美国官与民的巨大差距且统治很稳定才敢公然搞双轨制。
Is that Elon musk?
So angsty
You are right, it’s not a good thing
Mom: Now get your but in there and lay down.
What a mother’ land! Beautiful
This idiot used to talk so much shit about trump yet now hes kissing his ass 😂
Jist becuse you served the marines, now you are the best, that is bull
Are you a criminal too?? Look out for your associates!!! You'll be one.
Ill admit i was skeptical at first about him since hes a distant cousin of mine and i was worried he was going to be like some other family members of mine. Thankfully he is not i cannot wait to vote for Trump and him come November.
And the Democrats say that Gavin is good looking? I'll go with JD!
yup, a chubby Vance. especially if he lose his beard. lol
Eww. Gavin looks like a slimy player.
Gavin is the worse
Tells the truth
He is an idiot.
Harris earned her money the old fashioned way. On her knees.
She has an evil laugh ...
This is the total bzlue of Trump. Non stop childishly talking about people that do the work he has never been able to do. His entire policy is talking 💩 . It's all he has. Listen to this infantile moaning. That is his only political ability, talking bull shit instead of working for the country, non stop moaning ! Infantile individual.
Polemic populist.
Did he just call Nancy a bed bug😂😂😂😂
What? I can’t hear you. 😂
USA politics XD😂
You can also tell a lot from a person who doesn't laugh.
In one day he lost 5 millions votes...
She turned on him like a dog hahaha
Says mug shot Trump, talks and acts like a child, the clown getting love letters from Kim Yung-un and wins all of his own golf tournaments.
Does she lay eggs to?
She’s crazier than termites in a yo-yo
Dementia Donald at it again
Crooked donny always lies ans steals from the people he's never wrong and they always lie on him but he's not crazy 👌
How ironic is Donald Trump is criticizing other people for not being loyal. This guy has thrown more people to the Lions than Julius Caesar.
Love how he said “she’s crazy” and she is!!!!!
The ppl who currently own this world don't care which ruler you choose. They only care that you keep choosing to be ruled. Stay asleep America!
Trump 2024
His son killed someone and daddy’s money made it go away
How do people not see that Trump has a very serious case of Joe Biden Syndrome
This isn't a President of the United States future.. yeah talk about weird
And you in circles
Jill is one of his handlers
Harris is deliberately trying to confuse the people....obama did say if you confuse the people skbthey dont know the truth from fiction they win the game
Be careful of the harvest of the tongue it’s the fastest thing to topple you into big trouble , don’t laugh at others !