You've Got a Friend When you're down and troubled And you need some loving care And nothing, nothing is going right Close your eyes and think of me And soon I will be there To brighten up even your darkest night You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running To see you again Winter, spring, summer, or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there You've got a friend If the sky above you Grows dark and full of clouds And that old north wind begins to blow Keep your head together And call my name out loud Soon, you'll hear me knocking at your door You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running, running, yeah, yeah To see you again Winter, spring, summer, or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there, yes I will Now ain't it good to know that you've got a friend When people can be so cold? They'll hurt you, yes and desert you And take your soul if you let them Oh, but don't you let them You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running, running, yeah, yeah To see you again Winter, spring, summer, or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there, yes I will You've got a friend You've got a friend Ain't it good to know you've got a friend? Ain't it good to know? Ain't it good to know? Ain't it good to know? You've got a friend Oh, yeah now You've got a friend Yeah, baby You've got a friend Oh, yeah You've got a friend
You turned me on so bad that there was only one thing on my mind An overnight affair was needed at the time Hello, goodbye, no searching questions, that was clearly understood But how was I to know that you would be so good? For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before Too much too soon, too bad it didn't hit me till a week had passed I might have saved the day if I had acted fast I looked around in case you'd scribbled down the number secretly But all you left were fingerprints and memories For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before Da-di-da, da-da-di, da-da-di-di-di-di-di Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door.
❤もう会えないなんて 大好きでした😢
Great version
You've Got a Friend When you're down and troubled And you need some loving care And nothing, nothing is going right Close your eyes and think of me And soon I will be there To brighten up even your darkest night You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running To see you again Winter, spring, summer, or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there You've got a friend If the sky above you Grows dark and full of clouds And that old north wind begins to blow Keep your head together And call my name out loud Soon, you'll hear me knocking at your door You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running, running, yeah, yeah To see you again Winter, spring, summer, or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there, yes I will Now ain't it good to know that you've got a friend When people can be so cold? They'll hurt you, yes and desert you And take your soul if you let them Oh, but don't you let them You just call out my name And you know wherever I am I'll come running, running, yeah, yeah To see you again Winter, spring, summer, or fall All you have to do is call And I'll be there, yes I will You've got a friend You've got a friend Ain't it good to know you've got a friend? Ain't it good to know? Ain't it good to know? Ain't it good to know? You've got a friend Oh, yeah now You've got a friend Yeah, baby You've got a friend Oh, yeah You've got a friend
シーナ&ロケッツのユー・メイ・ドリームのイントロまんまbe my babyなんだよな。
懐かしいですねー ビーマイ、ベイビー 中学の頃かなートランジスターラジオ欲しくて買って、布団の中でイヤホン着けてきいてたな! ハガキでサインがきた時には、嬉しかったね! 今から思えば事務所が出して出してたんだろーが!当時は嬉しくて、友達に見せて回ってた事を思いだします、 パンチ力があり凄かったなー 私はカラオケで、人形の家を今でも歌っています 途中整形されたが、昔のみこちゃんの方が良かった 私も後期高齢者で、あまり歳はかわらないかな? みこちゃんは亡くなりましたが!歌は永遠に残り歌い継がれていきますね、ありがとうございました 兵庫の高齢者暇人でした
ミコ様の歌唱力は、まさに✨😃✨神業ですね、いつ聴いても惹きつけられます ありがとうございます✨😃✨💕
タイトルに英語表示も併せてお願いします。 海外勢の皆さん衝撃受けると思いますよ。
ミコちちゃん、凄い〜😮❤❤日本語、外国語、発音が素晴らしい 私はミコちちゃんの歌は一人で人に邪魔されず心ゆくまで聴きながら若い頃、いえまだ私は小学4、5年生の頃からミコちちゃんの曲を知りました❤本当にこれまでミコちちゃん一筋に応援🎉🎉してきてこれからも今はミコちちゃんの姿は見られないけど応援させてもらいます😃✨ミコちちゃんありがとう
いつ聴いても元気をいただいております🩵🩷ありがとうございますm(_ _)m😊
私もです。 LP「ニューヨークのミコ」聴いてからずーっとファンです。 10歳若い家内が亡くなって10年経ちました。 亡くなったお通夜の日にミコさんのCDが4タイトル(LP6タイトルのCD化)発売されて、 四十九日の2014年2月1日に千葉市若葉文化会館でミコさんのコンサートがあったのに納骨と法事で行けませんでした。自宅から車で20分の所なのに残念!無理ですよね。 それで、6月と12月の銀座SWINGのミコライブに行って、12月5日に大きな12本の深紅の薔薇と10本のアプリコットの薔薇で70㎝位の花束創って、透明なラップにラメ入りの油性ペンで英語のメッセージを色々。お渡ししたら凄く喜ばれて、家内のことお話したら、いきなり花束もろとも強く抱きしめて頂きました。おそらく10秒間位なのに永遠の様な不思議な時間でした。1年後の12月20日のレコードデビュー55周年の渋谷サラバTokyoライブで家で育てた強香の薔薇等で作った花束を差し上げたら、「わあ!いい匂い! 覚えているわよ!」とお声を掛けて頂きました。ミコさん本当に優しいお方でした。両手握手するとお風呂から出たばかりの様なポカポカ暖かな柔らかな感触に、ずーっと長生きして御活躍されると信じていました。 家内の次はミコさんまで失って、心にポッカリ何かが無くなってしまいました。 でも、CDや動画を観たり聴いたりすると元気が蘇ります。 ミコさんは今でも皆の心に住んでいるんですね。♥
たまりましぇん😂 いつ聴いてもテンション青天井❤💙⤴️⤴️
何でしたっけ❓ドリカムの……… 朴李金さん パクリで金にする‼️
本当ですね とっても上手くて聞き惚れちゃいます もういらっしゃらない事が残念ですね……
凡庸な伴奏が歌を台無しにしている 歌に負けない演奏能力のなさ、洋楽聴いたことないのか この悪しき習慣がGSブーム頃まで続く
You turned me on so bad that there was only one thing on my mind An overnight affair was needed at the time Hello, goodbye, no searching questions, that was clearly understood But how was I to know that you would be so good? For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before Too much too soon, too bad it didn't hit me till a week had passed I might have saved the day if I had acted fast I looked around in case you'd scribbled down the number secretly But all you left were fingerprints and memories For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before Da-di-da, da-da-di, da-da-di-di-di-di-di Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door.
フィルスペクターが作った三連打するリズムを入れていないな。バンドしらなかったのかな?最後 少し入ったか。
紅白歌合戦では ミコさんは『恋のクンビア』を歌われ、 対戦相手・ジャ☓ーズが この歌を歌われてました。 ジャ☓ーズのリーダー・真家ひろみさんとミコさんは、 小学校の同級生だったそうです。