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Rekrytoinnin tulevaisuus: Innovatiivisia ratkaisuja unohtumattoman kandidaattikokemuksen luomiseen
Miksi sinun kannattaa osallistua:
Vaikka monilla yrityksillä on jo perusasiat kunnossa, tutkimukset kertovat yhä puutteista hakijakokemuksen huomioimisessa. Selkeä kommunikointi ja läpinäkyvyyden puute ovat edelleen merkittävä ongelma työnhakijoiden näkökulmasta.
Kilpailu parhaista osaajista on kovaa, ja hyvä hakijakokemus näyttelee tässä keskeistä roolia. Hyvä hakijakokemus sitouttaa kandidaatteja, auttaa erottautumaan kilpailijoista ja parantaa työnantajamielikuvaa.
Hakijakokemuksen parantamisen ei tarvitse kuitenkaan olla vaikeaa!
Tule mukaan kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan, miten nostat hakijakokemuksesi uudelle tasolle ja jätät jokaiselle hakijalle positiivisen kuvan organisaatiostasi.
Mukana paneelikeskustelussa LähiTapiolan Hanni Lehmusvirta, Duunitorin Lauri Vaisto, Clevryn Marjukka Laakso sekä Jobylonin Elias Paavilainen.
Mitä tulet oppimaan:
- Hakijaviestintä: Miten viestit selkeästi prosessin eri vaiheista, hallitset hakijoiden odotuksia ja varmistat läpinäkyvän viestinnän kaikille hakijoille.
- Kandidaattikeskeisyys: Miten laitat kandidaatit keskiöön ja varmistat positiivisen mielikuvan prosessista.
- Kandidaattien arviointi: Pitkät ja raskaat arviointiprosessit saattavat karkottaa hakijoita. Opi miten kevyemmät arviointiratkaisut parantavat hakijakokemusta ja tarjoavat laadukasta palautetta kaikille hakijoille, tulivatpa he valituiksi tai eivät.
มุมมอง: 29


Jobylon Webinar - The future of candidate experience: Data-driven trends and predictions
มุมมอง 51หลายเดือนก่อน
Is the candidate experience truly better today, or just more complicated? We've been talking about candidate experience in recruitment for ages. But let's get real: are job applicants finding it easier and more enjoyable to apply for jobs? Within this webinar, we will dive deep into research and statistics to try to find out what is really happening within candidate experience, and what the fut...
Jobylon Weebinaari: Vastuullinen tekoälyn käyttö: Tekoälyn hyvät ja huonot puolet rekrytoinnissa
มุมมอง 342 หลายเดือนก่อน
Puhujat: - Samuli Salonen, TalentBeen toimitusjohtaja ja perustajajäsen - Elias Paavilainen, Jobylonin Account Executive Miksi osallistua: Tekoäly on ajankohtainen aihe, ja hyvästä syystä. Tämä mullistava teknologia vaikuttaa yritysten kaikkiin osa-alueisiin, ja sen käyttötarkoitukset laajenevat päivittäin. Mikä on eettistä tekoälyn käyttöä, josta hyötyvät sekä rekrytoijat että hakijat? Kuinka ...
Webinar: What is the EU AI Act and how will it affect your recruitment work?
มุมมอง 373 หลายเดือนก่อน
We talked to privacy expert Corinne Hedlund Nytén, Head of Legal at Jobylon, about the EU AI Act and how it's likely to affect companies' recruitment processes. What is the EU AI Act really? Will it stifle innovation? Will you have to adjust your recruitment processes in any major ways? Watch this recording for a candid take on how this new legislation is likely to affect your HR and TA work, h...
Panel discussion: Responsible AI in Recruitment and HR
มุมมอง 295 หลายเดือนก่อน
A panel discussion at Jobylon's event "Responsible AI: Transforming HR and Recruitment". Speakers: Per Tjernberg, Pipelabs Simon Werner-Wankl, Trustcruit Rianne Jellema, Scotty AI Mathias Ahdrian, Tengai Moderator: Tove Hernlund, Jobylon Event description: In the age of AI, it is easy to get swept away by the possibilities. HR and recruitment teams have already seen time efficiency, cost reduct...
Staying human in the Age of AI - Rocío Bachmaier
มุมมอง 815 หลายเดือนก่อน
A keynote speech held by Rocío Bachmaier at Jobylon's event "Responsible AI: Transforming HR and Recruitment". Event description: In the age of AI, it is easy to get swept away by the possibilities. HR and recruitment teams have already seen time efficiency, cost reduction, and increased candidate experience as some of the many positives of implementing AI. But with great opportunities, comes g...
Ethical AI: using the FAIR framework - Sarah Kopinsky
มุมมอง 795 หลายเดือนก่อน
A keynote speech held by Sarah Kopinsky at Jobylon's event "Responsible AI: Transforming HR and Recruitment". Event description: In the age of AI, it is easy to get swept away by the possibilities. HR and recruitment teams have already seen time efficiency, cost reduction, and increased candidate experience as some of the many positives of implementing AI. But with great opportunities, comes gr...
AI in Recruitment: Friend or foe? - Alex Tidgård
มุมมอง 285 หลายเดือนก่อน
A keynote speech held by Alex Tidgård at Jobylon's event "Responsible AI: Transforming HR and Recruitment". Event description: In the age of AI, it is easy to get swept away by the possibilities. HR and recruitment teams have already seen time efficiency, cost reduction, and increased candidate experience as some of the many positives of implementing AI. But with great opportunities, comes grea...
Webinar - Ansvarlig bruk av AI: Fordeler og bekymringer ved bruk av AI innen HR og rekruttering
มุมมอง 335 หลายเดือนก่อน
Alle snakker om AI akkurat nå, og med god grunn. Denne nye teknologien har allerede sneket seg inn i alle deler av selskapene, og bruksområdene bare øker dag for dag. Når det gjelder å vurdere og evaluere mennesker, som rekruttering handler om, er det mange spørsmål. Hva er egentlig et etisk bruk av AI, som gagner både oss og kandidatene? Hvor mye bruker våre konkurrenter denne typen teknologi,...
Revolutionising Recruitment: How to optimise your recruitment strategies
มุมมอง 519 หลายเดือนก่อน
Join us as we discuss 3 powerful recruitment strategies to implement during challenging times, empowering you to succeed in 2024! In our latest report, we uncovered seven emerging trends that may impact your prioritisation for 2024. Now, join us for a round table event where we will equip you with practical strategies to adapt and thrive in the current climate. We’ve invited a panel of three in...
Jobylon og Refapp Webinar: Slik kan du effektivisere rekrutteringsprosesser
มุมมอง 5711 หลายเดือนก่อน
Jobylon og Refapp inviterer til webinar der vi vil vise hvor effektive rekrutteringsprosesser blir når rekrutteringssystemet og digital referansesjekk henger sammen. Å rekruttere nye talenter er en viktig del av den daglige driften, og HR-spesialister jobber sammen for å få rekrutteringsprosessen til å fungere så effektivt som mulig. Prosessen kan imidlertid være tidkrevende og innebærer ofte m...
Komt er een ware revolutie: Welke recruitment trends zijn er in 2024?
มุมมอง 7711 หลายเดือนก่อน
AI-driven recruitment speelt tegenwoordig een steeds grotere rol, daarbij is het hebben van een sterk werkgevers merk cruciaal in deze huidige markt, hoe is dat in 2024? En wat kan ik nu doen? In deze webinar presenteren wij met trots de ‘’brightest minds’’ in onze industrie en met hen gaan we samen de ontwikkelingen & trends van 2024 bespreken; Kees Jan Markens, Founder van Recruiters Connecte...
Revolutionising Recruitment:Trends to watch in the Nordics for 2024
มุมมอง 5011 หลายเดือนก่อน
From the undeniable trend of AI-driven recruitment to the long-lasting impact of strong employer branding, we'll examine the priorities and trends that will shape the talent market in 2024. In this exclusive webinar, we're proud to bring together some of the brightest minds in the industry to discuss the latest recruitment trends in the Nordics; Eilin Gillesen from Simployer, Sahar Kupersmidt f...
Jobylon Webinar: 4 Strategies for Purpose-Driven Employer Branding
มุมมอง 96ปีที่แล้ว
In today's competitive recruitment landscape, ping-pong tables and free breakfasts alone aren't enough to impress top talent. Candidates seek a genuine connection with a company's values, and need to be able to envision themselves as part of the team. Purpose goes beyond shaping company culture - it's a vital factor in effective pre-joining communication. In this webinar, we’ll explore practica...
Keynote Speech: Building a happiness culture - Aref Abedi and Karin Bergström
มุมมอง 57ปีที่แล้ว
In this short keynote speech, Jobylon CEO Aref Abedi and VP People & Culture Karin Bergström shares how the Jobylon journey has led to a happiness culture and shares ideas on how you can facilitate one.
Keynote Speech: How HiBob Cultivates Trust and Transparency - Sarah Reynolds
มุมมอง 260ปีที่แล้ว
Keynote Speech: How HiBob Cultivates Trust and Transparency - Sarah Reynolds
Keynote Speech: Workplace Trends Shaping Today and Tomorrow - Jean Hedayat
มุมมอง 50ปีที่แล้ว
Keynote Speech: Workplace Trends Shaping Today and Tomorrow - Jean Hedayat
Jobylon Live Event: How to build a people-first culture based on trust and transparency
มุมมอง 83ปีที่แล้ว
Jobylon Live Event: How to build a people-first culture based on trust and transparency
Tre tips for å skape en helhetlig kandidatopplevelse med Ellen Jorunn Bergem
มุมมอง 59ปีที่แล้ว
Tre tips for å skape en helhetlig kandidatopplevelse med Ellen Jorunn Bergem
Offer Letter Management - The walk through
มุมมอง 214ปีที่แล้ว
Offer Letter Management - The walk through
Create a fulfilling workplace with Stephanie Darvill
มุมมอง 18ปีที่แล้ว
Create a fulfilling workplace with Stephanie Darvill
What happens if a company doesn't follow GDPR? - GDPR Compliance in Recruitment with Corinne
มุมมอง 13ปีที่แล้ว
What happens if a company doesn't follow GDPR? - GDPR Compliance in Recruitment with Corinne
GDPR differences in countries - GDPR Compliance in Recruitment with Corinne Hedlund Nytén
มุมมอง 11ปีที่แล้ว
GDPR differences in countries - GDPR Compliance in Recruitment with Corinne Hedlund Nytén
10 Questions about GDPR - GDPR Compliance in Recruitment with Corinne Hedlund Nytén
มุมมอง 223ปีที่แล้ว
10 Questions about GDPR - GDPR Compliance in Recruitment with Corinne Hedlund Nytén
How can you manage GDPR in your recruitment?
มุมมอง 21ปีที่แล้ว
How can you manage GDPR in your recruitment?
Offer Letter Management - Jobylon
มุมมอง 397ปีที่แล้ว
Offer Letter Management - Jobylon
Zimpler launches Jobylon's hiring platform
มุมมอง 81ปีที่แล้ว
Zimpler launches Jobylon's hiring platform
This is Jobylon
มุมมอง 148ปีที่แล้ว
This is Jobylon
This is happiness - Jobylon
มุมมอง 159ปีที่แล้ว
This is happiness - Jobylon
Recruitment & HR trends 2023 - Karin Bergström & Albin Mannberg
มุมมอง 493ปีที่แล้ว
Recruitment & HR trends 2023 - Karin Bergström & Albin Mannberg