Deep In Nature
Deep In Nature
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Periquitos no bebedouro. Parakeets climbing the wire to the water trough.
Por que motivo eles descem pelo fio até o bebedouro? Os periquitos resolveram beber água adocicada do bebedouro, olhe a destreza ao descer pelo fio. Why do they climb down the wire to the water trough? The parakeets decided to drink sweetened water from the trough, look at their dexterity as they climbed down the wire.
São periquitos de encontro amarelo, espécie Brotogeris chiriri.
They are yellow-fronted parakeets, the Brotogeris chiriri species.
มุมมอง: 83


Passarinho Anu-preto procurando por bichinhos. Smooth-billed ani bird looking for insects (4)
มุมมอง 202วันที่ผ่านมา
Voltaram. Pássaros dóceis e brincalhões. Gostam de estar perto de gente e procurar por comida. They are back. Docile and playful birds. They like to be around people and look for food. Crotophaga ani bird.
Canto encantador do pássaro Choca-Barrada, ou maria - cocá. Barred antshrike bird singing.
มุมมอง 18321 วันที่ผ่านมา
Ouça o belo canto destes pássaros no início do vídeo, o qual repete-se aos 12, 28 e 35 segundos e várias vezes daí para a frente. O canto é duplo, mas não simultâneo e é deste casal de pássaros que aprece no vídeo, porém em um momento em que não estavam comendo. As imagens foram capturadas no comedouro e ao se alimentarem, não cantam. O canto é sincronizado. Listen to the beautiful song of thes...
Pássaro Choca-Barrada. Barred antshrike bird at the feeder. Thamnophilus doliatus.
มุมมอง 12021 วันที่ผ่านมา
São pássaros que encantam com sua beleza. Coloridos, a fêmea tem cor em tons de marrom e o macho é rajado de preto e branco. O topete chama atenção. São ágeis, ciscam no chão e pulam de galho em galho, ficando parados por pouco tempo no mesmo lugar. Sinônimo, maria - cocá. They are colorful birds, the female is brown and the male black with white spots. Their tufts attract attention. They are a...
Filhote de Pica-Pau verde barrado relaxando. Baby woodpecker bird relaxing. Colaptes melanochloros.
มุมมอง 429หลายเดือนก่อน
Colaptes melanochloros.
Amável periquito com bico diferente. Cute odd beak parakeet.
มุมมอง 543หลายเดือนก่อน
O bico deste periquito tem a parte superior muito pequena, com aparência de que já nasceu assim. Apesar do pequeno bico, ele desenvolveu uma maneira de se alimentar, enfrenta outros pássaros de seu tamanho que querem competir por suas frutas e tem um companheiro para voar. The beak of this parakeet has a very small upper part, appearing as if it was born this way. Despite the small beak, it has...
Periquitos no comedouro. Parakeets at the feeder. Brotogeris chiriri.
มุมมอง 2.1Kหลายเดือนก่อน
O periquito-de-encontro-amarelo ou periquito-de-asa-amarela é comum e bem adaptados a viver em áreas urbanas no Brasil. Ao fundo, som da choca-barrada. The yellow-chevroned parakeet is common and well adapted to living in urban areas in Brazil. At the background, the sound of the Barred Antshrike.
Família Fim-Fim no comedouro. Euphonia chlorotica family at the feeder.
มุมมอง 1.7Kหลายเดือนก่อน
Euphonia chlorotica family at the feeder. Its song is that short and acute at the beginning of the video (at 1 second). The male is metallic dark blue upperparts and intense yellow underparts, the female is olive-green on the top and light yellow at the bottom, also, strong yellow color above her eyes. The chicks display less intense color than the adults. Família Euphonia chlorotica (Fim-Fim, ...
Pássaros (Pica-Pau) comendo frutas no comedouro 2. Birds (Woodpecker) eating fruits at the feeder 2.
มุมมอง 1732 หลายเดือนก่อน
Pica-pau-verde-barrado. Green-barred Woodpecker. Colaptes melanochloros
Pássaros Fim Fim comendo frutas no comedouro. Birds eating fruits at the feeder. Euphonia chlorotica
มุมมอง 7K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Euphonia chlorotica is a small bird (11 cm, 15 g) that feeds mainly on fruit. An interesting feature of these birds is their capability to imitate birds from the region where they live. It's winter (southern hemisphere) and they're hungry. Males and females display different colours. The male has metallic dark blue upperparts and intense yellow underparts. The female has olive-green on the top ...
Anu-preto (Crotophaga ani) procurando por bichinhos (3). Smooth-billed ani looking for insects (3)
มุมมอง 1.6K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Pássaros amáveis e incríveis. Comem pequenos insetos invasores de lavouras, ajudando no controle biológico. Kind and incredible birds. They eat small insects that invade crops, helping with biological control.
Anu-preto (Crotophaga ani) procurando por bichinhos (2). Smooth-billed ani looking for insects (2)
มุมมอง 4642 หลายเดือนก่อน
Pássaros amáveis e incríveis à procura de pequenos insetos. Kind and amazing birds looking for small insects.
Anu-preto (Crotophaga ani) procurando por bichinhos. Smooth-billed ani looking for small insects
มุมมอง 782 หลายเดือนก่อน
Very sociable birds, they come very close to people, as long as there is food nearby. Pássaros muito sociáveis, chegam bem próximos das pessoas, desde que haja comida por perto.
O fungo do pão visto no microscópio. Bread mold microscopy.
มุมมอง 83 หลายเดือนก่อน
Have you seen the microscopic image of the bread´s mold? Here you can see the mold microscopic images acquired in real time. Você já viu o bolor do pão por microscopia? Neste vídeo você vê as imagens microscópicas do bolor (fungo) do pão adquiridas em tempo real.
Polinização de flores por insetos. Flower pollination by insects.
มุมมอง 94 หลายเดือนก่อน
A anatomia da flor seleciona o polinizador, que pode ser abelha, formiga, muitos outros insetos, mamíferos, ou o vento e a água.Anatomia da flor, o pólen e o néctar atraem os polinizadores e a polinização leva à produção de alimentos. The anatomy of the flower selects the pollinator, which can be bees, ants, many other insects, mammals, or wind and water. Flower anatomy, the pollen and nectar a...
มุมมอง 115 หลายเดือนก่อน
White flower for brides and weddings...Flores brancas para noivas e casamentos.
มุมมอง 95 หลายเดือนก่อน
White flower for brides and weddings...Flores brancas para noivas e casamentos.
Ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata) - polinização. Barbados gooseberry pollen bees
มุมมอง 535 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata) - polinização. Barbados gooseberry pollen bees
Dragon Fruit Flower Pollination by Bees - Flor da pitaia branca polinizada por abelhas
มุมมอง 105 หลายเดือนก่อน
Dragon Fruit Flower Pollination by Bees - Flor da pitaia branca polinizada por abelhas
Colmeia de abelhas sem ferrão. Stingless bees building a hive on the tree.
มุมมอง 175 หลายเดือนก่อน
Colmeia de abelhas sem ferrão. Stingless bees building a hive on the tree.
Dragon Fruit Flower Pollination - Polinização da flor de pitaia
มุมมอง 156 หลายเดือนก่อน
Dragon Fruit Flower Pollination - Polinização da flor de pitaia
Pássaro sabiá procurando por bichinhos. Hungry Bird Looking For Food
มุมมอง 266 หลายเดือนก่อน
Pássaro sabiá procurando por bichinhos. Hungry Bird Looking For Food
Banana Flower Pollination - Polinização da flor da banana
มุมมอง 596 หลายเดือนก่อน
Banana Flower Pollination - Polinização da flor da banana
Flower Pollination
มุมมอง 246 หลายเดือนก่อน
Flower Pollination
Ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata) - polinização. Barbados gooseberry flower pollination
มุมมอง 4587 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata) - polinização. Barbados gooseberry flower pollination
Yellow Urticating Caterpillar
มุมมอง 167 หลายเดือนก่อน
Yellow Urticating Caterpillar
Structural color in butterfly (Hamadryas - metallic blue) - Cor estrutural borboleta azul metálico
มุมมอง 377 หลายเดือนก่อน
Structural color in butterfly (Hamadryas - metallic blue) - Cor estrutural borboleta azul metálico