Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe
Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe
  • 64
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Sesiunea III Prezentarea ghidului privind safeguardingul persoanelor LGBTQI+
Masa rotundă privind riscurile de safeguarding/SEA ale comunității de refugiați LGBTQI+ în România și măsuri incluzive pentru garantarea siguranței personalului LGBTQI+ în locul de muncă, din 24 Octombrie, 2023, București.
Sesiunea III Prezentarea ghidului privind safeguardingul persoanelor LGBTQI+ care lucrează pentru organizațiile societăților civile. Prezentator: Ilaria Michelis, consultant în incluzione, violența bazată pe gen, exploatare sexuală și abuz
มุมมอง: 23


Sesiunea II: Discuție panel
มุมมอง 3311 หลายเดือนก่อน
Masa rotundă privind riscurile de safeguarding/SEA ale comunității de refugiați LGBTQI în România și măsuri incluzive pentru garantarea siguranței personalului LGBTQI în locul de muncă, din 24 Octombrie, 2023, București. Sesiunea II: Discuție panel: reflecții, lecții învățate și bune practici implementate de organizații pentru a garanta siguranța (safeguarding) persoanelor LGBTQI . Moderatori: ...
Sesiunea I: Prezentarea raportului privind riscurile de safeguarding ale persoanelor LGBTQI+
มุมมอง 1611 หลายเดือนก่อน
Masa rotundă privind riscurile de safeguarding/SEA ale comunității de refugiați LGBTQI în România și măsuri incluzive pentru garantarea siguranței personalului LGBTQI în locul de muncă, din 24 Octombrie, 2023, București. Sesiunea I: Prezentarea raportului privind riscurile de safeguarding ale persoanelor LGBTQI refugiate din Ucraina. Prezentator: Veronica Ahlenback, specialist în violență bazat...
Посилення охорони у Східній Європі
มุมมอง 611 หลายเดือนก่อน
Під час вебінару, що завершив програму, ми поділилися деякими уроками, отриманими Східноєвропейським хабом з питань захисту в період з квітня 2022 року по жовтень 2023 року. Він дав уявлення про те, що ми дізналися про вирішення питань захисту в контекст надзвичайних ситуацій з біженцями у Східній Європ та швидкого реагування на них. (Translated with Deepl)
Consolidarea garantării siguranței în Europa de Est
มุมมอง 611 หลายเดือนก่อน
Acest webinar de sfârșit de program a împărtășit câteva dintre lecțiile învățate de Safeguarding Hub pentru Europa de Est în implementarea sprijinului pentru safeguarding (garantarea siguranței) între aprilie 2022 și octombrie 2023. Evenimentul a oferit o perspectivă asupra a ceea ce am învățat despre abordarea garantării siguranței în Europa de Est și în contextul refugiaților de urgență. Webi...
Wzmocnienie ochrony w Europie Wschodniej: 18 miesięcy doświadczeń z Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe
มุมมอง 8ปีที่แล้ว
This end-of-programme webinar shared some of Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe’s lessons learned in implementing safeguarding support between April 2022 and October 2023. It provided insight into what we have learned about addressing safeguarding in the Eastern European and rapid onset emergency refugee context. The webinar presented safeguarding trends that Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe has no...
Strengthening safeguarding in Eastern Europe
มุมมอง 86ปีที่แล้ว
This end-of-programme webinar shares some of Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe’s lessons learned in implementing safeguarding support between April 2022 and October 2023. It provides insight into what we have learned about addressing safeguarding in the Eastern European and rapid onset emergency refugee context. The webinar presented safeguarding trends that Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe has no...
Celebrating Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe - key achievements
มุมมอง 125ปีที่แล้ว
Celebrating the Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe Saying goodbye is never easy, but today, it's not a farewell; it's a new beginning. Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe is closing its doors on October 31st, but our mission lives on. Closing doors means that we will not continue our in-person activities, develop new resources, or organize new webinars. However, our already developed safeguarding docu...
What is Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe?
มุมมอง 167ปีที่แล้ว
The Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub for Eastern Europe serves organisations and people responding to the war in Ukraine. It provides practical and accessible safeguarding resources aiming to reduce the risk of harm. Governments, NGOs, faith-based organisations and volunteers across Eastern Europe have mobilised to welcome and offer support to Ukrainian refugees. However, the crisis and it...
Safeguarding Matters e-learning key topics
มุมมอง 350ปีที่แล้ว
Safeguarding Matters e-learning - key topics covered Welcome to 'Safeguarding Matters,' a practical online course about safeguarding. In this series, we'll take you on a journey with Family Safe Frontiers, a fictional NGO working in Eastern Europe. Throughout the course, you'll find practical tools and real-life scenarios to understand safeguarding terms, conduct risk assessments, and conduct i...
ABC dochodzeń safeguardingowych w Polsce
มุมมอง 27ปีที่แล้ว
Dochodzenia w sprawie zarzutów związanych z przypadkami wykorzystywania seksualnego i nadużyć seksualnych (SEA) oraz innych nadużyć są jednym z najważniejszych narzędzi kompleksowej reakcji na zarzuty i incydenty safeguardingowe. Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych i międzynarodowe organizacje pozarządowe stosują wspólne zasady i standardy do prowadzenia dochodzeń administracyjnych w sprawie SEA ...
The ABCs of safeguarding investigations in Poland
มุมมอง 67ปีที่แล้ว
Investigations of allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and other abuses are a common tool in a comprehensive safeguarding response. The United Nations and international non-governmental organisations use common principles and standards to conduct administrative investigations of SEA and other safeguarding concerns. The National Representative for Poland for the Safeguarding Hub Ea...
The ABCs of safeguarding investigations in Romania
มุมมอง 22ปีที่แล้ว
Investigations of allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and other abuses are a common tool in a comprehensive safeguarding response. The United Nations and international non-governmental organisations use common principles and standards to conduct administrative investigations of SEA and other safeguarding concerns. The Romania Country Manager for the Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europ...
What is the Safeguarding Helpdesk?
มุมมอง 84ปีที่แล้ว
The Safeguarding Helpdesk is a free service run by the Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe. It helps organisations access free support for questions related to safeguarding. This can include queries related to Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Sexual Harassment, bullying or discrimination. See the definition of safeguarding on our webpage. How does it work? All you need to do is...
ABC-ul investigațiilor de safeguarding (garantarea siguranței) în România
มุมมอง 30ปีที่แล้ว
Investigarea cazurilor privind exploatarea și abuzul sexual (SEA) și a altor abuzuri, este un instrument comun în cadrul unui răspuns cuprinzător de garantare a siguranței (safeguarding). Organizația Națiunilor Unite și organizațiile neguvernamentale internaționale utilizează principii și standarde comune pentru a efectua cercetări administrative privind SEA și alte probleme de safeguarding. Re...
обговорення за круглим столом звіту «Safeguarding LGBTQI+ refugees in Eastern Europe»
มุมมอง 5ปีที่แล้ว
обговорення за круглим столом звіту «Safeguarding LGBTQI refugees in Eastern Europe»
Masă rotundă privind raportul "Garantarea siguranței refugiaților LGBTQI+ în Europa de Est"
มุมมอง 21ปีที่แล้ว
Masă rotundă privind raportul "Garantarea siguranței refugiaților LGBTQI în Europa de Est"
Dyskusja okrągłego stołu na temat raportu „Safeguarding uchodźców LGBTQI+ w Europie Wschodniej”
มุมมอง 9ปีที่แล้ว
Dyskusja okrągłego stołu na temat raportu „Safeguarding uchodźców LGBTQI w Europie Wschodniej”
Roundtable discussion of the “Safeguarding LGBTQI+ refugees in Eastern Europe” report
มุมมอง 65ปีที่แล้ว
Roundtable discussion of the “Safeguarding LGBTQI refugees in Eastern Europe” report
How to access the Safeguarding Matters e-learning course?
มุมมอง 196ปีที่แล้ว
How to access the Safeguarding Matters e-learning course?
ABC-ul investigațiilor de safeguarding (pentru garantarea siguranței) în Moldova
มุมมอง 34ปีที่แล้ว
ABC-ul investigațiilor de safeguarding (pentru garantarea siguranței) în Moldova
The ABCs of safeguarding investigations in Moldova
มุมมอง 46ปีที่แล้ว
The ABCs of safeguarding investigations in Moldova
Demystifying safeguarding investigations (with Czech interpretation)
มุมมอง 18ปีที่แล้ว
Demystifying safeguarding investigations (with Czech interpretation)
Demystifying safeguarding investigations (with Hungarian interpretation)
มุมมอง 63ปีที่แล้ว
Demystifying safeguarding investigations (with Hungarian interpretation)
Розвінчання міфів щодо розслідувань, які стосуються убезпечення
มุมมอง 21ปีที่แล้ว
Розвінчання міфів щодо розслідувань, як стосуються убезпечення
Demystifying safeguarding investigations: Discussion with Lucy Heaven Taylor and Martina Broström
มุมมอง 712ปีที่แล้ว
Demystifying safeguarding investigations: Discussion with Lucy Heaven Taylor and Martina Broström
Safeguarding Investigations: five question answered
มุมมอง 1.1Kปีที่แล้ว
Safeguarding Investigations: five question answered
Focus pe nevoile de safeguarding specifice refugiaților mai vârstnici din Europa de Est
มุมมอง 19ปีที่แล้ว
Focus pe nevoile de safeguarding specifice refugiaților mai vârstnici din Europa de Est
Ukierunkowanie na potrzeby safeguardingowe starszych uchodźców w Europie Wschodniej
มุมมอง 13ปีที่แล้ว
Ukierunkowanie na potrzeby safeguardingowe starszych uchodźców w Europie Wschodniej
Особливі потреби: приділення уваги потребам захисту біженців похилого віку у Східній Європі
มุมมอง 22ปีที่แล้ว
Особлив потреби: приділення уваги потребам захисту біженців похилого віку у Східній Європі