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มุมมอง: 319


Ep.4: Vi laver en podcast 🎧
มุมมอง 614 ปีที่แล้ว
Ny måned er gået og endnu en ny episode af bag om statum er live. Se med når vi optager podcast.
21 reasons why you should join a scaleup 🚀
มุมมอง 484 ปีที่แล้ว
Why work in a scaleup master edition 2020 🚀 This August we ran a video campaign explaining why you should consider a career in a scaleup 🔥 We’ve published a video everyday where the founders and managers from current and future scaleups gave their views on the topic 💡 We have made this master video with the essence of their arguments 🎬
#21 Oliver Rosendal, Vinia Media - Why you should join a scale-up.
มุมมอง 954 ปีที่แล้ว
In today's video, Oliver Rosendal, founder of VINIA Media, does what he usually does. He brings innovative and alternative ideas to life on video 🎬 In this case, he takes the alternative approach by telling why working in a startup/scaleup probably isn't for you. Hear his honest opinions on how making a career in a startup/scaleup can be really challenging 💪
#20 Casper Rouchmann , Complyon - Ideas are only 10% of the equation - 90% is execution 🚀
มุมมอง 944 ปีที่แล้ว
Casper has experience from Trustpilot & Templafy and is now head of marketing at Complyon. Complyon focuses on developing data privacy solutions to assist customers in meeting the accountability requirements under the European General Data Protection Regulation ✅
#19 Karl Johan, You get a close bond to your colleagues - because you work on the same goals ⛳️
มุมมอง 1634 ปีที่แล้ว
19 of 21 - Karl Johan Lauring Clausen, Good Monday - why work in a scale-up? Karl Johan works as a Sales manager at Good Monday. Good Monday is an office management platform for all office services. As the name says, the mission is to make every monday a good monday 👍
#18 Morten Krarup Kristensen, prober - Working in a scale-up is full of chaos & problems ⚠️
มุมมอง 724 ปีที่แล้ว
18 of 21 - Morten Kristensen - why work in a scale-up? Morten is co-founder of the digital property management company Proper. Proper is only 3 years old but they are growing rapidly. Morten takes a different approach on the topic and explains in the video why you shouldn't join a scale up 🧐 Listen to Mortens 3 reasons why not to join a start-up/ scale-up in this video 👇
#17 Pil Byriel, Develop Diverse - Fast steps from idea generation to implementation.
มุมมอง 1904 ปีที่แล้ว
17 of 21 - Pil Byriel - why work in a scale-up? Pil is co-founder and CSO of Develop Diverse. Develop Diverse is the world’s first software tool that automatically analyzes stereotypic content for gender, age and ethnicity in texts and proposes non-stereotypic alternatives 👏 Hear why Pil thinks you should consider making a career in a scaleup down here 👇
#16 Ned Tighe, Amazon Web Services - You need to get your hands dirty 🙌
มุมมอง 1124 ปีที่แล้ว
16 of 21 - Ned Tighe - Why work in a scale-up? Currently working in @Amazon Web Services, Ned maybe isn’t the obvious choice for this campaign. But his background shows that he has an entrepreneurial mindset and what it takes to succeed in that environment ✅ We here in Statum actually know Ned very well as he during his exchange in Copenhagen at CBS has worked part time with us. Ned has tried a...
#15 Jan H. Christensen- Do you want to drink a lot of champagne, eat cake and celebrate victories? 🥳
มุมมอง 294 ปีที่แล้ว
15 of 21 - Jan Høilund Christensen - Why work in a scale-up? Jan is the CEO of @DomuSpect. DomuSpect makes sure that all your paperwork is handled easily, quickly and safely when renting out your property. With several investors behind them, they are on a journey to transform a traditional industry to an industry with a lot more focus on digital solutions ✅ Jan loves to celebrate and do so freq...
#14 Bo møller, HTML24 - The focus is to deliver value - everyday 👍
มุมมอง 334 ปีที่แล้ว
14 of 21 - Bo Møller - Why work in a scale-up? Bo Møller is the founder and managing director of HTML24 which is a digital agency specialized solving complex-digital challenges. HTML24 has built more than 1.000 projects and worked with some of the biggest companies and organisations in Denmark and internationally. Hear why Bo thinks you should consider making a career in a scaleup down here 👇
#13 John Hansen, Learningbank - When your company grow, you will grow as well
มุมมอง 384 ปีที่แล้ว
Video 13 of 21 - John Hansen - Why work in a scale-up? John Hansen is VP of marketing at Learningbank A/S. He has been with Learningbank since the early beginning. Learningbank is an e-learning platform whose mission is to transform old learning habits to new modern, digital learning ✅ Hear why John thinks you should consider making a career in a scaleup down here 👇
#12 Casper Kræfting, Boon - Why work in a scale-up?
มุมมอง 694 ปีที่แล้ว
Working in a face-paced scaleup demands a lot, but the reward in the end can be big; A quick career with great learnings along the way ✅ And with experience from Trustpilot, Peakon and now Boon Casper Kræfting knows what he is talking about ❗️ Hear why Casper thinks you should consider making a career in a scaleup down here 👇
#11 Charlotte Novella, Paperflow - Don’t do it for the salary 💸 Do it for the development 📈
มุมมอง 804 ปีที่แล้ว
11 of 21 - @Charlotte Novella - Why work in a scale-up? Charlotte Novella has a background from advertising agencies and is now CCO in @Paperflow. Paperflow uses AI and Machine Learning to capture data from invoices, receipts and credit notes and send the data directly back to the customers ERP system or workflow. Paperflow is based on partner sales and has around 30 partners within the areas o...
#10 Hakon Junge, Capdesk - Think of a scaleup as a Premier League team ⚽️
มุมมอง 2844 ปีที่แล้ว
10 of 21 - Hakon Junge - Why work in a scale-up? If you were following this campaign last year, you have definitely seen Hakon before. Since that time he has moved to @Capdesk. Capdesk is on a mission to rewrite the history books on how companies use equity to empower their employees ✅ This time around he is explaining scaleup in a football terminology 🤔 Hear why Hakon thinks you should conside...
#09 Denise, Listen to news - You get to wear a lot of different hats 🧢
มุมมอง 504 ปีที่แล้ว
#09 Denise, Listen to news - You get to wear a lot of different hats 🧢
#08 Daniel Bakh, Twenty Three - Find a company that's growing as fast as you want to grow 🌱
มุมมอง 624 ปีที่แล้ว
#08 Daniel Bakh, Twenty Three - Find a company that's growing as fast as you want to grow 🌱
#07 Cirkeline, Grandhood - Build your network today 🤘
มุมมอง 324 ปีที่แล้ว
#07 Cirkeline, Grandhood - Build your network today 🤘
#06 Kristian Simonsen, deepdivr - Working in a scaleup isn’t for everyone ❌
มุมมอง 1494 ปีที่แล้ว
#06 Kristian Simonsen, deepdivr - Working in a scaleup isn’t for everyone ❌
#5 Thomas Bennedsen, myselfie - Your ideas are heard and challenged 🦸‍♂️
มุมมอง 284 ปีที่แล้ว
#5 Thomas Bennedsen, myselfie - Your ideas are heard and challenged 🦸‍♂️
#4 Ena Rosaroso, Eloomi - go above and beyond your line of duty
มุมมอง 384 ปีที่แล้ว
#4 Ena Rosaroso, Eloomi - go above and beyond your line of duty
#3 Werner Valeur - Expect the unexpected to show up every single day ⭐️
มุมมอง 1714 ปีที่แล้ว
#3 Werner Valeur - Expect the unexpected to show up every single day ⭐️
#2 Trine Hansen, Party In a Box - 80% of the time it's great to work in a scale up 💡
มุมมอง 2214 ปีที่แล้ว
#2 Trine Hansen, Party In a Box - 80% of the time it's great to work in a scale up 💡
Ep.2 - Statum i "ferie-mode" 🏖
มุมมอง 844 ปีที่แล้ว
Ep.2 - Statum i "ferie-mode" 🏖
Ep.1 - Founders stopper 😭
มุมมอง 1874 ปีที่แล้ว
Ep.1 - Founders stopper 😭
Derfor har du brug for den introverte sælger
มุมมอง 1064 ปีที่แล้ว
Derfor har du brug for den introverte sælger
Hvilket vindergen har du brug for i din salgsafdeling?
มุมมอง 544 ปีที่แล้ว
Hvilket vindergen har du brug for i din salgsafdeling?
Denne type sælger skal du ikke ansætte 🙅‍♂️
มุมมอง 2724 ปีที่แล้ว
Denne type sælger skal du ikke ansætte 🙅‍♂️
Jobsamtalen: Sådan adskiller du dig fra konkurrenterne
มุมมอง 7064 ปีที่แล้ว
Jobsamtalen: Sådan adskiller du dig fra konkurrenterne
Michael Dupont overtager Statums daglige drift - hvordan bliver det nye Statum? 🚀
มุมมอง 494 ปีที่แล้ว
Michael Dupont overtager Statums daglige drift - hvordan bliver det nye Statum? 🚀


  • @amayaelessar
    @amayaelessar 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jeg er helt færdig af grin - det burde jo i den grad være selvsigende!! Jeg er igang med at forberede mig til en jobsamtale, som jeg er helt abnormt spændt på, og elsker at jeg har fundet denne kanel, hvor jeg er binget jeres videoer om den gode jobsamtale!! Brilliant! og jeg tager så meget inspiration med fra jer til min kommen samtale!

  • @Wonderful81
    @Wonderful81 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hvorfor betyder ansøgningen så meget? Man skal jo ikke ansættes til at skrive ansøgninger. Man burde da bare udfylde et skema med sine uddannelser/kvalifikationer, og så kunne arbejdspladsen trække lod blandt de ansøgere med de rette kvalifikationer. De risikerer at gå glip af gode medarbejdere pga en latterlig ansøgning. I øvrigt bliver det sværere at finde arbejde, når man har rundet de 30-35 år, så alder bør heller ikke fremgå af "ansøgningen"

  • @spro0077
    @spro0077 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jesus, stærke ord dude. Jeg tror gerne på at du har været sælger

  • @carloreipur2421
    @carloreipur2421 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jeg synes det er alt for skoleinspireret, og knap så dynamisk Det er alt for informativt på en kedelig måde

  • @pipalukthorsen7842
    @pipalukthorsen7842 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Virkelig brugbar video👌🏼 Kan klart anbefales, da jeg har fået mit første job!👏🏼

  • @big_hjalte6951
    @big_hjalte6951 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hvad så hvis det er i fx jemogfix som 13 årige

    • @csgoreplay3632
      @csgoreplay3632 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Butikker ansætter i de fleste tilfælde kun folk som mindst er 15 år gammel, men alligevel kan man altid smide en ansøgning hos dem og håbe på det bedste - rådene er gældende for alle jobs.

  • @KurtWesthNielsen
    @KurtWesthNielsen 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Godt indhold, gode konkrete forslag til spørgsmål. Underlægningsmusikken er dog tæt på at være dødirriterende.

  • @MrCharlietoma
    @MrCharlietoma 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alle tiders!

  • @andreasherreborg6276
    @andreasherreborg6276 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jeg skal snart til min første jobsamtale, den her video har virkelig hjulpet mig med nervøsiteten. Det er dejligt at få de gode tips

    • @statum2942
      @statum2942 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dejligt! Du skal nok klare den 💪🏼

  • @PodProsperity
    @PodProsperity 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    hej marcus du flotte fyr

  • @andy_ambjrn
    @andy_ambjrn 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hvad så, hvis jeg gerne vil arbejde i rema?

    • @statum2942
      @statum2942 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Der gælder de samme tips :)

    • @liva8522
      @liva8522 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@statum2942 hvad hvis man ikke ved om butikken reelt søger at ansatte ungarbejdere? Kan man søge alligevel selvom man ikke ved hvad de gerne vil have?

    • @feelz5804
      @feelz5804 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@liva8522 Lidt sent svar - men ja. Hvis ikke de kan bruge dig lige med det samme, bliver det med høj sandsynlighed lagt i deres jobbank. :)

    • @Wonderful81
      @Wonderful81 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hvis du ikke har en butiks-uddannelse, så kan man evt møde personligt op og tale med bestyreren af butikken;

  • @ManuelEgyir
    @ManuelEgyir 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @statum2942
      @statum2942 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Det var godt, tak for kommentaren :)

  • @andreasrandloev
    @andreasrandloev 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tusind tak for en hjælpsom video. Det hjalp mig meget i mit kommende jobopslag.

    • @statum2942
      @statum2942 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad for at du kunne bruge videoen :)

  • @Jazzper79
    @Jazzper79 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jo livet er sort/hvidt, det er når man er inde i en gråzone det er svært.

  • @rajwantkaur2427
    @rajwantkaur2427 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    meget godt