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Hong Kong country ball -HKcb-
Hong Kong
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2012
Hong Kong Country Ball does transportation video(lol)
Welcome to my channel! Where you can expect videos from both HK and UK. These videos include: Journeys, visuals, vlogs and much more! I hope you will find my content enjoyable to watch and if you do, make sure to like and subscribe!!! :)
Welcome to my channel! Where you can expect videos from both HK and UK. These videos include: Journeys, visuals, vlogs and much more! I hope you will find my content enjoyable to watch and if you do, make sure to like and subscribe!!! :)
[下層展望.歐四鐵甲@NA41][全程行車]龍運巴士 LWB NA41線行車片段(往港珠澳大橋香港口岸)
[Source by: 香港巴士大典]
拍攝班次 Recording Departure: ????-??-??, 04:10, PF1546
拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60
BGM: None
行車時間 Journey Time: 101 Minutes
'Copyright HKCB~01
Please be aware that this channel does not own any music that this channel uses, it is only used for promotion purpose any illegal profit. All songs used in this channel belongs to the original creators. Please support the creators.
#8420 #PF1546 #LWB #NA41 #E500
[Source by: 香港巴士大典]
拍攝班次 Recording Departure: ????-??-??, 04:10, PF1546
拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60
BGM: None
行車時間 Journey Time: 101 Minutes
'Copyright HKCB~01
Please be aware that this channel does not own any music that this channel uses, it is only used for promotion purpose any illegal profit. All songs used in this channel belongs to the original creators. Please support the creators.
#8420 #PF1546 #LWB #NA41 #E500
มุมมอง: 407
[F09走到終點][全程行車]九巴 KMB 86C線行車片段(往利安)
มุมมอง 248หลายเดือนก่อน
"自AVBW64(MP8454)於六月因壞車繼而提早退役後,現存服役的AVBW只餘下AVBW63(MP7866)一輛” “距離退役前餘下最後一日時間,但AVBW63同樣於上週壞車後很大機會不獲修理,等待到期除牌退役,可惜只差一點亦未能走完完整的18年生涯" 新界巴士路線86C,由九巴營辦,來往利安及長沙灣,途經錦英苑、馬鞍山市中心、耀安邨、富安花園、亞公角、石門、沙田第一城、沙田圍、新田圍,取道獅子山隧道往返九龍塘(歌和老街)、石硤尾(南昌街)及深水埗。 86C與286C線共同提供馬鞍山新市鎮往返深水埗區的全日巴士服務,惟後者取道青沙公路直達長沙灣,兩線走線大相逕庭。 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2023-08-16, 23:00, MC2383 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quali...
[返到2020?][全程行車]九巴 KMB 28B線行車片段(往彩福)
มุมมอง 2372 หลายเดือนก่อน
九龍市區巴士路線28B,由九巴營辦,來往彩福及啟德(啟晴邨),途經彩盈邨、樂華邨、聯合醫院、觀塘市中心、九龍灣商貿區、啟業邨。 28B線由28A及224M線重組合併而成,乃首條全日服務四彩的專營巴士路線。 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2024-07-30, 21:25, RG7354 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None Triangle] 行車時間 Journey Time: 37 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: marcustsekpwn_bird FB: ryantse.kpwn Disclaimer: Plea...
[靚聲EE鐵甲🤤][全程行車]九巴 KMB N271線行車片段(往紅磡站)
มุมมอง 4043 หลายเดือนก่อน
新界特別巴士路線(通宵服務)N271,由九巴營辦,來往大埔(富亨)及紅磡站,途經大埔中心、大埔墟、廣福邨、吐露港公路、沙田市中心、新田圍邨、獅子山隧道、九龍塘、旺角(←)、油麻地及尖沙咀。 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2024-08-22, 04:35, RF528 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None Triangle] 行車時間 Journey Time: 66 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: marcustsekpwn_bird FB: ryantse.kpwn Disclaimer: Please be awa...
[18米掛接巴士][全程行車]新福利 Transmac 51線行車片段(循環來往蝴蝶谷大馬路總站及關閘)
มุมมอง 5443 หลายเดือนก่อน
澳門51路線由澳門新福利公共汽車有限公司營運,循環來往蝴蝶谷大馬路及關閘,以循環線行駛經友誼大橋提供往返石排灣公屋、東亞運體育館、機場大馬路和關閘的快速服務。 51路線走線直接、停站稀少,且經友誼大橋後直達關閘,不論 何時間客量甚高,經常要站位乃至頂閘,亦使之成為澳門載客量最高及班次最頻密的巴士路線之一,全澳僅有的3輛“特大巴” 海格KLQ6186GHEV及宇通ZK6180HGH均需於高峰時段行駛51路線。 [Source by: 澳門巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2024-08-18, 21:23, MX-39-49 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None 行車時間 Journey Time: 72 Minutes 'Copyri...
[澳巴Rosa@舊橋][全程行車]澳巴 TCM 73線行車片段(循環來往澳門大學及黑沙環)
มุมมอง 6633 หลายเดือนก่อน
澳門巴士73路線(前身:MT3U路線)是一條由澳門公共汽車有限公司經營,往返澳門大學及黑沙環的巴士路線。 [Source by: 澳門巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2024-09-02, 15:25, MW-41-34 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None 行車時間 Journey Time: 66 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: marcustsekpwn_bird FB: ryantse.kpwn Disclaimer: Please be aware that this channel does not own any music that ...
[繞經西灣河及鰂魚涌班次][全程行車]城巴 CTB 682C線行車片段(往北角)
มุมมอง 2163 หลายเดือนก่อน
過海巴士路線682C,由城巴獨營,屬682線之特別班次,由沙田第一城單向開往北角[註 1],取道大老山隧道、觀塘繞道、東區海底隧道,只於星期一至五上午繁忙時間提供服務。 取代居民巴士NR89線的682C線,港島區行車方向與其他682系列路線相反,且只停少數車站。 2024年8月19日:取消服務,由982C線增加班次取代 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2024-08-16, 07:50, SN7639 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None 行車時間 Journey Time: 48 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: marcustsekpwn_bird...
[沙一ZOO][全程行車]九巴 KMB 84M線行車片段(往樂富)
มุมมอง 3124 หลายเดือนก่อน
新界巴士路線84M,由九巴營辦,來往富安花園及樂富,途經亞公角、石門、圓洲角、大老山隧道、鑽石山、黃大仙(龍翔道)。 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2024-07-21, 13:10, PC4053 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None Triangle] 行車時間 Journey Time: 39 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: marcustsekpwn_bird FB: ryantse.kpwn Disclaimer: Please be aware that this channel does not own a...
[兜兜轉轉][縮時行車]過海隧巴 CHTB KMB/CTB 980A線行車片段(往灣仔(菲林明道))
มุมมอง 4616 หลายเดือนก่อน
過海巴士路線980A,由九巴及城巴聯營,由碩門邨單向往灣仔,途經濱景花園、小瀝源及富豪花園後,取道青沙公路、西區海底隧道直達上環、中環及金鐘,只於星期一至五上午繁忙時間提供服務。 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2023-08-29, 07:19, VS3266 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: GoPro Hero 9, 1080P/60 BGM: 1: TwoThirds & Feints - Starscapes 2: Feints - Stray 行車時間 Journey Time: 66 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: marcustsekpwn_bird FB: ryantse.k...
[龍運MK2最後一強?][全程行車]龍運巴士 LWB S64X線行車片段(循環來往滿東邨及機場)
มุมมอง 6766 หลายเดือนก่อน
如無意外應該係龍運MK2最後一強 除非ML3941又出返街 大嶼山北部穿梭巴士路線S64X,由龍運巴士營辦,循環來往東涌(滿東)及機場,途經逸東邨、裕東苑、國泰城及航膳東路。 此路線乃S64線之特別班次,只於每日上午繁忙時間及下午提供服務,直接往返國泰城及客運大樓,不經港鐵東涌站、機場貨運區及航膳西路;早上此路線與S64C線一同提供服務之時段,主線S64不設服務。 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2023-07-30, 16:00, MK8411 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None Triangle] 行車時間 Journey Time: 53 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG:...
[ISBe/ZF] [Kickdowns+Thrash] Journey on Route 304 - ADL E400/E40D(E112-LX09 FBC)
มุมมอง 4236 หลายเดือนก่อน
A lovely ZF E400 based on River Road depot, unfortunately this bus did have glowing emission lights which resulted it being in Limp mode.Though it did have some nice High and over revs included in this video!
[首條澳門行車片🌚][全程行車]澳巴 TCM 21A線行車片段(往九澳油庫)
มุมมอง 2.5K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
澳門巴士21A路線是一條由澳門公共汽車有限公司經營,由媽閣來往九澳油庫。 [Source by: 澳門巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2023-08-14, 17:30, AA-75-90 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None 行車時間 Journey Time: 63 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: marcustsekpwn_bird FB: ryantse.kpwn Disclaimer: Please be aware that this channel does not own any music that this channel use...
[青衣夜繽紛][縮時行車]九巴 KMB N41X/N241線行車片段(往青衣(長宏邨)/紅磡站)
มุมมอง 8707 หลายเดือนก่อน
00:00 N41X 拍攝: Bird / 剪輯: Bird RC 05:03 N241 拍攝: RC / 剪輯: Bird RC “N41X” 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2023-09-03, 00:45, TE 3471 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: GoPro Hero 9, 1080P/60 BGM: Dear Jane - 未開始已經結束 行車時間 Journey Time: 47 Minutes 新界特別巴士路線(通宵服務)N41X,由九巴營辦,由紅磡站單向往青衣(長宏邨),途經尖沙咀、油麻地、旺角及大角咀後,取道青葵公路直達長康邨、長青邨、青衣邨、長安邨及長亨邨,屬N241線之特別班次。 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] “N241” 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: ...
[700⁉️][縮時行車]城巴 CTB N21A線行車片段(往機場)
มุมมอง 1.3K8 หลายเดือนก่อน
通宵大嶼山北部對外巴士路線N21A,由城巴營辦,來往尖沙咀(天星碼頭)及機場,途經油麻地、旺角、深水埗、長沙灣、美孚、青衣(青衣西路)、青嶼幹線、東涌北、逸東邨及東涌市中心,屬N21線之特別班次。 [Source by: 香港巴士大典] 拍攝班次 Recording Departure: 2023-09-02, 00:10, TZ 7097 拍攝器材及品質 Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: Beyond - 灰色軌跡, Beyond - 冷雨夜 行車時間 Journey Time: 77 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: marcustsekpwn_bird FB: ryantse.kpwn Discla...
[Full Journey]Metroline A10(To Uxbridge)
มุมมอง 1.1K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
London Buses route A10 is a Transport for London contracted bus route in London, England. Running between Uxbridge and Heathrow Airport Central, it is operated by Metroline. [Source by: bus-routes-in-london fandom] Recording Departure: 2023-10-21, 11:05, SN09 CGO Recording Equipment and Quality: iPhone 13 Pro Max, 1080P/60 BGM: None Journey Time: 29 Minutes 'Copyright HKCB~01 IG: ...
[N21線之特別班次][全程行車]城巴 CTB N21A線行車片段(往機場)
มุมมอง 1.3K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
[N21線之特別班次][全程行車]城巴 CTB N21A線行車片段(往機場)
[Full Journey]Dublin Bus 39X(To Burlington Road)
มุมมอง 3K9 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Full Journey]Dublin Bus 39X(To Burlington Road)
[Full Journey]Go Ahead London 476(To Kings Cross)
มุมมอง 1.1K11 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Full Journey]Go Ahead London 476(To Kings Cross)
[歡迎2024!!][縮時行車]過海隧巴 CHTB KMB/CTB N680線行車片段(往錦英苑)
มุมมอง 81411 หลายเดือนก่อน
[歡迎2024!!][縮時行車]過海隧巴 CHTB KMB/CTB N680線行車片段(往錦英苑)
[下層展望.夜晚最好飛][全程行車]九巴 KMB 80X線行車片段(往觀塘碼頭)
มุมมอง 1K11 หลายเดือนก่อน
[下層展望.夜晚最好飛][全程行車]九巴 KMB 80X線行車片段(往觀塘碼頭)
[Full Journey]Go Ahead London 77(To Tooting Station)
มุมมอง 99711 หลายเดือนก่อน
[Full Journey]Go Ahead London 77(To Tooting Station)
[ISL/ZF] Journey on Route 606 - ADL Dennis Enviro 500MMC(ATENU347-TA8550)
มุมมอง 602ปีที่แล้ว
[ISL/ZF] Journey on Route 606 - ADL Dennis Enviro 500MMC(ATENU347-TA8550)
[久違的縮時行車片段][機場巴士#9][縮時行車] 龍運巴士 LWB A41線行車片段(往愉翠苑)
มุมมอง 890ปีที่แล้ว
[久違的縮時行車片段][機場巴士#9][縮時行車] 龍運巴士 LWB A41線行車片段(往愉翠苑)
[Full Journey][Extreme Thrash]Metropolitan Line Rail Replacement ML-6(To Chesham)
มุมมอง 643ปีที่แล้ว
[Full Journey][Extreme Thrash]Metropolitan Line Rail Replacement ML-6(To Chesham)
[ISBe/ZF] [Extreme Thrash] Journey on Route ML6 - ADL E400/E40D(E63-LK58 KGU)
มุมมอง 583ปีที่แล้ว
[ISBe/ZF] [Extreme Thrash] Journey on Route ML6 - ADL E400/E40D(E63-LK58 KGU)
[Full Journey]London Bus Museum 462(Circular to Weybridge)
มุมมอง 765ปีที่แล้ว
[Full Journey]London Bus Museum 462(Circular to Weybridge)
[下層展望][機場巴士#8][全程行車]龍運巴士 LWB NA33線行車片段(往機場)
มุมมอง 3.3Kปีที่แล้ว
[下層展望][機場巴士#8][全程行車]龍運巴士 LWB NA33線行車片段(往機場)
Why doesn’t the 25 have hybrid or electric buses?
where did u place the camera 🤔🤔
Bacons are the best Bacons are the best like this comment if you like bacon hairs
Cool visual🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
642 is now Metroline using Enviro 400 EV from Edgware (EW) Garage
Good job thank you
thank you for a nice video
My song make me feel better
It took someone from Hong Kong to come and film a full journey in Dublin and others who live there do a sped up version. Thank you!
We had them on the 130 bus route between 1991 & 1992. I used to commute to & from Cherry orchard centre
I remember travelling on the buses when I used to visit aunty nell & Aunty Doris in the 80's. I met them in catford back in the day when I was a teenager
I still have a bacon hair account from 2013 it's the most special account I have
Does anyone know how much this bus route costs for a return ticket?
£8.5 for adults and £7 for children from their website, what I want to know is how much for the single ticket.
Nice video I subscribed
ok bird
i look around at fellow allies all facining these crazy bad guys
i have so much bacon friends i made a bacon group chat i meet with them on roblox every tuesday and wednesday
Great video and nice quality. Is this the only one from dublin you have? Would love to see more if you have any.
Thanks for watching! And no I do have two other visuals from Dublin :-)
1:17 點解有分段嘅!?
airport staff discount
@@little.cool.bus.railway oh
OMG TCM Carlo wasting time to find people
Lovely video! Might try the 39X the full thing soon, it looks sick! It’s also my local route
Thanks! Indeed the 39X is a nice route, tho I missed a B7TL by 5 minutes :(
This must be the only bus service where you can ride on a Motorway.
It isnt
@@spacecowboy151 I was not aware of any other public bus service that uses a Motoway on it's route. What other routes are there that you can ride a normal bus on the motorway (excluding National Express Coaches and Private Hire buses)?
@@lingcha804 I looked up the number and unfortunetly that is a coach service, not an ordinary bus service but thanks for replying.
@@HenFilmStudio you would see e400mmc sometime in 730 if you are lucky
When have Macau Bus video
How much does the fair cost ?
Nice! Also filmed in my area too
Oh nice!
Well the 350 was converted to DDs using ALX400s from the 3 and then in 2015 it was given brand new E400 MMC E40Hs but a rerouting swap with the U5 in 2017 saw the 350 be converted back to single deck but since then is often given double deck workings in the form of E400Hs and E400s like this particular one.
huge die
When have Macau bus video
future hch
Happy 2024 🎉
This is ZF Ecolife ..
Corrected, thanks
the driver ran a red light lol
ADL Dennis Trident Enviro500 MMC (x
A12升級版 往杏花邨
ok dai c
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO E63!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too leng
Love the kickdown