A lesson for the old generation There was an old man who was a drunkard He didn't work, he only drank alcohol Drinking since morning...every day The situation changed and he opened his hand to beg Wandering around in crowded areas His body was emaciated, his skin was dark and rough His body was shaking...because of chronic alcoholism When he was young, he used to farm Focus on the sky...planting rice for people to eat He was drowning in debt because he was busy farming He never learned the rope...the rice field was lost He became a laborer who carried things day and night He was exhausted to death and only got low wages He was a poor man who was always at a disadvantage He swallowed his heartbreak...if he didn't work, he wouldn't eat When he wanted to eat, he was never satisfied When he wanted to sleep, he was never fully awake Every night when he fell asleep, he had nightmares Bitterness... until the mind is weak When sick, the body trembles Because of having to use labor... more than using the strength of a cow Every person must work like a buffalo But there are still many debts... It is better to be born as a buffalo than a human The wisdom of the country farmer is exhausted Wandering to become a laborer in Bangkok Losing value when old and gray Finding the final solution... with alcohol Drinking alcohol makes things worse Earning money, drinking alcohol It is depressing, the more you drink, the more drunk you get The body is in pain Disease threatens One morning, someone found the body of a drunkard lying dead under a footbridge (repeat 5 times)
Jäbä duunaa
Koska livee?
Kaljaa koneeseen
Sita ei menty aulabaari
Mitä jäbä duunaa.taalla otetaan jaloviinaa
Missä Jallu
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Jäbä ottaa olutta
Mitä jäbä duunaa
Jatkuuko iltalähetys Istuimelta?
Kyllä istuin varmaan haisee jo kun kohta kuukausi persettä hierottu siihen 😂
Koittakaa nyt kumpikin skarpata siellä Laosissa. Kummankin kunto voi laskea reissun aikana kuin norsun häntä.
Live päätty kesken.
Mummon tossunalla omaishoitajana
Milloin loikkaus mekongjoen yli thaikkulandiaan?
Onko maratontreeniä menossa?
Nenä päähän
Minttu takaapäin
Olavi virta
Nenä hommat
Thaimaahanko et vielä pääse?
Kauas reissua vielä jäljellä?
Mitäs mieltä olet siitä kun joku yritti joskus pelastaa sut.!!!!!!!!!!!!
kyllä on mies pelokkaana pienen karkumatkan jälkeen. hyvä että edes hengittää uskaltaa.
Jää rahat tuotteisiin
Onko sulla ja oletko pällisairas
Moro onko tuotetta
Onko oma huone?
Onko aikaero 5 tuntia suomen aikaan?
Huomenta Tuomas
Missä päin laosia? -laos nyymi
Mitäs meinaat kun joku yritti joskus pelaataa sut .äijä petti kaveritt
Ootko kokeillut uusinta villitystä pierukävelyä jouluähkyyn? Sitä voi käsittääkseni vielä kokeilla uutena vuotena?
Ai ne on jossain matkalla .Itse olen matkoilla thaikuissa .60pv.
Minä luulin taustakuvaksi,ihmettelin kun autot vaihtui?
Hionoa kun on reissusa vaihtelua
Kun olin työ elämässä,joulut oltiin töissö isolla palkalla
Yleisölle Carabaon biisin sanat
A lesson for the old generation There was an old man who was a drunkard He didn't work, he only drank alcohol Drinking since morning...every day The situation changed and he opened his hand to beg Wandering around in crowded areas His body was emaciated, his skin was dark and rough His body was shaking...because of chronic alcoholism When he was young, he used to farm Focus on the sky...planting rice for people to eat He was drowning in debt because he was busy farming He never learned the rope...the rice field was lost He became a laborer who carried things day and night He was exhausted to death and only got low wages He was a poor man who was always at a disadvantage He swallowed his heartbreak...if he didn't work, he wouldn't eat When he wanted to eat, he was never satisfied When he wanted to sleep, he was never fully awake Every night when he fell asleep, he had nightmares Bitterness... until the mind is weak When sick, the body trembles Because of having to use labor... more than using the strength of a cow Every person must work like a buffalo But there are still many debts... It is better to be born as a buffalo than a human The wisdom of the country farmer is exhausted Wandering to become a laborer in Bangkok Losing value when old and gray Finding the final solution... with alcohol Drinking alcohol makes things worse Earning money, drinking alcohol It is depressing, the more you drink, the more drunk you get The body is in pain Disease threatens One morning, someone found the body of a drunkard lying dead under a footbridge (repeat 5 times)
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Koitahan saada aikasi nyt siellä jotenkin järkevästi käytettyä!?
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