- 335
- 86 048
SoLo Lv1
United Kingdom
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 12 ต.ค. 2012
Genshin impact Neuvillette lucky pull #gacha #genshinimpact #neuvillette #zhongli
Genshin impact Neuvillette lucky pull #gacha #genshinimpact #neuvillette #zhongli
มุมมอง: 471
Solo leveling arise summons Isla Wright #sololeveling
มุมมอง 259หลายเดือนก่อน
Solo leveling arise summons Isla Wright #sololeveling
genshin impact world level ascension lv9
มุมมอง 8หลายเดือนก่อน
Modded Skins Free Code Link www.pockettactics.com/genshin-impact/codes
pirmas kartas ant krosinio #first #fails #bike
มุมมอง 1.3K6 หลายเดือนก่อน
pirmas kartas ant krosinio #first #fails #bike
Ghost of Tsushima Blood on the Grass #gaming
มุมมอง 66 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ghost of Tsushima Blood on the Grass #gaming
Ghost of Tsushima Tadayori's armor #gaming
มุมมอง 46 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ghost of Tsushima Tadayori's armor #gaming
Genshin Impact Baizhu pulls Wanderer Lucky #gacha #genshinimpact #code
มุมมอง 6827 หลายเดือนก่อน
Genshin Impact Baizhu pulls Wanderer Lucky #gacha #genshinimpact #code
Solo Leveling: ARISE codes (Working) #gaming
7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Solo Leveling: ARISE codes (Working) #gaming
chrysler 300c after pollens rain #carwash
มุมมอง 108 หลายเดือนก่อน
chrysler 300c after pollens rain #carwash
Congrats, i got both 70 pity guaranteed zhongli and 51 pity 50/50 win neuv. But sadly i lost to weapong banner man vortex damm 😑😑
Daaaamn. Started weak with keying, but got saved pretty fast. Zhongli and neuvilette back to back is crazy lucky. Happy for ya!
@@rtyt-c5v thanks mate
i got mona…
I am still saving lol
Поздравляю, тебе везет
I too....
Well i got nahdia in 1 pull and two pity and after i finshed mondsalt quest
Its always diluc-
All I had to do to get nahida was start the zhongli quest then do a 1 pull for nahida and I got her
Basically about 20 mins ago I was looking at the banners and then did the rest of a quest I rlly needed to do and got a bunch of primos and then I wished and got Xingqiu 😮who I wanted originally on that banner and then wished right after and got NAHIDAAAAA
Oooooooooo hi
hello there
Guyss I got Nahida today!!!
@@eliskapokorna9970 nice one i still using as support 😉
I somehow managed to get so lucky that I got nahida, qiqi and sethos at my first pull- (congrats for ur nahida!)
UH WHAT? 3:12
I want this luck for her 5.1 banner… only 2 more days to go!! ❤❤❤
I’m pulling for hu tao!
I wish the nahida wish is here cuz i need to pull her soon 😊
Wow I want this luck when I pull for her on 5.1 banner and hope everyone who wants her gets her too 😆
i want all nahida wanters to become nahida havers <3 (including me as well) update: NAHIDA CAME HOME GUYS FOR ONCE I WON MY 50/50 💗💗
I hope you get her too shes so cute
@ i got her!!! 💗 thank you so much, hope you get her very very soon!!
I got her too, yayyy, now I have a perfect team with her
@@NightTheReal omg yess i’m so happy for you! #nahi-supremacy
@@shrippersnoozle-hy4xj I DONT HAVE ENOUH PRIMOS-
Pleaseeee i want my nahida to finally max C6 and I'll farm more🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
*mind fucking blows*
Idk but you gave me an idea after making the challenge and staff like that
Grandma nahihi 😅
Everyone here for next nahida rerun, i hope u guys get nahida
i have guaranteed cuz of diluc 😢
@@SoontobeNeuvi_OrLyneyMain am tryna get nahida but I think it won't help me and am just ar 44 and there are 5 stars I want to get next updates 😭
@@SoontobeNeuvi_OrLyneyMain me too coz of Jean
@@nodinyip3308 I lost to tighnari..
I also have nahida
Nah bc doesn't tignahari say I see everything?
Her voice is soo sweet She's such a cutie pie
diluc and nahida???
I got her at 1 pity
Im grinding for her to ascend her to level 80 but I hope i win 50/50
As a future Nahida I wish you good luck on your Nahida pulls
what :D
2:43 😭
I want this luck in 5.1 when I pull for her 🥲 (Update I got her)
Same but I’m guaranteed
Omggg yasss September/october squad
Good luck
same happens to me with every 50/50 i loose idk why, my account seems glitched. i lost 50/50 to Ganyu, Eula and Yelan but got them in the next 10 Pulls, i lost 50/50 to Furina but got her in the following 20 Pulls.
Omg same i always lose then get earlys
How did you get this much ecesses stone ( pink ones💮)
@@Skahshskk i don't summon much only one copy of each charakter goal that's it, from release of the game i doing me daily everyday and every event possible, and yet I'm still weak F2P
im never lucky i well never get nahida
O tai ne protingiau namie sėdėt ir neiti į darbą tą dieną?😀
@@donatas235 nu bolte tai per tokius orus man pats tas dirbti, tik tiek kad kondiške užlinka langus belekaip aptraukė tai teka baigti anksčiau darbą, nes nieko nebesimate
Labai įdomu kiek Teslų iškeliaus į šrotą? Jeigu jų vairuotojai ne bepročiai....
Tesla kaip ruoniai praplaukia
svarbiausia duris atidaryt pasiziuret dar
Dabar isvis jauciu ragas
tai kada cia taip buvo???
7-13 šeštadieni
nx ta sankaba taip greit paleidzia
Nežinau, nes pirmas kartas kai užlipo ant grosinio ir dar net su mašina nepavažinėjes
Nice vid I'm saving for Ei and nahida
did you get ei??
I did get her 🎉🎉 but my nahida was a pyro claymore 😅
Wtf?! Is this a joke or click bait? Maybe both.
The full video would have much better to show. This 40 second clip was only the beginning.
KARIUOMENĖ o ne armija