Yeshivas Toras Dovid
Yeshivas Toras Dovid
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Yeshiva Toras Dovid - The premiere yeshiva for ba'alei teshuva in North America.
In just a few short years, Toras Dovid has emerged as the premiere yeshiva for ba’alei teshuvah in North America. From its humble beginnings as a kollel inside of Ohr Somayach in Monsey, NY, Toras Dovid has become its spiritual successor. When Ohr Somayach Monsey closed its doors, Toras Dovid took on the great responsibility of upholding its legacy, absorbing its students and allowing them to continue growing in their Yiddishkeit. Since then, Toras Dovid has miraculously transformed the lives of many young men, fulfilling its mission to raise up a new generation of ba’alei teshuvah.
In order to service more students, Toras Dovid has purchased a dormitory and beis medrash that, with Hashem’s help, will serve as the home to countless neshamas waiting to be kindled by their undiscovered Jewish heritage. But, they need your support to achieve this milestone. Your donation will help the yeshiva renovate and expand its new home and allow in all the students waiting to grow to great heights.
Originally founded as a Kollel program for ba’alei teshuvah, Toras Dovid evolved into a full time learning program in order to meet the growing need of ba’alei teshuva seeking a genuine yeshiva experience on American soil. Having started with just a handful of beginners, it has rapidly become the premiere address for those eager students who were never afforded a Torah chinuch in their early years and have a thirst to make up for lost time. From basic alef-beis to advanced gemara study (with five levels of Gemara shiurim), Toras Dovid’s stellar staff of expert teachers and mentors support each stage of the blossoming baal teshuva’s growth with unique sensitivity and understanding. It provides the foundational building blocks for each talmid’s secure long term growth and wholesome integration into the Torah community.
Currently, Toras Dovid hosts over fifty full-time students hailing from all walks of life and educational backgrounds across the Western hemisphere. Together, they form a vibrant Torah atmosphere - the common bond being their genuine quest to forge themselves, as strong links, into the golden chain of generations that spans back to Har Sinai.
Beyond the formal yeshiva, Toras Dovid offers a wide variety of programs designed to meet the needs of the burgeoning ba’al teshuva community. In addition to its impactful N’shei program, semicha mechina program, Spanish-speaking study program and community enrichment shiurim, Toras Dovid is now expanding as it offers most of its daily shiurim to a global audience through its streaming live website. While the pandemic has ravaged people’s ability to participate in Torah study sessions in traditional settings many are turning to Toras Dovid in ever increasing numbers to quench their insatiable thirst for Toras Chayim from our cadre of master educators.
Toras Dovid is named after Reb Dovid Winiarz z”l, who reached out to Jews of all backgrounds to bring them closer to Hashem.
Many ba’alei teshuvah would like to learn for more than the initial two or three years they spend learning in the kiruv yeshivos and catch up for all the lost years, but they simply do not have a place to go. Some don’t have the skills, and almost none have the connections necessary to join the mainstream kollelim. As a result, many ba’alei teshuvah lose that connection that was so painstakingly nurtured.
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