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Anna Schinnerl
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 16 มี.ค. 2022
Anna Schinnerl is a vienna based catholic worship leader and songwriter.
Many of her songs are inspired by and written as a result of her personal struggles - in the midst of depression and anxiety she finds peace and calm in her relationship with Jesus.
“My songs are not for the strong and determined. My songs are for people like me. Broken people. People who struggle but they’re doing the best they can.
Through the highs and lows of life, I have experienced a loving God - he who takes my hand and never lets go. He who supports me when my world is crumbeling.”
At the heart of Anna Schinnerl's music is the mission to inspire and uplift. Through her songs, she invites listeners to explore their faith, find comfort in their spiritual journey, and experience the love and presence of God in their lives.
Many of her songs are inspired by and written as a result of her personal struggles - in the midst of depression and anxiety she finds peace and calm in her relationship with Jesus.
“My songs are not for the strong and determined. My songs are for people like me. Broken people. People who struggle but they’re doing the best they can.
Through the highs and lows of life, I have experienced a loving God - he who takes my hand and never lets go. He who supports me when my world is crumbeling.”
At the heart of Anna Schinnerl's music is the mission to inspire and uplift. Through her songs, she invites listeners to explore their faith, find comfort in their spiritual journey, and experience the love and presence of God in their lives.
Worship with me | Feb 2024 | Drawing close to God 🤍
Let your anointing pour out over us today. 🤍
I'm so excited to share another Worship Session with you today. I recorded it a week ago and I think it turned out to be a beautiful time spent with Jesus, resting in Him, the one who gives peace, freedom and rest.
I hope you can take this time today - at work, at home doing chores or during your prayer time - to spend time with him and just listening and embracing the Love he has for you again.
0:00 spontaneous
1:44 Used to this (Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music)
8:15 spontaneous
11:15 Holy Spirit (Jesus Culture)
24:30 spontaneous
17:36 Heal me from within (Anna Schinnerl)
25:57 Even unto death (Audrey Assad)
Follow me:
Pour out your spirit,
pour out your grace,
Pour out your wisdom over us today
I'm so excited to share another Worship Session with you today. I recorded it a week ago and I think it turned out to be a beautiful time spent with Jesus, resting in Him, the one who gives peace, freedom and rest.
I hope you can take this time today - at work, at home doing chores or during your prayer time - to spend time with him and just listening and embracing the Love he has for you again.
0:00 spontaneous
1:44 Used to this (Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music)
8:15 spontaneous
11:15 Holy Spirit (Jesus Culture)
24:30 spontaneous
17:36 Heal me from within (Anna Schinnerl)
25:57 Even unto death (Audrey Assad)
Follow me:
Pour out your spirit,
pour out your grace,
Pour out your wisdom over us today
มุมมอง: 254
Anna Schinnerl - 'Abba Father' Full EP Lyric Video | Worship & Prayer Songs
มุมมอง 24010 หลายเดือนก่อน
I love long worship videos, where I can just stay and listen. So feel free to play this in the background while you’re working, reading or cleaning and enjoy. ‘Abba Father‘ was my first EP and the songs included in it are so important and emotional for me. They tell a lot of my spiritual journey from the beginning and all the joy and surrender that comes with it. Thank you for listening and joi...
Infinite - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
มุมมอง 14910 หลายเดือนก่อน
You are glorious, You are all I need, You are infinite - My God ♡ This is the last Lyric Video completing the "Infinite" EP. Love how we chose the cherry blossom trees for some spring vibes. I cannot wait for nature to be in Bloom again. Video captured by Benjamin Werdenich Sound Engineering: Sebastian Rautek Produced by Sebastian Rautek, Ralph-Jon Lavarro, Bryan Macalindong and Anna Schinnerl ...
Worship with me | Jan 2024
มุมมอง 3.7K10 หลายเดือนก่อน
just give me Jesus ♡ For years worship has been healing me and I enjoy listening to at home worship sessions so much. During work, chores or to help me sleep. For the longest time I wanted to contribute to that pool of great sessions from amazing artists. I'm not a pro at video stuff - I'm still such a beginner - but I'm so happy that I got to pray for you. #worshipsession #worshipwithme 00:00 ...
Sternenklare Nacht - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video) | (Starlit German Version)
มุมมอง 17211 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ich wünsche euch von Herzen frohe Weihnachten. Video: Maurice Paul Tidoso mauricepaulll Sound Engineering: Sebastian Rautek www.sebastianrautek.com/ Produced by Sebastian Rautek and Anna Schinnerl © Anna Schinnerl 2023 Listen to "Starlit" on Spotify: open.spotify.com/intl-de/track/2qPcF8PmcVTK0Bt9QeNqIt?si=c8a4dc27f7d44c40 Apple Music: music.apple.com/at/album/starlit-single/1718...
Es wird scho glei dumpa - Anna Schinnerl | Tiroler Adventlied | Christmas Sessions 🎄✨
มุมมอง 71811 หลายเดือนก่อน
I have such a special love for the songs I grew up with. Especially during christmas time. Nowadays during prayer, the Lord will give them to me in very profound prayer moments. That is what happened with "es wird scho glei dumpa" - very loosely translated to "Its going to be dark soon" sung in Austrian dialect. The song is one we always sing as a family. Now I get to share my own version (I ad...
Starlit - Anna Schinnerl (official music video)
มุมมอง 468ปีที่แล้ว
I wrote "Starlit" two years ago in German. This year I really felt the Lord strongly calling me to start releasing music again - and how fitting is it to do it on the 1st of December in German and English? I hope you all have a wonderful 1st of December and a beautiful Advent! I know I will. Blessings! Video Production and edit: Maurice Paul Tidoso mauricepaulll Sound Engineering...
Be still - Anna Schinnerl (Official Music Video)
มุมมอง 552ปีที่แล้ว
A few days after "be still" released in 2022, my friend Steffi called me and told me: "This song sounds like it should be in a movie!" Well, One and a half year later the same friend created this music video for me. We captured the footage at my favorite place in my hometown, shortly after sunrise. It was a magical sunday morning. Steffi - thank you! I'm in awe of your creativity and so thankfu...
Open Arms - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
มุมมอง 160ปีที่แล้ว
Open Arms - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
Nearer my God - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
มุมมอง 1.4Kปีที่แล้ว
Nearer my God - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
Two Becoming One | Christian Wedding Song - Anna Schinnerl (Cover)
มุมมอง 51Kปีที่แล้ว
Two Becoming One | Christian Wedding Song - Anna Schinnerl (Cover)
Fear is no more - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
มุมมอง 1962 ปีที่แล้ว
Fear is no more - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
Heal me from within - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
มุมมอง 4192 ปีที่แล้ว
Heal me from within - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
Patiently - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
มุมมอง 3142 ปีที่แล้ว
Patiently - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
Abba Father - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
มุมมอง 6322 ปีที่แล้ว
Abba Father - Anna Schinnerl (Lyric Video)
was sooo much fuuunnn :D❤
We had soooo much fun! 😍✨🤗
can't wait :D
🤍🤍 soooo touching!
My wedding song ❤❤ 2025
Beautiful song!
You should add your cover to your Spotify it’s soooo beautiful 🤍🌷
Awww thank you so much!! 🫶🏻I don’t have the rights for the song, so the process is a little more difficult 😅 But maybe someday 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Jesus, love it
Moving worship, God Bless
My time has came through for me to get married hallelujah hallelujah thanks jesus protect my future husband and I in Jesus name amen
Holy holy holy, I want to see you
Way to go girl!! Beautiful Worship!!
Thank you @Entheos
❤❤God bless you
Give me Jesus!!
We exalt you oh Lord
Sei gesegnet liebe Anna für Deine Mut bringenden, aufbauenden, sehr schön gesungenen Lieder 👍(+29) Die allerbesten Wünsche und liebe Grüße....aus dem Allgäu....Engelbert 🙏:)) 🙋🏼♀
Vielen lieben Dank!
@@annaschinnerlmusicSehr gerne 😊:)) 🙋🏼♀
That was beautiful Anna! ❤
Thank you so much 🫶🏻
Beautiful voice. He is the only way. AMEN❤
Love it❤
Beautiful 😍
So schön!
Liebe Anna ❤Ein wunderschönes Weihnachtsgeschenk für deine Familie und deine Freunde❤alles Liebe
Wow Anna, ich bin grad so berührt. Eigentlich hab ich noch nie was anfangen können mit dem Lied (habs als Kind wegen dem anderen Dialekt auch nie verstanden haha) aber deine Version war grad echt tiefgehend und Herzberührend 🥰♥ PS: Hab di scho lang nicht mehr Dialekt reden ghört 🤭🥰
Love it😍♥️
Einfach nur schön
❤ unser schlaflied
Es ist perfekt zum Rasten 🤍
Liebe Anna, danke für diesen schönen Weihnachtsgruß! Mich fasziniert immer wieder wie authentisch und natürlich deine Videos sind.😊❤
Danke dir, liebe Moni für dieses schöne Kompliment. 🫶🏻✨
Ha ha, sure
Dear beautiful song dear beautiful music 🎶
Du strahlst voll, Anna. 😊 Einfach schön geworden. Danke, dass du auf seine Stimme hörst.❤
So so beautiful! Thank you ❤🙏
Thank you so much! 🥹
Sooo schööön❤️
Danke dir! 🤍
Let's goooo!!!
Just beautiful! Thank you !
Thank you so much!
Es gibt jetzt auch deutsche Untertitel! (German Subtitles are now available) 🥰
Großartig ❤❤
Freu mich schon! :D
me tooooo!
Love you're voice and song
Thank you so much! 🙏🏻✨
Be blessed!! Be still and know he is God… was für eine schöne Message wow
So, so schön!!!❤🙏
kommt gerade richtig! Schönes Lied, Anna! Danke!