Lessons in Philosophy
Lessons in Philosophy
  • 25
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Sigmund FreudâŽĨCriticism of Religion
For the famous doctor and depth psychologist Sigmund Freud, religion is a mental illness, more precisely a collective obsessive-compulsive disorder.
In this video, we will find out how this disorder comes about and whether it can be cured according to Freud.
0:00 Life and work
1:41 Religion as a part of culture
3:56 Religion as an infantile illusion
8:23 The unconscious
12:18 Religion as a universal obsessive neurosis
14:36 Consequences
17:56 Criticism
19:00 Own opinion
Englert, Klaus. 2018. Sigmund Freuds Religionskritik. Der Gottkomplex.
Freud, Sigmund. 1907. Zwangshandlungen und ReligionsÞbungen.
Freud, Sigmund. 1910. Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci.
Freud, Sigmund. 1912. Totem und Tabu.
Freud, Sigmund. 1917. Eine Schwierigkeit der Psychoanalyse.
Freud, Sigmund. 1923. Das Ich und das Es.
Freud, Sigmund. 1927. Die Zukunft einer Illusion.
GÃĪb, Sebastian. 2022. Religionsphilosophie. Nomos. Baden-Baden.
Mack, Susanne. 2009. Gottesneurosen - Gottes Neurosen?
Mackenthun, Gerald. 1990. Die Religionskritik Freuds im Rahmen seiner Kulturtheorie.
All online sources were last accessed on 20.05.2022.
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡: 25


Friedrich NietzscheâŽĨCriticism of Religion
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 472 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
What does Friedrich Nietzsche mean by his famous sentence "God is dead"? In this video, we will find out what this sentence means and what consequences the death of God has for people and society according to Nietzsche. 0:00 Life and Work 3:09 The Parable of the Madman 6:16 Interpretation 7:09 The Meaning of the Sentence „God is Dead.“ 9:35 Revaluation of all Values: Slave Morality 12:24 Christ...
Karl MarxâŽĨCriticism of Religion
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 522 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
"Religion is the opium of the people." This famous sentence comes from Karl Marx, one of the most famous philosophers, economists and critics of religion. But what does this sentence actually mean? And what goals does Marx pursue with his critique of religion? 0:00 Life and work 2:28 Feuerbach ➔ Marx 7:14 Religion as the opium of the people 9:29 The dual nature of religion 10:47 Consequences 12...
Ludwig FeuerbachâŽĨCriticism of Religion
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 743 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Is there a God or has man just invented him? The critic of religion Ludwig Feuerbach posed this question in 1841 in his work "The Essence of Christianity". In response, he developed his famous projection theory, which had a lasting influence on later critics of religion such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud. 0:00 Life and work 1:47 Anthropological perspective 2:43 The project...
Functions of Religion
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1153 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
What is religion good for? What does it do? What functions does religion fulfill? Functionalist theories of religion provide an answer to this. These theories define religion through its functions, the role it assumes. A distinction can be made between 4 essential functions: A world-explaining, a social, a psychological and an ethical function. In this video, you will find out what is meant by ...
What is Religion?
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 313 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Defining religion is not that easy. There are over a hundred different definitions of religion today. The German philosopher Maximilian Forschner recognized this problem and, instead of a definition, named 8 criteria that characterize every religion. In this video, you can find out which 8 criteria these are and whether we can actually find them in all 5 world religions. 0:00 Overview and defin...
Utilitarianism vs. Kant - Explained with Examples
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1153 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Utilitarianism and Immanuel Kant's ethics are very different. In this video, we take a look at the most important differences and use 3 case studies to examine the different decisions a utilitarian and a Kantian would make. 0:00 Utilitarian Imperative vs. Categorical Imperative 1:02 Principles of Utilitarianism vs. Kant 5:14 Case 1: The borrowed book 7:12 Case 2: Shopping or moving? 9:09 Case 3...
Preference UtilitarianismâŽĨPeter Singer
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1234 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
The contemporary philosopher Peter Singer is probably the most famous representative of preference utilitarianism. He is committed to fighting global poverty and defending animal rights, but also causes considerable controversy with his views on abortion and euthanasia. In this video you will learn everything you need to know about preference utilitarianism, Singer's classification of beings an...
Act vs. Rule Utilitarianism - Explained with Examples
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 2804 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Can I have a pool party when water is scarce? Do I have to keep every promise I make? Can I sacrifice one person to save many? Action and rule utilitarians give very different answers to these questions. I explain the most important differences between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism analyzing 3 cases in this video. 0:00 Overview 1:50 Act and rule utilitarianism 10:39 Case 1: Pool di...
Strenghts and Weaknesses of Classical Utilitarianism
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 324 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Utilitarianism is a moral philosophical position whose method is often used in political decisions. The focus is on the benefit to society as a whole, the overall well-being of a society should be increased and the happiness of as many people as possible increased. It is weighed up which political decision would have the best consequences for the greatest number of people affected. This decisio...
Qualitative UtilitarianismâŽĨJohn Stuart Mill
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1104 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
John Stuart Mill is considered the main representative of classical utilitarianism. In his famous essay "Utilitarianism", he defends this moral philosophical position against criticism and further develops Jeremy Bentham's quantitative utilitarianism. 0:00 Life and works 2:41 Criticism of Bentham's utilitarianism 3:21 Mill's qualitative utilitarianism 4:42 Quantitative vs. qualitative utilitari...
Quantitative UtilitarianismâŽĨJeremy Bentham
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1325 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Jeremy Bentham is considered as the founder of classical utilitarianism. In his opinion, whether an action is moral or not depends on whether it causes more pleasure or more pain for all those affected. With his hedonistic calculus, he presents a method for calculating the pleasure-pain balance of actions. 0:00 Life and works 2:13 Basic ideas 3:40 The hedonistic calculus 4:39 Katja’s conflict 5...
Introduction to Utilitarianism
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1085 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
In this video you will get a first overview of utilitarianism, a very important and still highly topical moral philosophical position. 0:00 Overview 2:15 Utilitarianism is â€Ķ 2:52 The utilitarian imperative 3:22 The principle of consequences 3:48 The hedonistic principle 4:39 The universalist principle 5:04 The principle of utility SOURCES 📚 HÃķffe, Otfried. 1975. EinfÞhrung in die utilitaristisc...
Immanuel KantâŽĨ(Dis)Advantages of Kant’s Ethics
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 255 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
In the last part of this introduction to Kant's ethics, we will look at some important advantages and disadvantages of Kant's ethics. We look at the extent to which Kant's ethics can be meaningful and useful and what difficulties are associated with them. 0:00 Recap 1:19 (Dis)Advantages 5:38 Personal opinion SOURCES 📚 Kant, Immanuel. 1986. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Reclam. Stuttgar...
Immanuel KantâŽĨConflict of Duties & End in Itself Formula
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 905 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
The fourth part of this introduction to Kant's ethics deals with the problem of the conflict of duties, which we already encountered in the last video with the example of the honest mother. What happens when two duties conflict, for example the duty to tell the truth and the duty to help? We also get to know a new formula of the categorical imperative: The End in Itself Formula. 0:00 Recap 1:31...
Immanuel KantâŽĨCategorical Imperative (Universal Law Formula)
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 536 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Immanuel KantâŽĨCategorical Imperative (Universal Law Formula)
Immanuel KantâŽĨGood Will & Types of Action
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 526 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Immanuel KantâŽĨGood Will & Types of Action
Immanuel Kant | Foundations of Kant’s Ethics
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 596 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
Immanuel Kant | Foundations of Kant’s Ethics
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 256 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 227 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
AristotleâŽĨThe Golden Mean
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 547 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
AristotleâŽĨThe Golden Mean
AristotleâŽĨTheory of Soul
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1167 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
AristotleâŽĨTheory of Soul
AristotleâŽĨEudaimonia: Happiness as the Highest Goal in Life
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1067 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
AristotleâŽĨEudaimonia: Happiness as the Highest Goal in Life
AristotleâŽĨConception of the World & of Man
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 967 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
AristotleâŽĨConception of the World & of Man
What is Philosophy?âŽĨIntroduction to Philosophy
āļĄāļļāļĄāļĄāļ­āļ‡ 1518 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™
What is Philosophy?âŽĨIntroduction to Philosophy


  • @user-hy1kp5wx6s
    @user-hy1kp5wx6s 3 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Is very helpfulâĪ

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 3 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Glad to hear 🙂!

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna2431 3 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Disagree. There are 2 functions: 1. To answer all existential questions to a mind self-aware of past and future, outcomes and goals. 2. To counter the hardwired negative outlook of the human mind, meaning to give hope however unsubstantiated, to a human who will naturally look for threats to existence. Basically Item 1, sub 2, in other words. Includes assuaging regret for poor outcomes of past decisions. "Community" building is a result, not a function. When you develop rules (See Item 2), you divide the world into the rule keepers and rule breakers, and have now a team or tribe to join to validate or enforce those rules. Nobody needs a weekly book club to be a decent person who contributes to human flourishing.

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 3 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Thank you for this interesting point of view.

  • @zefciu
    @zefciu 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    I see two problems here: First - the concept of “capability”. A human that has been temporarily sedated might have no awareness or self-awareness, but that is a temporary state. So the update for people that once were self-aware and expressed their will in case of losing self-awareness seems much needed. Still it might be hard to easily determine what is the “capability” for self-awareness, especially with humans who are incapacitated. Second - we have a much much bigger problem with determining the capabilities of non-human animals. And here we see two conflicting, but equally dishonest approaches. Some people tend to be overly optimistic - the research on great ape using sign language is a prime example of misinterpreting the data in favor of “humanising” other animals; while other people will keep to outdated ideas of “animal automatism” to reject any form of awareness in non-human animals. We still don’t fully understand what is the degree of animal awareness and this might be even an unsolvable problem (part of a hard problem of conciousness).

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Thank you very much for these very comprehensible and interesting thoughts.

  • @eschiedler
    @eschiedler 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Singer is an academic intellectual charlatan. It's his so-called philosophy that is not "sacred" His iconoclasm is simply not serious beyond a veneer of shock value. A living, actualized, spiritual philosophy can be found in the wisdom of awakening to reality from the teachings of the Buddha, Socrates, Diogenes, Meister Eckhart, Huang Po, Hakuin and Kierkegaard, among others. They lived directly what they spoke about and believed. Ignoring silly people like Singer is the first step towards wisdom.

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Thank you for sharing your opinion with us. However, I would disagree that Singer does not live his ethics. He is very committed to animal welfare, lives (almost) vegan and is involved in the Effective Altruism movement to fight poverty. But I will also present many more classical philosophers (including Socrates, Plato, Epicurus, ...) here on the channel. The series on Aristotle is already online: Aristotle th-cam.com/play/PLL30WkM5dicE4T8MQOjn--LfZ0P7IED67.html

    • @zefciu
      @zefciu 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Nobody said that SingerĘžs philosophy is sacred. So I donĘžt know, what strawman you try to attack.

  • @hebi0612
    @hebi0612 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    bruh you just copying content 1:1

    • @hebi0612
      @hebi0612 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™


    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      The linked video is from my German channel 😀. I wanted to offer the content to my international viewers in English.

    • @hebi0612
      @hebi0612 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      @@LessonsInPhilosophy fair enough u got me

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      thanks anyway for paying attention and saying something, even if it was a misunderstanding in this case 🙂 .

  • @p1x3l56
    @p1x3l56 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Ich freue mich dass der Kanal auch auf Englisch verfÞgbar ist! Ist die Stimme AI generiert oder?

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 4 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Ja, genau. Bei den vielen philosophischen Fachbegriffen brÃĪuchte ich ansonsten eine englisch-sprachige Philosophiestudentin o.ÃĪ. als Sprecherin 😁. Wie findest du die Stimme?

  • @Manuelleunam47
    @Manuelleunam47 5 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Great video , ich hoffe dass der Kanal Reichweite haben wird.🎉

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 5 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Thank you! I hope so too 😁.

  • @Manuelleunam47
    @Manuelleunam47 5 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Very good explained âĪ

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 5 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Thank you!

  • @p1x3l56
    @p1x3l56 6 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    very good explained, tnx!

    • @LessonsInPhilosophy
      @LessonsInPhilosophy 6 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Thank you. My pleasure. There will be more episodes in this series 🙂.

  • @cak2260
    @cak2260 8 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Super, dass es parallel noch mit deutscher Übersetzung versehen ist.