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So that's where they go😅😅😅😅
I saw them in Mexico at the park first time ever very playful ❤
Underground water very cold is call zenote
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Es travesti?
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Cuban style dance
This video is taken with iPhone
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Quack 🦆 quack
Patitos al agua, a nadar ❤
Academy of Science S.F give likes and subscribe 😊
Hora de dormir
Tacuara x siempre
Patitos no traje comida y se fueron sin decir adiós 😮
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Asuncion Paraguay disfrutando in almuerzo
Pumpkins 😮
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Saved the trees so we can all b able to enjoy sound of nature, birds singing ❤
Amor me josta
Dale like a mis videos
Phill Collins Home by the sea..
Thank you Anthony
Disney had a movie about them dam birds actually had me in on they were great but no they are dam shiting geese
So, so beautiful.❤
Thank you! 😊
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Eye of the Sea
Ojos de Agua a orillas del mar Super fria
No les traje comida y se fueron…
Como se llama estas animalitos
What's name of this animal 😊
Que hermoso lugar ❤
Hola Jose suscribete a my canal,
Hermoso lugar ❤
Compadre no caigas al agua yo no se nadar 😂
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Que hermoso lugar
Suscribance familia ❤
Suscribance familia❤
Pura calmaaa
Suscribance familia, ❤
Yo quiero llevar uno a mi casa ❤
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So that's where they go😅😅😅😅
I saw them in Mexico at the park first time ever very playful ❤
Underground water very cold is call zenote
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Es travesti?
Give likes 😊
Cuban style dance
This video is taken with iPhone
Subscribe and like video Merci
Subscribe and like videos 😊
Quack 🦆 quack
Patitos al agua, a nadar ❤
Academy of Science S.F give likes and subscribe 😊
Hora de dormir
Tacuara x siempre
Patitos no traje comida y se fueron sin decir adiós 😮
Subscribe and give like is free❤
Asuncion Paraguay disfrutando in almuerzo
Pumpkins 😮
Give likes and subscribe 🎉❤
Saved the trees so we can all b able to enjoy sound of nature, birds singing ❤
Amor me josta
Dale like a mis videos
Phill Collins Home by the sea..
Thank you Anthony
Disney had a movie about them dam birds actually had me in on they were great but no they are dam shiting geese
So, so beautiful.❤
Thank you! 😊
Suscribe and give like ❤
Eye of the Sea
Ojos de Agua a orillas del mar Super fria
No les traje comida y se fueron…
Como se llama estas animalitos
What's name of this animal 😊
Que hermoso lugar ❤
Hola Jose suscribete a my canal,
Hermoso lugar ❤
Compadre no caigas al agua yo no se nadar 😂
Subscribe and give likes 😊❤
Que hermoso lugar
Suscribance familia ❤
Suscribance familia❤
Pura calmaaa
Suscribance familia, ❤
Yo quiero llevar uno a mi casa ❤