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Vatican IHD
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 1 ก.ย. 2017
Welcome to our TH-cam Channel.
In all her being and actions, the Church is called to promote the integral development of the human person in the light of the Gospel. This development takes place by attending to the inestimable goods of justice, peace, and the care of creation.
This Dicastery of the Holy See is competent particularly in issues regarding migrants, those in need, the sick, the excluded and marginalized, the imprisoned and the unemployed, as well as victims of armed conflict, natural disasters, and all forms of slavery and torture.
The Channel opened on September 1st 2017 and is updated regularly.
In all her being and actions, the Church is called to promote the integral development of the human person in the light of the Gospel. This development takes place by attending to the inestimable goods of justice, peace, and the care of creation.
This Dicastery of the Holy See is competent particularly in issues regarding migrants, those in need, the sick, the excluded and marginalized, the imprisoned and the unemployed, as well as victims of armed conflict, natural disasters, and all forms of slavery and torture.
The Channel opened on September 1st 2017 and is updated regularly.
“A verdadeira paz só pode vir de um coração desarmado da ansiedade e do medo”
Na sua mensagem para o Dia Mundial da Paz 2025, #PapaFrancisco fala de “situações de exploração da terra e de opressão do próximo” que ameaçam a existência da humanidade inteira. Assim, num apelo à solidariedade e à justiça, sugere três ações possíveis para fazer face às injustiças e desigualdades que afetam o nosso tempo. #DMP2025
Leia a mensagem do Papa Francisco “Perdoa-nos as nossas ofensas, concede-nos a tua paz”:
Leia a mensagem do Papa Francisco “Perdoa-nos as nossas ofensas, concede-nos a tua paz”:
มุมมอง: 406
« La paix véritable ne pourra venir que d’un cœur désarmé de l’angoisse et de la peur »
มุมมอง 48614 วันที่ผ่านมา
Dans son Message pour la Journée mondiale de la Paix 2025, #PapeFrançois parle de « situations d'exploitation de la terre et d'oppression de notre prochain » qui menacent l'existence de toute l'humanité. Dans un appel à la solidarité et à la justice, il propose trois actions pour répondre aux injustices et aux inégalités qui marquent notre époque. #JMP2025 Lisez le message du Pape François « Re...
“La verdadera paz sólo podrá nacer de un corazón desarmado de la angustia y el miedo”
มุมมอง 1.8K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
En su mensaje para la Jornada Mundial de la Paz 2025, #PapaFrancisco habla de "situaciones de explotación de la tierra y de opresión del prójimo" que amenazan la existencia de la humanidad en su conjunto. En un llamamiento a la solidaridad y a la justicia, sugiere, por tanto, tres acciones posibles para remediar las injusticias y desigualdades que marcan nuestro tiempo. #JMP2025 Lea el mensaje ...
“True peace can be born only from a heart ‘disarmed’ of anxiety and fear”
มุมมอง 82714 วันที่ผ่านมา
In his Message for World Day of Peace 2025, #PopeFrancis speaks of ‘situations of exploitation of the earth and oppression of one’s neighbour’ that threaten the existence of all humanity. In a call for solidarity and justice, he suggests three possible actions to remedy the injustices and inequalities that mark our time. #WDP2025 Read the message of Pope Francis ‘Forgive us our trespasses: gran...
"La vera pace potrà nascere solo da un cuore disarmato dall’ansia e dalla paura”
มุมมอง 2.2K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
Nel suo Messaggio per la Giornata Mondiale della Pace 2025, #PapaFrancesco parla di “situazioni di sfruttamento della terra e di oppressione del prossimo” che minacciano l’esistenza dell’intera umanità. In un appello alla solidarietà e alla giustizia, suggerisce, quindi, tre azioni possibili, per rimediare alle ingiustizie e disuguaglianze che segnano il nostro tempo. #GMP2025 Leggi il messaggi...
La cercanía del cardenal Czerny a Valencia
มุมมอง 102หลายเดือนก่อน
“En medio de tanta destrucción, he encontrado una Iglesia viva, que está al lado de los que sufren y de los que prestan ayuda" El sábado 16 de noviembre, el Prefecto del Dicasterio para el Servicio del Desarrollo Humano Integral, el cardenal Michael Czerny S.J., se desplazó hasta Valencia, a las zonas afectadas por la catástrofe de las inundaciones, para transmitir la oración y solidaridad del ...
Fabio Baggio Cs, la nomina a Cardinale
มุมมอง 1.1Kหลายเดือนก่อน
Fabio Baggio Cs, la nomina a Cardinale: una grande sorpresa. Una chiamata che conferma gli incarichi ricevuti finora dal Santo Padre. www.humandevelopment.va/it/news/2024/padre-fabio-baggio-fra-i-nuovi-cardinali-nominati-da-papa-francesco.html Fabio Baggio Cs appointment as Cardinal: a big surprise. A call that confirms the mandates received so far from the Holy Father. www.humandevelopment.va/...
Deus caminha com Seu povo - DMMR ao redor do mundo
มุมมอง 107หลายเดือนก่อน
Em 29 de setembro, a Igreja em todo o mundo celebrou o Dia Mundial do Migrante e do Refugiado, respondendo ao chamado do Papa Francisco a caminhar junto a nossos irmãos e irmãs migrantes e refugiados, em cujos rostos reconhecemos “o rosto de Jesus que se fez hóspede e peregrino entre nós”. Muitas dioceses de todos os continentes organizaram marchas, orações e celebrações para estarem próximas d...
Dieu marche avec Son peuple - JMMR2024 dans le monde
มุมมอง 26หลายเดือนก่อน
Le 29 septembre, l'Église du monde entier a célébré la Journée mondiale du migrant et du réfugié, répondant à l'appel du #papeFrançois à marcher avec nos frères et sœurs migrants et réfugiés, dans les visages desquels nous reconnaissons « le visage de Jésus qui s'est fait hôte et pèlerin au milieu de nous ». De nombreux diocèses de tous les continents ont organisé des marches, des temps de priè...
Dios camina con Su pueblo - JMMR2024 en el mundo
มุมมอง 44หลายเดือนก่อน
El 29 de septiembre, la Iglesia de todo el mundo celebró la Jornada Mundial del Migrante y del Refugiado, acogiendo la llamada del #PapaFrancisco a caminar con nuestros hermanos y hermanas migrantes y refugiados, en cuyos rostros reconocemos «el rostro de Jesús que se ha hecho huésped y peregrino entre nosotros.» Muchas diócesis de todos los continentes organizaron marchas, oraciones y celebrac...
Dio cammina con il Suo popolo - La GMMR2024 nel mondo
มุมมอง 79หลายเดือนก่อน
Il 29 settembre la Chiesa in tutto il mondo ha celebrato la Giornata Mondiale del Migrante e del Rifugiato, accogliendo l’appello di Papa Francesco a camminare con i fratelli e sorelle migranti e rifugiati, nei cui volti riconoscere “il volto di Gesù che si è fatto ospite e pellegrino in mezzo a noi.” Tante diocesi di tutti i continenti hanno organizzato marce, preghiere e celebrazioni per fars...
God walks with His people - WDMR2024 around the world
มุมมอง 87หลายเดือนก่อน
On 29 September, the Church around the world celebrated the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, welcoming Pope Francis' call to walk with our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters, in whose faces we recognise “the face of Jesus who has made himself a guest and a pilgrim among us.” Many dioceses from all continents organised marches, prayers and celebrations to be close to the most vulnerable...
Vídeo Comemorativo - 10º aniversário do primeiro Encontro Mundial de Movimentos Populares
มุมมอง 613 หลายเดือนก่อน
O Encontro Mundial de Movimentos Populares (EMMP) é um espaço de fraternidade entre organizações de base dos cinco continentes e uma plataforma que promove a cultura do encontro em favor dos 3Ts (teto, terra e trabalho) com o lema: “nenhuma família sem moradia, nenhum camponês sem terra, nenhum trabalhador sem direitos, nenhuma pessoa sem a dignidade que vem do trabalho”. www.humandevelopment.v...
Video Commemorativo - 10° Anniversario del primo Incontro Mondiale dei Movimenti Popolari
มุมมอง 6843 หลายเดือนก่อน
L'Incontro Mondiale dei Movimenti Popolari (EMMP) è uno spazio di fratellanza tra organizzazioni di base dei cinque continenti e una piattaforma che promuove la cultura dell'incontro a favore delle 3T (techo, tierra y trabajo, ovvero tetto, terra e lavoro). Il motto che lo contraddistingue è: “nessuna famiglia senza casa, nessun contadino senza terra, nessun lavoratore senza diritti, nessuna pe...
Commemorative Video - 10th anniversary of the first World Meeting of Popular Movements
มุมมอง 5633 หลายเดือนก่อน
The World Meeting of Popular Movements (EMMP) is a space of brotherhood between grassroots organizations from the five continents and a platform that promotes the culture of encounter in favor of the “3Ts” (roof, land, and work - techo, tierra y trabajo, in Spanish) with the motto: ‘no family without housing, no peasant without land, no worker without rights, no person without the dignity that ...
Video Conmemorativo del 10 aniversario del primer Encuentro Mundial de Movimientos Populares
มุมมอง 2K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Video Conmemorativo del 10 aniversario del primer Encuentro Mundial de Movimientos Populares
Vidéo Commémorative du 10e anniversaire de la première Rencontre mondiale des Mouvements Populaires
มุมมอง 2453 หลายเดือนก่อน
Vidéo Commémorative du 10e anniversaire de la première Rencontre mondiale des Mouvements Populaires
"Gott ist unterwegs mit Seinem Volk": Die Mittelamerikanische Route
มุมมอง 273 หลายเดือนก่อน
"Gott ist unterwegs mit Seinem Volk": Die Mittelamerikanische Route
“Deus caminha com o Seu povo”: a Rota Mesoamericana
มุมมอง 673 หลายเดือนก่อน
“Deus caminha com o Seu povo”: a Rota Mesoamericana
« Dieu marche avec Son peuple » : la Route de l'Amérique Centrale
มุมมอง 1073 หลายเดือนก่อน
« Dieu marche avec Son peuple » : la Route de l'Amérique Centrale
“Dio cammina con il Suo Popolo”: la rotta centroamericana
มุมมอง 2253 หลายเดือนก่อน
“Dio cammina con il Suo Popolo”: la rotta centroamericana
“God Walks with His People”: the Central American Route
มุมมอง 3213 หลายเดือนก่อน
“God Walks with His People”: the Central American Route
"Dios camina con Su Pueblo": la ruta mesoamericana
มุมมอง 4603 หลายเดือนก่อน
"Dios camina con Su Pueblo": la ruta mesoamericana
"Gott ist unterwegs mit Seinem Volk": Die Atlantikroute
มุมมอง 503 หลายเดือนก่อน
"Gott ist unterwegs mit Seinem Volk": Die Atlantikroute
“Deus caminha com o Seu povo”: a Rota Atlântica
มุมมอง 893 หลายเดือนก่อน
“Deus caminha com o Seu povo”: a Rota Atlântica
« Dieu marche avec son peuple » : la Route de l'Atlantique
มุมมอง 1843 หลายเดือนก่อน
« Dieu marche avec son peuple » : la Route de l'Atlantique
“Dio cammina con il Suo Popolo”: la rotta atlantica
มุมมอง 3443 หลายเดือนก่อน
“Dio cammina con il Suo Popolo”: la rotta atlantica
“God Walks with His People”: the Atlantic Route
มุมมอง 3703 หลายเดือนก่อน
“God Walks with His People”: the Atlantic Route
"Dios camina con Su Pueblo”: la ruta atlántica
มุมมอง 6793 หลายเดือนก่อน
"Dios camina con Su Pueblo”: la ruta atlántica
Obispos y Agentes de Pastoral Visitan Centro de Recepción Migratoria en Darién
มุมมอง 924 หลายเดือนก่อน
Obispos y Agentes de Pastoral Visitan Centro de Recepción Migratoria en Darién
Si ma se continua a rioetere il mantra che "c'è un Paese aggredito ed è l'Ucraina" non credo che si faranno passi in avanti. Certe frasi si possono lasciare ad altri....
Ci piacerebbe sapere quale è il piano di pace del Vaticano e soprattutto se esiste davvero visto come Avvenire e TV2000 appoggiano incondizionatamente i combattenti ucraini. Si sono convertiti davvero alla pace? O sono parole di circostanza?
True talk there is no spiritual development without human progress.
Socialism... Socialism .. Socialism. It's been tried before, it will fail again. Terribly.
Thank you for an excellent presentation, Father. Please check us out at www.Kateri.org. Please also remember our Indigenous Saint Kateri Tekakwitha in your mission.
Amen and God bless you Cardinal Turkson.
I cannot hear anything :/
Really need to get individual people, not just government drones, to take substantial action in their personal lives. No discretionary flying. No meat. No large houses. etc. I see so many of my liberal friends who have money and believe the government should take action on climate change, yet they do nothing - they still fly to Europe on vacation, still live in homes 3 times the size of what they need, and are still omnivores. Recycling a few cans and newspapers won't cut it. Waiting for politicians won't work. Need to show people how they can move towards zero carbon and pollution in the own lives.
All that, and rebel against the government! Extinction Rebellion!