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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 5 ต.ค. 2020
Raking my brain to be productive while wanting to play games all the time
Weapon Trial 1 Lv 70 - Sword of Convallaria
This team composition is also quite the comfy type coz I have Edda.
If u don't have Edda, it's best you switch her with a debuffer like Abyss or another range dps, preferably hard hitting one if its range dps.
If u also don't have Beryl, you can use Outlaw Archer for his debuff or Ballista for his debuff + dps
If u don't have Edda, it's best you switch her with a debuffer like Abyss or another range dps, preferably hard hitting one if its range dps.
If u also don't have Beryl, you can use Outlaw Archer for his debuff or Ballista for his debuff + dps
มุมมอง: 1 029
Weapon Trial 3 Lv 70 - Sword of Convallaria
มุมมอง 1982 หลายเดือนก่อน
Additional Note : The Shield Phase actually switched around on each phase it goes through. The 1st Shield Phase is Magic Shield and 2nd Shield is Phys.Dmg Shield, the next one after that prolly back to magic shield and so on. I did not realized when I was doing it before because I clear this at Round 6, so I didn't see the 2nd shield phase. The Team is actually not for everyone seeing lots of p...
Weapon Trial 2 Lv 70 - Sword of Convallaria
มุมมอง 2K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
By any means this is only a team reference. It is only to help you create your own team arrangements if you're having a problem If you have the same unit, you can try using it the same as mine but don't expect it to be the same as here coz of rng of course
Fool's Journey Event Fast Clear - Sword of Convallaria
มุมมอง 4162 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hey! This video is for the Fool's Journey Quest 20 Sep 2024. Some people complained they don't have time or not in the mood to progress through the fool's journey, so with this repeatable quest you can still finish the quest quickly without progressing your fool's journey. I didn't recommend Prologue - Ch.0 even though it's the easiest coz it has lots of story so u have to press skip on lots of...
Ragnarok Online (Rogue) - Bear MMO 30 min Farm
มุมมอง 737ปีที่แล้ว
30 minutes Efficient Farm This is the most efficient way to farm in Sphinx B5 rather than using greed clip on pasana. If you use greed, u will take the swords a lot, and it'll take time to throw it later on. If u take the normal item, the result when I tried that is subpar. The total sale of taking misc item knife and undershirt is around 500-600k (because of the weight restriction and item slot)
I didnt know he could bounce distance projectile back at them. What gear or tarot is it?
@@maas6927 its his skill, the counterattack storm :)
I see. I had started playing this game one time last month. Gonna have to start grinding then.
@@maas6927 good luck with that! Heard good units are going to come soon too
mine 2* cant keep up your insane dmg
Your Garcia? Yeah, I've been locked in to her since the beginning so she's quite developed alr 😂 Can switch her up to your most painful melee dps if u had any : D
Additional Note : The Shield Phase actually switched around on each phase it goes through. The 1st Shield Phase is Magic Shield and 2nd Shield is Phys.Dmg Shield, the next one after that prolly back to magic shield and so on. I did not realized when I was doing it before because I clear this at Round 6, so I didn't see the 2nd shield phase.
What buff did Cocoa have at 00:42 to survive the 7845 hit?
@@Coffeelattteobsidia only her snow lotus. It looks like my cocoa died but still alive, but no, my cocoa hp is just barely there, almost died but no :))
What if i dont have edda?
I put it on the description, but basically it's best you switch her with a debuffer like Abyss or another range dps, preferably hard hitting one like ballista if its range dps (i don't use him here coz i didnt develop him)
man i love the way you guide. instead of showing recorded play, you spend time in explaining major details. thanks!
Thanks! hope it helps in any way :))
I wantend to thank you cuz i was able to clear this in 9 turn. I just adgiusted some thing like using lilywill instead of fycal and using the dummy for the first aoe that my character coudnt take
dw, Glad it helps! Yeah, the dummy is good to dodge that AoE! I didn't do it here coz am lazy to manage the stigmata tiles so I can put the dummy there on time. If only I had Lily, I like her gameplay :')
I didn't use and level up Garcia since people said Col is better... is Garcia better on boss fights?
Personally, they have a different "job" so I don't really compare them together even though they are both seeker. Coz Col gameplay revolves around her soloing trying to do her double attack by killing a unit while Garcia more to teamplay pulling n kill with the help of your team. If its a long battle, I might be biased here but yeah, Garcia is better coz of her trait skill scaling, and her 3 star is the break point, 4 star is comfy for that extra rotation and 5 star is luxury for that ignore defense
@@afurosuto thanks for the explanation, I will build her, is 3 star Col enough? or shall I push her toward 5 star
@@amirhosseinhezarjaribi6258 np gl! Col 5 star is really situational imo, if u don't really have any other good dps to finish an enemy unit, can push her to 5 so she can keep doing her act again. But if your other unit dps is decent enough, 3 star Col is more than enough coz they will kill them already. If it's tower, Col 1 turn kill rarely happened so that 1 round act again cd is a waste.
Who should i replace cocoa with since i didnt pull for her
Maitha shud work just fine if you have bandage + cheese on her. Or else just use Angel but on the first turn, the one that should tank the 2 attacks should be your 2 unit that has the strongest p.def (shud be papal guard + ??) imo Teadon is good too, I forgot to try teadon + papal guard yesterday. But Teadon must use his ult all the time with the help of flag
@@afurosuto i dont hv teadon as well which is sadge really dont hv any legendary tanks other than maitha
@@solsakura8206 I tried this on lower lvl back then but I did use K.A guard too. Papal guard + K.A Guard will have tons of defense coz of K.A Guard To Arms skills, But the problem with this, u have to switch 1 of your semi dps (mine is gloria and rawi) with a healer to help heal your team back after the lightning discharge It'll work if your hard dps is carrying it tho
@@afurosuto do u have a discord ive been trying to complete it but failed everytime so if u dont mind checking my units out which should i bring
@@solsakura8206 I do have, can put it here then delete after added later. But isn't today the Weapon Trial 3? I haven't touch that one tho, been busy. Prolly soon
Hows does that xavier deal that much dmg, mine doesnt even come close to one shot
coz of the flag usually, Most people who have Xavier mostly do this defense coz people tend to underestimate him. But he's actually hit like a truck with the help of those flags, add that with his comet dash + for iria passive that will help him always move first, + another passive that add dmg to him but he takes more dmg in return, most people who fight this defense usually lost 3 unit directly minimum, maybe all died even just to Xavier alone.
@@afurosuto just fought one today n suprisingly, he one shots my maitha rawiyah inana and even gloria, had to manual play n dantalion carries the rest
@@solsakura8206 lmao yeah, must spread the team and sac someone : D, I sac Alexei coz he got that unli resolve (but edda still died sadly)
@@afurosuto yea i draw on alexei banner last time but didnt get him sadly got off banner char im only missing a good tank rn
@@solsakura8206 yea, but this situation is really niche to clash so u don't have to worry much :)) Coz breaker hits really hard even to seeker, only way to defend against them is only using defender with tons of def/hp for now, prolly more doable if using strength tarot
Things is most of her damage are gatekeep within her stars so without any stars she wont deal a lot
her breakthrough is 3 star yeah, I forgot how many stacks do I have on this shorts but I think it was still under 6
@@afurosuto yea but having that 5star adds def penetration really boost her dmg a lot more which im going to
@@solsakura8206 same here, I almost 5* her coz I got 2 dupes of her 😂
@@afurosuto thats nice im at 4 star right now getting her to 5* is so long really
@@solsakura8206 u'll get it, especially tomorrow when the double shard event comes :))
Nice game btw
@@duongnguyen7579 thanks!
Yo la quiero en 5 estrellas ✨
Get that 5 star :))
I'm stupid...I thought it HAD to be maps that weren't cleared yet. So I was doing treasures I skipped in old levels and got through all of chapter 8 and half way through 9 before I cleared the event
@@Spoopball lol dw, I also only realized just coz someone on discord asked about this. So I checked it and it works. Hope it helps if u havent clear it tho!
liat eq sama stat nya dong om
Idk why it’s so hard to implement @noks. This is so annoying
Lol, i feel u. But I guess coz KS is part of any mmo I guess...? I was a bit ticked by this dude coz after playing this server for 1 month, I only met this one KS-er. Kinda hard wanted to ks back if I had to check the name whenever i came across someone 😂
@@afurosuto Nah. Don’t step to that level. Funny thinking about this grown adult laughing to himself as he KS. What a civilized man. Quite annoying after working the whole day and just want to chill and play then facing this. 😂
@@kalyx5876 Tru tho, I'm expecting this kind of behavior in official server. In PS like this, everyone was so nice as in being civilized and not even KS a single time, making me can just hunt and mob at ease. But coz of this 1 dude, that ease-ness kinda waver a bit lol and made me kinda kill my mob directly whenever I saw a knight in my screen. But yeah, am never doing it to others tho, except if by chance I saw him when I'm wandering lololol
:') he so badddd
Lol, indeed he is
Update map sleeper kira-kira kapan bang di RO ini?
Wah, kurang tau juga. Ngeliat sekarang map Juno kebuka tp field sleeper doang belum kebuka, kyknya ntar waktu einbroch masuk. Sementara paling di yuno_fld11
Ladang duit paling mak joss disini emang
Banget, belom nemu tempat lain yang nyaingin ini selain Magma 2