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Using fluid drive to heat Phase Change Material (PCM) pot
This 90-second video was prepared to present the idea of heating a sealed and insulated PCM-filled chamber that when heated to about 700°f can be removed, turned upright, and used as a cookstove. This is not my pot. I thought of the idea around 2006, however, after reading a fantastic book by Roy McAlister, The Hydrogen Revolution. For inquisitive enthusiasts, this is the most impactful book I have ever read.
มุมมอง: 68


First-ever cooker with using precise-tracking concentrated solar energy with optional add-on PV!
มุมมอง 529 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
This Suntraption solar cooker uses concentrated solar energy focused into the cavity receiver at the base of the 450° cooking chamber. The patented tracking design does so with rotation alone as it pulses forward .9° every 226 seconds to move in counter direction of the earth's rotation. Watch for a Indiegogo crowd sourcing campaign to advance this technology to market.
Novel Precise-Tracking Rapidly-Deployable 4000W Solar Genset by Suntraption
มุมมอง 21821 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
This 90-second video was produced as part of a USDOEnergy, Solar Prize 7 application. It goes into some detail about how this unique patented invention works and why it is a better design than an dual-axis trackers today.
All dual-axis tracking designs are wrong! Precise Solar Tracking Demonstration Device by Suntraption
มุมมอง 26วันที่ผ่านมา
This patented simple-yet precise Suntraption Solar Tracking Demonstration Device was developed for use in schools. It shows how precise tracking of the sun can occur, on a daily basis, with rotation alone. The Fresnel lens concentrates the sunlight onto the target all day. The drive is a simple 24-hour clock timer that moves one rotation every 24 hours, counter to the earth's 15°/hour rotation.
Parabolic Solar Cooker Precisely Tracks Using Motor and Rotation Alone!
มุมมอง 44วันที่ผ่านมา
This working video shows the first motorized version of the Suntraption Solar Cookstove using a 12V stepper motor with controller pulsing .9° every 226 seconds to rotate counter to the earth's 15°/hour rotation. The Suntraption technology requires only rotation for PRECISE SOLAR TRACKING.
Phillip Anich with Friends
มุมมอง 234วันที่ผ่านมา
Phillip Anich, inventor of the patented Suntraption technology, at Big Top Chautauqua with friends Dale Engquist, Mason Pavel and Brian "High Bun" Russ opening for Marshal Tucker around 2022.
Suntraption technology 90 second Video
มุมมอง 1.5Kวันที่ผ่านมา
Here's a video I made a few years ago for a grant application. It ends with some clocks I made using my patented fluid drive. Archimedes would have made this a zillion years ago if he had plastic tubing.
Precise Solar Tracking With Rotation alone.
มุมมอง 81วันที่ผ่านมา
This design, not yet built, shows the Suntraption technology for a 4000Watt, rapidly-deployable PV genset. This can be deployed by teams of 3 without any heavy equipment and within minutes made operational. Point True North, stake, use a hammer-drill to adjust Acme rod for local latitude for permanent setup. Then actuate linear actuator for seasonal adjustmet. Then simply activate rotation for ...
The Suntraption technologies explained.
มุมมอง 141วันที่ผ่านมา
I have developed quite a number of these solar tracking devices. Some manual, some with this fluid drive and recently, some using DC stepper motors and controllers.
Suntraption with twin PV panels using patented fluid drive.
มุมมอง 50วันที่ผ่านมา
This is a lapse clip sped up. The patented drive on the left consists of a column filled with (windshield-wiper) fluid. The fluid is drained at a constant rate. There is a floating weight in the column that follows the descending fluid line and pulls on the sheave at a constant rate of 1 rotation per 24-hours thus countering the earth's rotation. Tracking the sun without electricity!
A Suntraption demonstration model.
มุมมอง 19วันที่ผ่านมา
The patented Suntraption solar tracking design is simpe-yet-precise. By changing the rotation axis to that of the earth, seasonal adjustment is separated from daily motion. Daily motion requires only rotation! This is shown here using a Fresnel Lens hitting a target with concentrated sunlight and powered by a 24-hour clock timer.
Test Video, Cooking a burger.
มุมมอง 75หลายเดือนก่อน
Here's a quick look at the Suntraption cooking a burger. See


  • @Tifersi
    @Tifersi 3 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @EmmanuelMess
    @EmmanuelMess 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    this video has the Aperture Science's Cave Johnson feel. "Cave Johnson here. This is the suntraption, it traps the sun for your power"

  • @bogey19018
    @bogey19018 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Global warming is a farce. Those things are useless without sunlight. Chemtrails are your enemy.

    • @Suntraption
      @Suntraption 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      "Fruity Oaty Bars Make a man out of a mouse Fruity Oaty Bars Make you bust out of your blouse Eat 'em all the time Let 'em blow your mind Blow your little mind Fruity Oaty Bars Fruity Oaty Bars" Firefly Movie:)

  • @raulkaap
    @raulkaap 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Does the temperature dependent change in viscosity affect the function of the drive? Is it corrected somehow?

    • @Suntraption
      @Suntraption 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I used windshield wiper fluid and did not use this below freezing.

  • @Suntraption
    @Suntraption 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I have done everything. Here I'm using placeholders on two to demonstrate how easy it is to make an array. Remember this is all done with the fluid drive, no electricity. The one dish does have a Sunbucket on it. This is a phase change material storage pot that when heated fully to about 700°f, it can be removed and used as a cooktove/hot plate. Cook stuff.

  • @TaigiTWeseDiplomat--Formosan
    @TaigiTWeseDiplomat--Formosan 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I thought you gonna use photon resistor and so on electronics 🎉 I wonder is it more efficient to use the beam of light to boil(?) the turbine or just made a great solar panel with 23% more efficiency...

    • @Suntraption
      @Suntraption 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      This is an array using a fluid drive. One dish is heating a Sunbucket, a PCM storage device that once heated to about 700°f can be removed and used as a cookstove/hot plate. The other dishes just have weight place holders on them. I made the video to show how easy it is to make an array with the fluid drive.

  • @foresthobo1166
    @foresthobo1166 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Great project! I built a solar barbecue back in the 00s. I did a lot of experiments but ended up using a cassegrain reflector. It's really the only way when you start increasing vokume or weight of your target mass. I was real scared about making the secondary reflector but it turned out to be easier than I thought. I also tried a tube reflector, like the small portable cookers, but it scaled even worse. Best of luck to you.

  • @SolarCookingGermany
    @SolarCookingGermany 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Interesting, especially the fluid drive 👍