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The Student's Platform
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 20 ม.ค. 2020
Hello Students ! Welcome to The Student's Platform
My purpose in creating this channel is simply to guide people who do not have a clear basic concept.All the videos that have been made so far and will be made in the future,God willing, will be so easy and in such a way that the listeners will understand in a very good way.If there is any video related to reading,just comment,I will make a video on it .
السلام علیکم سٹوڈنٹس
اس چینل کو بنانے کا میرا مقصد صرف یہ ہے کہ ان لوگوں کو گائیڈ کرو جن کے بیسک کونسیپٹ کلیئر نہیں ۔ اس چینل پر میں شارٹ لیکچرز اپلوڈ کرتا ہوں مختلف سبجیکٹس کے ۔ جن لوگوں کو پیچیدہ لیسنس کی سمجھ نہیں آتی وہ یہ شارٹ لیکچر لے کر آسانی سے کونسیپٹ کو سمجھ سکتے ہیں ا تک جو بھی ویڈیوز بنائی ہیں اور آگے انشاءاللہ مستقبل میں بناؤں گا وہ اتنی آسان اور اس طریقے کی ہوگی کہ سننے والے کی سمجھ میں بہت اچھے طریقے سے آجائیں گے۔پڑھائی کے ریلیٹڈ کوئی بھی ویڈیو ہو آپ لوگ صرف کمنٹ کریں میں اس پر ایک ویڈیو بناؤں گا جو کہ آپ کے تمام کنسپٹس کو کلیئر کر دے گی۔
My purpose in creating this channel is simply to guide people who do not have a clear basic concept.All the videos that have been made so far and will be made in the future,God willing, will be so easy and in such a way that the listeners will understand in a very good way.If there is any video related to reading,just comment,I will make a video on it .
السلام علیکم سٹوڈنٹس
اس چینل کو بنانے کا میرا مقصد صرف یہ ہے کہ ان لوگوں کو گائیڈ کرو جن کے بیسک کونسیپٹ کلیئر نہیں ۔ اس چینل پر میں شارٹ لیکچرز اپلوڈ کرتا ہوں مختلف سبجیکٹس کے ۔ جن لوگوں کو پیچیدہ لیسنس کی سمجھ نہیں آتی وہ یہ شارٹ لیکچر لے کر آسانی سے کونسیپٹ کو سمجھ سکتے ہیں ا تک جو بھی ویڈیوز بنائی ہیں اور آگے انشاءاللہ مستقبل میں بناؤں گا وہ اتنی آسان اور اس طریقے کی ہوگی کہ سننے والے کی سمجھ میں بہت اچھے طریقے سے آجائیں گے۔پڑھائی کے ریلیٹڈ کوئی بھی ویڈیو ہو آپ لوگ صرف کمنٹ کریں میں اس پر ایک ویڈیو بناؤں گا جو کہ آپ کے تمام کنسپٹس کو کلیئر کر دے گی۔
Constructivism Definition Types Theories
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*_Virtual University of Pakistan
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Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course.
The Student's Platform,
#VU #Lectures #Short #Easy #The Student's Platform #Final term
#shortlectures #Basicelectronics #psychology #PSY403 #shortlectures #easynotes #examspreparation #Social #psychology #socialpsychology #psy101 #101 #introductiontopsychology #sociology #anthropology #soc401 #401 #soc #mth302 #mth #302 #mathaematics #statics #Simple #esay #urdu #Finaltermpreparation #midterm #Notes #assignment #solution #Biology #Bio101 #bio #basic #lecture1 #lecture2 #lecture3 #lecture4 #lecture5 #Lecture6 #lecture7 #lecture8 #lecture9 #lecture10 #lecture11 #lecture12 #lecture13 #lecture14 #lecture15 #lecture16 #lecture17 #lecture18 #lecture19 #lecture20 #lecture21 #lecture22 #lecture23 #lecture24 #lecture25 #lecture26 #lecture27 #lecture28 #lecture29 #lecture30 #lecture31 #lecture32 #lecture33 #lecture34 #lecture35 #lecture36 #lecture37 #lecture38 #lecture39 #lecture40 #lecture41 #lecture42 #lecture43 #lecture44 #lecture45 #mcm301 #mcm #301 #masscommunication #Skills #communicationskills #mgt111 #mgt #111 #business #management #Eng101 #englishcomprehension #isl201 #islamicstudies #eth201 #pak301 #eng201 #mcm101 #mgt111 #psy502 #history #soc101 #mcm304 #massmedia #soc301 #socialwork #psy404 #abnormal #psy504 #cognitive #psy512 #genderissues #psy512 #statics #psy631 #measurements #sta630 #researchmethods #psy402 #experimental #psy408 #health #psy505 #developmental #psy610 #neurological #behaviour #gdb #gdbsloution #psy611 #ethicalissues #psy401 #clinical #psy406 #psy409 #psy511 #psy515 #psy612 #psy632 #sta641 #statistical #packages #clinical #educational #environmental #crosscultural #activecitizenship #theory #practical #psy407 #psy510 #psy513 #psy514 #psy619 #internship #finalproject #consumer #forensic #organizational #sports #helpzone #contact #vu #freelancing #course #patternrecognition #recognition #pattern #quiz #quizes #platform #knowledge #students #education #life #vuzone #urdi #urdulectures #hindi #hindilecture #hindilectures #urdulectures #english #englishlectures #englishlecture #zone #simpleeducation #studyprogramms #thestudentsplatform #platformforstudents #studentsword #mostfamouslectures #updated #newlectures #updatedlectures #updatedlecture #newlecture #lesson1 #lesson #lesson2 #lesson3 #lesson4 #lesson5 #lesson6 #lesson7 #lesson8 #lesson9 #lesson10 #lesson11 #lesson12 #lesson13 #lesson14 #lesson15 #lesson16 #lesson17 #lesson18 #lesson19 #lesson20 #lesson21 #lesson22 #lesson23 #lesson24 #lesson25 #lesson26 #lesson27 #lesson28 #lesson29 #lesson30 #lesson31 #lesson32 #lesson33 #lesson34 #lesson35 #lesson36 #lesson37 #lesson38 #lesson39 #lesson40 #lesson41 #lesson42 #lesson43 #lesson44 #lesson45
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*_Virtual University of Pakistan
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Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course.
The Student's Platform,
#VU #Lectures #Short #Easy #The Student's Platform #Final term
#shortlectures #Basicelectronics #psychology #PSY403 #shortlectures #easynotes #examspreparation #Social #psychology #socialpsychology #psy101 #101 #introductiontopsychology #sociology #anthropology #soc401 #401 #soc #mth302 #mth #302 #mathaematics #statics #Simple #esay #urdu #Finaltermpreparation #midterm #Notes #assignment #solution #Biology #Bio101 #bio #basic #lecture1 #lecture2 #lecture3 #lecture4 #lecture5 #Lecture6 #lecture7 #lecture8 #lecture9 #lecture10 #lecture11 #lecture12 #lecture13 #lecture14 #lecture15 #lecture16 #lecture17 #lecture18 #lecture19 #lecture20 #lecture21 #lecture22 #lecture23 #lecture24 #lecture25 #lecture26 #lecture27 #lecture28 #lecture29 #lecture30 #lecture31 #lecture32 #lecture33 #lecture34 #lecture35 #lecture36 #lecture37 #lecture38 #lecture39 #lecture40 #lecture41 #lecture42 #lecture43 #lecture44 #lecture45 #mcm301 #mcm #301 #masscommunication #Skills #communicationskills #mgt111 #mgt #111 #business #management #Eng101 #englishcomprehension #isl201 #islamicstudies #eth201 #pak301 #eng201 #mcm101 #mgt111 #psy502 #history #soc101 #mcm304 #massmedia #soc301 #socialwork #psy404 #abnormal #psy504 #cognitive #psy512 #genderissues #psy512 #statics #psy631 #measurements #sta630 #researchmethods #psy402 #experimental #psy408 #health #psy505 #developmental #psy610 #neurological #behaviour #gdb #gdbsloution #psy611 #ethicalissues #psy401 #clinical #psy406 #psy409 #psy511 #psy515 #psy612 #psy632 #sta641 #statistical #packages #clinical #educational #environmental #crosscultural #activecitizenship #theory #practical #psy407 #psy510 #psy513 #psy514 #psy619 #internship #finalproject #consumer #forensic #organizational #sports #helpzone #contact #vu #freelancing #course #patternrecognition #recognition #pattern #quiz #quizes #platform #knowledge #students #education #life #vuzone #urdi #urdulectures #hindi #hindilecture #hindilectures #urdulectures #english #englishlectures #englishlecture #zone #simpleeducation #studyprogramms #thestudentsplatform #platformforstudents #studentsword #mostfamouslectures #updated #newlectures #updatedlectures #updatedlecture #newlecture #lesson1 #lesson #lesson2 #lesson3 #lesson4 #lesson5 #lesson6 #lesson7 #lesson8 #lesson9 #lesson10 #lesson11 #lesson12 #lesson13 #lesson14 #lesson15 #lesson16 #lesson17 #lesson18 #lesson19 #lesson20 #lesson21 #lesson22 #lesson23 #lesson24 #lesson25 #lesson26 #lesson27 #lesson28 #lesson29 #lesson30 #lesson31 #lesson32 #lesson33 #lesson34 #lesson35 #lesson36 #lesson37 #lesson38 #lesson39 #lesson40 #lesson41 #lesson42 #lesson43 #lesson44 #lesson45
#massmedia #topic001 #topic1 #topic002 #topic2 #topic3 #topic003
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มุมมอง: 9
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder DSED
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
Positive and Negative Symptoms || Hallucinations || Delusions || The Student's Platform
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
Bipolar and Related Disorders | Bipolar 1 | Bipolar 2 Cyclothymic Disorder | Mania | Hypomania
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
Depressive Disorders | Major Depressive | Persistent Depressive | Dysthymia | Premenstrual Dysphoric
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
Psychopathology || Introduction || 4 Ds || History || The Student's Platform
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRE Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #V...
Thematic Apperception Test TAT || Introduction || Scoring || Administration
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
State Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2 STAXI || Introduction || Administration || Scoring
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
Neuropsychology Midterm Preparation Lecture RIUF
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Whatsapp Group Link: *_Virtual University of Pakistan Contact me plz. Join Whatsapp group to resolve issues regarding your studies: chat.whatsapp.com/KhNIwr8nd05DhjZ9cKLRED Please Subscribe my Channel to encourage me, It helps me to prepare more videos for your assistance. Comment me about the difficulties of your subjects, I'll make short lectures related your course. The Student's Platform, #...
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PSY510 Lecture 30 Organisational Psychology Short Lecture VU Lectures
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PSY510 Lecture 30 Organisational Psychology Short Lecture VU Lectures
sir ye ap o samj a rha ye jo ap prha rhy?
sir ye
Sr 1st sa lactur upload kr dy plz
sir ye handout send kar day
great way of teaching....
sir ye handout mell jaye ga kya ?
ye handout mell jaye ga sir ,.
Sir announcement mn 18 ch likha hwa
sir kya apky pas iski mid ki files hn
good work
Very helpful for me JazakAllah Khair sir
Appreciated Easily concept clear ho jty hai
Sir mujh stroop test py practical krna hai apki guidance chahye
Tysm sir 🎉
Very nice mam ji asi videos hr subject pr bnayan boht helpful ha psy512 pr bi bna Dan plz
Helo sir where is 1 to 18 lectures
Thnkx sir❤😊
can you guide some imp question for mids till 18 lecture please
Jzak Allah 😊. paper bht acha hoa mera 😊
It's a very tough book😢
Sir 1 lec sy chahiyay apnay lecture nai dalay plz kal mayra paper apnay banay hoay tu post kardain
V helpfull and informative vedios really appreciated🎉
Aoa Where can we download this book?
Great job 👏🏻❤
Ya lecture sun k Shareef family🤢( astagfurullah). Yad a gyi😂😂
Sir 512 k McQ bta dain
Jzak Allah
Great way of teaching sir ❤
Jazakallah best way ❤
Pehle acha brief krte the ap, ab main points skip kr dete hain.
Nice lecture 🎉
Sir 1 lecture se upload kr dain plz
Aslam-o-alikum sir your video is very beneficial plz made More on like this video about disorder
Sir biographical sketches imp hai? Sub chapters k?
Good lectures❤
Sir very helpful lecture thank you
Thanks ❤
JazakAllah Khair sir it's really helpful for me
mcm 301 best short notes and all files past papers are available also highlited handouts
Well explained❤❤❤
Sir please MGT401 k lectures bh bna dy please
Sir quiz ki video bhi upload kar fa
sir es ki qizz videos b bna dy please final papers k ly
Aoa sir. From the very first day of my semester I take your lectures and I passed because of your conceptual lectures. Thank you so much for your efforts. May ALLAH reward you. JAZAK ALLAH KHAIR😊😊