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ሩቅ Ruqe-Tube
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2023
Welcome to ሩቅ Ruqe Tube, the ultimate destination for Amharic-speaking viewers who crave captivating stories from the depths of the internet. Our channel is dedicated to bringing you the most surprising, intriguing, and entertaining tales from Reddit and Vent, the two largest online communities in the world.
From the weird and wonderful to the bizarre and unbelievable, we've got it all. Whether it's a story about a mysterious ritual, a bizarre medical condition, or a strange encounter, we've got the scoop.
At ሩቅ Ruqe Tube, we're committed to providing an exceptional viewing experience that's tailored to the needs and interests of our Ethiopian audience.That's why we're dedicated to creating content that's both engaging and informative, with a focus on the stories that matter most to our viewers.
So why wait? Subscribe to our channel now and hit the notification bell to never miss an update. Join our community and let's explore the unexpected together! 🚀
From the weird and wonderful to the bizarre and unbelievable, we've got it all. Whether it's a story about a mysterious ritual, a bizarre medical condition, or a strange encounter, we've got the scoop.
At ሩቅ Ruqe Tube, we're committed to providing an exceptional viewing experience that's tailored to the needs and interests of our Ethiopian audience.That's why we're dedicated to creating content that's both engaging and informative, with a focus on the stories that matter most to our viewers.
So why wait? Subscribe to our channel now and hit the notification bell to never miss an update. Join our community and let's explore the unexpected together! 🚀
ልጄ ከገዛ እናቱ ፍቅር ይዞታል……..
มุมมอง 2162 หลายเดือนก่อน
Today we have two stories see it and leave your thoughts THANK YOU
የህግ ባለቤቴ ምንም ሊያምነኝ አልቻለም....ከ ራይድ ሹፌር ጋር ሳይቀር ይጠረጥረኛል
มุมมอง 2502 หลายเดือนก่อน
የህግ ባለቤቴ ምንም ሊያምነኝ አልቻለም....ከ ራይድ ሹፌር ጋር ሳይቀር ይጠረጥረኛል
ባለቤቴ በልጆቿ በጣም ትቀናለች ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል…..
มุมมอง 2233 หลายเดือนก่อน
We have two stories in today episode share your thoughts and learn from it Thank you
በስራ ባልደረባዬ ምክንያት ስራ አስጠላኝ ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል…….
มุมมอง 2003 หลายเดือนก่อน
Today episode contains two story’s which can relate to anyone so see it and share your Ideas. Thank you.
ባለቤቴ ብዙ ችግርን አብረን ካሳለፍን በኋላ ደህና ገንዘብ ሲያገኝ እኔን ማንቋሸሽ ጀመረ......
มุมมอง 6444 หลายเดือนก่อน
This video share peoples story for a learning purpose.
ሴተኛ አዳሪነት ሰርቼ ያኖርኳቸው ቤተሰቦቼ ካላገባሽ ብለው አስጨነቁኝ…..
มุมมอง 4504 หลายเดือนก่อน
This Video shares two stories that we think people learn from it. Enjoy
ባለቤቴ ልጅ መውለድ ባለመፈለጉ ምክንያት ትዳራችን ሊፈርስ ነው….. ምን ይሻለኛል?
มุมมอง 2095 หลายเดือนก่อน
ባለቤቴ ልጅ መውለድ ባለመፈለጉ ምክንያት ትዳራችን ሊፈርስ ነው….. ምን ይሻለኛል?
ታላቅ እህቴ ሽንት ቤት ሆና እየደወለች አስቸገረችኝ ......ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል ??
มุมมอง 1696 หลายเดือนก่อน
ታላቅ እህቴ ሽንት ቤት ሆና እየደወለች አስቸገረችኝ ......ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል ??
አራት ልጆች የወለድኩለት ባሌ ፈፅሞ አያምነኝም ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል ???
มุมมอง 2617 หลายเดือนก่อน
አራት ልጆች የወለድኩለት ባሌ ፈፅሞ አያምነኝም ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል ???
እርጉዟ ባለቤቴ ቤት ውስጥ ስራ ካላገዝኳት ሆዷን በመቀነት እያሰረች በልጄ ታስፈራራኛለች
มุมมอง 3678 หลายเดือนก่อน
እርጉዟ ባለቤቴ ቤት ውስጥ ስራ ካላገዝኳት ሆዷን በመቀነት እያሰረች በልጄ ታስፈራራኛለች
Asnake Gebreyus and Fantu mandoye አስናቀ ገብረየሱስ እና ፋንቱ ማንዶዬ በ ፈንዲቃ የ ባህል ማዕከል
มุมมอง 4.3K10 หลายเดือนก่อน
Asnake Gebreyus and Fantu mandoye አስናቀ ገብረየሱስ እና ፋንቱ ማንዶዬ በ ፈንዲቃ የ ባህል ማዕከል
የሀገረ ልጆች ደምሪን
ያድ ቀን ስተት የሚባል ነገር የለም
Eree teffa beyew beshetaw ke fekru ayebeltebegnem. Of course it’s a big deal.
Hedachehu temeremeru beyat. Gen beshetaw kalew beterekew yeshalal beyat
girlies fix your camera angle and lighting, otherwise it really aint interesting to watch
ዋው ስታምሩ❤❤❤
በብርድ ልብሱ እግሩን ጥቅልል ማድረግ 😅
የቀድሞ ክብርዘበኛ ( ክዘ ) ኦርኬስትራ አባላት የነበራችሁ ወይንም ቤተሰቦች ልጆች እንዴ አንድ በሉልን !! ዘፈኑና ዳንሱ : ጭፈራውና ከበሮው ወዴት ወዴት ? የባለሙያቶችን ሥራ ባታበላሹ !! ከይቅርታ ጋር ።
ሲጀመር እናተ ላይ ስሩ አማርኛ የራሳችሁ ቋንቋ ማነታችሁ ነው ሙሉለሙሉ ቋንቋችሁን ተጠቀሙ የምታቀርቡት ለአማርኛ ተናጋሪ መስለኝ!!
ሰላም ሰላም ዉዶቼ
This is ASNAKE GEBREYES not FANTU MANDOYE....What is goi g on ? FANTU Mandoye enjoy th moment beautiful
አይየኮልፌልጅ የዘዉውዴልጅነኘኮልፌ ልጅ ምርጥ የኮልጅ እወቀን አፈቃሪሆችህ ዘዉዴ ሀብተማሪያ የአንባሠር ጀጀግነ
እኔ የሚገርመኝ አንድ ዉበት ያለዉ የለም always ሰገጤ
የአለባበስሥረአታቸውባልደግፈዉም፡በመልካቸውናበባሕላቸውበጣም፡ምርጥ ናቸዉ ።😍😍😍😍🌻🌻🌻🌳🌳🌳🥰
ፀጉሩን የተቆረጠዉ ልጅ ተመቸኝ
Me too.✅💚💛❤️
des telalachu beretu
ሩቆች እኔ የማውቀ ልጆች በልጅነታቸው ፋንጋ የሆኑና ቤተዘመዶች በሆነ አጋጣሚ ሲስበሰቦ ፋንጋዋን ልጅ ይቺ ልጅ ስታድግ ቆንጆ ነው የምትሆነው ሲባል ነው የማውቀው አባት ልጁን ማራኪ ሲል አላውቅም በርቱ።
Speak Oromifa. Be Proud of your language not Only The garment Oda?
Very nice😊😊😊
Thanks 😊
❤️❤️ bertu
Nice work ❤
👏🏾 topnotch, can't wait for more❤❤