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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 9 ธ.ค. 2008
The Theory of the Stork
มุมมอง 2.1K15 ปีที่แล้ว
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14738551 Original content: ipermedia.com.au
Lawrence Krauss - A Universe From Nothing
มุมมอง 13K15 ปีที่แล้ว
Richard Dawkins on computer programming
มุมมอง 7K15 ปีที่แล้ว
Richard Dawkins shares his guilty pleasure. fora.tv/2009/10/07/Richard_Dawkins_The_Greatest_Show_on_Earth
มุมมอง 27K15 ปีที่แล้ว
Tekst: Palle Godtfred Olaus Dørum (1818-1886) Melodi: Karl Groos (1789-1861)
N'importe quoi
This and The Jerk...it just don't get no better.
Drawing a long bow methinks.
If there was nothing and everything started after the Big Bang then the quantum laws also came after it. On the other hand, quantum laws are claimed to be the reason behind the big bang indicating the presence of something. It's self-contradictory
Joe Satriani If I Could Fly
That's not Scientific accurate because Science shows Every Effect has a Cause!!
" HOWEVER if we are to be HONEST we dont know what GRAVITY is ITSELF in any FUNDAMENTAL WAY"!! The earth is Flat!
Ateistler İNSAFSIZCA dini eleştiriyorlar.. ama halbuki asıl ABSÜRTLÜK ve MUHALİYET, gerçek UÇUK KAÇIKLIK ve İMKANSIZLIK ateizmde... Şartlantıları nedeniyle bundan haberleri bile yok. Ateizmin gerçekleşmesi imkansız.. ama ateistler ateizmi sorgulamazlar.. Çünkü bu batıl olan inanç onları özgür kılıyor.. Din ise onları köleleştiriyor, kul olmalarını istiyor.. İşte sinelerindeki büyüklük hislerinden dolayı bunu kabullenemiyorlar.. Kendilerini bir türlü dine ayar edemiyorlar.. Hidayet Allah'tandır.. Allah (cc) da böyle haksız yere kibirlenip duranlara hidayet vermiyor, onların anlayışlarını engelliyor... Olay bu. YÜKSEK EGOLU ATEİSTLER EGOLARINI VE KİBİRLERİNİ YENEMİYORLAR.. Kibirine ve enaniyet hislerine mağlub oluyor.. Kimleri de şehvetine, hırsına, hasedine, içinden gelen kötülük hislerine, cimriliğine, öfkesine ve kinine, alışkanlıklarına vs.. mağlub olurlar.. Egosunu yenebilen Allah'ın yarattığı aciz bir yaratık olduğunu kabul eder... Egosunu terk etmeyen bir ateist aciz bir yaratık olmayı ve kulluğunu kabullenemez.. Egoya çok ağır gelir yaratılmak, kul olmak, emir almak, secde etmek, itaat etmek.. bunu alçaltıcı ve aşağılayıcı olarak görür.. kabullenemez itaati.. severek içselleştiremez İslamı... Belki kerin görür, ondan nefret eder.. Yıkılmasına çalışır ve düşmanlık eder.. Egosunu ve büyüklük hissini yenemeyen, Nefsinin arzu ve şehvetlerini ilah edinen kör olur gider.. Egoyu yenmenin, yok etmenin yolu secde etmektir.. alnı burnunu yere sürtmektir.. ama bunu yapamazlar.. bu çok ağır gelir onlara..
*Dinin beyanlarını duyunca şok olanlar, beyinleri yananlar, akıldışı absürt bir masal diyenler.. Lawrence Krauss un söylediklerine neden şok olmuyorlar da sanki akılları buna eriyormuş ve normal bi şeymiş gibi inanmayı istiyorlar acaba..*
EVREN METAFİZİKTİR.. O HALDE NEDEN DİNİ BİR KENARA İTİYORSUNUZ..? HİDAYET ALLAH'TANDIR (CC). O'NUN HİDAYET VERMEDİĞİNE HİDAYET YOKTUR. En'am 25. Onlardan seni dinleyenler vardır; oysa biz, onu kavrayıp anlamalarına (bir engel olarak) kalpleri üzerine kat kat örtüler ve kulaklarında bir ağırlık kıldık. Onlar, hangi 'apaçık-belgeyi' görseler, yine ona inanmazlar. Öyle ki, o inkâr edenler, sana geldiklerinde, seninle tartışmaya girerek: 'Bu, öncekilerin uydurma masallarından başka bir şey değildir' derler. Allah (cc) Kur'anda bazı insanların anlayışlarının kapanacağını.. ne akli deliller ve ne tabiatüstü, maddeötesi mucizeler görseler bile .. yine de onların ne olduklarını bir türlü kavrayamayacaklarını ve inkar edeceklerini bildirmiştir.. Çünkü bunlar maneviyatı ve maddeötesini yok sayıyorlar.. MADDENİN EZELİYETİ AŞIRI DERECEDE SAÇMA.. O HALDE EVVEL OLAN BİR YARATICI ZORUNLU OLARAK VAR.. İmkansıza inanmayı kim ister..? Ama ahmaklar tabiki ister.. Çünkü İmkansız onları özgür kılıyor.. dinden kurtarıyor.. bu nedenle imkansıza inanmak istiyorlar ve imkansızı sorgulamıyorlar..
They do not sound nearly similar enough to justify legal action
Viva La Vida Better
Huge rip off except cold play is lil girl music.
If you want a direct steal compare John Lennon`s"So this is Christmas" with Peter, Paul and Mary`s "Stewball was a racehorse" Total pinch!!!!
Moldesangen er bare nydelig!
That’s a real stretch
Against the argument that it’s hard to write something original etc because there are only so many notes/professions is the point that melodies are combinatorial like sentences. Even a sequence of 8-10 notes with 8 possible notes in each position generates a vast amount of different ones.
Son re ladris los de Coldplay, aparte de ser la banda mas inflada de los ultimos 20 años. Aguante Biffy Clyo y Pineapple Thief!
con razón Viva La Vida tiene ese sentimiento tan puro de nostalgia.
It's a pretty common chord progression that lends itself to a particular melody. I don't think Coldplay plagiarised this or Joe Satriani and I like Cat and Joe a helluva lot more than Coldplay.
Satriany's version is more likely to be copied than this one.
This one is quite different, but Joe Satriani deserved the money he got.
"Shittiest" Song ever ;)
Disco 2000 chorus by Pulp
I came here from a WatchMojo list of most famous rip off songs to hear the Cat Stevens song. I really like that groove. I need to listen to the whole thing. It’s 18 minutes long so that’ll keep me busy a while.
No: Coldplay stole it from Creaky Boards song, ironically titled “the songs I didn’t write.”
In a documentary for Sveriges Television (2011) American music professor Dr. Lawrence Ferrara showed that the melody structures of "Viva la Vida", "If I Could Fly" and "Foreigner Suite" were very similar to the composition "Se tu m'ami" by the Italian composer Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, who died in 1736. "Obviously this is a work that we would call in the 'public domain'", Dr. Ferrara said.
Coldplay are shite
You can't copyright a chord progression.
There are only twelve tones. Many comments mention other songs--because this is a common †† chord progression. ...and there are only † twelve tones th-cam.com/video/oOlDewpCfZQ/w-d-xo.html
† Unless we're talking about microtonal--but let's not do that today †† this song of course doesn't fit the Axis Of Awesome four-chord video, but it's still a common progression
Where is the evidence for this?
Search quantum physics.
Not that I don't like 'em, and I'm no musician, but I've always thought Coldplay had room to grow in the way of originality. I also think Cat just wanted to pick on someone. A lot of songs seem to be sounding alike these days.
first thing I think of when I hear that name
"“The universe must be flat, why? Well, there are two reasons...." "It’s the only mathematically beautiful universe." “It turns out in a flat universe the total energy of the universe is precisely zero.” Because gravity can have negative energy. So the negative energy of gravity balances out the positive energy of matter. What’s so beautiful about a universe with [a] total energy of zero? Well, ONLY such a universe can begin from nothing… and that is remarkable. Because the laws of the universe allow the universe to begin from nothing. You don’t need a deity. You have nothing. Zero total energy… and quantum fluctuations can produce a universe.” In other words, the Infinite Energetic Sum of the universe is Zero... unless you count the quantum fluctuations in the universal substrates as a type of energy, and then it's of course greater than zero.... >_< this whole speech was silly.
Very similar but doubtful Coldplay deliberately took the part. Cosplay sucks for other reasons.
Could someone copy paste me the link to the video that Richard Dawkins demonstrated AI learning how to walk, compete food, create its own weaponry etc. It used to be ( or is ) somewhere on TH-cam but I cannot find it. If you know what I’m referring to can you please help me out? Thanks 😊
this comparison is just too weak to claim it's a copy....
Always loved the ending of "Foreigner Suite", and , yes, I do see the similarity by Coldplay, though I like their song as well, maybe for the same reason.
Hahahah true I've never thought that. Both are great and the have original lyrics tho. We must remember they are good songwriters and in case of being a copy foreigner suite was the original one.
....más o menos
Nada que ver gil 🤦🏻♂️
Si tiene un poco de parecido pero no lo necesario además las dos tienen lyrics completamente diferentes y originales. Por eso Cat Stevens no logró demandarlos o ganar algún juicio. Las dos rolas son muy buenas y en caso de ser plagio hay que recordar que la de Yusuf es la original. Son muy buenos artistas ambos.
I must have a musically deaf ear! I don't hear much similarity between these 2 songs. Maybe if I looked at the sheet music, or played both songs together, I might hear what all the beef is about.
I could listen to this album all day.
Yes, but especially this song, the following one, and Calico Train. The clawhammer medley is sublime as well.
Mark H Preach it, Brudda! I feel balance listening to this after I come back indoors from making what I do for my expressive channel. I’m considering learning banjo, myself.
Chris Martin made a cameo appearance on Ricky Gervais' comedy show 'Extras' in 2006. While on set, Ricky Gervais played Cat Stevens records for Chris Martin - and Martin even performed a cover of Cat Stevens 'Tea For The Tillerman' - the show's theme tune. A year later, the demo for 'Viva La Vida' is recorded. Take what you will from this, but Chris Martin was certainly aware of this song.
Spoiler alert: Don't assume that he just coded Python, Java, C++ just like most of us. He lived in the days where punchcards were used as an UI. He knows how to program in machine code, assembly, really low level languages. He's more badass than a lot of professional software developers out there today.
Sure ya didn't.
Satriani and Coldplay borrowed their melody from Stevens. Case closed.
What about the argentine rock band Enanitos Verdes. They came with this melody even before those 2 huge artists
@@RockyHellers I haven't heard it but I will check it out.