I’ve seen some Birkin replica videos and this one looks pretty close to the real thing. (The leather doesn’t look too rough/fake) I bought a replica Birkin a while ago but was worried what the luxury community would say if I made a video about it haha. But now you’ve inspired me to make one because I have some ideas for Birkin bags and can’t wait to hear about them *unidups* !
I’ve seen some Birkin replica videos and this one looks pretty close to the real thing. (The leather doesn’t look too rough/fake) I bought a replica Birkin a while ago but was worried what the luxury community would say if I made a video about it haha. But now you’ve inspired me to make one because I have some ideas for Birkin bags and can’t wait to hear about them *unidups* !
You are a very beautiful person.
😜 Promo'SM