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Rose Mary
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 10 ก.ค. 2012
Hello everyone, I am Rose Mary from Maraland, Chin State, Myanmar 🇲🇲. Welcome to my TH-cam. My TH-cam channel is all about saving memories, cherishing what God has done in my life with gratitude, sharing life experiences, lessons etc...To God be the glory! I edit videos here by myself 😂🤗 I hope to improve day by day 👏 🙏 Thank you so much all for your visit 🙏🥰❤️
31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God- 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. ( 1Cor 10:31 NRSV)
Email rose.ckmr@gmail.com
31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God- 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. ( 1Cor 10:31 NRSV)
Email rose.ckmr@gmail.com
We give thanks to God for his goodness in our lives 😇🙏
มุมมอง 1421 วันที่ผ่านมา
We give thanks to God for his goodness in our lives 😇🙏
Christmas Message, peace begins from within, Rose Mary
มุมมอง 33หลายเดือนก่อน
Christmas Message, peace begins from within, Rose Mary
Myanmar gospel dance 💃by North Carolina MEC junior girls
มุมมอง 492 หลายเดือนก่อน
Myanmar gospel dance 💃by North Carolina MEC junior girls
Ei reithai lyma aw by Hawtino Pharili MEC NC KHP Sunday School Night
มุมมอง 423 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ei reithai lyma aw by Hawtino Pharili MEC NC KHP Sunday School Night
Patlâtuh Beipa lata alyna hla. Music Video Owner Mc. Zathaule ( NC, USA)
มุมมอง 163 หลายเดือนก่อน
LYNA BIE REINA HLA Asatuhpa : FC Lyly Composer & Music : RC. Beilaizi Bôhia Record : S Zaitha
Thank you friends for dropping me off ✈️
มุมมอง 84 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thank you friends for dropping me off ✈️
My graduation 👩🎓 Thank you my faithful God, my professor, Miss Rose and my family and friends.
มุมมอง 44 หลายเดือนก่อน
My graduation 👩🎓 Thank you my faithful God, my professor, Miss Rose and my family and friends.
Ps. Rose Mary Sermon at MECI (Mission Chakaona raihria)
มุมมอง 167 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ps. Rose Mary Sermon at MECI (Mission Chakaona raihria)
Rose Mary Sermon at Lautu Baptist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina
มุมมอง 287 หลายเดือนก่อน
Rose Mary Sermon at Lautu Baptist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina
MEC KNP NC Hlapy ....MECA Central KNP Ei (1) Pakhypi liata eima Hlapy
มุมมอง 177 หลายเดือนก่อน
MEC KNP NC Hlapy ....MECA Central KNP Ei (1) Pakhypi liata eima Hlapy
Unforgettable moment in Helsinki, Finland 🇫🇮
มุมมอง 13ปีที่แล้ว
Unforgettable moment in Helsinki, Finland 🇫🇮
My most favorite Myanmar Christmas song 🎄
มุมมอง 6ปีที่แล้ว
My most favorite Myanmar Christmas song 🎄
Abraham The Bible Collection 1993 HD | Bible Film Series || HEAL
มุมมอง 161Kปีที่แล้ว
Abraham The Bible Collection 1993 HD | Bible Film Series || HEAL
My favorites Christmas song Oh Holy Night by my fav band Sanam
มุมมอง 8ปีที่แล้ว
My favorites Christmas song Oh Holy Night by my fav band Sanam
A visit to the White House 🏡 Washington DC
มุมมอง 10ปีที่แล้ว
A visit to the White House 🏡 Washington DC
Visit to Billy Graham Family HomePlace ( Father of faith)
มุมมอง 14ปีที่แล้ว
Visit to Billy Graham Family HomePlace ( Father of faith)
THANK YOU ROSE Peace & Enlyghtenment Alwayz A Micah Hill Dezert-Owl from OHIO USA Author / Translator / Journalist Polymath / Professional Speaker / Available for Interviews
Ahadun Ahad Allahu Akbar Amin Alhamdulillah
I love God movies I love my lord Jesus so much ❤️
Watching in 2025 🥳
It is a shame for you to kill animals and if you do not know that animals are the same as humans then it means that your mind is not working and no matter how much you love God and your religions. If you kill animals then God does not love you
This is how a man should love and cherish his own wife. Beautiful story! Praise God!
I'm trying to understand bible .God want abam to kill his first born .?!is not ismeal his first born .an he said how a man his age have children he just made ismeal. I'm not christan but I learning so I can be one but I'm confused .
TWO thumbs Up!
Who are we to doubt the word of the Lord?
I always like these old Bible movies even though they never tell the story like the Bible. It’s more interesting but maybe take to long tell and I always wonder if these actors met the Lord . Burt Lancaster in Moses was corny at first but when you keep watching it gets better ( because Burt is in it).
My son Jesus Christ sent momma Abraham and Moses years ago ❤ Bride holysprit holy Ghost.From International.
I had a vision of Issac last night from International ❤😅 my son new version of my son Jesus Christ Emmanuel God Almighty Lord of Lords .And
Movie trash plain trash how you cut surveillance in the beginning you kill the men easy but Sarah butler just skipping around the office building. Lamont big for nothing and Lamont had all keys on his belt and the manager dosent know anything 😂😢. Tired of these new flims you know the movie in ten minutes. And killer watching her on camera open the doors and the bullet can't go through the emergency latch. Wait now the killer goes and kill the manager 😂
So inspired by this video! It’s a great reminder that we are called to be peacemakers, just like in Matthew 5:9 where it says, "Blessed are the peacemakers."
Thank you GOD for Abraham who taught us what faith is. I look forward to meeting him and Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob and his sons in heaven. We stand on their shoulders in faith.
Loved it very true to the biblical account.
I love the part were Abraham destroyed all those worthless idols 😂 if they had "powers" why couldn't they use them to destroy Abraham? I know that God gets very angry when people worship images or idols.
Never understood why God let children perish in Sodom & Gomorrah. Lot & giving his daughters is another strange occurrence!
I love god
There are little changes here and there. Very subtle editing. Yes, I noticed.
“You only fronted on Moriah cause Moriah don’t carry”
Didn't Abraham's father, Terah, also participate in the Exodus to Canaan according to the Bible? Why didn't Terah participate in this film?
1:51:08 Grand movie! Does anyone hear a vehicle engine in the soundtrack when Abraham sits up in bed? It’s very faint…
God bless you and thankyou for this movie. I love this movie 😊❤
I want to watch the drama of Abraham,friend of God,prophesy father Abraham of many nation,but in the times of Jesus not the pharisee,but even by stones can Jesus make sons of Abraham,not by human or blood,by spirit,he did not aproved the hypocrites of pharisee who claimed that they know Abraham but rejected Jesus as son of God,for the pharisee did not receive the king of jews as Jesus claimed those days,he is not accepted by his town fled ti other direction to spread his good news with his believers disciples.
Thank you Lord Father you spare abraham son but not Your Own Son Lord Jesus Christ just for us to save us All Glory to You our God 😢😢😢😢😢
Without God sacrifice we could never be saved.❤He did us good.😅😊😊😊
🤍📯🕒⏳⌛; ALMIGHTY MAJESTY CREATOR INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY GOD LOVED THE MOST, HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON ; KJVB Isaiah 52: 14 Revelation 19: 13 , 22: 13 John 1: 1-18 ,3: 16, 10: 30, 14: 6 ,15: 10, 17: 17 James 2: 10,4: 4, Revelation 22: 18,19
🤍📯🕒⏳⌛; please on youtube > Why so many bible versions & Cunningly devised fables & Homestretch via Walter Veith at ClashOfMinds and identity of the little horn power via Amazing Discoveries and who is the man of sin via EvenAtTheDoors and Words of God vs modern day bibles via Truth is Christ ; 🤍🐢🤗
Thanks a lot for posting this video God bless you 🙏
Ty for posting this!
Oh look everybody's from the U.K. wowwww!😂Listen to their voices 😮
Thanks God downloaded it free on movie box great movie.
This video some neuro patient hacked the original video from somebody else
thank you for posting this video i enjoy watching..God bless 🙏😇💖
This movie is not biblical accurate. Lot, never offered himself to the man to have sex with them , like this movie claiming. He offered his two daughters read Genesis 19;8
Baruch HaShem
Jesus Christ is, the "Word of God" that walked with our father Adam in,, the Garden of Eden Jesus Christ is, the great I am who revealed Himself,, to father Abraham Jesus Christ is, I am, that I am who delivered His servant Israel from Pharaoh of Egypt through His servant Moshe, father Moses #theIrrefutableTruth #theInfallibleTruth #theIndisputableTruth
Thanks but why do most of the Bible movies refuse to stick to the true facts? Jesus said it is a sin to add or take away from His words. God spoke directly to King Abemelech in a dream about Sarai, it didn't say he was afflicted & his servants figured it out, NO, he simply had a dream. Genesis 20:3-7
Issac was actually 40 years old when he was to be sacrificed….thankfully, G-d never intended it to to happen and a Ram was provided in place of Issac
"聖經"的教理,排在儒道釋後面,^東方人比較溫和,容易接受深法^ 宇宙中有"十種法界": 「佛法界、菩薩法界、緣覺法界、阿羅漢法界、天道法界、人道法界、阿修羅道法界、畜生道法界、餓鬼道法界、地獄道法界。」 (然而,耶穌清楚地告訴井邊的女人,衪就是彌賽亞(約翰福音4:26)。他沒有對她講比喻。耶穌對門徒說,他要對猶太人講比喻;但對門徒來說,他要用明白的話講,讓他們知道神國的奧秘。(太13:11。可4:11。路8:10)約瑟是雅各的繼承人。雅各給了他額外的一份,(創48:21-22)約瑟在新耶路撒冷有一扇門。他是以法蓮。) (撒瑪利亞人接受了基督,因為他們保留了他們宗教中.根深蒂固的原始彌賽亞主義,而猶太人則從他們的聖經中奪走了基督.並殺害了彌賽亞先知!) 不久的未來,惡魔將會取代耶穌💀💀 ※神會審判※是因為世人不守戒律!(撒旦會引發世界大戰,讓世人痛苦。) >主耶穌基督,請您趕快消滅偽裝上帝的猶太人吧< (美國共和黨比較有人類道德觀,以人為本;民主黨比較沒有人類道德觀,不以人為本!) (耶穌重新"安置"的戒律;是往生天國的關鍵,如果不能遵守,"聖經"等於沒有用處!) (法利賽人~無法無天,放縱貪.瞋.痴,身行殺.盜.淫.妄."十惡業",因果報應入地獄!) 不只是基督教的十誡,在佛教的經典也有說:往生天界的十種善業,除了要孝順父母.奉事師長.兼行布施.一切忍辱,然後修十種善業:不殺生.不偷盜.不邪淫.不妄語.不綺語.不兩舌.不惡口.不貪欲.不瞋恚.不愚痴,修這十種善業才能生天。不只身體造作犯戒,在"菩薩戒"起心動念都算犯戒,要靠不斷懺悔改過,才能不起心動念。 (這些假上帝之名.而造惡多端的國家,主耶穌基督都有看見,所有不遵守聖經戒律的國家.都將受到嚴懲!) (美國賀錦麗執政更惨,已經成為無法控制的大怪獸了!) 如果以人類的道德來看,美國與西方是不遵守秩序的大國。假耶穌基督之名,卻做不道德事! 例如:同性婚,廢死刑,強暴墮胎,吸毒喪屍,搶劫商店,抹黑中國,干涉各國内政,製造更多仇恨。(美國一年大約一千名警察死於槍下!) (未來人類沒有戒律的規範,"神佛"就會降災難,現在的人不守戒律已經降小災難了,以後的災難將會更大!) 牆外那些叛國份子,如果以古代刑罰,是要罪誅九族的,不要做連結外國人打自己人的漢奸。 《金剛心陀羅尼經》 「文殊菩薩問佛:云何方便?世尊曰:方便二字,略說有一十五種~~ 第一方便:不養不殺。 第二方便:不食酒肉。 第三方便:不造酒漿。 第四方便:不相侵害。 第五方便:莫錯指路。 第六方便:不可燒山。 第七方便:莫怨天地。 第八方便:急難相救。 第九方便:莫慢神明。 第十方便:莫出濁言。 十一方便:積仁布德。 十二方便:勤儉知足。 十三方便:敬老憐貧。 十四方便:修善因種福果。 十五方便:寃親平等,一體濟度。 若人行得十五方便,便得十五種清淨福報,常生人天,受諸快樂。」
Sarah was a great believer in G-d. She lit lights for the Sabbath , to remember that G-d created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh.
It touched my heart thank you😂❤🎉
Nlessed be the God of Abraham Amen b😂v❤🎉
Thank you Rose Mary for posting this wonderful Bible classic. It helps learners and followers know the word of God in simple form.
Why the fiction about the journey? There is nothing in the Bible about their struggles going to the wilderness? Sincere inquiry
Everyone will struggle in the wilderness
I have admired Abraham and Sarah since I was a child. His life was miserable to him, and he denied the gods of his people. His faith was strong, and along with Sarah they forged their people to where the nameless God would leave them in Faith. He along with my next favorited Moses will continue to be my best bible heroes😇😊.
Awesome Awesome thkq
I hope I can free download this video
Great actors in this movie. Harris is magnificent in his role. Thank you for showing this movie. It is one of my favorites.