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Flying the XAG P150: The Ultimate Spray Drone to date!
Bigger Tanks, Smarter Tech, Faster Flights-The Future is Here!
How far can you push your spray drone operation?
XAG has once again revolutionized spray drone technology with the P150. With a 70 liter tank (18.5 gal), up to 18 m/s (40 mph) you'll be flying through fields with the best possible results.
#spraydrones #soilsampling #agtech #agbusiness.
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00:00 Intro
00:21 Key upgrade list
00:49 Automated flying right at trees!
02:02 New controller (with a screen)
02:18 40 mph w/ turning around
มุมมอง: 390


2024 China Trip: NEW P150 spray drone + XAG Ag advancements!!
มุมมอง 165หลายเดือนก่อน
Join us as we go to where "Future Farming Unfolds" where XAG a pioneer in spray drones, products begin. Getting to see where spray drones start, seeing the XAG spray drone factory to learning about where XAG's future is. Being able to experience how XAG is growing and innovating to aid the agriculture globally excel. From spray drones to auto steer bring automation and precision agriculture to ...
XAG P100 Pro Full Demo
มุมมอง 7302 หลายเดือนก่อน
Check out how an XAG P100 Pro spray drone demo would go at your farm. This revolutionary equipment has come so far! Lets look at all the small features that add up to give you big results. Reach out to me to set up your own demo that shows how this spray drone can be equipped to serve your individual needs. #spraydrones #soilsampling #agtech #agbusiness. wintexagrocanad...
Centrifugal nozzles spray test w/ XAG P100 Pro (what do your droplet sizes look like)
มุมมอง 2592 หลายเดือนก่อน
Let's see how the centrifugal nozzles (rotary atomizers) can change droplet size on the go and what that looks like. What are you actually spraying flying 13.8m/s (31mph) over your field. With water on the ground we see what large to small droplet sizes look like. Analyzing these droplets let's us better understand how to control drift, efficacy and pour results at the end of spraying with the ...
Shocking durability of the XAG P100 Pro
มุมมอง 1.1K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Farmers need spray drones to be tough, and reliable so you can use it when you need it. Let's see how the P100 Pro can keep from cracking under pressure. How can such a productive machine stand up to every day use? Dive in to see the drone being dragged around and kicked to see if its breaking pin points can hold up. Examine the confidence in handling the machine. This video confirms how resili...
Next level spray drone battery charging, with the XAG P100 Pro
มุมมอง 1792 หลายเดือนก่อน
Wonder how water cooled charging can beat traditional air-cooled charging systems. Let's start outperforming to boost your spray drone efficiency and battery health with the XAG P100 Pro batteries (XAG B13960S XAG Smart Battery) Battery operated drones require fast charging batteries quickly which gives off immense heat. How can we control the temperature in the best way? #spraydrones #soilsamp...
Field to flying - How fast can you get a spray drone in the air?
มุมมอง 1343 หลายเดือนก่อน
Ever wondered how quick it is to take a spray drone out and get it in the iar flying? We'll here's what it looks like in real time. It's a lot easier than you may think. If you want a private #spraydrones #soilsampling #agtech #agbusiness. Subscribe to Ag Business & Crop Inc: Website: Instagram: insta...
Cover cropping with spray drones - workflow
มุมมอง 474 หลายเดือนก่อน
Lets think covering cropping with spray drones. Dive into a quick overview of what cover cropping looks like using the XAG P100 pro. We'll see how fast it is to setup a drone in field and to get going. Lets find out how well cover cropping works in and odd shaped field. #spraydrones #soilsampling #agtech #agbusiness. Subscribe to Ag Business & Crop ...
All the Basics about spray drones
มุมมอง 604 หลายเดือนก่อน
You ever wonder what spray/application drones can do? Or What even is an application drone to begin with? In this video we will cover: 00:00 Introduction 00:17 How spray drones work mechanically 01:26 Various uses and overlooked niches 01:45 What you can apply 03:00 Basics of flying legal in Canada 03:17 Seeing how simple it is to use the XAG P100 Pro #spraydrones #soilsampling #agtech #agbusin...
Does spreading with a spray drone work? - Results of test plots and test strips!
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Does spreading with a spray drone work? - Results of test plots and test strips!
Does spreading with a drone work? Barley Test Plots 2024
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Does spreading with a drone work? Barley Test Plots 2024
Wintex soil sampler truck bed hydraulic fold
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Wintex 2500 Trapez folding
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Spray Drone unboxing
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Spray Drone unboxing
Basic Drone License and Law
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Basic Drone License and Law
Felix Weber on Impact Farming Show - Full episode
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Wintex LOGO vs CAN BUS
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Wintex LOGO vs CAN BUS
W2000 Cycle Operation
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W2000 Cycle Operation
DJI Spray Drone - T10 Flight
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DJI Spray Drone - T10 Flight
Ag Business & Crop - Drone Training Courses
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Ag Business & Crop - Drone Training Courses
Ag Business Soil Sampler Promo
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Ag Business Soil Sampler Promo
Drive in to Palmerston
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Drive in to Palmerston
Quick visit to Ag Business & Crop
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Quick visit to Ag Business & Crop
Wintex Pick up Truck Frame
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Wintex Pick up Truck Frame
W2000 vs W1000
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W2000 vs W1000
Drone Experience - Ben Rothswell
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Drone Experience - Ben Rothswell
Drone Set Up and get ready to fly
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Drone Set Up and get ready to fly
WintexAgro video demo
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WintexAgro video demo
Wintex 2000 720x400
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Wintex 2000 720x400
Wintex1000 Automated Soil-Sampler
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Wintex1000 Automated Soil-Sampler


  • @Earnwithajit
    @Earnwithajit 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Price sir

  • @Wilsons-nt4hs
    @Wilsons-nt4hs 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    any idea on when or if the p60 will be available in Canada ? have been asking around but everyone is talking p150 only

    • @AgBusinessCropInc
      @AgBusinessCropInc 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Good Morning Wilson, since last Novembers official release of the P60/P150 we are gauging everyone's interest in each model. We would be happy getting you the right spray drone that fits your needs best. If you'd like to get in contact with us on our website , we'd be happy to get you more information on the XAG lineup's.

  • @vernonturner3113
    @vernonturner3113 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Will congress ban 'this' China drone company ?

    • @AgBusinessCropInc
      @AgBusinessCropInc หลายเดือนก่อน

      For XAG drones there hasn't been any sign of this happening, thanks for the comment

  • @RayStraiter
    @RayStraiter 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How much is this CHINESE drone after 100% tariff? MAGA

    • @AgBusinessCropInc
      @AgBusinessCropInc 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hello Ray, please request a quote from your local dealer. We are in eastern Canada if are interested please visit our website

  • @lauray7807
    @lauray7807 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can more than one fly together in conjunction? Is there an ability to swarm them with four or five running parallel?

    • @AgBusinessCropInc
      @AgBusinessCropInc 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hello Laura, thank your for your comment. Great question, yes there is a possibility for swarming for 2 drones. In our training course we offer (included with your drone purchase) methods such as splitting fields so each drone has a section, which can become very effective tools when operating more than one drone in a field. We also always want to consider safety when operating more than one drone at a time, as well as aviation regulations in your area.

  • @eprohoda
    @eprohoda 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How are you?!Thank you~ grogeous -Ag!

  • @AnarchoProduction
    @AnarchoProduction 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very good!

  • @PokeysMechanical
    @PokeysMechanical 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I cant hear what your saying as the music is too much, A re edit is badly needed for this.

  • @motoman9105
    @motoman9105 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video. Suggest reducing the volume of the music. Cant hear you talking.