I knew a guy who was asked to ask this girl out for a mate, instead he asked her out for himself. Gotta get in quick, or other dudes may sweep her off her feet.
@SnipingMontage13 ask her out urself girls like it when they know u really like her she might have said no cause she thought ur friends were joking go for it! have faith in u
DO IT!!! I've been with my boyfriend for 2 months now and it took him since December to get the courage to ask me out. Trust me, if she's into you, she'll sneak peaks at you in class and she'll find a way to text or talk to you. If you talk a lot and are friends it shouldn't be as bad. Trust me. Life's too short to not take risks. YOLO!! :)
Just tell her how you feel. She wants a man. She needs someone that wont be afraid to stick up for her when she needs it. You need to ask her yourself. If you're really meant for each other, then it will happen. I wish you the best of luck and all the happiness you deserve.
Love this version
Why did it take so long to find this one?
my girlfriend said this song reminds her of me
like it
why are they called kill Hannah?
You didn't ask nicely.
I knew a guy who was asked to ask this girl out for a mate, instead he asked her out for himself. Gotta get in quick, or other dudes may sweep her off her feet.
And you'll know from this song that I just can't go on without you <3
-_-' Why you exist?
forever alone.
super love this song <3 <3
Add me on facebook coolup27@gmail.com
Your mistake is asking another guy to ask her out for you.
hey, tell me what happened then?
Just do it bro
@SnipingMontage13 ask her out urself girls like it when they know u really like her she might have said no cause she thought ur friends were joking go for it! have faith in u
Haha thanks :) the people who use YOLO as an excuse to do drugs and drink and do stupid things are stupid people. End of story
at last somebody that use YOLO wisely, and I totally agree with you, cheers :)
DO IT!!! I've been with my boyfriend for 2 months now and it took him since December to get the courage to ask me out. Trust me, if she's into you, she'll sneak peaks at you in class and she'll find a way to text or talk to you. If you talk a lot and are friends it shouldn't be as bad. Trust me. Life's too short to not take risks. YOLO!! :)
Just tell her how you feel. She wants a man. She needs someone that wont be afraid to stick up for her when she needs it. You need to ask her yourself. If you're really meant for each other, then it will happen. I wish you the best of luck and all the happiness you deserve.
You're fucked.
My girl wants me to write her a song after hearing this...awesome.
Ilikegreen here HELLO SNITCHS|||||||||
@Datharian676 and it makes me more worried but happy and sad all at the same time
every time I get worried I'll have to go back to ponies a new song from them shows up
@SnipingMontage13 Do it (:
good memories :)
the prequel to hey there delilah.... XD
This song makes me want to fall in love ..
@SnipingMontage13 how i did it go? :)
My New Years resolution Emma is only to think about you once a week rather then every day,but at least I wrote you a song.x
love this version
@SnipingMontage13 Ask her out god, don't let any of her friends be around though, and vice versa. :)
@SnipingMontage13 Just ask her out!
@SnipingMontage13 just ask her....everytime works:) and don't forget to anounce us what happened:D
Thumbs up if your listening to this in 2011!
@MegaCardone Im just working off what they gave me lol
@SnipingMontage13 do it!!!! <3
@SnipingMontage13 well, first id start with growing some balls....after that it should all fall into place. Just ask her out man.
Money isn't the only thing out there in this world if you look the person who you'll write your song for is out there D:
@FallenAngel11x i just did sweetie(:
@mindo61600 the dumbasses are 16-18 in my country.. not ok
@TheRhinoman666 answer then<3
@TheRhinoman666 aah, okay then:')
@FallenAngel11x message me (:
@TheRhinoman666 :D<3
@FallenAngel11x i'll sing it to you <3
@mindo61600 No one knows young grass hopper... No one knows..